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Kawalu: Journal of Local Culture
ISSN : 23391065     EISSN : 24604313     DOI : -
Kawalu: Journal of Local Culture is an interdisciplinary journal that explores the history, politics, economics, linguistics, sociology and anthropology of world’s local culture. The journal brings together original and innovative articles which deploy interdisciplinary and comparative research methods add also welcomes progress reports on research projects, fieldwork notes, book reviews, and notes on conferences. Kawalu: Journal of Local Culture is published by Laboratorium Bantenologi, State Islamic University (UIN) Sultan Maulana Hasanuddin Banten in June and December each year. The journal accepts articles in English and Indonesia.
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Articles 90 Documents
Local Politics and the Formation of Sub-National Imagined Communities: Metera, Gde Dwitya Arief
Kawalu: Journal of Local Culture Vol 2 No 1 (2015): January - June 2015
Publisher : Laboratorium Bantenologi UIN Sultan Maulana Hasanuddin Banten

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This essay looks at two cases of cyber citizen organizations namely Tabanan Lovers and Buleleng jengah. The two cyber citizen organizations emerged from some initiatives to organize members of Facebook community who come from the same hometown, namely Tabanan and Buleleng regency in Bali. In their later development, the two Facebook groups evolve into a space as well as a medium for the cyber citizens to voice their critical political aspiration. Early observation shows that the two groups share similar characteristic of becoming “imagined communities” mediated by not necessarily print media, but instead social media like Facebook. A question that this essay would like to suggest as a future research agenda is what necessitates the formation of these “subnational imagined communities” which takes place at the regency level and not at provincial level? Through tracing the history of their conception and through online participatory observation, this essay aims at providing a preliminary discussion to help illuminate the formation of these two sub-national “imagined communities”. More specifically, the discussion points to a link connecting local politics of pilkada and the formation of Tabanan Lovers and Buleleng jengah. Keywords: Local Politics, Tabanan, Bali, Buleleng Jengah 
Micro-, Macro-, and Meta-Cosmos of Keduk Beji Ritual: Harmonising the “Un-/Living”Creatures Endriastuti, Annysa; Kusumo, Eko
Kawalu: Journal of Local Culture Vol 3 No 1 (2016): January - June 2016
Publisher : Laboratorium Bantenologi UIN Sultan Maulana Hasanuddin Banten

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The process of how Javanese life worksin harmony with these three core relationships namely: human relations (microcosm), relationship with nature (macrocosm), and relationship with God (metacosm)is the main focus of this study. The people of Tawun District, Ngasreman, Ngawi, East Java,as the object of this study are likely to offer so much understanding, and indeed provide still, today, a harmonious concept of livingmanifested in the ritual ceremony of Keduk Beji (English: Beji scoop). This study then examines howthe construction of microcosm, macrocosm, and metacosm among Tawunpeople’sritual tradition of Keduk Bejiis put to work. The constructions are built upon the need for continuity and harmony in life. For the conclusion, this article’s preliminary result of the three relationships is centered on the relationship of metacosm as the last objectives of mankind before dealing withthe death. To fully support this field research article, a qualitative method is used to fully comprehend the analysis. Keywords: Microcosm, Macrocosm, Metacosm, Harmony, Keduk Beji
The Historical Roots and Identities of Local Strongmen Groups in Indonesia Yanwar Pribadi
Kawalu: Journal of Local Culture Vol 2 No 1 (2015): January - June 2015
Publisher : Laboratorium Bantenologi UIN Sultan Maulana Hasanuddin Banten

