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Admin Jurnal Otomasi Kontrol dan Instrumentasi Pusat Teknologi Instrumentasi dan Otomasi Institut Teknologi Bandung Gd. Litbang (Ex.PAU) Lt.8, Institut Teknologi Bandung Jl. Ganesha no.10 Bandung 40132
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Jurnal Otomasi Kontrol dan Instrumentasi
ISSN : 20852517     EISSN : 24606340     DOI :
Core Subject : Engineering,
Jurnal Otomasi Kontrol dan Instrumentasi adalah jurnal ilmiah yang diterbitkan oleh Pusat Teknologi Instrumentasi dan Otomasi (PTIO), Institut Teknologi Bandung setahun dua kali (April - Oktober) untuk menyebarluaskan hasil-hasil penelitian dengan fokus dalam bidang otomasi, kontrol, dan instrumentasi dalam lingkup: Pengembangan Konsep dan Sistem Instrumentasi, Kontrol dan Otomasi: -Teori Kontrol -Pemodelan dan Identifikasi Sistem -Industri 4.0 -Sistem Terdistribusi -Sistem Virtual -Sistem Robotika dan Otonom -Sistem berbasis Pengolahan Citra -Sistem berbasis Kecerdasan Buatan Aplikasi Instrumentasi dan Kontrol : -Bidang Industri dan Keamanan -Bidang Transportasi dan Komunikasi -Bidang Kesehatan dan Kenyamanan Hunian -Bidang Pertanian dan Pengolahan Pangan -Bidang Manajemen Energi -Bidang Energi Terbarukan -Bidang Industri Kreatif.
Articles 6 Documents
Search results for , issue "Vol 15 No 2 (2023): Jurnal Otomasi Kontrol dan Instrumentasi" : 6 Documents clear
Implementasi Mesin Pengeruk Isi Buah Markisa berbasis Mikrokontroler dan Elektro Pneumatik Sitti Wetenriajeng Sidehabi; Zainal Akbar; Julianti Habibuddin; Muh. Alamsyah Ramadhan
Jurnal Otomasi Kontrol dan Instrumentasi Vol 15 No 2 (2023): Jurnal Otomasi Kontrol dan Instrumentasi
Publisher : Pusat Teknologi Instrumentasi dan Otomasi (PTIO) Institut Teknologi Bandung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.5614/joki.2023.15.2.1


Passion fruit has a distinctive sweet and sour taste, which is quite popular in Indonesia, especially in South Sulawesi. Passion fruit is processed into syrup, and dodol is one of the typical souvenirs popular with tourists. Processing passion fruit syrup in the Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) Industry still uses very simple equipment. Hence, the quality and quantity of the product produced are not optimal. Passion fruit cutting uses a knife with a low capacity for cutting and shrinkage results, so this research aims to design a passion fruit-filled shaver machine based on a microcontroller and electro-pneumatics. This passion fruit shaver machine uses a microcontroller as the control center. First, the passion fruit passes through an infrared sensor, which detects the fruit and counts the number of incoming fruits. After that, Arduino Uno reads and activates the control relay from the DC motor. After 0.5 seconds, cylinder 1 is active, which pushes the DC motor down so that the passion fruit shrinks for 3 seconds. Then, the pneumatic push up to the normal position; after 0.5 seconds, the second cylinder actively pushes the passion fruit skin that has been shaved out (thrown away). This processes for 1 second and returns to its normal position. If there is passion fruit, it comes in again, and the tool functions similarly, and so on. The results of this study produced a passion fruit shrinker machine with dimensions of length 300 mm x width 300 mm x height 600 mm, a motor power of 240 Watt or 0.321 HP, and a production capacity of 54 kg/hour.
Desain Simulasi Interface Pistol G2 COMBAT Kal. 9 mm dengan Simulator Pimp My Gun Wibby Aldryani Astuti Praditasari; Dananjaya Ariateja; Uvi Desi Fatmawati; Herwin Melyanus Hutapea; Hendrana Tjahjadi; Agus Sunardi; Muhammad David; Angelita Friskilla; Pandhu Dewanata
Jurnal Otomasi Kontrol dan Instrumentasi Vol 15 No 2 (2023): Jurnal Otomasi Kontrol dan Instrumentasi
Publisher : Pusat Teknologi Instrumentasi dan Otomasi (PTIO) Institut Teknologi Bandung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.5614/joki.2023.15.2.3


