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Effects of Using Hashtag, Celebrity Endorsement and Paid Promotion Objective Achievement in Instagram (Case Study:Women Fashion Brand) Lestari, Susi; Aldianto, Leo
Journal of Innovation, Business and Entrepreneurship Vol 1, No 1 (2016)
Publisher : Journal of Innovation, Business and Entrepreneurship

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Abstract.The effort of promotion through Instagram doesn’t significantly affect the objective of promotion if brand can’t understand effective promotion tool and can influence audiences in their process of recognizing brand until deciding to buy a product of the brand. There are some promotion tools that can be effectively optimized to influence that process. Based on interview with 10 women who are active Instagram users, it was known that the use of hashtag, celebrity endorsement, and paid promote can effect their process of recognizing until making decision to buy a product of a brand. The objective of the research is to estimate the effect of using hashtag, celebrity endorsement, and paid promote in Instagram women fashion brand to promotion objective achievement. Research was executed in Bandung. By using Probability Sampling Purposive Technic, questionnaires in the effect of using hashtag, celebrity endorsement, and paid promote to promotion objective achievement (concern of brand, connection of brand to intention of buying) were given to 100 18-30 years old active women Instagram users who like to search for information about women fashion brands through Instagram. The responses were recorded in Microsoft Excel to be tested for validity and reliability by using statistic methods. Then, data were analyzed by using Path Analysis to understand the connection of variables and their effect to promotion objective achievement. The result showed that the use of hashtag and celebrity endorsement significantly affect short promotion objective achievement, then the use of paid promote minimally affect short promotion objective. Hashtag, Celebrity Endorsement and Paid Promote significantly affect long promotion objective achievement. Keywords: Social Media Objective, Instagram, Hashtag, Celebrity Endorsement, Paid Promote
An Exploration of Fitting Start-Up Incubator for University Students in Bandung Akbar, Muhammad Fikri; Aldianto, Leo
Journal of Innovation, Business and Entrepreneurship Vol 2, No 1 (2017)
Publisher : Journal of Innovation, Business and Entrepreneurship

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Abstract- One of the issue that correlate with better better economy in a country is how they could develop startup founder from university students. In United States, one of the most developed startup country in the world, the push to create more and more high-tech startup from the youth has been rising. With the research that showded how high-tech startup could increace employment rate,  new high-tech startup are expected to be produced from university students as the youth who have many potential. Apparently in India, the country with similar demographic to Indonesia, who will have mass population of young people, already in the move to follow the footstep of United States. They already implement student startup policy, a policy with ambitious vision of producing 100,000 tech startup from 10,000 university across the country by providing program such as incubator for students. This research try to explore how is the current condition in Indonesia, spesifically in the case of Bandung, which have more than 100 university in the cities. This research wanted to explore from the existing startup incubator in Bandung and how are the university students who are interested on becoming startup founder see them. By getting the insight on how is the perspective, challenges, and suggestion from both side, this research try to find a recommendation on creating fitting startup incubator for university students that could help development of future potential of university student founder just like othe countries. The findings of this reseach found out that currently it is unlikely to provide a startup incubator program that target univerasity student if the provider/incubator is not backed up by university/government/big corporate which could provide vast resource to face the uncertainty of incubating students. The big problem that made it hard is the commitments issue that is agreed by the incubators and the students themselves. Thus this research recommend that in current condition the better way is to provide program in a form that resemble pre-incubation phase, which focus on giving open experience to the students with the goal tofilter the one who is commited and then after that the incubation phase could started. Keywords : Startup, Incubator, University Students, commitment
CITY BRANDING VS. CULTURAL BRANDING: TOWARDS A THEORITICAL FOR DEVELOPING BANDUNG IDENTITY Aldianto, Leo; Budi, Adi Asmariadi; Anggadwita, Grisna; Novani, Santi; Wirawan, Christina
KINERJA Vol 23, No 1 (2019): KINERJA
Publisher : Faculty of Economics Universitas Atma Jaya Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (617.53 KB) | DOI: 10.24002/kinerja.v23i1.2125


