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ISSN : 26557592     EISSN : 26221659     DOI : 10.36378/jtos
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Jurnal Teknologi dan Open Source menerbitkan naskah ilmiah. yang berkaitan dengan sistem informasi, teknologi informasi dan aplikasi open source secara berkala (2 kali setahun). Jurnal ini dikelola dan diterbitkan oleh Program Studi Teknik Informatika Fakultas Teknik, Universitas Islam Kuantan Singingi. Tujuan penerbitan jurnal ini adalah sebagai wadah komunikasi ilmiah antar akademisi, peneliti dan praktisi dalam menyebarluaskan hasil penelitian.
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Articles 15 Documents
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Application of Sales Forecasting Using The Least Square Method in Web-Based Information Systems Nurliana Nasution; Dadang Rukmana Sitompul; Walhidayat Walhidayat
JURNAL TEKNOLOGI DAN OPEN SOURCE Vol 6 No 1 (2023): Jurnal Teknologi dan Open Source, June 2023
Publisher : Universitas Islam Kuantan Singingi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36378/jtos.v6i1.2580


Technology has become an important role in life, causing the role of computers to be indispensable in various aspects. The presence of technology today is not only in the field of technology but computational methods are also developing. The use of the internet in the aspect of E-commerce (electronic commerce) also plays an important role in the business process cycle. Sale is a major aspect of supporting survival in an industry. Because the high level of sales in an industry/service can compensate let alone provide benefits for the industry. The LEAST Square method is used as an analytical tool for forecasting / predicting sales at the ABDS Store Pekanbaru store. The level of accuracy of the calculation will have an impact on the availability of stock in the store. This method is often used in finding the best parameters of a mathematical model that describes observational data. By using the least squares method, it is expected that the resulting mathematical model can provide a better description of the observation data.
Transportation Service Report Information System Using Prototype Method Cep Adiwiharja; Muhamad Tabrani
JURNAL TEKNOLOGI DAN OPEN SOURCE Vol 6 No 1 (2023): Jurnal Teknologi dan Open Source, June 2023
Publisher : Universitas Islam Kuantan Singingi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36378/jtos.v6i1.2682


CV. Femarse Inti Mulia, a company engaged in the distribution of products, still processes reporting data, especially payments for transportation services, manually using Microsoft Excel. Problems arising from the old system are errors in the calculation of total wages for transport services for each pen, as well as the occurrence of differences in recording by the warehouse and the finance department. In addition, when using Microsoft Excel formulas, typographical errors can occur, causing calculations to be different than they should be. In light of these problems CV. PT. Femarse Inti Mulia needs an information system for daily transportation service wages reports that is capable of calculating daily transportation service wages, storing this data securely, and managing daily transportation service wages reports easily, quickly, accurately, and in a well-organized manner. The use of information systems for daily wage reports is the right solution to solve existing problems. With the prototype software development method and primary data collection, it makes it easier to design the daily wage report information system.
Data Analysis of Informatics Engineering Students of Islamic University of Kuantan Singingi Harianja Harianja; Nofri Wandi Al-Hafiz; Jasri Jasri
JURNAL TEKNOLOGI DAN OPEN SOURCE Vol 6 No 1 (2023): Jurnal Teknologi dan Open Source, June 2023
Publisher : Universitas Islam Kuantan Singingi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36378/jtos.v6i1.2691


Increasing student enrolment is the hope of any study program, including the study program at the Islamic University of Kuantan Singingi, especially the Informatics Engineering study program. During its existence, the Informatics Engineering program has experienced ups and downs in the number of students. This circumstance naturally affects the workload of the Informatics Engineering lecturers and the burden on the university's operating costs. So far, efforts have been made to increase the number of students, but this has not been done by analyzing existing student data. This study aims to analyze the existing student data in the hope that the results of this analysis can be useful for the Informatics Engineering study program at the Kuantan Singingi Islamic University of Kuantan Singingi to make decisions to increase the number of students in the future. Students in the Informatics Engineering study program come from different regions in Kuantan Singingi Regency and the surrounding districts. This is an opportunity for the university to analyze and visualize areas with a large number of enrollees. Using R programming, this student data can be easily visualized and presented.
Synthetic Minority Oversampling Technique for Efforts to Improve Imbalanced Data in Classification of Lettuce Plant Diseases Nurliana Nasution; Feldiansyah Feldiansyah; Ahmad Zamsuri; Mhd Arief Hasan
JURNAL TEKNOLOGI DAN OPEN SOURCE Vol 6 No 1 (2023): Jurnal Teknologi dan Open Source, June 2023
Publisher : Universitas Islam Kuantan Singingi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36378/jtos.v6i1.2883


