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Journal of Tropical Horticulture
ISSN : 26228432     EISSN : -     DOI : -
Journal of Tropical Horticulture (JTHort) ISSN 2622-8432 (online) is a peer-reviewed open-access international journal contains primary articles of research and review in horticulture such as fruits, vegetable, and ornamental plants also tropical biopharmaca plants. This journal is under the management of Indonesian Society for Horticulture (Perhorti) Aceh Commissariat. Journal of Tropical Horticulture was first published in October 2018. This journal publishes its articles twice, April and October annually and receives articles from various countries within the scope of tropical plants
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Articles 43 Documents
The Effect of Liquid Organic Fertilizer From Coconut Husk And Dolomite On Shallot (Allium Cepa L.) Growth And Yield Kamelia Dwi Jayanti; Yulinda Tanari
Journal of Tropical Horticulture Vol 4, No 2 (2021): October 2021
Publisher : Indonesian Society for Horticulture (Perhimpunan Hortikultura Indonesia Komisariat Aceh)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33089/jthort.v4i2.63


Shallot is the most produced vegetable in Indonesia. The consumption of shallot per kg/capita/year is continuously increasing, therefore there is a need to ensure enough supply. The lack of nutrients in the soil is a problem in shallot production. Shallot needs macronutrients such as Nitrogen (N), Phosphorus (P), Potassium (K), and Calcium (Ca) to improve its yield and quality. The application of liquid organic fertilizer from coconut husk and dolomite can be the solution. This study was conducted using Factorial Randomized Block Design consisting of two factors, concentration of liquid organic fertilizer (0%, 10%, 20%, and 30%) and dolomite (with dolomite or without). The results showed that the application of 20% liquid organic fertilizer, the application of dolomite, and the combination of both (P2D1) had the highest value on fresh shallot bulbs weight per clumps and bulb weight after storage parameters, and had the lowest value on weight loss percentage parameter.
Edible Part Nutritional Value And Calcium Content In Five Lai-Durian (D.zibethinus X D. Kutejensis) Fruit Rind From Loa Kulu East Kalimantan Odit Ferry Kurniadinata; Song Wenpei; Bernatal Saragih; Rusdiansyah Rusdiansyah
Journal of Tropical Horticulture Vol 4, No 2 (2021): October 2021
Publisher : Indonesian Society for Horticulture (Perhimpunan Hortikultura Indonesia Komisariat Aceh)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33089/jthort.v4i2.64


The large number of Durio species that grow in Kalimantan illustrates that this area is the most important distribution center for durian relatives. Two of the best-known edible durians in East Kalimantan are Durian (Durio zibethinus) and Lai (Durio Kutejensis). Several studies have been conducted to determine the effect of calcium on the quality of fruits. However, very little information was obtained regarding the effect of Ca on the quality of lai-durian fruit. This research was carried out by collecting data and information about Fruit performance and edible part nutritional value three D. zibenthinus x D. kutejensis plants. The five potential superior plants have some similar in rind moisture factor, ash content, water content, total fat, crude protein, and total dissolved solids. However, there is a difference in flesh thickness which indicates that LK4 has the thickest flesh thickness with an average of 9mm, while LK5 shows the thinnest average flesh thickness of 4mm. Meanwhile, when viewed from total carbohydrates, LK3 fruit has the highest total carbohydrate content compared to other fruits, which is 37.477 and energy is 180.357 kcal. This study indicates that there is a negative correlation between fruit peel size and calcium content. In large Lai-durian fruits such as LK4 fruit there is a lower amount of calcium than other fruits.
The Application of Biofertilizer on Growth And Yield of Melon Varieties (Cucumis Melo L.) Safwandi Safwandi; Fadli Hanani; Muhammad Yusuf N; Jamidi Jamidi; Hafifah Hafifah; Ismadi Ismadi
Journal of Tropical Horticulture Vol 4, No 2 (2021): October 2021
Publisher : Indonesian Society for Horticulture (Perhimpunan Hortikultura Indonesia Komisariat Aceh)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33089/jthort.v4i2.65


Melon (Cucumis melo L.) is one of potential horticultural crop in Indonesia. Unfortunately, melon production is currently unable to meet national demand. The objective of this study was to investigate the effect of biofertilizer, varieties and interaction between the dose of biofertilizer and varieties on the growth and yield of melons. The study was conducted in January-April 2021 at Paloh Lada Village, Dewantara District and the Laboratory of Agriculture Faculty, