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Potensi Sumberdaya Udang Penaeid di Perairan Kepulauan Aru Bagian Timur Sub Wilayah Aru dan Sekitarnya Hoek, Franklyn; Simau, Silvester; Muhfizar, Muhfizar; Suruwaky,, Amir; Ulat, M Ali; Arfah, Arhandy
Jurnal Airaha Vol 4 No 1: Juni 2015
Publisher : Politeknik Kelautan dan Perikanan Sorong

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The utilization of the resources of shrimp penaeid in the eastern part of the archipelagic waters Aru and surrounding sub-region III, to estimate the abundance of shrimp by using the swept area method. The aim of research to determine the composition of species caught by shrimp trawlers using a double rig, Comparative production of penaeid shrimp catch in 2014 and in 2012. Potential sustainable and penaeid shrimp with Swept area method. Results Composition Penaeid Shrimp Catch in archipelagic waters Aru and surrounding sub-region (III). There are 9 types of penaeid shrimp with the amount of catches of 17 988 kg and is the most dominant type of Green Tiger Prawn (Penaeus semisulcatus), while the lowest amount was kind Banana Prawn (Penaeus merguensis). The results of a comparative test with Chi Square (?2) turns Ho rejected and Ha accepted, wherein ?2 count 7.40 is greater than ?2 tables 0.05 (3.84) and ?2 tables 0.01 (6.63), this means that there are differences in yield catches in 2012 And in 2014 was very significant. There is a decline in production is very significant from 2012 until 2014. The potential outcome in the waters of the sub region Aru Islands and surrounding waters -III which covers 13,000 km2, where willingness stock (B) 579.58 tons, sustainable potential (MSY) amounted to 576.58 tons / year while the Total Allowable Catch (TAC) amounted to 463.67 tons / year.
Estimasi Sebaran Frekuensi Panjang Udang Banana (Penaeus merguensis) yang Tertangkap dengan Alat Tangkap Pukat Udang di Perairan Kaimana - Timika Rozaki, M Ali; Arfah, Arhandy; Rohyadi, Rohyadi; Hoek, Franklyn
Jurnal Airaha Vol 3 No 1: Juni 2014
Publisher : Politeknik Kelautan dan Perikanan Sorong

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Estimasi Indeks Keragaman Ikan Karang di Daerah Perlindungan Laut (DPL) Kabupaten Raja Ampat - Papua Barat Gofir, Abdul; Hoek, Franklyn; Arfah, Arhandy
Jurnal Airaha Vol 3 No 1: Juni 2014
Publisher : Politeknik Kelautan dan Perikanan Sorong

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Laju Eksploitasi Sumberdaya Ikan Layang (Decapterus macrosoma) yang didaratkan di Pangkalan Pendaratan Ikan (PPI) Kota Sorong-Papua Barat Sururi, Misbah; mustasim, Mustasim; Hoek, Franklyn; Anasri, Anasri
Jurnal Airaha Vol 6 No 1: Juni 2017
Publisher : Politeknik Kelautan dan Perikanan Sorong

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The study related to the size and the exploitation rate of Shortfin scad are important in order to see the development condition of resource, especially on stock availibility for the management of its sustainability. This study was conducted in April - September 2013 at The Fish Landing Base (PPI) of Sorong, West Papua. This study aims to analyze the biology aspects of Shortfin scad based on itss length frequency, length-weight relationship, growth rate, mortality rate and exploitation rate of the catch.The primary data was acquired by the measurement of length and weight of Shortfin scad landed by purse seiner and from interview with the fishermen. The number Shortfin scad measured during reseach was 1.504 individuals which classified by the size of class interval, the data then analyzed to see the length-weight relationship and growth rate parameter analysis (LÂ¥and K) by using the program of FAO-ICLARM stock of the assessment tools II (FiSAT II). The results showed that the frequency and normal distribution of total length, midlength is dominated by class interval of 16,0 - 16,5 cm. The correlation between weight and length of the individual is not significantly differ with the value of b = 3,57 (positive allometriks). The length (Loo) and weight asymptotic (Loo) are 21,83 mm and 105,4 grams respectively, this is allegedly estimated that the age of Shortfin scad is approximately of 40 months or 3.3 years. The result of exploitation rate acquired from the comparison between the mortality rate of catch and total mortality (E = F / Z) is 0,35. This indicating that the exploitation rate of Shortfin scad (Decapterus macrosoma) in purse seine fisheries  at the time of research is still small due to smaller value compared to the optimal value when F = M or E = 0,5.
Distribusi Frekuensi Ukuran Lebar Karapas dan Berat Kepiting Bakau (Scylla serrataforskal) dengan Alat Tangkap Bubu Lipat di Perairan Kabupaten Teluk Bintuni, Papua Barat Hoek, Franklyn; Razak, Abudarda; Sururi, Misbah; Yampapi, Maximus
Jurnal Airaha Vol 4 No 2: Desember 2015
Publisher : Politeknik Kelautan dan Perikanan Sorong

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The aim of research was to analyze the distribution of width-weight carapaces relationship, and growth pattern mud crab (Scylla serrata) are expected for the management. The object are mud crab in Distrik Bintuni West-Papua waters during three month. Analysis with SPSS programme version 19th. Relationship of width-weight carapace used by regression statistic. The result shown frequency distribution width-weight relationship of males and females were not significant. The confidence limit of frequency distribution union width-carapace males and females were 12.5 to 12.3 cm, while the weight male crab 496.7 to 520.1 g, and weight of female crab 366,2 to 381 g. Males crab have allometriks positive growth pattern (b > 3), and female crabs have allometriks negative ( b <3). The female mud crab (Scylla serrata) for three month (July, August, September) was indicated growning of the maturity process.
Struktur Komunitas Lamun di Perairan Distrik Salawati Utara Kabupaten Raja Ampat Hoek, Franklyn; Razak, Abudarda; Hamid, Hamid; Muhfizar, Muhfizar; Suruwaky, Amir M; Ulat, M Ali; Mustasim, Mustasim; Arfah, Arhandy
Jurnal Airaha Vol 5 No 1: Juni 2016
Publisher : Politeknik Kelautan dan Perikanan Sorong

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This study aims to analyze seagrass community structure in North Salawati District, Raja Ampat. The scope of research is limited to identification of seagrass biodiversity, analyzing the overrune level of seagrass type covering the area, analyzing the densities types of seagrass important value index frequencies, water parameters and seagrass area. Research method was purposive sampling by using transects with dimensions of 1 x 1 meter with a total of seven stations along 100 meters of seagrass area. The acquired data was analyzed by using analysis of closure type, density type, frequency type, and important value index. Results of biodiversity identification showed that there are two families of seagrass,      Eight species of seagrass covering the area. The overrune of seagrass covering the area in both stations is very high. The area of coverage in the both areas is above 60% (> 60%), which classified as "healthy". The density of the species in both stations is very high which classified as medium dense. Temperature, pH, DO, salinity and turbidity are in the optimum level which classified as "good". The area which overrune by Seagrass in the waters of northern Salawati District is amounted to 5.7 km2.