In this study we classified lettuce plant diseases. These plant diseases are available in the form of images that have been converted in .csv format to be classified. These plant diseases are available in the form of images that have been converted in .csv format to be classified. Image These plant diseases have been divided into several classes or categories. Then we determine the features of each row and column of the dataset. Each line in the CSV file represents one image, and each column represents one feature Each line in the CSV file represents one image, and each column represents one feature. Then a label is made for each line in the CSV file, namely the class or category where the images are grouped. Thus, so that we get datasets that are ready to be processed with machine learning. However, in processing the dataset, we get imbalanced data. So we added the Synthetic Minority Over-sampling Technique (SMOTE) method to overcome the imbalance that occurs. So that the data can be classified using several algorithms to find the best accuracy.
Decision Support System for Selecting Candidate of Indonesia Smart University Card Scholarship (Kip-K) recipients at Islamic University of Kuantan Singingi Helpi Nopriandi; Aprizal Aprizal; Sri Chairani
JURNAL TEKNOLOGI DAN OPEN SOURCE Vol 6 No 1 (2023): Jurnal Teknologi dan Open Source, June 2023
Publisher : Universitas Islam Kuantan Singingi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36378/jtos.v6i1.2698


Islamic University of Kuantan Singingi still selects students to receive Indonesia Smart University Card Scholarship (KIP -K) by looking at the registration documents of new students one by one. In such a system, it spends a lot of time on the selection and also the review of the registration documents of the new students is done by the selection team and the management of Islamic University of Kuantan Singingi, so there are many considerations in this selection. The results of the selection also did not produce a written report on the condition of the first-year students who received the Indonesia smart university Card (KIP -K) scholarship, so this type of system is no longer used effectively. The application of Fuzzy Multiple Attribute Decision Making (FMADM) method can help in determining the weights of the values in each criteria. Using the simple additive weighting method (SAW) makes it easier to add the weighting values for each criterion.
Application of the Scrum Method in the Android-based TPQ Learning Application Willy Ramadani; T Sy Eiva Fatdha; Helda Yenni; Dwi Haryono
JURNAL TEKNOLOGI DAN OPEN SOURCE Vol 6 No 1 (2023): Jurnal Teknologi dan Open Source, June 2023
Publisher : Universitas Islam Kuantan Singingi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36378/jtos.v6i1.3036


RA Alhikmah Kandis has the main material, namely learning TPQ (Al-Qur'an Education Park), learning to recognize, read, and memorize hijaiyah letters, daily prayers, and juz amma. With the development of technology, learning can now be supported by various innovations. One of the innovations is to create a mobile-based application for student learning at RA Alhikmah. The application is based on the design results based on the needs of students, teachers, and parents. Making applications using the Scrum method, applications that are built based on a predetermined time, where if the specified time has reached its end, then the application must be finished, is suitable for the Scrum method because its manufacture is based on a predetermined timeframe. Application testing uses the black box testing method to test whether each feature is running properly so that when used by application users, there are no bugs. This application is intended for raudhatul athfal or kindergarten children who are vulnerable aged 5 to 6 years, and this application can be accessed by accompanied by teachers when at school and parents when at home. The results obtained from the application black box testing can run well in all the features in the application. The author hopes that this application can provide the benefit of giving children a new method of learning to recognize hijaiyah letters, memorizing daily prayers, and juz amma in order to provide children's learning interest so that it is more interesting for their learning interest to get to know the Koran from an early age.
Implementation of Data Mining of Organic Vegetable Sales With Apriori Algorithm Ahmad Fauzi; Andika Bayu Hasta Yanto; Novita Indriyani
JURNAL TEKNOLOGI DAN OPEN SOURCE Vol 6 No 1 (2023): Jurnal Teknologi dan Open Source, June 2023
Publisher : Universitas Islam Kuantan Singingi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36378/jtos.v6i1.3049