City branding is not just an image of the city but also an identity which shows the origin and character of the city. When branding is associated to marketing and advertisement of the city, image/identity shows sovereignty and pride of the city. The transformation of Indonesian government mechanism from centralization to decentralization has brought new sight of government leadership and management. Regional government like city, district, or province has almost full authority on conducting their own government. Bandung city as one of cities in Indonesia has showed its ability on conducting city branding. “Bandung Juara” as Bandung city branding could give positive impact on regional economic development through city advertisement. In the other side, the cultural identity of Bandung city does not arise along with those city branding. This study aims to identify the identity of Bandung through city branding compared with cultural branding. This research uses descriptive analysis method by analyzing synthesis literature from some previous researches and related information of Bandung city which collected and summarized to get conclusion about Bandung as branding city vs. culture branding. The finding shows that creativity and modernity are very dominant on Bandung city branding strategy. It gives positive impact on economic development, but in the other side it covers  their original culture. Sundanese culture as original culture of Bandung city did not totally supported on city branding strategy. This problem could make Sundanese culture extinct because it will be leaft behind  and replaced with modern- culture.Keywords: Bandung, city branding, cultural branding, city image, creative city, Sundanese culture
Strategic Development of Top Buah Segar: SWOT and Tows Matrix Analysis Nugraha, Angga; Aldianto, Leo
Journal of Business and Management Vol 1, No 2 (2012)
Publisher : Journal of Business and Management

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Nowadays, People’s paradigm has shifted from not only concern with low prices, but also concern with the pleasantness of a store or market. Modern people tend to go to modern market which is more comfortable compared to traditional market. Top Buah Segar is one example of the modern market. The tools used in this research were SWOT and TOWS Analysis,  and questionnaire. SWOT Analysis was used to identify the internal and external factors affected Top Buah Segar in the industry from the perception of the company itself. On the other hand, questionnaire which based on Marketing Mix 7P strategy identified the internal factors of firm from customers’ perception.the researcher found strength, weaknesses, opportunities and threats of Top Buah Segar Bekasi. Top Buah Segar in Bekasi lack in almost every aspect of the Markting Mix 7p, while Top Buah Segar in Cibuburexcell at every aspect. In order to increase its performance the researcher recommend that Top Buah Segar Bekasi need to hire more employees to better manage the stores, create a marketing team to search and maintain customers, and they need to fix the physical evidence. Keywords : SWOT Analysis, Marketing Mix Category : Performance management, Marketing
Business Potential of Garam Manis Company Zonia, Veby Lin; Aldianto, Leo
Journal of Business and Management Vol 3, No 8 (2014)
Publisher : Journal of Business and Management

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Garam Manis Company is a start-up company that created the technology that can produce industrial salt with standards industry by using electrolysis, evaporation and geomembrane. In relation to the lack of technology that could produce the industrial salt in Indonesia and the high demand for industrial salt in Indonesia, 1.8 million tons / year, there is one innovation generated by Start-up Company that is Garam Manis Company. The new technologies using electrolysis, evaporation, and geomembrane that can produce quality crystal salt products meet the quality standards of industrial salt. In starting a new business or expand a business which has been running for the first time to do an analysis of the potential of the business. The amount of funds expended to build a business and a high probability of failing to make the need for research to determine the potential to make profit from the new venture in the long run. The final project will talk about potential business of Garam Manis Company in the aspects of market, technology and finance. Then the ended by conclusions and recommendation for Garam Manis Company. As a conclusion, Garam Manis Company have potential business because based on the analysis of market size, Garam Manis Company has a vast potential market that is a total of 3,015 of textiles, washing and water treatment company in Bandung. when seen from the analysis of the financial aspects of NPV for Garam Manis Company is positive ie 2185594509> 0, then by using the assumption of interest is 20% and 21%, IRR calculation results for Garam Manis Company is 20.0017% and that means IRR> MARR (20% ), so that this project can be said to be potentially. Payback Period is based on the calculation that the author has done, Garam Manis Company wills payback in 3 years, 4 months, 24 days. From the analysis that has been done, it can be concluded that the business is being run by Garam Manis Company is potentially.Keyword: Industrial salt, imitability, complementary assets, textiles, water treatment
Measuring the Technological Innovativeness in PT Dirgantara Indonesia, Case: The Development of Aircraft N219 Saraswati, Annisa Putri; Aldianto, Leo
Journal of Business and Management Vol 3, No 4 (2014)
Publisher : Journal of Business and Management