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This paper deals with the historical roots and identities, nature and characteristics of local strongmen groups in Indonesia, and aspects of violence in Indonesia. In the rural colonial Java, there were rampok-bandits and jago groups; whereas today in Banten there are jawara groups and elsewhere in Indonesia people commonly recognized preman groups. In this paper I will focus on these four groups: rampok-bandits (or bandits), jago, jawara, and preman. These groups are parts of the long-established strongmen groups that have characterized Indonesian history. Among the questions addressed are: what is the origin and what are the characteristics of local strongmen groups in society? How does violence embody in the way of life of local strongmen groups? What is their position in society? How do they characterize local cultures in their place of origin? Keywords: Rampok-bandits, Jago, Jawara, Preman, Violence
Cultural Negotiation through Food Wiratri, Amorisa
Kawalu: Journal of Local Culture Vol 4 No 1 (2017): January - June 2017
Publisher : Laboratorium Bantenologi UIN Sultan Maulana Hasanuddin Banten

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Food is one of the common ways for one culture to penetrate an-other culture through migrants. Chinese migrants in Indonesia have in-troduced their food culture to Indonesians for some centuries and now Indonesians might find it difficult to recognize whether they are now lo-cal, fusion or Chinese food. The acceptance of Chinese food in Indonesia serves an example on how soft diplomacy and culture negotiation has completely succeeded. Chinese food has already blended with Indonesian culture and Indonesians nowadays are acquainted with. This study will use literature as main resources. Historical and anthropological approach will be used in analyzing the data. This paper tries to focus on three mains issues, which are the history of Chinese migration in Indonesia, the his-tory and acculturation of Chinese food in Indonesia and culture nego-tiation through food. In conclusion, the acceptance of Chinese food in Indonesia culture is part of the success of soft diplomacy and culture negotiation between Chinese migrants and Indonesian leads to the per-mission of other form of diplomacy.Keywords: Chinese, cultural negotiation, soft diplomacy, food
Jelmane To To Dogen: Genealogi Kekerasan dan Perjuangan Subaltern Bali I Ngurah Suryawan
Kawalu: Journal of Local Culture Vol 2 No 2 (2015): July - December 2015
Publisher : Laboratorium Bantenologi UIN Sultan Maulana Hasanuddin Banten

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (177.35 KB) | DOI: 10.32678/kawalu.v2i2.752


The long history of violence and the making of Balinese cultural politics have marginalized the narratives of some segments of society who are excluded and defeated by power. Their small narratives lie in the periphery of the discourse of the preservation of Balinese cultural politics. In contrast, according to their testimony their power relation is captured in the history of violence and Balinese cultural construction. These subaltern groups have become victims, but subsequently struggle, and that with their own ways they have lived their own life in a hard way. The genealogy of violence has become the foundation of the establishment of Balinese culture inherited from colonial times. The genealogy is created in a number of events showing how the Balinese struggle to survive in the midst of terror. I Nyoman Nambreg and I Ketut Sorog are one of them. They become the only living eyewitnesses of the most tragical event in their life. This article argues that the construction of Balinese cultural politics has become the essence of culture. Therefore, by making use of subaltern studies, the narratives outside power with post–colonial perspectives will produce sharp and humanist analysis in observing the power of the genealogy of violence and Balinese cultural politics. Keywords: Genealogy of Violence, Violence, Subaltern, Cultural Politics, Survivor.
Notes on Conference Laboratorium Bantenologi
Kawalu: Journal of Local Culture Vol 3 No 2 (2016): July - December 2016
Publisher : Laboratorium Bantenologi UIN Sultan Maulana Hasanuddin Banten

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Kamus Basa Sunda Pertama dari Banten: Sejarah Kamus Basa Sunda Abad ke-19
Past and Present: Momentous Events that Shape the Indigenous Moroneno of Bombana District, Indonesia Omar Pidani
Kawalu: Journal of Local Culture Vol 4 No 1 (2017): January - June 2017
Publisher : Laboratorium Bantenologi UIN Sultan Maulana Hasanuddin Banten

