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Holistic Nursing and Health Science
Published by Universitas Diponegoro
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Holistic Nursing and Health Science Journal (HNHS) (E-ISSN: 2622-4321) is an open access journal (e-journal). HNHS provides a forum for original research and scholarships relevant to nursing and other health-related professions. HNHS journal is published by Department of Master Nursing, Faculty of Medicine, Diponegoro University.
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Faktor Resiliensi pada Tunanetra Laki-laki Dewasa: Scooping review Ervia Kusumaningrum; Nur Setiawati Dewi; Megah Andriany
Holistic Nursing and Health Science Vol. 5, No. 1 (2022): June
Publisher : Master of Nursing, Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Diponegoro, Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.14710/hnhs.5.1.2022.84-95


Introduction: The prevalence of visually impaired in Indonesia has increased significantly every year. The visually impaired condition is often used by unscrupulous persons to become victims of criminal acts because of their powerlessness. Blind people need resilience to survive in the conditions experienced. There have been many studies on resilience in the blind in general, but none has specifically reviewed the visually impaired adult male. This study aims to reviewed resilience factors of visually impaired adult male.Methods: The researcher used the scoping review method to get a clear picture of resilience factors of the blind adult male. Literature search was carried out using search keywords visually impaired, resilience factors, adult male blind. The database used is Scopus, PUBMED and Google Scholar. Articles inclusion criteria are articles reviewed of publication in the last 10 years (2010-2020), full and specific text are available with research question about the resilience of male blind adult.Result: Based on the identification, there were 166 articles from search engines Scopus, PUBMED and Google Scholar. There were six articles that match the criteria after going through the selection process. Resilience has many factors such as the environment, family and individual. The researcher used the PEO question format (population, exposure, outcome) to find related research articles.Conclusion: Blind people have more serious challenges in building resilience, so further studies need to be done to make interventions to help build resilience for male blind adults.
Hubungan Peran Suami dan Social Culture dalam Pemberian ASI di Pekanbaru, Riau Yossi Yolanda Siregar; Widia Lestari; Oswati Hasanah
Holistic Nursing and Health Science Vol. 5, No. 1 (2022): June
Publisher : Master of Nursing, Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Diponegoro, Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.14710/hnhs.5.1.2022.54-65


Introduction: The low breastfeeding rate for infants is known to be influenced by the role of the husband and the social culture applied to a family. The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship between the role of husbands and social culture with breastfeeding in the Rejosari Health Center Work Area, Pekanbaru City.Methods: The research design is correlational with the research variables of husband's role, social culture, and breastfeeding. The sample in this study was 75 respondents with the criteria that the mother lived with the baby and husband, the mother was willing to be a respondent, the mother was physically and mentally healthy, and the mother was able to read and write using purposive sampling data collection techniques. The analysis in this study is a bivariate analysis using the Chi-square test.Results: As many as 56% of husbands have a low role in supporting breastfeeding and 44% of husbands have a high role in supporting exclusive breastfeeding. Based on social culture, there are 52.8% of mothers who behave positively but give non-exclusive breastfeeding. The results of statistical tests showed a significant relationship between the husband's role and breastfeeding with the results of p value (0.000) < (0.05), while the social culture variable with exclusive breastfeeding showed no significant relationship where the p value (0.183) > (0.05).Conclusion: The high role of husbands in supporting mothers can affect mothers in giving exclusive breastfeeding, while social culture does not have a significant relationship with exclusive breastfeeding.
Kajian Literatur: Massage untuk Peningkatan Kualitas Tidur pada Pasien Kritis Nindya Rachma Gardhika Sari; Reni Sulung Utami
Holistic Nursing and Health Science Vol. 5, No. 1 (2022): June
Publisher : Master of Nursing, Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Diponegoro, Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.14710/hnhs.5.1.2022.96-110


