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Sistem Pendukung Keputusan Fuzzy Mamdani pada Alat Penyiraman Tanaman Otomatis Munjiat Setiani Asih
Query: Journal of Information Systems VOLUME: 02, NUMBER: 01, APRIL 2018
Publisher : Program Studi Sistem Informasi

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In the gardening activities that cannot be separated from the activities of watering plants. Almost everyone is still doing the activity of watering the plants manually, by watering the plants one by one is time-consuming enough and wasting energy. Watering plants is an activity that is always done every day by almost everyone that has plants at home, office and elsewhere. The activity of watering the plants manually can not know how much water is needed by the plant so that many plants die of excess water. With the development of technology provides ease of  watering plants. Technological advances include automatic plant watering, automatic plant watering equipment utilizing micro controller as a circuit brain that processes the entire series to be used for watering plants. Knowledge of fuzzy mamdani can be used as a reference when the plants watered or not to take the value of soil moisture and air temperature, so the need for water plants can be met.Keywords: automatic, air temperature, soil moisture, fuzzy mamdani
Penerapan Cloud Computing Pada Sistem Reservasi Homestay Dieng Berbasis Web Rusydi Umar, Alan Fajar Sudrajat
Query: Journal of Information Systems Volume: 01, Number: 02, October 2017
Publisher : Program Studi Sistem Informasi

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Homestay is one of the places needed as lodging facilities in the tourist area. In recent years, lodging business is greatly increasing. Business lodging in Dieng is one of the promising venture business' due to the increasing number of the tourists who interested to visit the tourist  places in Dieng and they need the hotel services. However, there are some managers who are unable to promote their lodging through the internet. Therefore, this research will make a software as a service in a cloud computing, regarding the Homestay Reservation System service in order to make the managers able to promote their homestay to public through the internet and it will make customers able to make a reservation through the software. This software was made by following waterfall paradigm in software engineering, start from analysis, design, implementation and testing. Testing result showed that the application deserved to be used.Keywords: information, cloud computing, homestay, reservation
Kombinasi RSA-CRT dengan Random LSB untuk Keamanan Data di Kanwil Kementerian Agama Prov. Sumatera Utara Niti Ravika Nasution
Query: Journal of Information Systems Volume: 01, Number: 01, April 2017
Publisher : Program Studi Sistem Informasi

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In this study the authors use Cryptographic Algorithms Rivest Shamir Adleman Chinese Remainder Theorem (RSA-CRT) and steganography technique Random Least Significant Bits (LSB). RSA-CRT is basically the same as usual, but utilizing RSA CRT theorem to shorten the bit size decryption exponent d by hiding d on congruent systems that accelerate time decryption, the difference in the key generation process and the decryption process. Cryptographic algorithm RSA-CRT produce ciphertext stored into a picture (image) using Steganography technique Random Least Significant Bits (LSB). The workings of Random LSB is storing the message (ciphertext) in the first bit or the second bit random key for use random number generator Pseudo Random Number Generator (PRNG) with Linear Congruential Generator (LCG) method. Ciphertext stored in a picture  (image) has extracted key re-use random number generator at the time of inserting the message. Then the ciphertext is decrypted back by the algorithm RSA-CRT to produce the original text (plaintext). Merging Cryptographic Algorithm RSA-CRT with Steganography Technique Simple  LSB than with Random LSB generate higher PSNR and MSE is lower, which means better level of data security and more resistant to attack. Has more difficult to find a secret message by cryptanalysis and steganalyst.
Aplikasi Pembelajaran Unified Modeling Language Berbasis Computer Assisted Instruction Hasdiana Hasdiana; Hasanul Fahmi
Query: Journal of Information Systems VOLUME: 02, NUMBER: 02, OCTOBER 2018
Publisher : Program Studi Sistem Informasi

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Unified Modeling Language (UML) is one of the important materials in the analysis and design of information systems. UML is used in designing or modeling the system. UML has some form of diagram that is grouped in several aspects based on a different view. Forms of the diagram are illustrated by different functions and notations. This makes UML difficult to understand considering that time in the classroom is very limited. Therefore, it is necessary to design a learning aid based Computer Assisted Instruction (CAI). Interactive application interface helps students understand the learning materials. Students can learn independently wherever and whenever they need. The results of this study can be utilized for the development of teaching materials, especially about modeling the system with UML. Keywords: Learning, Computer Assisted Instruction, Unified Modeling Language 
Segmentasi Perilaku Pembelian Pelanggan Berdasarkan Model RFM dengan Metode K-Means Siti Monalisa
Query: Journal of Information Systems VOLUME: 02, NUMBER: 01, APRIL 2018
Publisher : Program Studi Sistem Informasi

