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Holistic Nursing and Health Science
Published by Universitas Diponegoro
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Holistic Nursing and Health Science Journal (HNHS) (E-ISSN: 2622-4321) is an open access journal (e-journal). HNHS provides a forum for original research and scholarships relevant to nursing and other health-related professions. HNHS journal is published by Department of Master Nursing, Faculty of Medicine, Diponegoro University.
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Gambaran Penyesuaian Diri Warga Binaan Pemasyarakatan pada Sebuah Lapas Wanita di Indonesia Zavelia Zuhriati Maghnina; Megah Andriany
Holistic Nursing and Health Science Vol. 3, No. 2 (2020): November
Publisher : Master of Nursing, Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Diponegoro, Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.14710/hnhs.3.2.2020.70-80


Introduction: Female inmates who newly admitted into prison has high stress level because   she need to adapt with the environmental conditions, individuals, and rules that applicated in prison. In Indonesia there are no research about female inmates adjusment. The purpose of this study was to determine the description of female inmates adjustment in a female prison in Indonesia based the domains in the PAQ questionnaire and comparing the situation with outside of the prison.Methods: This was a quantitative research with descriptive survey and cross-sectional design. The sampling technique used n this research was total sampling with 46 respondents with criteria newly admitted into prison for 1-3 months. The sample criteria are able to write and read and willing to participate in the study. The data were collected using PAQ questionnaire. Results: The results of this study show that dominant domain that worse in prisons compare with outside prisons was comfort and sleep problems. The most dominant problem that female inmates needs is sports, privacy, and sleep. The majority of female inmates have good friends while in prison, never feel prison as home, and all female inmate understand the rules in prison. Conclusion: Nurses should provide nursing care to improve female inmates’ self-adjustment in order to prevent mental health problems.
Gambaran Tingkat Resiliensi Masyarakat Desa Sriharjo, Imogiri Pasca Banjir Nanang Apriyanto; Dody Setyawan
Holistic Nursing and Health Science Vol. 3, No. 2 (2020): November
Publisher : Master of Nursing, Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Diponegoro, Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.14710/hnhs.3.2.2020.21-29


Introduction: The flood disaster with the impact of the isolation of the area causes psychological problems such as anxiety, sadness, anxiety, depression, and impaired adaptation. Continued psychological disorders will cause Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). Communities need to have the resilience to be able to manage disasters well through adaptation, maintain basic functions and immediately rise again after a disaster. The purpose of this study was to see the level of resilience of the people of Sriharjo Village, Imogiri after the Flood. Methods: This research was quantitative research with a survey descriptive design. The population in this study was community of Wunut and Sompok at Sriharjo, Imogiri Village as the most affected areas with a population of 1,573. The sampling technique was purposive sampling and got a sample size of 319 respondents. The data collection technique used a CD RISC-25 questionnaire consisting of 25 statement items, using google form media and contacted via telephone.Results: The results showed that 60.2% of respondents had high resilience. Most of the respondents have a high level of resilience to the spiritual influence variable and have a low level of resilience to the positive acceptance of change, and secure relationships variable. Conclusion: Communities living in disaster-prone areas must be able to become resilient communities by maintaining spiritual influence and increasing positive acceptance of change, and secure relationships.
Penggunaan Terapi Komplementer dalam Modern Wound Dressing pada Pasien dengan Luka Diabetes: Literature Review Hesti Kusumastuty; Nur Setiawati Dewi
Holistic Nursing and Health Science Vol. 3, No. 2 (2020): November
Publisher : Master of Nursing, Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Diponegoro, Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.14710/hnhs.3.2.2020.81-91


Introduction: The number of diabetes mellitus sufferers with diabetic ulcus continues to increase. Wound care using conventional methods is no longer effective. Selection of the right wound care can effectively improve wound healing and reduce the financial burden on serving the clientst. The aim of this literature review was to explore the efficacy of wound healing with modern wound care management in diabetic ulcers. Methods: A literature search using the Google Scholar database, Springer Link, Clinical Key, Pubmed and Proquest found 20 journal articles that match the criteria. Results: The majority of research results show the effectiveness of using modern clothing to heal diabetic wounds. Conclusion: Modern wound care dressings with the addition of complementary therapies have shown a more significant effect in accelerating diabetic wound healing.
Gambaran Excessive Daytime Sleepiness Mahasiswa Keperawatan Tingkat Akhir Firdausa Aminah Maharani; Artika Nurrahima
Holistic Nursing and Health Science Vol. 3, No. 2 (2020): November
Publisher : Master of Nursing, Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Diponegoro, Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.14710/hnhs.3.2.2020.30-37