In the modern organic vegetable sector, the author observes that there is very tight business competition. Therefore, an effective approach is essential to attract buyers, although restricted sources of new information are one of the hurdles in establishing this business.Association rules are expressed with numerous features that are commonly referred to as (affinity analysis) or (market basket analysis. It was discovered that if consumers buy curly red chilies, they are also inclined to buy cayenne pepper with a 100% confidence level. Likewise, if people buy kale and red curly chiles, they are more likely to buy cayenne pepper with a 100% confidence level. This also applies if consumers buy tomatoes and curly red chilies with a 100% confidence level. In addition, other associations were also observed, such as if consumers buy curly red chilies, they prefer to buy tomatoes with a confidence level of 86%, or if they buy tomatoes and bird's eye chilies, they tend to buy curly red chiles with an 86% confidence level.Likewise, if people buy both cayenne pepper and red curly chili, they are more likely to buy tomatoes with an 86% confidence level. Finally, if customers buy kale and cayenne pepper, they are also likely to buy red curly chilies at an 83% confidence level. Based on the data acquired from this study, it is intended to obtain information about combinations of organic veggies that consumers typically buy together in each transaction, with the intention of improving organic vegetable yields and devising appropriate sales tactics.
Implementation of Push Notification for Monitoring Motor Vehicle Tax Payments (Case Study: Samsat Siak) Herwin herwin; Khusaeri Andesa
JURNAL TEKNOLOGI DAN OPEN SOURCE Vol 6 No 1 (2023): Jurnal Teknologi dan Open Source, June 2023
Publisher : Universitas Islam Kuantan Singingi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36378/jtos.v6i1.3059


In an effort to maximize revenue from the motor vehicle tax, the local government is pursuing numerous strategies, one of which is to introduce the e-Samsat (PAD) program to increase revenue from the motor vehicle tax. However, in the current system, there is no system to monitor these payments. Therefore, many people pay their taxes late. The objectives of this research are: (1) Design and develop a web-based application to monitor tax payments using Whatsapp gateway. Data collection techniques using interviews and direct observation at the research site. The results of this application research can display a list of taxpayers and can add to the list of taxpayers. It also generates outputs in the form of data reports in various forms and types. Designing an application to process vehicle tax data makes it easier for employees to detect late tax payments. The public can learn about tax payments via WhatsApp notifications without having to visit Samsat Siak.
Application of Waterfall Method In Design Of Web-Based Library Information System Program Case Study at Elementary School Warungnangka Kabupaten Subang Muhammad Faittullah Akbar; Ahmad Fauzi
JURNAL TEKNOLOGI DAN OPEN SOURCE Vol 6 No 1 (2023): Jurnal Teknologi dan Open Source, June 2023
Publisher : Universitas Islam Kuantan Singingi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36378/jtos.v6i1.3065


Management of an effective and representative library information system is a necessity for educational units to use a library information system design not only as a requirement but also as a necessity. Elementary School Warungnangka Kabupaten Subang is the focus of research on building a web-based library information system. The data collection methods used are observation, interviews, and case studies. It can be concluded that library management is still not computerized. The design of this information system is carried out using the waterfall method, with the stages of needs analysis, design, implementation of program code using CodeIgniter, and testing using Blackbox so that all processes are running well and as needed. With this library information system, it can simplify the process of borrowing and returning books, speed up library reports, and create added value for the School Accreditation Visitation Program (BAN SM) and School Quality Fulfillment Program (ANBK). This information system will later be able to make information system updates that have been implemented previously, namely the library information system, which is still manual, into a computerized information system.
Student Identification Based on Patterns of Association For Student Misbehaviour Using Frequent Pattern Growth Algorithms Erlinda Erlinda; Dwipa Junika Putra; Mourend Devegi
JURNAL TEKNOLOGI DAN OPEN SOURCE Vol 6 No 1 (2023): Jurnal Teknologi dan Open Source, June 2023
Publisher : Universitas Islam Kuantan Singingi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36378/jtos.v6i1.3071


Student infractions are incidents often committed by students who break the rules at school. This naturally worries school authorities and overwhelms them with student misbehavior. Student rule-breaking is a common problem that can interfere with a safe and orderly learning environment. The more students break the rules, the greater the impact on several aspects, including student achievement, discipline, suboptimal teaching and learning activities, and students' social lives outside of school. Identifying students who are prone to rule violations can help school officials implement more effective prevention programs. Data mining is a process of extracting information from large data sets to discover patterns and relationships hidden within them. This study aims to identify frequent student infractions using the Frequent Pattern Growth algorithm. The Frequent Pattern Growth (FP -growth) algorithm is used to generate frequent itemsets that are then used in the association rules process. The association rules process aims to find rules or relationships between violations based on the discovered Frequent Itemsets. This process is influenced by predefined minimum support and minimum confidence values. A Minimum Support value of 30% and a Minimum Confidence value of 50% are used to obtain rules with a sufficiently high confidence level. It is expected that the identification results from this study will provide a better understanding of the types of violations commonly committed by students in school. This information can be used by school officials to develop more effective prevention strategies and focus on.

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