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E-Leges: Sistem Legalisir Ijazah Berbasis Online Pada Fakultas Tarbiyah dan Keguruan UIN Ar-Raniry Nur Andula; Bustami Yusuf
Query: Journal of Information Systems VOLUME: 02, NUMBER: 02, OCTOBER 2018
Publisher : Program Studi Sistem Informasi

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Printed documents such as diplomas and transcripts are very easy to do by imitating the form and content of the document. Such fraudulent practices are often passed from the monitoring of the authorities, this is because the agency's diploma checking system still uses manual methods. FTK UINAR, where the legalized certification checking system still uses manual way, so it is possible for irresponsible people to cheat such as forgery of diploma. Based on the problem, required an alternative system that can provide solutions to the problem. The system is a web based system and provide a computerized legalization service. Quick Response (QR) code will be used to facilitate verification of authenticity of the diploma for the institution of diploma user. The development methods that use in this research is prototype method. The result of the research is in the form of online legal certification system system by utilizing QR Code as the service system of alumni for legalizing diploma and transcript, which consists of database design and system design using Unified Modeling Language (UML), as well as the design of the legalized system based diploma online.Keywords: The legalized, Quick Response (QR) Code, Unified Modeling Language (UML), prototype method.
Aplikasi Pemilihan Bibit Budidaya Ikan Air Tawar dengan Metode MOORA – Entropy Muhammad Ashari, Arini, Fitri Mintarsih
Query: Journal of Information Systems Volume: 01, Number: 02, October 2017
Publisher : Program Studi Sistem Informasi

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At the beginning of the start of the business of breeding fish selection of freshwater fish cultivation becomes a difficult thing to do. The results of interviews with the Center for Research and Development of Freshwater Aquaculture said that there are 8 factors that influence the selection of freshwater fish cultivation seeds, namely temperature, water pH, location, elevation, dissolved oxygen, pond area, the ideal length of enlargement, feeding easier, fish. This research uses Decision Support System with Multi Objective Optimization By Ratio Analysis (MOORA) method as ranking and Entropy as weighting. The incorporation of the MOORA and Entropy methods gives the recommendation result by combining the objective system's subjective and subjective weights. It used priority criteria with temperature value 0,222, water pH 0,194, Eatability 0,111, community interest toward fish 0,055, dissolved oxygen 0,138, land height 0,167, ideal length of fish enlargement 0,027, and pool area 0,083 produce catfish as the best alternative of fish breeder water with value -0.1009.Keywords: Information, fish, DSS,  MOORA, Entropy
Aplikasi Persebaran Peserta BPJS Kesehatan di Sumatera Utara Berbasis Pemetaan Arie Rafika Dewi, Septiana Dewi Andriana, Eka Rahayu
Query: Journal of Information Systems Volume: 01, Number: 01, April 2017
Publisher : Program Studi Sistem Informasi

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Health is the most crucial thing in the life of society, for that in every country must have a responsible institution in that case. Indonesian has an institution in charge of health. BPJS Kesehatan is a social insurance provider body established by the Indonesian government to give health insurance for the society. BPJS Kesehatan is a government-run social security agency that providing health insurance for the society. In accordance with vision of the BPJS Kesehatan that is Coverage Universe 2019, the entire population of Indonesian must have a national health insurance before January 1 2019. Therefore, it is necessary to mapping that can cover the subject, so that BPJS Kesehatan will be easier in prioritizing any regency or city in Indonesia (especially in North Sumatra) have given socialization first. These districts and cities would be informed of the benefits of health care and protection in meeting basic health needs organized by BPJS Kesehatan. Mapping has done using ArcView GIS.
Desain Antar Muka Sistem e-Learning Berbasis Web Rusydi Umar; Anton Yudhana; Ockhy Jey Fhiter Wassalam
Query: Journal of Information Systems VOLUME: 02, NUMBER: 01, APRIL 2018
Publisher : Program Studi Sistem Informasi

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Computer-based learning is now widely used in various schools both high school and college. The use of such computers can use of computers as aids in teaching and learning process. Along with advances in science and technology the teaching and learning process have demanded not only indoors in the form of face-to-face, but people can learn anytime and anywhere. One of the models that  used for this purpose is e-learning based learning model. But to use the model must be available media. With e-learning system to study online courses. Through this system, students can more easily access course syllables, course modules, assignments and many other information reinforced by lecturers in the e-learning system so students can access them easily, when and wherever. All announcements of syllabus, module, task and announcement in lecturer by lecturer of e-learning system. With these systems, will form learning between faculty and students in addition to face to face in the lecture hall. With such interaction, it is sure to enrich the learning system and improve the quality of education. Which have been  in demand and delivery according to the learning needs. Results and implementation show the system works well.Keywords: E-Learning system, web-based, learning-teaching system. 
Pengenalan Multi Wajah Berdasarkan Klasifikasi Kohonen SOM Dioptimalkan dengan Algoritma Discriminant Analysis PCA Amir Mahmud Husein, Mawaddah Harahap
Query: Journal of Information Systems Volume: 01, Number: 02, October 2017
Publisher : Program Studi Sistem Informasi

