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Al-Iktisab: Journal of Islamic Economic Law
ISSN : 25804251     EISSN : 2615661X     DOI : -
Core Subject : Economy, Social,
Al-Iktisab: Journal of Islamic Economic law is a peer reviewed journal published by University of Darussalam (UNIDA) Gontor. The journal is semi-annual journal issued on May and November. The aims of the journal is to explore and develop economics related to Islamic laws that cover issues both from Indonesia and overseas. Moreover, the editor accepts final manuscripts that have not been sent to other journal for publication. Those interested in subscribing to the Journal, advertising in the Journal, submitting manuscripts to the Journal, or otherwise communicating with the Journal, should contact at
Articles 87 Documents
Why Muslim Countries under developed? Siti Aisyah
AL- IKTISAB Journal of Islamic Economic Law Vol 1, No 1 (2017)
Publisher : Universitas Darusssalam Gontor

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (361.815 KB) | DOI: 10.21111/al-iktisab.v1i1.2380


Islam is very comprehensive religion as the way of life that guides mankind in allaspects of life. The two responsible of human such as worshiper of Allah and agent ofeconomic on earth are related to development. Nowadays, the development of Islamiceconomic and finance in many Muslim countries is significant to contribute the economicgrowths in the country in spite of many of Muslim countries are still in the povertyproblem. By then, the paper attempts to analyze the major problem of Muslim countriestoward development, to explore determinant factors of development in Islamic goldenage and to give best solution to economic development of Muslim countries. It isqualitative research by using content analysis to answer all reseach questions. Thefindings are that The problem of development in Muslim countries is very complex suchas poverty, lack of human skill, income inequality, low level productivity, accumulationof foreign debt and illiteracy. There are several countries that have excessive oil can becategorized as high human development. The economic development of Islamic Goldenage applies religious and physical factors to promote society welfare. Lastly, there arefive successfull determinant factors in economic development such as religion, knowledge,wealth, inovation and institution.
Optimization of Agricultural Land: A Lesson from Islamic Economics Nurizal Ismail; siti Aisyah
AL- IKTISAB Journal of Islamic Economic Law Vol 1, No 2 (2017)
Publisher : Universitas Darusssalam Gontor

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (631.479 KB) | DOI: 10.21111/al-iktisab.v1i2.2387


Human as social being is required to earn the wealth obtained from factors ofproduction to survive in his life. One of the important factors is land, which has beenmostly used in economy such as infrastructure, agriculture and mining. Unfortunately,the use of land tends to give more benefit to capitalist or land-owner than others intodays’ world. It impacts to inequality distribution of income in the society faced in thirdworld country that is mostly in Muslim countries. In Islam, administration of the landhas been concerned in primary sources (Qur’an and Sunnah) and Islamic literatures andpracticed into action in the state such as iqta, ihya al-mawat, zakah, rikaz, muzara’ah,salam, musaqah and other instruments. These instruments are mostly used in agriculturalfield in the Islamic age. Another instrument can contribute to sustainable agriculturaldevelopment is tax land: al-kharaj and al-’usyr. However, the result of this study statesthat to optimize the agricultural land, the state and Islamic banks can contribute togetherto solve the farmers problem such lack of financial support, shortage of water irrigation,lack of training and technology use by integrating appropriate Islamic financing andpolice of land tax that gives benefit and just to the farmers.
The Application of Murābaha Contract in Islamic Banking from Muslim Jurists’ Perspective Mohammad Ghazali
AL- IKTISAB Journal of Islamic Economic Law Vol 2, No 1 (2018)
Publisher : Universitas Darusssalam Gontor

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (475.968 KB) | DOI: 10.21111/al-iktisab.v2i1.2395


High needs of the society needs on Islamic banking services tends to be viewed by bankersto produce more products that can be used to answer the need of financing and easy transactionacted by people. Hence, one of the Islamic banking transaction that attracts the society enthusiastic to be used is murābaha. In theory, the murābaha is allowed in Islam, therefore thesociety want to use it, but it may be in practice of murābaha can be found the prohibitedtransaction such as riba, gharar, and gambling. By then, this paper attempts to analyse thepractice of murābaha in Islaminc banking from the thought of Muslim jurists either classicalor contemporary time. The method used for the study is comparative analysis on law producedby the Muslim jurists such as al-Mãlikiyah, al-Shafi‘iyah, al-hanafiyyah, and al-Hanãbilah.
The Role of Islamic Bank as Providers of Islamic Wealth Management in Enhancing the Potential of Waqf Funds Nurizal Ismail; Eko Nur Cahyo
AL- IKTISAB Journal of Islamic Economic Law Vol 1, No 1 (2017)
Publisher : Universitas Darusssalam Gontor

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (732.075 KB) | DOI: 10.21111/al-iktisab.v1i1.2381


The purpose of this paper is to analyze the role of Islamic banks as providers ofIslamic wealth management product in relation with the enhancement of waqf funds.Theauthors use qualitative research that refers to the meanings, concepts, definitions,characteristics, metaphors, symbols and descriptions of the matter understudy by employscontent and descriptive analysis in order to get finding of the study. The data collectionis generated from Islamic sources: Qur’an, Sunnah and some Islamic literatures, andother sources such as books, journals, report documents, magazines and articles frominternet. These sources will be put in to coding and analyzed to answer the researchproblem of study. The role of Islamic wealth management is not only focusing on worldlyinvestment helping the clients’ need, but also hereafter investment. One of the instrumentsof wealth distribution that can be used for hereafter investment is waqf that helps theclients’ wealth to obtain blessing (barâkah) of Allah. By waqf, Islamic wealth managementinstrument can accomodate all models of waqf funds from cash waqf, insurance waqf,corporate waqf, etc. There are three options to of putting their wealth in waqf funds,they are: (i) family waqf, (ii) public waqf, and (iii) combination of waqf. All benefits ofthese waqf can contribute the the development of ummah. This paper is one of the veryfew conceptual studies concerning the practice of Islamic banking in implementing theproduct of wealth management for social purposes which is enhancement of waqf fundsfor the benefit of ummah.
An Analysis of Mudhrabah Contract, Profit Sharing Rate, and Grant (Hibah) of Mudharabah Influence Customer’s Interest to do Saving Case Study: Muamalat Bank, Sragen Branch in 2017 Imam Kamaluddin; Eko Nur Cahyo; Finis Triani
AL- IKTISAB Journal of Islamic Economic Law Vol 2, No 1 (2018)
Publisher : Universitas Darusssalam Gontor

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (817.27 KB) | DOI: 10.21111/al-iktisab.v2i1.2396


The purpose of this research is to analyze the influence of mudharaba contract, profitsharing rate and grant of mudharabah muthlaqah contract on customer’s interest to do savingand to ascertain how the mechanism of grant distribution on the mudharabah muthlaqahcontract in Muamalat Bank of Indonesia, branch of Sragen. The findings are that MudharabaContract, Profit Sharing Rate and Grant on the Mudharabah contract, had influenced thecustomer’s interest to do saving in Muamalat Bank. Resulted that F test had shown F point asmuch as 2,783 with significant point as much as 0,165 more than 0.05, while determinationcoefficient was shown by R2 as much as 0.093 or 9,3% had influenced on the customer’sinterest to do saving, while the 90,7% had influenced by other factor.
Clearing in the View of Islamic Economic law Ahmad Muqorobin; Yunita Wulandari
AL- IKTISAB Journal of Islamic Economic Law Vol 1, No 2 (2017)
Publisher : Universitas Darusssalam Gontor

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (344.993 KB) | DOI: 10.21111/al-iktisab.v1i2.2389


The financial flow can be regarded good or bad based on the function of centralbank in managing the circulation of money in Indonesia. Currently, the transanctiongiral money is more dominant than cartel money in the society. Because it tends to bemore effective, effecient and easy used in all economic activities. Most of the paymentsmaking up the transactions flow between several banks, which need one of the instrumentsthat settles the flow money circulated among the banks known as clearing. The objectiveof research is to know the mechanism of clearing and the structure of ‘aqd in the bankfrom Islamic law perspective. The finding shows that the application of clearing inIslamic banking has used Aplikasi kliring the contract of waka>lah, specifically waka>lahbilujroh that the bank will get the fees to represent the customers settling the payment.
The Implementation of Maqashid Shari’ah as the Tool of Data Analysis in Islamic Economic Law Research Abdurrahman Misno BP; Rusdiana Priatna Wijaya
AL- IKTISAB Journal of Islamic Economic Law Vol 2, No 1 (2018)
Publisher : Universitas Darusssalam Gontor

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (503.787 KB) | DOI: 10.21111/al-iktisab.v2i1.2397


