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Al-Iktisab: Journal of Islamic Economic Law
ISSN : 25804251     EISSN : 2615661X     DOI : -
Core Subject : Economy, Social,
Al-Iktisab: Journal of Islamic Economic law is a peer reviewed journal published by University of Darussalam (UNIDA) Gontor. The journal is semi-annual journal issued on May and November. The aims of the journal is to explore and develop economics related to Islamic laws that cover issues both from Indonesia and overseas. Moreover, the editor accepts final manuscripts that have not been sent to other journal for publication. Those interested in subscribing to the Journal, advertising in the Journal, submitting manuscripts to the Journal, or otherwise communicating with the Journal, should contact at
Articles 87 Documents
The Distribution of Zakat at The Time of Caliph Umar ibn Khattab Siti Aisyah; Nurizal Ismail
AL- IKTISAB Journal of Islamic Economic Law Vol 3, No 2 (2019)
Publisher : Universitas Darusssalam Gontor

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21111/al-iktisab.v3i2.3908


Zakat is an important pillar in Islam that has a dimension of worship, but economical value that gives the benefit of the muslim community. In the current management of zakat in addition to gathering problems, but also the distribution of zakat. In Islamic history, the successful example of management of zakat was exemplified by the prophet, and was followed by caliph al-rasidun. One of the pros and cons of the centralization and decentralized problems of zakat. Therefore, this study tried to analyze zakat distribution policy in the time of Umar because it is a successful example in the management of zakat. Results of the study explained that the distribution system of zakat conducted by caliph Umar ibn Khattab use the desesntralization of zakat. This is chosen because it is more direct to the community in which the region is collected by zakat by the government-appointed zakat agency. Also more effective and efficient to do than zakat centralization. Furthermore, the priority distribution of zakat target is permissible according to the condition and state of mustahik zakat in a region. Not to be imposed with the distribution of zakat for the eight ashnaf or in part is adjusted to the state of mustahik.
Regional Promotion and Halal Tourism E-Marketing of Tourism Visiting Motives in Yogyakarta Raja Ela Safira; Dhidhin Noer Ady Rahmanto; Annas Syams Rizal Fahmi
AL- IKTISAB Journal of Islamic Economic Law Vol 2, No 2 (2018)
Publisher : Universitas Darusssalam Gontor

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21111/al-iktisab.v2i2.3899


This research was conducted to find out how the influence of Halal Tourism Promotion Based on E-Marketing Against Tourist Visits in Yogyakarta. Promotion is an important thing that needs to be done and considered in attracting tourists. In this millennial era technology is developing very rapidly, so many activities are carried out using technology. Thus the use of E-Marketing is considered suitable for increasing tourists. The testing method is to use multiple linear regression method with moderating variables to show the results of the study of the influence of Halal Tourism Promotion Based on E-Marketing Against Tourist Visits in Yogyakarta. Data collection techniques used were questionnaires and observations. From the results of this study it was found that the use of E-Markenting can increase wisatawan's interest in visiting halal tourism in Yogyakarta. At first when using regional promotions only gained 7% and when using E-Marketing increased to 67%.
An Analysis of Investment for Hajj Funds from Islamic Law Perspective Annas Syam Rizal Fahmi
AL- IKTISAB Journal of Islamic Economic Law Vol 1, No 2 (2017)
Publisher : Universitas Darusssalam Gontor

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (485.033 KB) | DOI: 10.21111/al-iktisab.v1i2.2388


Being the largest Muslim country with some 250 million Muslims, Indonesia facesa huge demand from its citizens eager to perform Hajj and then it will impact to the hugeof funds to perform Hajj (Pilgrim). Initially, any surplus funds held by the Department ofReligion are supposed to be paid to the Islamic Community Perpetual Funds (DanaAbadi Umat). Currently, the government is now eyeing the country’s hajj (Muslimpilgrimage) fund as a potential source of infrastructure finance. By that araises somedebate whether the hajj funds can be used or no to finance Indonesia infrastructureproject. Therefore, the study intends to analyse the investment of hajj funds from Islamiclaw perspective. However, findings of the study are that the use of the hajj funds forinvestment is permissible in Islam with some condition such as the benefit gained from itis used for infrastructures abd facilities of hajj performance.
Improving Competitiveness of Islamic Banking Through Human Resources (SDI) Development Strategy Hanafi Hadi Susanto
AL- IKTISAB Journal of Islamic Economic Law Vol 3, No 1 (2019)
Publisher : Universitas Darusssalam Gontor

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21111/al-iktisab.v3i1.3904


This paper aimes to analyse the good strategy in improving the human resource that should be used by the banking institutions to be better compared to others. This paper based on primary data from the book, journal and online database. The result of the study shows that one way and strategy to develop human resources in banking is by improving their knowledge, abilities, attitudes and so on. Also, good strategy can provide an overview of the main actions and decision patterns chosen to realize the goals of the organization and a company institution and in order for development to be carried out properly, a human resource development program must first be established. And with that, the quality (superior) Human Resouces will be able to provide more service and trust compared to others.
Profit and Loss Sharing (PLS) as Basis Characteristic of Islamic Banking: An Analysis of Mudharâbah Contract Mohammad Ghozali; Andy Kurniawan
AL- IKTISAB Journal of Islamic Economic Law Vol 1, No 1 (2017)
Publisher : Universitas Darusssalam Gontor

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (936.236 KB) | DOI: 10.21111/al-iktisab.v1i1.2383


Mudhârabah constitutes one of the products in Islamic banking. It is a cooperationcontract between two parties, where one party (rabbul mâl) provides 100% fund andother (mudhârib) provide work. Profit will be shared between two parties according to apre-determined profit sharing ratio contract known as nisbah. In the case of loss, thecapital owner shall bear the monetary loss and manager or entrepreneur shall loose thereward of his effort unless caused by negligence or violation by mudhârib. This is coreconcept of mudhârabah, which gives fair business cooperation between two parties. Thisstudy will explore basis characteristics of mudhârabah in Islamic banking. The findingsare that Islamic banking has certain basic characteristics from PLS such as as justsystem, as tool of efficient allocation of capital, as productive contract that support whohave business either micro, middle or macro level, and as medium to reach the objecticveof Islamic economics.
The Management of Cash Waqf on Dinar and Dirham from The View of Islamic Law (Case study at Wakala Parent Bintan) Mohammad Ghozali; Yoanda Syah Putra
AL- IKTISAB Journal of Islamic Economic Law Vol 3, No 2 (2019)
Publisher : Universitas Darusssalam Gontor

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21111/al-iktisab.v3i2.3909


Waqf is a struggling conscience to give something to the development of people's welfare and struggle facilities. Many evidence conveys moving and stationary objects that can be represented but that is not enough to meet the growing needs of society. Based on the principle of waqf is made innovation of waqf products, namely cash waqf, which is with cash funds. The scholars' past practiced a lot of cash waqf using the dinar and dirham which is currently reappointed by Wakala Parent Bintan. The purpose of this research is to know the theory of Islamic law regarding cash waqf property management, to know the concept and practice of cash, dinar and dirham, to know the Islamic law on the management of cash and dinar Wakalah Parent Bintan. Research method of this study authors using qualitative method, which is a writing aimed at describing and analyzing a phenomenon about what Wakala Parent Bintan did in managing the cash waqf. From this study, researchers concluded that the practice of cash waqf in Wakala Parent Bintan using dinar and dirham, is a cash waqf that replaces it with a stationary object that produces the benefits of education rulings ahlu the madinah is a buy and sell transaction using both dinar and dirham and helps to enrich the surrounding community with market building for merchants without the use of taxes or rental of stalls in the market, as well as build a civilization away from riba. Thus the study can be concluded, but the researcher is aware that the research is far from the word perfection and requires further study that will discuss this issue more clearly. Great researchers hope for the advice and criticism and hopefully this research is beneficial for the authors in particular and the readers in general.
Halal Food Products Labeling According to Islamic Business Ethics and Consumers Protection Law Syaifullahil Maslul; Iyut Rizqi Utami
AL- IKTISAB Journal of Islamic Economic Law Vol 2, No 2 (2018)
Publisher : Universitas Darusssalam Gontor

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21111/al-iktisab.v2i2.3900


Halal food products labeling is a form of producer responsibility and fulfilling protectionist authority of Muslim consumers and a form of ethics in the business world. From some of the cases that coming explain a lot of manufacturers do not take full responsibility for protecting Muslims consumers authority. The purpose of this study is to know how the role of halal food products labeling according Islamic business ethics and consumer protection law. The results of this study concluded that labeling of halal on food products have goals and values, the values that will concrete the good behavior of an ethical business, noble and professionals in the business which pay attention to spiritual values and social interests so that will protect consumers. Halal labeling is a form of legal guarantees that will protect consumers in way of physical and spiritual, it is mean protecting consumers with regard to physical health and observance of Muslims in carrying out the commands of Allah. In addition, the labeling of halal became absolute thing to do and obeyed, because rules are specified in Act No. 8 of 1999 on Consumer Protection and Law No. 33 of 2014 concerning the guarantee of halal products.
Micro Waqf Bank in Indonesia: Analysis of The Constitution Concept According to The Maqashid Sharia Wahyu Nugroho; Faridl Noor Hilal
AL- IKTISAB Journal of Islamic Economic Law Vol 3, No 1 (2019)
Publisher : Universitas Darusssalam Gontor