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Face recognition is a process of identification with the image has variations changeable can be recognized, needs a method of optimization to minimize computational time by not affecting the classification results. This research proposes a face recognition system are directly based on Kohonen SOM classification that optimized by the method of Discriminant Analysis based Principal Component Analysis (PCA). Evaluation of PCA’s extraction performance uses two approaches, first the LDA method to optimize PCA issues of the election of irrelevant features of the dataset and the second approach is to apply a kernel function on the LDA (KDA), the results of both approaches are applied on face image classification for Kohonen directly. The testing is two phases, the first stage is testing with a single image of a face and then multi face. Based on the results of testing one face image, both of the approached feature extraction that proposed is very accurately be applied to the classification of the Kohonen SOM with the accurate value of the second approach PCA-KDA is more accurate with 94.22% and the first approach 93.91%, however on the first approach is faster than the second approach with the accurate value of time 0.4 seconds for PCA-LDA and 0.5 seconds to PCA-KDA to one image of the face, but while testing of multi face more two images the result is not significant. Keywords: Face recognition, Feature extraction, Kohonen SOM.
Data Hiding Through Media Audio Sumi Khairani
Query: Journal of Information Systems Volume: 01, Number: 01, April 2017
Publisher : Program Studi Sistem Informasi

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Audio watermarking can use with various ways. Firstly, it have used for proving of ownership, production of information, copyright information in a form of a watermark, and it have routed directly in the recording. Specific owners have different insertion information. It can also be used for controlling access, watermark becomes a trigger to play music. Keeping track of unauthorized copies is a very important application. Personal information have inserted into the music. It used as numbers for customers to discover music.
Analisis dan Perancangan e-Inventory Instrumen Perkuliahan pada STT Harapan Medan Tantri Hidayati Sinaga; Eka Rahayu
Query: Journal of Information Systems VOLUME: 02, NUMBER: 02, OCTOBER 2018
Publisher : Program Studi Sistem Informasi

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Instrument of lecturing is an important component in teaching and learning process in college. The condition of the lecture instrument was absolutely essential for supervision process and maintenance to ensure every inventory works well and available to support teaching and learning processes, both in the classroom and computer labs. The inventory control process should be done at any time and can speed up the handling process for inventory improvements. The purpose of this research is to utilize lecture instrument data to create UML model and develop electronic inventory system application design (e-inventory) of lecture instrument that will be utilized for recording lecture instrument inventory using PIECES Framework analysis. Application of PIECES Framework in application development is intended to maximize performance, maximize data and information, has economic value, efficient, easy to control and give the best service. This research will produce an e-Inventory Lecture Instrument System. The application has been tested to the academic and computer lab administrators for their ability to inventory the lecture instrument. The results of this study can be developed by adding supporting facilities in accordance with the standard of the lecture instrument so that it can be applied in many colleges. Keywords: e-inventory, PIECES, UML, Lecture Instrument, Code Igniter 
Pengukuran Kepuasan Pengguna Situs Web Dengan Metode End User Computing Satisfaction (EUCS) Ahmad Fitriansyah; Ibnu Harris
Query: Journal of Information Systems VOLUME: 02, NUMBER: 01, APRIL 2018
Publisher : Program Studi Sistem Informasi

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This research conducted to determine the level of user satisfaction of Universal University website so that the website administrator can get an overview of the level of user satisfaction as well as future evaluation materials. Measurement of user satisfaction used End User Computing Satisfaction (EUCS) method. Measure of user satisfaction are two methods, End User Computing Satisfaction (EUCS) and User Information Satisfaction (UIS). Based on the research of Seddon & Yip [4] who conducted a comparison between the EUCS and UIS methods it was found that the EUCS method was more useful than the UIS method. The variables in this research are content, accuracy, format, ease of use, and timeliness. The samples in this study collected from 168 respondents consisting of 3 staffs, 17 lecturers and 148 students. The data collection used a closed questionnaire consisting of 13 question for the five variables being studied. From the data obtained, concluded that the overall level of user satisfaction is in the average value of 2.64 at level 3 (neutral), which means that according to the general respondents’ perception, Universal University website not said satisfactory but also not disappointing. Variables that have assessed as good enough are accuracy and ease of use, while for content, format, and timeliness are still considered for more improvement and developed again. Keywords: user, satisfaction, eucs, website
The Development of Agent Information for Intrusion Detection Bambang Sugiantoro
Query: Journal of Information Systems Volume: 01, Number: 02, October 2017
Publisher : Program Studi Sistem Informasi

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As the challenges and problems surround intrusion rises rapidly, the intrusion detection system has been gradually developed. Agent-based approach for intrusion detection system has developed from single to multi agent, and later developed mobile agents in order to increase system's capability to face with a more complex challenge and change. A number of studies had been identified that mobile agent can reduce network traffic, however the study related to intrusion detection using static and mobile agent for finding intruder has not been fully achieved.Keywords:  Information, Intrusion, mobile, networks
Analisis Sistem Informasi Pengolahan Data Nilai Mahasiswa Menggunakan PIECES pada Prodi Sistem Informasi STTH-Medan Nurjamiyah Nurjamiyah; Arie Rafika Dewi
Query: Journal of Information Systems VOLUME: 02, NUMBER: 02, OCTOBER 2018
Publisher : Program Studi Sistem Informasi

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In some parts of the education system, there are teaching and learning activities involving students and lecturers. And when doing some teaching and learning activities, some progress of student learning occurred which are grades obtained from the student’s examination. Presently, the student’s grades are processed conventionally which is done by each lecturer manually using pen, paper and a calculator. Thus, the Department will have difficulties managing the student’s grades given by the lecturer and the results will not be optimal either.  If done manually, the lecturer must calculate the grade for each student one at a time. Moreover, students will have to wait for a long time finding out for their grades. It will take a long time and requires high precision for accurate calculations if the student’s grades processed manually. A PIECES Analysis, which is analyzing performance, information, economics, applications, and services, is used in analyzing student information system of the Information System Department STTH-Medan. The purpose of this study is to find out the data processing system and the data needed for developing STTH-Medan Information System. By using PIECES Analysis, it will be done in detail, and can be used for information systems.Keywords: Analysis, Information Systems, Grades, PIECES, UML