Introduction: Sleep disturbance is one of the complaints in criticaly illl patients and have an impact on the patient's physical and psychological condition. Research on the effect of massage therapy on sleep quality has been widely studied with various techniques and outcomes. This study aims to review the evidence regarding the location, equipment, dose and timing of massage that can improve sleep quality in critically ill patients.Methods: This research method is a literature review. Literature is searched through electronic database such as EBSCOhost, Scopus, Science Direct, ProQuest, Clinical Key, SpringerLink and Portal Garuda. The keywords used are massage, massages, reflexology,”pemijatan”, “pijat”, sleep, sleep disturbance, sleep deprivation, sleep apnea, sleep quality, quality of sleep, critical area, critical patients, intensive care unit, and ICU. The inclusion criteria of article was  an experimental research design that tested the effect of massage on improving sleep quality, full text articles and published from January 2011 to May 2021. Data were analyzed in a narrative manner and grouped according to the searched theme, namely location/area, equipment, dose and timing of massage.Results: Search results found 107 articles, but only 9 articles were eligible to be reviewed. The review indicate that massage has a significant effect on improving sleep quality. The combination of hand and valerian or lavender essential oil is the most appropriate way. Feet are the most numerous and effective area. Massage dose is once a day with repetitions for two consecutive days with a duration of 10-20 minutes and it carried out before bedtime.Suggestion: This result recommend the application of massage to improve the sleep quality of critically ill patients. However, massages which given to critically ill patients must be carried out by certified nurses or expert in massage.
Hubungan Peran Tim Pencegahan dan Pengendalian Infeksi (Tim PPI) dan Fasilitas Cuci Tangan dengan Kepatuhan Cuci Tangan Perawat Madya Sulisno; Devi Nurmalia; Bambang Edi Warsito; Ayu Miftahul Jannah; Sarah Ulliya; Agus Santoso; Muhammad Hasib Ardani
Holistic Nursing and Health Science Vol. 5, No. 1 (2022): June
Publisher : Master of Nursing, Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Diponegoro, Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.14710/hnhs.5.1.2022.23-33


Introduction: Health care associated infections (HCAIs) are infections that patients get during hospitalization. The most effective prevention of HCAIs is hand washing. Hand washing compliance behavior is still quite low. Nurses' hand washing compliance needs to be improved by optimizing the role of the Infection Prevention and Control Team (PPI team) and adequate hand washing facilities. Research related to the role of the PPI team and existing hand washing facilities still shows mixed results, therefore it is interesting to study.Methods: This study used a descriptive correlational design that aims to determine the relationship between the role of the PPI team and hand washing facilities with nurses' hand washing compliance. The research sample consisted of 204 nurses who were taken at simple random, data collection using questionnaires and observation sheets. The questionnaire consisted of 10 questions for the role of the PPI Team variable and 5 questions for the variable hand washing facilities and 11 statements for observing nurse handwashing compliance.Results: The results showed that nurses who obeyed hand washing were 88% and did not comply with 12%, the role of the PPI team performed well at 97.5% and not good 2.5% and the availability of hand washing facilities were considered good at 97.5% and not good 2,5%. The results of the Chi-Square test showed that there was a significant relationship between the role of the PPI team and nurses' hand washing compliance (P = 0.0001) and there was a significant relationship between the completeness of hand washing facilities and nurses' hand washing compliance (P = 0.007).Conclusion: Based on the results of this study, nurses are expected to be able to maintain and improve hand washing and transform these good habits for other health teams, patients, families, and visitors. In addition, the PPI team must continue to work optimally and the hospital can provide complete hand washing facilities
Kepatuhan Penggunaan Alat Pelindung Diri pada Petugas Kesehatan di Rumah Sakit melalui Pengembangan Metode Human Factor Design: Kajian Literatur Salsabila Nur Istigfari; Luky Dwiantoro
Holistic Nursing and Health Science Vol. 5, No. 1 (2022): June
Publisher : Master of Nursing, Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Diponegoro, Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.14710/hnhs.5.1.2022.111-124


Background: PPE noncompliance by health workers found in many hospitals due to knowledge, facilities, and environmental factors, increases the risk of nosocomial infections. Personal protective equipment (PPE) compliance for health workers is an important aspec of infection control and prevention. The purpose of this study is to identify the developments of human factor design’s method and its effectiveness in increasing PPE compliance for health workers based on a literature review.Methods: The method used in this paper is a literature review. Data was taken through journals obtained by searching Garuda Ristekdikti, Google Scholar, and Science Direct. Articles selected based on some criteria including: topics of PPE compliance among health workers at hospital, publication year 2012-2021, full text articles, and written in Indonesian or English.Results: Literature review of 6 articles, show that human factor design is one of the standard interventions that can be applied to improve the quality of human resources by considering 3 system domains including physical, cognitive, dan organizational. Increasing standard precautions and transmission through poster media, comprehensive education with edutainment videos, and controling by supervision can provide effectiveness in increasing PPE compliance for health workers in hospitals.Conclusion: It can be concluded that compliance with the use of PPE for health workers can be improved through human factor design program.
Gambaran Tingkat Spiritualitas Anggota Paduan Suara Mahasiswa Dhiva Putri Bestari; Sarah Ulliya; Madya Sulisno; Meidiana Dwidiyanti; Devi Nurmalia
Holistic Nursing and Health Science Vol. 5, No. 1 (2022): June
Publisher : Master of Nursing, Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Diponegoro, Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.14710/hnhs.5.1.2022.34-42


Introduction: Singing particularly in a choir, has effects on long-life health, better nutrition, and a better perception of quality of life and health and has a role in the recovery and healing process. The spirituality of the choir is closely related to the connections among the members, teammates, coaches, and with God. The purpose of this study was to describe the spiritual level of members of the choir.Methods: This study was a descriptive quantitative type and designed using the “Daily Spiritual Experience Scale” (DSES) questionnaire to determine the level of spirituality which is then analyzed univariately. Thera ware 50 respondents joint in thia research.  The research was conducted online through the “g-form” and analysed using univariate analysis. Results: A total of 50 respondents participated and 9 respondents (18%) had moderate spirituality levels and 41 respondents (82%) had high spirituality levels.Conclusion: The results of this study can be concluded that most of the Choir have high spirituality levels
Hubungan Dukungan Suami dengan Pemberian ASI Eksklusif Ribka Septiana Silaen; Riri Novayelinda; Ririn Muthia Zukhra
Holistic Nursing and Health Science Vol. 5, No. 1 (2022): June
Publisher : Master of Nursing, Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Diponegoro, Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.14710/hnhs.5.1.2022.1-10


Introduction: Husband support is an important factor that influences a mother's decision to give exclusive breastfeeding to their baby. Previous studies refer to the dimensions of husband's support, while research related to the relationship between husband's support and exclusive breastfeeding based on the husband's support component is still a little done and requires further research. The study aimed to examine the relationship of husband support needed by mothers with exclusive breastfeeding practice in the Simpang Tiga Health Care working area.Methods: The design of this study is a descriptive correlation with a cross-sectional study approach. The samples in this study were 89 participants taken using the purposive sampling technique with the inclusion criteria are mothers who are willing to be respondents, mothers who have babies aged 6 to 12 months, and mothers who have been given breast milk. Data analysis was performed by Chi-square test.Results: Main results distinguished that there is a relationship of husband support needed by mothers with exclusive breastfeeding practice p-value (0.015) < alpha (0.05). This is indicative that there is a significant relationship between husband support needed by mothers with exclusive breastfeeding practice.Conclusion: The husband's support needed by mothers has a relationship with exclusive breastfeeding practice. Husbands need to provide support to mothers during breastfeeding period because it can affect the amount of milk produced by mothers, affect the duration of exclusive breast feeding and affect the mother's choice of breastfeeding. 
Dampak dan Terapi Non-Farmakologis Periodontitis pada Ibu Hamil; Kajian Literatur Lia Arian Apriani; Lanny Sunarjo; Melyana Nurul Widyawati; Reza Indra Wiguna
Holistic Nursing and Health Science Vol. 5, No. 1 (2022): June
Publisher : Master of Nursing, Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Diponegoro, Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.14710/hnhs.5.1.2022.125-144