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Many management experts who claim that innovation is one of the guarantees for the company or organization in improving its competitiveness. But how to respond to and anticipate the pace through innovation is not simple and easy to do. In the word Economic Forum, there are many companies in Indonesia which is seen as less innovative, although Indonesia was ranked 38th in general and ranking 33 of 148 countries in the innovation pillar. Since 2006, PT Dirgantara Indonesia aircraft N219 develop capacity of 19 people to replace existing aircraft pioneer. Indonesian manufacturing companies need to improve their innovation and thus they require some measurement framework to help them achieve it. As background the importance of innovation for companies in Indonesia, researchers provide a theoretical review of measurement innovation activities based on technological innovation and management innovation itself. This final project is to identify activities of innovation and management of innovation at PT Dirgantara Indonesia for the development of aircraft N219. Measurement of innovation categorized into CLAS-Category (Category Creative, Lucky Category, Automatic Category and Superb Category). In collecting the data, the sample used is 50 people by distributing questionnaires to employees and interview people in the top management ranks in PT Dirgantara Indonesia. The results of this study are PT Dirgantara Indonesia has conducted several activities have supported innovation and management innovation for the development of several aircraft N219, but it still needs to be improved and enhanced return. In the measurement of innovation, PT Dirgantara Indonesia fall into the superb category of innovation though not yet reached the highest point. That is, PT Dirgantara Indonesia is a company that enjoys and benefits from the employee's ability to perform the required activities of the company during the process of innovation and good for the environment as well as the impact of the innovation practices of good management in the areas of strategy, resources, and operations.Keywords: The activities of innovation, The management of innovation, and Innovation measurement.
The Suitable Model of Branchless Banking Implementation in Indonesia Shabirah, Iffah; Aldianto, Leo
Journal of Business and Management Vol 3, No 6 (2014)
Publisher : Journal of Business and Management

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Branchless banking as the new distribution channel in banking industry is becoming a new solution to offer financial service to untapped society. Branchless banking will help Indonesia to decrease its number of unbanked people. This Final project is to find out the right model of branchless banking that can be implemented in Indonesia, regarding the society respond and hope towards banking the reliable technology, collaboration of parties that involve, and how to avoid branchless banking risks. The respond and hope society towards banking measured by spreading the questionnaires to 112 middle class society in Depok. The questionnaires results were calculated by frequency analysis method. The reliable technology, collaboration of parties, and the way to avoid risks were find out by interviewing three people from different parties, which are Telkomsel from Telco Company, Bank BJB, and PT Cyberport as the company between bank and Telco. The result of this research is, branchless banking in Indonesia can be implemented by collaboration of Telco Company, Bank, and private sector. The reliable technology to implement branchless banking is using USSD connectivity and EDC machine that has been modified to be branchless banking technology. The risks in branchless banking can be avoided by risks mitigation from technology and regulation. The respondents’ perception towards banking is, bank is secure but bank do not have flexible opening hour. The expectation of respondents is bank become more secure, flexible, and have easier way and requirement to open bank account. To create a suitable model of branchless banking in Indonesia, those three parties have to conduct another similar research in the different area, to know the demand of the society. After those parties knowing about society needs and demand, they should do the three approaches to meet the demand. Those approaches are Price, feature, and process approach.Keyword: Branchless banking, Collaboration, reliable technology, perception, expectation
Analysis of Corporate Entrepreneurial in Pertamina Aviation Jakarta Imhadi, Dian Fatimah; Aldianto, Leo
Journal of Business and Management Vol 2, No 4 (2013)
Publisher : Journal of Business and Management