Introduction: Excessive Daytime Sleepiness (EDS) was complained by nursing students last semester that can lead to worse health conditions, decreased learning ability, mood disorders, and motor vehicle accidents. The description of EDS prevalence is the basis of preventive efforts to prevent further effects of EDS which can affect quality of life. Research on the description of EDS based on the characteristics of respondents (age, sex, smoking, duration of sleep, consumption of sleeping pills, consumption of coffee, use of gadgets, and physical activity) has never been done. The purpose of this study was to determine the description of EDS of the final semester nursing students at a university.Methods: This research was descriptive quantitative research with survey method. The sample used was 109 respondents with a total sampling technique. Data collection online used an Epworth Sleepiness Scale (ESS) questionnaire. Data analysis was performed univariate to explain the overview of EDS in the form of frequency and percentage distributions.Results: The results showed that 40.4% of respondents experienced EDS with an ESS score ≥ 10. The incidence of EDS was more experienced by respondents aged 22 years (25.7%), women who were not menstruating (32.7%), did not smoke (38.5%), sleep duration 6-9 hours/day (32.1%), did not consume sleeping pills (40.4%), did not consume coffee (31.2%), used gadgets (38.5%), and physical activity < 3 times a week (23.7%).Conclusion: Students should pay attention to the need for sleep and avoid the factors that cause EDS to improve quality of life, optimize health and avoid the risk of accidents. 
Gambaran Tingkat Pengetahuan Mengenai Stroke pada Keluarga Pasien Pasca Stroke dengan Serangan Terakhir Kurang dari Satu Tahun: Literature Review Septeana Tria Adin Adila; Fitria Handayani
Holistic Nursing and Health Science Vol. 3, No. 2 (2020): November
Publisher : Master of Nursing, Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Diponegoro, Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.14710/hnhs.3.2.2020.38-49


Introduction: Stroke patients rely heavily on family on decision-making for health actions should be done. The family members were found to have attitudes that are not right in doing in-home care for it is associated with knowledge of family low. On other side, the family knowledge level would lead in readiness of taking care of family members suffering from stroke with better. Based on the variation of knowledge level and influence, the researchers are interested to do literature review regarding the level of stroke knowledge on the patients families after the stroke last less than 1 year. Methods: The study aimed to review stroke knowledge level on the patients families after the stroke last attack less than 1 year. This study was a literature review conducted based on the issue, methodology, similarities and proposal advanced research. Search articles used EBSCO, google scholar, SINTA (Science and Technology Index), science direct, clinical key, and Scopus with the publication of the last 5-10 years. Results: The result showed that level of knowledge of post-stroke patients families with the last attacked less than a year from the ten articles that have been analyzed, 6 articles majority was still low with the range 63,8%-100% and 4 articles was high knowledge with the range 58%-74%. The majority low level of knowledge 3 articles was from India. Factors that affect the level of family knowledge about stroke were the education provision, education level and age.Conclusion: The stroke knowledge level in patients families post-stroke with the attacks last less than 1 year, the majority still in the low category so that expected health workers especially the nurses in giving health education on patients and families.
Faktor- Faktor yang Mempengaruhi Depresi Anak Usia Sekolah: Kajian Literatur Iga Ayu Saputri; Artika Nurrahima
Holistic Nursing and Health Science Vol. 3, No. 2 (2020): November
Publisher : Master of Nursing, Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Diponegoro, Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.14710/hnhs.3.2.2020.50-58


Introduction: School-age children are a vulnerable group who have a high risk of experiencing psychosocial problems, one of which is depression. School-age children who experience depression have adverse effects, such as increasing the risk of committing suicide, being dragged into bad habits, and falling into alcohol abuse, or other drugs as a way to calm down to feel better. Depression is caused by several factors, by knowing these factors can be done to prevent depression in school-age children, so that the incidence of depression in school-age children can be minimized. This study aims to determine the factors that influence depression in school-age children.Methods: The method used in this research is the study of literature. Researchers reviewed 10 articles sourced from Google Scholar, Science Direct, and Springer Link with keywords risk factor, depression, and school-age children.Results: The results of the literature study indicate that the factors that influence depression in school-age children, namely the pressure experienced every day, the school environment, family environment, family finances, maternal depression, premature, and emotional intelligence.Conclusion: Further quantitative research on the factors that influence depression can provide a real picture of the causes of depression in school-aged children in Indonesia. 
Kajian Literatur: Perawatan Mulut sebagai Intervensi Pencegahan Ventilator-Associated Pneumonia pada Pasien Kritis Nindya Rachma Gardhika Sari; Reni Sulung Utami
Holistic Nursing and Health Science Vol. 3, No. 2 (2020): November
Publisher : Master of Nursing, Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Diponegoro, Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.14710/hnhs.3.2.2020.1-11