The development of firearms has been included as an introduction and use at the University of Defense. However, using firearms that are not used freely is a barrier for students to understand the ins and outs of firearms better. Therefore, in this research, firearms are replaced with interface simulation design. One firearm that needs to be designed for interface simulation is the G2 Combat pistol. The reason for using the G2 Combat pistol in making an interface simulation design is because the Indonesian armed forces have widely used it. The interface simulation design uses Pimp My Gun software. The method of designing the G2 Combat pistol interface simulation uses the waterfall method. The waterfall method is considered easy and systematic. After the interface simulation design is carried out, the results are compared with the original item or image, photo, and others. Assessment of the G2 Combat pistol interface simulation design with the original pistol by comparing and finding the level of similarity. The assessment results are 87.61% at and 86.14% at With two assessment results close to 100%, the G2 Combat pistol interface simulation design is successful. However, there still needs to be improvements so that the interface simulation design is even better in the future.
Integrasi Sistem Kendali Lengan Robot pada Preparasi Mikrokapsul Brachytherapy Jasmine El Wahyu; Adi Abimanyu; Rio Natanael Wijaya
Jurnal Otomasi Kontrol dan Instrumentasi Vol 15 No 2 (2023): Jurnal Otomasi Kontrol dan Instrumentasi
Publisher : Pusat Teknologi Instrumentasi dan Otomasi (PTIO) Institut Teknologi Bandung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.5614/joki.2023.15.2.2


HDR brachytherapy uses Ir-192 wrapped in microcapsules (seeds). Ir-192 requires high precision during the preparation process to produce good-quality seeds. The technological innovation of four DoF robot arms using LabVIEW and Arduino MEGA is equipped with an endoscope camera monitoring system to maximize preparation and minimize radiation exposure. The endoscope camera helps identify and observe seeds picked up by the vacuum gripper. The system starts by taking the seeds on the conveyor and placing them at the chuck. The robotic arm's test for accuracy and precision employs quantitative analysis. The linear motion angle test results in precision of 99.3% and accuracy of 100%; the base had 98.4% precision and 98.4% accuracy; Link 1 had 96.2% precision and 97.2% accuracy; and Link 2 had 72.4% precision and 71.5% accuracy. The average error of the inverse kinematics test was obtained: linear motion 0%, base 8.1%, Link 1 8.2%, and Link 2 9.8%. The average error of forward kinematics testing for positions a and z 0%, position x 25.1%, and position  y 18.9%. The average success result for the seed collection test was 87%, the monitoring test result was 80%, and the seed placement test was 86%. The overall system test results yielded 80% for monitoring, picking, and placing seeds, with an average system accumulation time of 83.6 seconds.
Implementation of the Lora System for Temperature and Humidity Monitoring in POLBAN Classrooms Muhammad Arman; Muhammad Anda Falahuddin; Susilawati
Jurnal Otomasi Kontrol dan Instrumentasi Vol 15 No 2 (2023): Jurnal Otomasi Kontrol dan Instrumentasi
Publisher : Pusat Teknologi Instrumentasi dan Otomasi (PTIO) Institut Teknologi Bandung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.5614/joki.2023.15.2.4