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This research paper aims at providing a review of the literature and media coverage on the ethno-history of the Indigenous Moronene community. Thus far, there are less than a handful of sources on the ethno-linguistic identity and society that spread across the Rumbia Plain, Polea or Poleangcoastal regionand Kabaena Island in the District of Bombana, Indonesia. The review consists of the major events, which introduced external shocks to different parts of the Moronene society. It begins with the history of the ethnic settlement on the mainland of Southeast Celebes, locus of its ethno-linguistic relations with other ethnicgroups in Celebes and important ethnical structures and attributes. Furthermore, it continues with a description of the time line of major events that affect the society from the moment the country gained its independency in 1945 until the present time. We argue that ethnic and linguistic characteristics as well as these major events shape not only people’s collective actions and memory, but also their current identity, structure and patterns of social and environmental relationships. Linking this information into discussion of current social and development issues in the region is therefore a necessity.Keywords: Ethno-Linguistics, Indigenous, Moronene, Southeast Celebes
Sundanese Sufi and Religious Diversity in the Archipelago: The Pluralistic Vision of Haji Hasan Mustapa (1852-1930) Rohmana, Jajang A
Kawalu: Journal of Local Culture Vol 3 No 2 (2016): July - December 2016
Publisher : Laboratorium Bantenologi UIN Sultan Maulana Hasanuddin Banten

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The paper aims to analyze moderate understanding of Haji Hasan Mustapa on religious diversity in the archipelago. He is a greatest Sundanese poet who has studied in Mecca and served as Hoofd Penghulu of Kotaraja Aceh and Bandung in the colonial era. This study is focused on sufism and religious diversity, Mustapa’s scholarship, and on his pluralistic vision, using intertextual studies and semantic analysis. This research argues that Mustapa has tolerance and moderate understanding similarly with Ibn ‘Arabi’s thought. He uses kernel and husk as symbolic images which expressed using natural richness of Sundanese culture for demonstrating his religious conviction that rasa is the kernel of all religions. This study is significant for strengthening the discourse of religious pluralism from sufi perspective in the archipelago which cannot be separated from the chain of Islamic intellectual network. This research has also a significant impact on Chittick’s assumption about the depth of sufi poetry which mostly reveal their tolerance views on religious diversity living in harmony. Keywords: poetry, sufism, Sunda, religious diversity
Identitas yang Terpecah dan Peluang Transformasi Sosial Budaya di Tanah Papua I Ngurah Suryawan
Kawalu: Journal of Local Culture Vol 2 No 1 (2015): January - June 2015
Publisher : Laboratorium Bantenologi UIN Sultan Maulana Hasanuddin Banten

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Artikel ini mendiskusikan kahadiran modernitas melalui program-program pembangunan dan investasi berimplikasi serius terhadap imajinasi atas identitas diri dan kebudayaan orang Papua. Introduksi modernitas memberikan peluang bagi orang Papua untuk memikirkan gerakan transformasi identitas sosial budayanya. Namun, di tengah identitas yang terpecah itulah justru kompleksitas gerakan transformasi sosial budaya itu terjadi.Artikel ini berargumentasi bahwa kompleksitas permasalahan yang terjadi di Tanah Papua harusnya diuraikan terlebih dahulu untuk mengidentitasikan gerakan transformasi sosial budaya yang memungkinkan untuk dilakukan. Keywords: Identitas, Gerakan, Transformasi sosial budaya, Imajinasi, Kompleksitas
Kiai vis a vis Media Logic: Khaeroni, Khaeroni
Kawalu: Journal of Local Culture Vol 3 No 1 (2016): January - June 2016
Publisher : Laboratorium Bantenologi UIN Sultan Maulana Hasanuddin Banten

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Internet becomes an integral part of current Indonesian society’s life. Meanwhile, the figure of kiai clearly cannot be separated from the history of Indonesian socio-religious life up until recently. Both the kiai and Internet are inseparable parts of current Indonesian social reality, in which, each of them possessed their particular share of power and ran according their own logics. Focusing on the case of Pandalungan Muslims community, where the kiai’s authority is greatly acknowledged, this paper will shed the lights on the logic behind those two powers and the contestation (for authority) occurred between them. This paper concludes that the logic of the kiai-ness is the logic of culture and media logic is in the logic of culture. This made the kiais’ authority is still standing strong in current media life. Keywords: Kiai, Internet, Pandalungan, Authority, Media Logic