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Jurnal Gizi Indonesia (The Indonesian Journal of Nutrition) Volume 1. Nomor 1. Desember 2005
Publisher : Department of Nutrition Science, Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Diponegoro

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (126.459 KB) | DOI: 10.14710/jgi.1.1.


ABSTRACT Background: The role of fish as nutrients source is very important because fish contains nutrients that to be required the body. Many markets in the city that prepare daily consumption should not become barrier for serving fish dish in family menu. Moreover Semarang city is harbour city; the fish is easy to be accessed in Semarang. But until this time role of fish in consumption of traditional food is rare because apart of population less recognize the advantage of fish. The objective of this study is to analize the relationship between income, mother's nutrition knowledge and fish stock at household level. Method: This cross sectional study was conducted to 75 mothers who be educated minimal the end of high school in Jagalan house of village-head, district of Center Semarang, Semarang city, taken by systematic random sampling. Data analyzing with Spearman correlation test. Result: Income/capita/month from mother/household ranged between Rp 99.000,00 until Rp 937.000,00. Stage of income/capita/month that more than equal with Regional Minimum Commision is 16%, less than Regional Minimum Commision is 84%. Score of mother's nutrition knowledge ranged between 50,0 until 100,0 with rate was 83,5. For category of good nutrition knowledge, the percentage is 66,7%, enough category 30,7% and less category 2,7%. For fish stock in household ranged between 0-1 times/day. For category of less stock as much as 29,3%, enough category 53,3% and good category 17,3%. Correlation coefficient for income/capita/month was 0,284 (ρ value 0,014). For mother's nutrition knowledge, correlation coefficient was 0,466 (ρ value 0,000). Conclusion: The higher mother’s Income/capita/month and nutrition knowledge, the higher fish stock in household. Keyword: Income, nutrition knowledge, mother, fish stock, household. ABSTRAK Latar Belakang: Peranan ikan sebagai bahan penyedia gizi sangatlah penting karena ikan mengandung zat-zat gizi yang sangat dibutuhkan tubuh. Banyaknya pasar di Kota Semarang yang menyediakan kebutuhan sehari-hari, seharusnya sudah bukan merupakan halangan untuk penyajian hidangan ikan dalam menu keluarga. Apalagi Kota Semarang merupakan kota pelabuhan, ikan mudah didapatkan. Namun sampai saat ini peran ikan dalam konsumsi pangan tradisional masih kecil karena sebagian penduduk kurang mengenal manfaat ikan. Tujuan penelitian untuk menganalisis hubungan pendapatan, pengetahuan gizi ibu dengan ketersediaan ikan di tingkat rumah tangga. Metode: Penelitian menggunakan metode penelitian survei masyarakat, jenis penelitian analitik, pendekatan waktu cross sectional. Pelaksanaan penelitian bulan September-Oktober 2004. Analisis data dengan uji korelasi Spearman. Populasi adalah ibu yang berpendidikan minimal tamat SLTA di Kelurahan Jagalan, Kecamatan Semarang Tengah, Kota Semarang (305 orang) dengan sampel sebanyak 75 orang. Hasil: Pendapatan/kapita/bulan ibu/rumah tangga bervariasi dari Rp 99.000,00 - Rp 937.000,00. Tingkat pendapatan/kapita/bulan yang >UMR persentasenya 16%, yang <UMR 84%. Nilai pengetahuan gizi ibu tentang ikan berkisar antara 50,0-100,0 dengan nilai rata-rata 83,5. Untuk kategori pengetahuan gizi baik, persentasenya 66,7%, kategori cukup 30,7% dan kategori kurang 2,7%. Untuk ketersediaan ikan tingkat rumah tangga, berkisar antara 0-1 kali/hari. Untuk kategori ketersediaan kurang ada 29,3%, kategori cukup 53,3% dan kategori baik 17,3%. Hasil uji korelasi Spearman untuk pendapatan/kapita/bulan diperoleh nilai rs=0,284 (p=0,014). Untuk pengetahuan gizi ibu tentang ikan diperoleh nilai rs=0,466 (p=0,000). Simpulan: Semakin tinggi pendapatan/kapita/bulan dan pengetahuan gizi ibu tentang ikan akan makin tinggi ketersediaan ikan di rumah tangga Kata kunci: Pendapatan, pengetahuan gizi, ibu, ketersediaan ikan, rumah tanggaPermalink:
Jurnal Gizi Indonesia (The Indonesian Journal of Nutrition) Volume 1. Nomor 1. Desember 2005
Publisher : Department of Nutrition Science, Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Diponegoro

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.14710/jgi.1.1.


ABSTRACT School feeding program is believed to be one effort among others to improve attendance rate, nutritional status and cognitive function of school children, which in turn improve academic performance of them. A study was conducted to evaluate a school feeding program using rice-pea beverage in Bandung, Indonesia. Its objective is to measure effect of the program on attendance rate, nutritional status, cognitive function and academic performance of the children joining the program. A control group design was administered. A number of students of class 3,4 and 5 from schools joining the feeding program were selected as program group, and more or less same number of school children in other schools with similar socio-economic situation were selected as control group. The feeding program was organized for 6 months. Attendance rate was measured by number of absentees, total and due to sickness in one semester. Nutritional status was standardized using WHO-NCHS z-score for weight-for-age (WAZ) and height-for-age (HAZ). Cognitive function was measured by Coloured Progressive Matrices (CPM), and score of Mathematics and Indonesian Language (Bahasa Indonesia) were measured using specific scholastic testings. School and home learning environment, certain food consumption frequencies were collected as covariates. GLM analyses were administered. The study found that after being controlled by some covariates, at the end of the study children in the program group showed better attendance rate, nutritional status, cognitive function and school performance. It is assumed that the improvement was due to better attendance rate as the program attracted the children to attend more days in the schools and due to improvement of food consumption provided by the program and at home. More in-depth, more specific and longer study, administering randomized case-control trial is recommended. Comparison of the use of foodstuffs for the purpose is also interesting to be studied. Permalink :

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