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Journal of Innovation, Business and Entrepreneurship
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Journal of Innovation, Business and Entrepreneurship is intended to be an effective channel of communications and knowledge sharing among various types of stakeholder interested in the study of innovation, business and entrepreneurship, both from a theoretical and practical perspective. While theoretical aspects are considered as important, the journal however tends to be focussed more on practical aspects of innovation, business and entrepreneurship.
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Accounting System Design for Small and Medium Agriculture Business in West Java Effendhy, Ibrahim Risyad; Sutardi, Acip
Journal of Innovation, Business and Entrepreneurship Vol 1, No 1 (2016)
Publisher : Journal of Innovation, Business and Entrepreneurship

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Abstract. In the globalization era, SME have to get ready to battle in a tight competition. Based on the statement from Indonesian Ministry of Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises, Several problems that SME usually faced are human resource, funding, marketing, management and technology, and institutional. Two of five crucial problem for SME that author highlighted management. From the author experience of direct participation with the company, Sangkuriang Situ Mukti deals a lot of time on accounting process. The problem arose since the mid of 2015 when management team could not process its financial data and led to ineffective business process. this paper, Chart Account for Small and Medium Aquaculture Business in West Java Case Study: Sangkuriang Situ Mukti,  is a part of a whole package of accounting system.
Analysis the Factor of Customer Satisfaction in Service Business (Case of Spa Business) Putri, Marcha Monita Ayu; Rachmawati, Evy
Journal of Innovation, Business and Entrepreneurship Vol 1, No 1 (2016)
Publisher : Journal of Innovation, Business and Entrepreneurship

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Abstract. The purpose of this research is to basically identify which factors affects customer satisfaction after receiving a spa service treatment, thus later could produce a good recommendation for a similar business from the result of the research. Previous research shows there are four factors which affects customer satisfaction in spa services, which are service quality; perception towards the spa; perception towards the price; and perception towards the therapist. The respondents in this research are women who are aged between 18 to 50 years old and are currently living in Bandung and its surrounding area. The author uses questionnaire to obtain primary data and literature studies to obtain secondary data. Multiple linear regression is used for analyzing the connection between customers response and their satisfaction after having spa activity with the factors affecting it. The result of data analysis shows that from four factors that affect customer satisfaction, there are three factors that influence the customer satisfaction and one one factor that does not influence customer satisfaction. Result from the data analysis reveals that the perception of price is the most influencing factors because it has the biggest t-score in the t-test result (table 1.1). While perception of store is the one that not affect customer satisfaction because the t-score is less that t-table, therefore, the hypotheses is rejected. The other factors that influencing the customer satisfaction are perception of employee for the second and then the service quality for the third. Keywords: Customer Satisfaction, Service Business, Spa Business
Business Development Strategy of Culinary Start-Up (A Case Study of Kedai Mas Gibo) Hamim, Muhammad Gilang Perdana; Larso, Dwi
Journal of Innovation, Business and Entrepreneurship Vol 1, No 1 (2016)
Publisher : Journal of Innovation, Business and Entrepreneurship