Introduction: Ventilator-Associated Pneumonia (VAP) is a nosocomial pneumonia which develops after the patient received 48 hours of mechanical ventilation intubation. VAP raises various problems such as prolong length of stay and ventilator time, increase treatment costs, and increase risk of death. Appropriate and effective oral care is one of the nursing interventions that can reduce the incidence of VAP. The aim of this study was to identify procedure of oral care for prevention of VAP in critical patients. Methods: This research method is a literature review. Literature is searched through electronic database such as EBSCOhost, Scopus, Science Direct, and Proquest. The inclusion criteria of article were randomized controlled trials or randomized clinical trial designs, evaluate oral care effects on the prevention of VAP in critically ill patients, full text articles and publication years from January 2013 to May 2020. Results: Search results found as many as 38 articles, but only 9 articles were eligible to be reviewed. This review indicate that oral care has a significant effect on the prevention of VAP. The combination of toothbrush and swab is the most appropriate equipment. Chlorhexidine 2% was the most influential solution in reducing the incidence of VAP, while the frequency of oral care was most effective when adjusted to the results of the Back Oral Assessment Score (BOAS). Conclusion: This result reinforces the use of chlorhexidine in the oral care of mechanically ventilated patients. Oral care assessment needs to be done by nurses to guide in determining the frequency of oral care.
Intervensi Non Farmakologi untuk Meningkatkan Kualitas Tidur Postpartum: Kajian Literatur Ratrika Sari; Anggorowati Anggorowati
Holistic Nursing and Health Science Vol. 3, No. 2 (2020): November
Publisher : Master of Nursing, Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Diponegoro, Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.14710/hnhs.3.2.2020.59-69


Introduction: Post-partum mothers experience an inadequate sleep quality, either because of new roles or changes during postpartum. The use of drugs in the postpartum period requires consideration because it is risky for both mother and baby, so non-pharmacological interventions are safer alternative choices. During the postpartum period, the mother also carries out her own care so that non-pharmacological interventions are needed because they can be doing by self. This literature review aims to know the types of non-pharmacological interventions to improve the sleep quality of postpartum mothers. Methods: This literature review search uses the database of Science Direct, PubMed, Google Scholar, EBSCO using the keywords "sleep quality, postpartum, intervention, nonpharmacology". The review involves 12 articles meeting the inclusion criteria. Results: The results of review founded some interventions including back massage, foot reflexology, auricular acupressure, pilates exercise, gymnastic aerobic, chamomile tea, lavender tea, orange peel essential oil, lavender aromatherapy, lavender cream, are significant nonpharmacological interventions to improving sleep quality in postpartum. Conclusion: The most improvement in sleep quality with foot reflexology so this intervention can be an option in nursing interventions in postpartum mother who experience sleep disorder.  
Kepuasan Pasien Stagnan di Instalasi Gawat Darurat (IGD) di Kupang Nana Rochana; Noeh Nuwa Djogotuga
Holistic Nursing and Health Science Vol. 3, No. 2 (2020): November
Publisher : Master of Nursing, Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Diponegoro, Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.14710/hnhs.3.2.2020.12-20


Introduction: The quality of nursing services in the Emergency Department was greatly affected by the high number of stagnant patients resulting in their satisfaction. However, limited evidence was shown about the satisfaction level of stagnant patients in the Emergency Department in Indonesia. This study aims to know the satisfaction level of stagnant patients on the services in an Kupang Emergency Department. Methods: The total sample in this study was 109 respondents recruited by an accidental sampling method. Data were taken using a questionnaire of Brief Emergency Department Patient Satisfaction Scale (BEPSS); and analyzed using descriptive statistics (frequency and percentage). Results: The results of this study showed that as many as 89% of stagnant patients were satisfied with Emergency Department's  services. The responsiveness dimension had the highest level of stagnant patient satisfaction (99.1%) compared to the tangible dimension (78.9%). The quality of service provided to stagnant patients in the emergency department should be improved especially on the tangible dimension though the majority of patients were happy with the service. Suggestion: This study suggests to the hospital to manage a comfortable ED surrounding to the patients.

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