The need for temperature and humidity monitoring in classrooms, is very important for the purpose of comfortable teaching and learning processes, especially after the Covid-19 pandemic conditions. At Politeknik Negeri Bandung (POLBAN), there are more than a hundred classrooms. The rooms are spread over several buildings; therefore, the process of monitoring temperature and humidity will be difficult if it is done using a cable (wireline). In this study, a temperature and humidity monitoring system for classrooms at POLBAN will be made using LoRa wireless architecture. In several classrooms, temperature and humidity sensors will be installed combined with a LoRa sending system. There are conditioned room and unconditioned room. On the monitoring center, a LoRa receiver system is also installed. Data from each classroom, will wirelessly be sent to the monitoring center, for further processing. In the implementation stage, one gateway, 4 endnotes with DHT11 sensor are used. Testing process is carried out by verifying and monitoring performance in 4 classrooms and in open spaces. Results of verifying show a difference of 2℃ and 1% of the RH value with a reference measuring instrument. There is no difference in temperature and RH values at the endnode and gateway.
Rancang Bangun Timbangan Digital Berbasis Mikrokontroler dan IoT untuk Peternakan Domba Afrida Nurul Ulfa; Hidayat Nur Isnianto
Jurnal Otomasi Kontrol dan Instrumentasi Vol 15 No 2 (2023): Jurnal Otomasi Kontrol dan Instrumentasi
Publisher : Pusat Teknologi Instrumentasi dan Otomasi (PTIO) Institut Teknologi Bandung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.5614/joki.2023.15.2.6


This study developed an integrated digital scale with a microcontroller and an Internet of Things feature that weighs the sheep and measures its temperature. It is composed of a scale frame, two alternative power supplies, namely a 12 V battery and 24 V PSU, a component box containing a temperature sensor, load cell module, Arduino Mega 2560 microcontroller with built-in Wi-Fi ESP8266, equipped with an LCD user interface, RFID reader and thermal gun. The sheep were assigned their respective RFID IDs to enable detection by the RFID reader. When sheep walked into the core frame of the scales, the sheep ID appeared on the LCD. The load cell sensor automatically weighed the sheep. Simultaneously, the temperature data was displayed on the LCD and sent to the server when the user aimed the thermal gun at the sheep rectum. The weight measurement has been tested on live sheep. The accuracy of weight measurement was compared with a conventional standard scale. The system's RFID reader detected the Tag RFID within the 0—75 cm range. Thermal sensor MLX90614 measured the temperature with the lowest accuracy of 99,69% and the highest accuracy of 99,97%. The Flintec load cell PB 3.75–375 measured the sheep's weight with the lowest accuracy of 98,28% and the highest accuracy of 99,92%.
Sistem Arsitektur Manajemen Bangunan untuk Memaksimalkan Swakonsumsi pada Bangunan Universitas: Studi Kasus Yumna Puspita; Rezky Mahesa Nanda; Reyza Arif M. Natawidjaja; Koko Friansa; Justin Pradipta; Rizki Armanto Mangkuto; Irsyad N. Haq; Edi Leksono; Meditya Wasesa
Jurnal Otomasi Kontrol dan Instrumentasi Vol 15 No 2 (2023): Jurnal Otomasi Kontrol dan Instrumentasi
Publisher : Pusat Teknologi Instrumentasi dan Otomasi (PTIO) Institut Teknologi Bandung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.5614/joki.2023.15.2.5


Due to its intermittent nature, significant adoption of solar PV into the grid can decrease grid reliability. One solution to increase it is to increase PV self-consumption with two methods: adding Energy Storage System (ESS) and conducting Demand Side Management (DSM). University building has a distinct characteristic in its complex dynamics. Therefore, there is a lack of research to control both methods of increasing self-consumption. This paper aimed to do an integrated literature review on increasing self-consumption and then propose a system architecture recommendation for university building management based on the review. The Smart Grid Architectural Model (SGAM) evaluated the case study object. The result showed that a data-driven controller has been chosen as the most suitable controller for the university building management system. The data needed to build a data-driven controller could be obtained through readily available sensors in the case study object, making it feasible for implementation.

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