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Jurnal Airaha
ISSN : 23017163     EISSN : 26219638     DOI : -
Jurnal Airaha terbit 2 (dua) kali setahun (Juni, dan Desember) dengan Nomor ISSN 2301-7163 (media cetak) dan Nomor E-ISSN 2621-9638 (media online). Jurnal Airaha memuat artikel hasil penelitian dan kupasan (review) orisinal Jurnal Penelitian yang Berkaitan dengan Disiplin Ilmu Bidang Teknologi Penangkapan Ikan, Permesinan Perikanan, Budidaya Perikanan, Pengelolaan Sumber Daya Pesisir dan Pengolahan Perikanan, Wisata Bahari, Pengolahan dan Penyimpanan Hasil Tangkapan.
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Laju Eksploitasi Sumberdaya Ikan Layang (Decapterus macrosoma) yang didaratkan di Pangkalan Pendaratan Ikan (PPI) Kota Sorong-Papua Barat Sururi, Misbah; mustasim, Mustasim; Hoek, Franklyn; Anasri, Anasri
Jurnal Airaha Vol 6 No 1: Juni 2017
Publisher : Politeknik Kelautan dan Perikanan Sorong

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The study related to the size and the exploitation rate of Shortfin scad are important in order to see the development condition of resource, especially on stock availibility for the management of its sustainability. This study was conducted in April - September 2013 at The Fish Landing Base (PPI) of Sorong, West Papua. This study aims to analyze the biology aspects of Shortfin scad based on itss length frequency, length-weight relationship, growth rate, mortality rate and exploitation rate of the catch.The primary data was acquired by the measurement of length and weight of Shortfin scad landed by purse seiner and from interview with the fishermen. The number Shortfin scad measured during reseach was 1.504 individuals which classified by the size of class interval, the data then analyzed to see the length-weight relationship and growth rate parameter analysis (LÂ¥and K) by using the program of FAO-ICLARM stock of the assessment tools II (FiSAT II). The results showed that the frequency and normal distribution of total length, midlength is dominated by class interval of 16,0 - 16,5 cm. The correlation between weight and length of the individual is not significantly differ with the value of b = 3,57 (positive allometriks). The length (Loo) and weight asymptotic (Loo) are 21,83 mm and 105,4 grams respectively, this is allegedly estimated that the age of Shortfin scad is approximately of 40 months or 3.3 years. The result of exploitation rate acquired from the comparison between the mortality rate of catch and total mortality (E = F / Z) is 0,35. This indicating that the exploitation rate of Shortfin scad (Decapterus macrosoma) in purse seine fisheries  at the time of research is still small due to smaller value compared to the optimal value when F = M or E = 0,5.
Pertumbuhan dan Kandungan Karaginan Rumput Laut (Eucheuma) pada Spesies yang Berbeda Anton, Anton
Jurnal Airaha Vol 6 No 1: Juni 2017
Publisher : Politeknik Kelautan dan Perikanan Sorong

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The Research aims to identify the species of Eucheuma that produce the best growth and caraginan content. The research method used is experimental design with this floating method with long line system. Analysis of the experiment using Completely Randomized Design (RAL) with 3 treatments namely; Sp 1 (E.cottoni), Sp2 (E.spinosum), and Sp3 (E.edule) each of 3 replications. Observed made are growth and caraginan content of each species by water quality parameters such as temperature, salinity, pH, current, nitrate, phosphate and water brightness. The results showed that the cultivation of Eucheuma seaweed from different species significantly affected the daily growth rate during the 6 weeks of the study period. BNT test results showed that all treatments were significantly different at  5% (P <0.05). The daily growth rate at the end of the study was highest at Sp2 (E.spinosum) treatment of 4.20%, second order of Sp3 (E.edule) treatment was 3.43% and the lowest in   Sp1 (E.cottonii) treatment 1.90%. The analysis of the variety of caraginan content of Eucheuma seaweed from different species at the end of the study showed a very real effect. Furthermore, the effect on the BNT test results showed that all treatments were significantly different at the 5% level (P <0.05). The highest content of caraginan is Sp 1 (E.cottoni) equal to 61,54%, then Sp3 (E.edule) equal to 54,56% and the lowest at treatment of  Sp2 (E.spinosum) equal to 46,64%.
indonesia Hidayat, Filialdi Nur; Widyasari, Ferliana; Mamayu Utami, Ikha Jayanti; Afandi, Mesti Putri; Widiarto, Santoso Budi; Rosmini, Rosmini
Jurnal Airaha Vol 6 No 1: Juni 2017
Publisher : Politeknik Kelautan dan Perikanan Sorong