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Abstract. Kedai Mas GiBo as one of the business in the culinary sector, located in Bandung and was founded in 2014 until now. But after two years established, Kedai Mas GiBo’s revenue is decreasing compared to the first year. On the first year, Kedai Mas GiBo success in generating revenue about 7.000.000 – 10.000.000 IDR but on the second year, Kedai Mas GiBo’s revenue has been decreased to 3.000.000 – 5.000.000 IDR. Kedai Mas GiBo already formulates the strategy for growth, but unfortunately, its revenue was still decreasing. In this regard, this study aims to determine the important factors that should be considered in making an suitable strategy for Kedai Mas GiBo and other culinary start-ups using the Strategic Management and Business Policy with the analysis of external and internal using EFAS dan IFAS, SWOT and TOWS Matrix. The findings of this study indicate that the external factors that most affect this industry is the Indonesian people are consumptive, culinary industry is an industry that needed as a primary need, the markets are very quickly saturated for the existing trends, and many substitute product. From some external factors that most affect the industry, known that the total score of the external factor in this industry is 3.330, which means above average overall score in general and become an opportunity for Kedai Mas GiBo to growth. For the internal factors that most affect in running the business are good quality and taste of products, founders educational background is business, lack of human resources, and marketing strategy has not implemented yet. For the total score of the internal factor in Kedai Mas GiBo is 2,981, which means below the overall average score in general So, Kedai Mas GiBo needs to focus on the strengths and minimize the weaknesses of the company's internal conditions. After known some of the external and internal factors, the researchers can make some recommendations strategy for Kedai Mas GiBo based on TOWS Matrix. Recommended strategies that suitable for Kedai Mas GiBo current condition are consists of three parts, which are the corporate directional strategy, generic business strategy and functional strategy. Recommendation of corporate strategy is horizontal growth with a focus on product lines that owned by Kedai Mas GiBo. For the generic business strategy, the researcher recommends the strategy that inline with the corporate strategy which is product differentiation strategy in order to gain competitive position in the industry. In additional, researchers also recommend some functional strategy that consists of a marketing strategy, operations strategy, human resources strategy, and financial strategy. By implementing all of those strategies, the researcher expected to gain more revenue up to 25% -50% each month.Keywords: Culinary Industry, Business Development Strategy, Strategic Management, Start-up Companies
Effects of Using Hashtag, Celebrity Endorsement and Paid Promotion Objective Achievement in Instagram (Case Study:Women Fashion Brand) Lestari, Susi; Aldianto, Leo
Journal of Innovation, Business and Entrepreneurship Vol 1, No 1 (2016)
Publisher : Journal of Innovation, Business and Entrepreneurship

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Abstract.The effort of promotion through Instagram doesn’t significantly affect the objective of promotion if brand can’t understand effective promotion tool and can influence audiences in their process of recognizing brand until deciding to buy a product of the brand. There are some promotion tools that can be effectively optimized to influence that process. Based on interview with 10 women who are active Instagram users, it was known that the use of hashtag, celebrity endorsement, and paid promote can effect their process of recognizing until making decision to buy a product of a brand. The objective of the research is to estimate the effect of using hashtag, celebrity endorsement, and paid promote in Instagram women fashion brand to promotion objective achievement. Research was executed in Bandung. By using Probability Sampling Purposive Technic, questionnaires in the effect of using hashtag, celebrity endorsement, and paid promote to promotion objective achievement (concern of brand, connection of brand to intention of buying) were given to 100 18-30 years old active women Instagram users who like to search for information about women fashion brands through Instagram. The responses were recorded in Microsoft Excel to be tested for validity and reliability by using statistic methods. Then, data were analyzed by using Path Analysis to understand the connection of variables and their effect to promotion objective achievement. The result showed that the use of hashtag and celebrity endorsement significantly affect short promotion objective achievement, then the use of paid promote minimally affect short promotion objective. Hashtag, Celebrity Endorsement and Paid Promote significantly affect long promotion objective achievement. Keywords: Social Media Objective, Instagram, Hashtag, Celebrity Endorsement, Paid Promote
Process Performance Analysis to Minimize Production Cost of Start-Up Culinary Business Prabowo, Hadiyan; Farmaciawaty, Desy Anisya
Journal of Innovation, Business and Entrepreneurship Vol 1, No 1 (2016)
Publisher : Journal of Innovation, Business and Entrepreneurship

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Abstract. DeliBowl is a company engaged in the culinary field that offers a variety of rice bowl, which have been operated for a year. From the problems stated, the most significant issue is the inefficient of the production processes and the cost which causes the low of the profit margin. This problem negatively affect the performance of the company, mainly to get the high performance of the business. Therefore, the researcher conduct the research to develop the solution to the operational problems faced by DeliBowl. This research requires a benchmark to a culinary business named Yagami Ramen House which may have better operation management to be the milestone of the better recommendation which will be the result of this study. The objective of this research is to implement the proper operational strategy to push down the costs and get the high performance in order to solve their operational problems. The recommendation which is expected is after applying the strategies which will be discussed, DeliBowl process will be more efficient, low cost, and get the high performance. To do this research, the researcher collect primary data by observing the production at DeliBowl and interviewing Yagami Ramen House management. From those data, the researcher will analyze operational process, process performance and the production cost. The result of this research is the recommendation of operation management strategy which will be more efficient, low cost, and high performance.  Keywords—Operational  Process, Process Performance, Production Cost. 
Analysis the Effect of Promotion Mix Strategy to Increase Sales on Consignment System Toward Food and Beverage Laraswati, Dian Mutiah; Dellyana, Dina
Journal of Innovation, Business and Entrepreneurship Vol 1, No 1 (2016)
Publisher : Journal of Innovation, Business and Entrepreneurship

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Abstract.Development of food and beverage industry in Indonesia can be seen clearly. Therefore, the development of food and beverage industry in Indonesia has an impact to the growth of new food and beverage business or we can call the food and beverage start-up business. Based on author’s observation, generally start-up business will choose the form of selling that suitable to the budget and capital. For instance, selling on consignment system. However, consignment system has weakness, the weakness is low and long return toward sales in consignment system. One of food and beverage start-up business who has experienced that consignment system has a weakness in sales aspect is Strew it Doughnut Company. The expertise found that promotion has a leverage to the food products purchase, due to faster consumption rates. According to statement above, food and beverage start-up businesses which use consignment as their form of selling should take into consideration about promotion as one of strategy to increasing sales. In this research, the author will analyze the effect of promotion mix strategy to increase sales on consignment system toward food and beverage start-up. The author uses qualitative design to conduct this research. First step is to define the variable of promotion mix through literature review. The second step is to conduct the interview about the promotion mix method with three food and beverage start-up companies which use consignment as their form of selling, there are Futuristea, Puro and Du’crème. Next step is to analyze how each method of promotion mix give an impact to increasing sales in consignment system. The methods of promotion mix consist of advertising, sales promotion, public relation and personal selling. Those methods give diverse effects for their business in consignment system. The final result are sales promotion gives high impact to increasing sales. The second result is advertising and public relation, which give good contribution to increasing sales. Advertising and public relation gives moderate impact to increasing sales and the last is personal selling which has no impact to increasing sales.  Keywords: promotion mix, consignment, sales
Analysis and Improvement of Service Quality in Order to Achieve Customer Loyalty (Case Study : Savarna Spa) Rosita, Rosita; Larso, Dwi
Journal of Innovation, Business and Entrepreneurship Vol 1, No 1 (2016)
Publisher : Journal of Innovation, Business and Entrepreneurship