Data analysis in research of the study becomes urgent; it is the key for a successfulresearch. Using wrong of data analysis will result on the error conclusion. Therefore,choosing the right analysis to examine a problem in research is an important thing to beconsidered. Maqashid Shari’ah is the purpose and objective of Shari’ah that was initiated bythe earlier Muslim scholars that put fondation of maqashid al-khamsah which is formulatedin the protection of; religion, soul, mind, heredity and property. How to make maqashidShari’ah as a tool in analyzing Islamic economic research especially sharia economic law?The method used in this research is grounded theory which the study of maqashid Shari’ahdeveloped into an analysis in qualitative research. The data used are thoughts sourced fromexperts who discuss about this theme. It is further developed into a measuring tool in theanalysis of the study. The result of data in this research is that maqashid Shari’ah is verysuitable to be the analysis tool in sharia economic law research. It can be formulated in itsgeneral nature that is maqashid Shari’ah taken generally from some maqashid experts. Andalso turn out a single thought about maqashid Shari’ah used as an analysis tool.
An Analysis of Administration Fees in Murabâha Financing Case Study: Muamalat Bank of Indonesia, Sragen Branch in 2015 Ahmad Fanani; Mien Amrina
AL- IKTISAB Journal of Islamic Economic Law Vol 1, No 1 (2017)
Publisher : Universitas Darusssalam Gontor

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (502.798 KB) | DOI: 10.21111/al-iktisab.v1i1.2384


Administration fee is commonly used for operational activities, which its rate ischarged to customers depends on each bank. It is charged for several products andservices that require certain administrations. Hence, Muamalat Bank is pioneer of Islamicbank in Indonesia founded in 1992 has contributed to the development of product andservice for customers. It has many branches in all districts such as branch Sragen in eastjava. In relation with administration fee, Muamalat Bank, branch Sragen has producedmany contracts by imposing administration fees with in them such as in murâbahafinancing. Finding of the study are that murâbaha financing is imposed for operationaland survey fee. The administration fee in branch Sragen is determined by tiered pricingstructure on murâbaha financing, which is not permissible in Islamic principles becauseit contains element of ghârar and ghaban
Assessing the Compliance of Online Marketplace Mechanism with Shari’ah Law (Case Study of Bukalapak) Iryandi Masputra; Nashr Akbar
AL- IKTISAB Journal of Islamic Economic Law Vol 1, No 2 (2017)
Publisher : Universitas Darusssalam Gontor

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1476.723 KB) | DOI: 10.21111/al-iktisab.v1i2.2390


Bukalapak is one of the biggest online marketplace in Indonesia. Bukalapak providesa place for trading for sellers and buyers, utilizing the applications on the internet as aspace to trade. The objective of the study is to assess the the compliance of product, buyerand seller verification system, payment and delivery transaction system of Bukalapakwith the Shariah law. This research uses a qualitative approach; interview and observation.The collected data will be analysed with interactive analysis model by Miles andHuberman. The result of this study shows that as an online marketplace, Bukalapakcomplies with the legal standards of Shariah law which is based on ijab qabul between theseller and the buyer, also there is a form of liability or indemnity imposed by Bukalapakwith the view of balance and fairness between all Bukalapak users. The result also showsthat Bukalapak had been running based on honesty and openness so that it is able todevelop the market based on Islamic economics. Hence, it earns the trust from the sellersand the buyers as a place for buying and selling.
A Nexus between Identity Awareness and Decolonization Process of Local Economy: Indonesian Experience Muhammad Hanif Al-hakim
AL- IKTISAB Journal of Islamic Economic Law Vol 1, No 1 (2017)
Publisher : Universitas Darusssalam Gontor

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (333.419 KB) | DOI: 10.21111/al-iktisab.v1i1.2379


This paper will examine four significant economic events – namely, Indonesiangovernment’s measure to nationalize the existing foreign enterprises in 1950s; debatein between 1949-1957 in searching of an appropriate ideology to be adopted as frameworkin devising economic policies; the rise of Sharia-compliant bank in early 1990s; and theemergence of Islamic co-operative financial institution called Bay al-Mâl wa al-Tamwîl(BMT), in relation to the advancement of people awareness of their right identity. Thefinding says that reality stated that decolonization movement in Indonesia from bottomupthat is contrary from ideal studies, and it is always connected with real identity thatthe decolonized people are certain with. By then, identity awarness is the way to thedecolonisation process that will impact to Islamization of economics in Indonesia.