Introduction: According to WHO, periodontitis is a disease that affects about 20-50% of the world’s population. Periodontitis in pregnancy is often associated with poor pregnancy outcomes. Nowadays, periodontitis therapy is still giving antibiotics and mouth rinses (chlorhexidine) to reduce the dental plaque. However, these therapies have side effects in the form of antibiotic resistance, allergies and mouth irritation. Therefore, a non-conventional therapeutic that is more effective and safe is needed. Brown seaweed (Sargassum sp) is a promising alternative to its natural potential compounds as periodontitis therapy. The purpose of this study was to analyze the effect of Sargassum sp and the impact of periodontitis on pregnancy. Methods: This research is a systematic literature review by searching literature through various databases on; PubMed, Cochrane, ScienceDirect, and Google Scholar. The literature was examined in the span of 2015 to 2020. The criteria and keywords were; Sargassum and Periodontitis; Periodontitis and Pregnancy; Periodontal Disease and Pregnancy. Results: The results of this review found 12 articles that showed that periodontitis is one of the risk factors in pregnancy such as; preeclampsia, LBW, and premature. Furthermore, 9 other articles discussed the antibacterial and anti-inflammatory activity contained in Sargassum sp, which can inhibit the development of P.gingivalis and its virulence factors. Conclusion: The conclusion is metabolites of Sargassum sp “alginate” were able overcomed periodontitis in pregnancy. Thus, further research is expected to be able to intervene directly and analyze more broadly about the effect of Sargassum sp on periodontitis in pregnancy.
Hubungan Perilaku CERDIK terhadap Pengontrolan Tekanan Darah pada Lansia Hipertensi di Masa Pandemi COVID-19 Seprina Seprina; Herlina Herlina; Bayhakki Bayhakki
Holistic Nursing and Health Science Vol. 5, No. 1 (2022): June
Publisher : Master of Nursing, Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Diponegoro, Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.14710/hnhs.5.1.2022.66-73


Introduction: Most cases who suffer from hypertension are the elderly for that behavior is needed to control blood pressure, one of which is CERDIK behavior. CERDIK behavior consists of several lifestyles to improve and control health. So this study aims to find out how the relationship between CERDIK behavior on blood pressure control in the elderly during the COVID-19 pandemic.Methods: This study used a descriptive design with a cross sectional method. The sample in this study was 65 elderly people who were taken using purposive sampling and snowball sampling techniques. Data collection tools in this study were manual tensioner, stethoscope, and CERDIK Behavior questionnaire containing 19 questions that had been tested for validity (0.378-0.693) and reliability test (0.899). Inclusion criteria were respondents who were 60 years old, suffered from hypertension and were able to do physical activity. This research was conducted in Puskesmas Simpang Tiga, Pekanbaru City.Results: The results of this study indicate that majority elderly hypertensive people have cerdik behaviors good as many as 37 people (56.9%) and controlled arterial pressure of 35 people (53.8%). There is a significant relationship between cerdik behavior on blood pressure control with p values (0,005).Conclusion: As a result, it can be concluded that there is a significant relationship between cerdik behavior with control blood pressure in hypertension elderly during the Covid-19 period.
Perbandingan Tingkat Pengetahuan dan Sikap serta Praktik Pencegahan Skabies Pada Santri Pesantren di Banda Aceh dan Aceh Besar Cut Rahmatyawati; Asniar Asniar; Syarifa Atika
Holistic Nursing and Health Science Vol. 5, No. 1 (2022): June
Publisher : Master of Nursing, Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Diponegoro, Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.14710/hnhs.5.1.2022.11-22


Introduction: Inadequate knowledge, attitude, and personal hygiene behavior contribute to the prevalence of scabies among students living together at the dorm of Islamic Boarding School (IBS). Moreover, the differences in the schools located in urban and rural areas may also increase these vulnerabilities. This study aimed to compare the level of knowledge and attitudes with the practices of scabies prevention among students of Islamic Boarding School in Banda Aceh and Aceh Besar.Methods: This research used a comparative study design with a cross-sectional approach, involving 86 students in Banda Aceh and Aceh Besar selected by stratified random sampling method. Data was collected using a questionnaire measuring knowledge, attitude, and perceived practice of scabies prevention, which was developed from Bloom's theory, and previously tested its psychometric properties. Data were analyzed using Independent Sample T-Test and Mann Whitney-U Test.Results: Based on the results of the study, it was found that the students of Aceh Besar had a greater experience of scabies (27.9%) than the students of Banda Aceh (18.6%). In the practice of personal hygiene, it is known that more than 85% of students have the habit of exchanging towels which is a factor in the occurrence of scabies. The results indicated a significant difference in students' attitudes in preventing scabies (p-value 0.025). However, there were no significant differences in the level of knowledge (p-value 0.067), personal hygiene habits (p-value 0.055), and the frequency of personal hygiene activities of students (p-value 0.490 α=0.05) in preventing scabies.Conclusion: There is a significant difference in attitudes towards scabies prevention among students in Banda Aceh and Aceh Besar. It is necessary to perform alternate interventions for students in both locations to increase positive attitudes in preventing scabies.

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