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21111/al-iktisab.v3i1.3905


Waqf is a legal act of wakif (endower) for separating and transferring part of their wealth either permanently or for a specified period in accordance with their interests for purposes of worship and the general welfare according to sharia. Islamic law have two characters, it is normative (muhkamat) so that Islam have a unity of mind, feeling, and behavior for the people and make the people united, and temporal (mutashabihat) to open up the difference by space, time, and the condition of each with regard to the purposes of syara'. Waqf is a legal act of wakif (endower) for separating and/or transferring part of their wealth either permanently or for a specified period in accordance with their interests for purposes of worship and/or the general welfare according to sharia. Waqf or endowments often directed to unmovable objects, while waqf on moving objects is being developed lately. The idea to explore and develop the concept of waqf in Indonesia was began when Mustafa Edwin Nasution translating paper written by M. Abdul Mannan that revealed the practice of cash waqf (SIBL) in Bangladesh. The government try to do innovation in order to boost the Muslim's Economy particularly for those who are considered as a poor. The role of shariah bank and BWI and regulations is also considered ineffective, then the Government innovate by establishing institution called Micro Waqf Bank. Micro Waqf Bank is believed to increase financial inclusion, particularly in the public and small and micro businesses (SMEs) to have the easy capital. These agency is not allowed to take deposits from the public because it has focused in communities empowerment through financing with business mentoring.
A Model of Maslahah Performance for Higher Education Institution: Case of Institut Agama Islam Tazkia Hera Herdiansyah; Achmad Firdaus; Erwandi Tarmizi
AL- IKTISAB Journal of Islamic Economic Law Vol 3, No 2 (2019)
Publisher : Universitas Darusssalam Gontor

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21111/al-iktisab.v3i2.3910


There are several programs under the Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education and Ministry of Religious Affairs of the Republic of Indonesia in many areas which decreased its performance level until it ended at the closing of the operational permit and even the revocation of the college permits concerned. Organizational performance is a series of performance starting from level of the organization, working units to individuals. The research on performance organization uses university based on maslahah with case study at Institut Agama Islam Tazkia. Purpose this study aims to develop a performance model based on maslahah using the framework of BAN-PT Accreditation, Maslahah Performance (MaP), and Quality Management System (QMS) ISO 9001. Methods of collection of sample are purposive sampling. Primary data collection techniques by collecting documentation directly and by distributing questionnaires to the ranks of the lecturers and the management of STEI Tazkia. Data analysis techniques by calculating the results of the questionnaire with Likert scale. The results showed that the development model of performance began with the preparation of the vision and mission, strategic objectives. It is suggested to all universities that offer the program of Islamic economics, finance, banking, and accounting; it should have a good vision, mission and objective.
Collateral As Expired Solution a Risk of Mudharabah Financing (Case Study of Bank Syariah Mandiri Bank KCP. Ponorogo) May Shinta Retnowati
AL- IKTISAB Journal of Islamic Economic Law Vol 2, No 2 (2018)
Publisher : Universitas Darusssalam Gontor

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21111/al-iktisab.v2i2.3901


The practice of bank or non-bank financial institutions, seen from its development, is constantly changing. Since the growth of the Islamic economic system that emerged since 1992, using the usury-free system or profit sharing operated by Islamic banks, was developed to create even economic stability among the people. Sharia bank operational systems include funding, lending (financing), and services using muamalah contracts. The financing system for sharia banking products uses mudharabah contracts, but the implementation of collateral is one of the mudharabah financing solutions This research was conducted to determine mudharabah financing practices in BSM KCP. Ponorogo, how to settle defaults and balance collateral and profit sharing, using a qualitative research method that is descriptive and tends to use analysis. In the technique of collecting data with interviews, observation and documentation. In this study the implementation of contract in BSM, the customer does not know the intent by clearly the contents of the contract that has been signed and the customer does not get a copy of the contract documentation, so that it can lead to a risk of default later, in resolving disputes practiced at BSM to customers Paying is by continuous billing, restructuring, and strategy execution, while the more BSM is more often used by BSM is the execution of strategies in a family manner that can benefit both parties, but BSM leaves hands on the sale value of collateral carried out by the customer. On the balance of collateral risk and profit sharing that occurs in the practice of Islamic bank financing. Shows more collateral value than the value of financing received by the customer so that if there is a default financing or a customer fails to pay more to the bank, because the assets of the collateral are held by the bank, while for the results determined at the beginning of the contract consideration that the customer's business is in good condition because of obtaining additional funds from the bank, that this is the case of unclear division (gharar).