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This study aims to measure customer purchase behavior by using RFM model with K-Means, silhouette Index method. Using historical data by Cendana Perdana Perkasa Distributor to data this study. The company has never to measured customer buy behavior by this model. The results of this study showed that there 3 cluster with 0,589 silhouette Index. Based on the highest silhouette Index then the cluster is divided into 3 segment with some segments 1 is 57 customers, segment 2 is 257 customers and segment 3 is 8 customers. The best purchase value is segment 3 with symbolized byR↓F↑M↑ that means this segment has high frequency and monetary as well as low regency. The segment has potential customers for the future. The worst purchase value is segment 1 withv symbolised byR↑F↓M↓ that means this segment has low-frequency and monetary as well as high regency. The segment has an unclear or uncertain customer will be a potential customer. Keywords: Customer Purchase Behavior, K-Means, RFM and Silhoutte Index
Pemanfaatan Telegram Sebagai Notifikasi Serangan untuk Keperluan Forensik Jaringan Jefree Fahana, Rusydi Umar, Faizin Ridho
Query: Journal of Information Systems Volume: 01, Number: 02, October 2017
Publisher : Program Studi Sistem Informasi

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Cyber attacks are a serious threat to network security, especially in routers that result in termination of connections, missing configurations that affect all communications and transactions between networks become impeded by the loss of many parties. The first step to do is to design and build an attack detection system that is Intrusion Detection System (IDS). The use of snort is useful for recording Distributed Danial of Services (DDoS) attacks as well as traffic data stored on the router stored in the log and forwarded to the instant messaging telegram application as a notification to alert the administrator. A telegram can be used not only as a notification but can also be used as a network forensic stage to strengthen evidence of an attack as a process of data collection for the purposes of the trial. The results showed that by utilizing Instant Messaging Telegram by designing wake Application (App) notification using PHP programming language able to detect attacks by using existing rules on snort and can serve as the basis of evidence of an attack. Keywords: Telegram, Intrusion Detection System (IDS), Snort, Network Forensics, DDoS. 
Perangkat Lunak Perhitungan Perubahan Jabatan Dengan Menggunakan Fuzzy Analytical Hierarchy Process (studi kasus : UIN Sunan Ampel Surabaya) Ilham .
Query: Journal of Information Systems Volume: 01, Number: 01, April 2017
Publisher : Program Studi Sistem Informasi

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This study discusses the promotion in an institution by considering many factors, and the submission must be conducted objectively, not subjectively. To be able to give an objective assessment results in every employee by considering all the assessment criteria, one of the methods that can be used is the method of Fuzzy Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP). From the results of research using Fuzzy Analytical Hierarchy Process method showed that the greatest weight virmansyah discount the value that is equal to 80.78 so a great opportunity to get a change or a promotion. Decision to change positions, it gives the rank order value candidates as a recommendation for promotion to employees. So with the Decision Support System with Analytical Hierarchy Process  method can help and facilitate career planning manager (sale or transfer) to save time, costs, and more objective.
Implementasi Algoritma Boyer Moore Pada Aplikasi Kamus Istilah Kebidanan Berbasis Web Rizky Ivan Darmawan; Anif Hanifa Setianingrum; Arini Arini
Query: Journal of Information Systems VOLUME: 02, NUMBER: 01, APRIL 2018
Publisher : Program Studi Sistem Informasi

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The lack of understanding in obstetrics and limit of instructional media has become one of the factors in the making of dictionary application of midwifery. The current dictionary is still a thick book with many terms in it and difficult to use. dictionary midwifery terms have a weakness in the search process, because users should search for words and terms manually by opening pages per page on the dictionary and existing data could not be changed.Keywords: Algorithm, Boyer Moore, Midwifery Dictionary.
Pengembangan Media Pembelajaran Technical English Berbasis Digital Dharmawati Dharmawati, Sumi Khairani, Diana Suita
Query: Journal of Information Systems Volume: 01, Number: 02, October 2017
Publisher : Program Studi Sistem Informasi

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This research is conducted based on the problem in teaching learning process of technical English for civil engineering in STT Harapan Medan. The use of lecturer method, copied and printed teaching material make the students unmotivated to learn English. The solution for this problem, it is needed to develop learning media based on CAI  (Computer Aided Instruction). The objective of this research is developing digital English media designed for civil engineering students. This research conducted qualitative method using Development Research methodology, it is used Four D Model.  Case of this research in STT Harapan Medan. The result of this research is the application of digital teaching materials in learning technical English, especially in grammar in civil engineering class. The digital teaching materials for grammar was designed by using SOM application and the exercise was designed by using cartoon story maker. Keywords:  Computer Aided Instruction, Multimedia
Penggunaan Media e-Learning Berbasis Edmodo Dalam Pembelajaran English for Business Dharmawati .
Query: Journal of Information Systems Volume: 01, Number: 01, April 2017
Publisher : Program Studi Sistem Informasi

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The use of edmodo in learning English for Business was aimed to described the use of edmodo in teaching learning English for Business. The subject of this research was the second semester of Information System students in STT Harapan Medan. This research was research and development and the method was qualitative research and the data used was observation among English lecturer and students. The result of this research was classroom interaction among English lecture and students in edmodo application, teaching learning English for Business become interesting and students were active to use their English because the lecturer push them to use English in writing comments, message and also when they had presentation infront of the class. However, there were some students’ mistakes when they wrote comments, and also when they had English presentation.