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An entrepreneurial  mindset is needed in this growing  business  world.  Developing corporate entrepreneurship within the employees is one of the significant way to improve  the  performance  of  the  company. With a good entrepreneurial  culture then the company will be able to capture the opportunities in business world, and to anticipate the changes that happened. The author decided to easure and analyze the corporate entrepreneurial in Pertamina Aviation as this company is the only aviation company in Indonesia. Author use Entrepreneurial   Orientation   Survey  (EOS) and  Entrepreneurial  Leadership Questionnaire  (ELQ)  to  measure  the corporate entrepreneurial culture and leadership characteristic in Pertamina Aviation. Using those three kinds of approaches, author will find the entrepreneurship  orientation  and leadership characteristic    implemented    by   the employees.   This   research   paper   contains about measuring entrepreneurial culture of Pertamina Aviation where developing corporate  entrepreneurial  within  the company  is a significan  way to improve the company performance. Keywords: entrepreneurship, intrapreneurship, leadership, EOS, ELQ. Category: Corporate Entrepreneurship---------------------------------DISCLAMER: This paper is created by undergraduate students of School of Business and Management ITB in partial fulfillment of the requirement of the degree Bachelor of Management. Journal of Business and Management is not responsible for the content, opinions, or any other materials expressed here.
Analysis Study About Service Quality Improvement of PT Putra Indonusa Garment Konveksi Santoso, Aditya Nugroho; Aldianto, Leo
Journal of Business and Management Vol 1, No 3 (2012)
Publisher : Journal of Business and Management

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Growth of industrial garment is advancing rapidly at this time. The stability of economic and political make many new companies springing up. As a company in the field of garment manufacturing services, PT. Putra Indonosa Garment Konveksi should be able to read customer characteristics and analyze customer satisfaction level based on quality of service This research assesses the response of sample visitors with 130 respondents from their business partner through analysis of customer satisfaction of the attributes of the gap between perceptions and expectations of our customers and using importance-performance analysis. This study how measure how far the difference between expectation and perception of customers in PT. Putra Indonosa Garment Konveksi. This process is analyzed by descriptive analysis. The conclusion of this research is most of customer was not satisfied with the performance of PT. Putra Indonosa Garment Konveksi and its performance does not match with customer’s expectations. Service quality attributes that are not in accordance with customer expectation is reliability, responsiveness, empathy and tangible. In reliability dimension, the customer did not get the promised service, then in responsiveness dimension, the company doesn’t have willingness to help customers, and last in empathy dimension the company doesn’t have the customer’s best interest at heart.this research recommends that PT. Putra Indonosa Garment Konveksi need to hire experienced employees, provided service as promises, provides a solution  if there is a complaint, deliver product according costumer order,  willingness to help costumer problem, gives the best service.Key words: Service Quality, Gap Analysis between Perception and Expectation, Importance – Performance Analysis
Efforts of Online Business to Achieve Effectiviness with management Information System Tutupary, Sweeta Elfonsia; Aldianto, Leo
Journal of Business and Management Vol 3, No 8 (2014)
Publisher : Journal of Business and Management

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Along with the rapid growing technological advances in many areas of life, allowing the public to enjoy the convenience that is generated by the technology. One example of technology developed at this time is in the field of information technology. Today, information systems provide the communication and analytic power that firms need for conducting trade and managing business on a global scale. Controlling the far-flung global corporation-communicating with distributors and suppliers, operating 24 hours a day in different national environments, servicing local and international reporting needs-is a major business challenge that requires powerful information system responses. To become effective and profitable participants in international markets, firms need powerful information and communication systems. Information systems are needed to optimize the flow of information and knowledge within the organization and to help management maximize the firm’s knowledge resources.This study aims to know how the online business achieves effectiveness and efficiency by using management information system. By using information system, how the online business can improve their business process. In this research, the researcher analysis several online business. Some of them already using information system and most of them are not using information system. From this online business, researcher finds some differences in their business process model. To analysis the problem of online businesses, researcher using business process model and information system to identify some aspects that affect the effectivity and efficiency of business process. This research shows thWat the online business that has been using information system can increase customer satisfaction, improved quantity and quality of information, improve operational efficiency and flexibility, improved quality of internal and external communications, improved quality of planning, and improved quality control and supervision. For the implementation,  for the online business that not using information system can be start using information system and also re-engineering business process can help the online business to be more effective. By re-engineering business process, the cycle time of the business process can be reducing so the process could be more effective.Keywords: Online business, Management Information System, Business process model, computer-based information systems.