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Abstract. Service sector has an important role in Indonesian economic growth. 12.82% of the total percentage growth comes from the service healthcare sector. Health care service industry that is currently growing rapidly in Indonesia is a spa business. Spa treatment is needed to refresh the body and feel the relaxation for those who have many activities that drain energy and mind such as college student. In West Java, one of the cities which have a high level of college students population are from Jatinangor with a high level of student activities in Jatinangor. Based on the condition above, Savarna provide a Spa delivery service on Jatinangor.  As a start-up company who work in service industry, service quality being a critical consideration to attract customer and build customer loyalty. Service quality becomes the valuable factor on the spa business. Factor that can determine customer loyalty in this business is service quality. There is a gap between customer expectations and experiences based on what has their perceived. Research objective of this study is proposed a solution as the improvement of service development on Savarna based on the service quality analysis. In analyzing the issue, researcher use questionnaire which made based on SERVQUAL method and given to the customers who have perceived a treatment service from Savarna. On this study, researcher combined the SERVQUAL method with IPA (Importance Performance Analysis). From the service quality analysis, researcher identifies satisfaction rate and gap score between customer expectation and perceived service on Savarna service quality. The overall satisfaction of service quality assesment is correlated to the analysis of customer loyalty to determine the possibility of customer loyalty based on the satisfaction rate. Based on satisfaction index and gap score analysis, the lowest score of satisfaction are exist on the on-time delivery factor and fast response of customer service contact. Whereas, the cartesius diagram analysis shows three attributes that need a high priority improvement is on the neatness and hygiene service, punctuality on delivery time, and admin can give clear information needed. For the correlation to the customer loyalty, the analysis shows 5 respondents have a 15% possibility to become loyal customer, 27 respondents have a 65% possibility to become loyal customer and 33 respondents have a 95% possibility to become loyal customer.Therefore, researcher purposed several improvements plans to minimize the gap between customer expectation and perceived service and also to maintain customer loyalty which are, Savarna need to add a new item of SOP for the neatness service factor, hire more therapists, add new admin , make a schedule of advertising posts, get more followers on instagram, event promotion, use the attributes of the SERVQUAL method on the questionnaire, and for the future, Savarna should consider to providing additional compensation for the employee and having a legal business license from the government.  Keywords: Service company, Service quality, start-up, customer loyalty, Savarna spa case study
Developing Supply Chain Strategy to Overcome the Lack of Production Capacity, Case Study : Sangkuriang Situ Mukti Nurcahyo, Mochammad; Dhewanto, Wawan
Journal of Innovation, Business and Entrepreneurship Vol 1, No 1 (2016)
Publisher : Journal of Innovation, Business and Entrepreneurship

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Abstract— Supply chain is one of the important aspect in a company because it’s relates to business process ranging from earliest chain up to the end of chain which is customer. According to Lu (2011:8), “a supply chain is basically a group of independent organization connected together through the product and service that they separately and/or jointly add value on in order to deliver them to the end consumer “.In the freshwater fishing industry, supply chain management is needed to ensure that the production process runs smoothly and can supply goods according to market needs. But there is often a company engaged in the fishing industry cannot supply the goods in accordance with the existing demand, one inhibiting factor is due to the lack of production capacity which hampers a company to growth. The study will be conducted based on qualitative method in collecting and abstracting data. The research findings show that most of the farmers has the same problem that is they has lack of production capacity so cannot supply the goods in accordance with existing demand. Further research also proves that integration principle is the most understandable variable by farmers among other orientation variable.  Keywords—Recruitment; Supply Chain Management, Production Capacity,  and Fishing Industry
The Effect of Online Shopping Preference on Social Media and Webstore to Purchase Decision of Start-Up Company Pohan, Atika Sari; Rachmawati, Evy
Journal of Innovation, Business and Entrepreneurship Vol 1, No 1 (2016)
Publisher : Journal of Innovation, Business and Entrepreneurship

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Abstract. lPipel is a fashion company which offer woman bag multiwear that delivered the concept of two-tone in every article. The company focus to increase marketing strategy by using two startegies, namely webstore and social media. Start-up company can build online business using any media such as social media and webstore. Nowadays, most of the owner business online choose social media as online transaction. Furthermore, it can be promotion tools. On other hand, issues being faced by e-commerce are less content, apperance photo of product, also product description. It can be concluded that the business owner havent effective while use it. There are 3 variables to be examined namely quality, product, and trust. Each variables tested toward social media and webstore. This study to find out which variable is driving consumers to purchase decision online whether through social media or webstore. The method to be used is quantitative and qualitative (mix method). Data will be obtained by interviewing 129 respondents via the enclosed questionnaire. In addition, the interview will also be made to obtain qualitative data that able help in the analysis process. The result of social media showed that the only one variable that has significant influence which is quality.  Then, the result of  webstore showed that there are two variables that has significant influence are quality and trust. In this case, the most influence variable falls to quality on webstore and social media. The last analysis, the result show social media has the higher mean rank than webstore. Keywords: social media, websites, online shopping, purchase decision.

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