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Kima has nine species, and seven species are found in Indonesian waters. Morella Sea waters, District Leihiitu, Central Maluku is an area that has the potential of marine biodiversity and high resources which one is kima. To maintain and preserve the habitat of Kima, the government through the Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries declared the Making of Kima Garden in these waters. The purpose of this research survey is to know the acceptance of the community related to the manufacture of Kima Garden in Tanjung Setan, Negeri Morella, Leihiitu District, Central Maluku. Based on the results of the survey, the perception of the community about the making of kima garden is very positive, besides that more role of the government will have an impact to increase the community participation about the making of the Kima Garden in Negeri Morella.
Pengaruh Suhu yang Berbeda Terhadap Tingkat Penetasan Telur Ikan Kerapu Sunu (Plactropomus leopardus) Yani, Ahmad; Wamnebo, Muhammad Ikhsan
Jurnal Airaha Vol 6 No 1: Juni 2017
Publisher : Politeknik Kelautan dan Perikanan Sorong

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Penelitian ini bertujuan untu mengetahui Pengaruh suhu yang berbeda terhadap tingkat penetasan telur ikan kerapu sunu (Plactropomus leopardus). Penelitian dilaksanakan di Balai Budidaya Laut Ambon. Penelitian ini terdiri dari 3 perlakuan dan 3 kali ulangan yakni: Perlakuan A dengan suhu 30oC, Perlakuan B dengan suhu 31oC, Perlakuan C dengan suhu 32oC Masing-masing wadah setiap perlakuan diisi telur ikan kerapu sunu sebanyak 30 butir. Hasil penelitian terlihat bahwa jumlah telur dengan tingkat penetasan tertinggi diperoleh pada perlakuan A (suhu 30oC) sebanyak 270 butir, disusul oleh perlakuan B (suhu 31oC) sebanyak 267 butir dan perlakuan C (suhu 32oC) sebanyak 134 butir.
Penilaian Risiko pada Mesin Pendingin di Kapal Penangkap Ikan Dengan Pendekatan FMEA Priharanto, Yuniar Endri; Latif, M Zaki; HS, Rahmad Surya
Jurnal Airaha Vol 6 No 1: Juni 2017
Publisher : Politeknik Kelautan dan Perikanan Sorong

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Keberadaan mesin pendingin di kapal penangkap ikan sangat dibutuhkan untuk mempertahankan mutu hasil tangkapan. Dengan kondisi operasional yang cukup panjang mengakibatkan keandalan komponennya menjadi berkurang seiring bertambahnya waktu pengoperasian. Dari total biaya produksi dalam sebuah industri, rata-rata diatas 15 % alokasi biaya untuk perawatan, biaya tersebut dapat menjadi tinggi dikarenakan penambahan biaya karena tidak adanya rencana perawatan atau perawatan preventif yang kurang baik sehingga akan menyebabkan total biaya produksi menjadi naik [10]. Penelitian ini mengaplikasikan penggunaan FMEA untuk mengidentifikasi peluang terjadinya kegagalan pada sistem pendingin di Kapal Penangkap Ikan. Hasil dari FMEA dapat memperoleh penilaian tingkat bahaya dari sebuah moda kegagalan dan memberikan skala prioritas terhadap risiko dari suatu moda kegagalan serta memberikan daftar tindakan pencegahan atau perbaikan untuk mengurangi risiko [4]. Analisis FMEA mengindikasi komponen kritis pada mesin pendingin antara lain kondensor dengan nilai RPN 144 dan 128, evaporator dengan nilai RPN 128 dan oil separator dengan nilai RPN 112. Upaya mitigasi yang dapat dilakukan antara lain melakukan pemeriksaan rutin, membuat redundant, melakukan penjadwalan pembersihan komponen secara rutin dan penggantian komponen secara rutin.

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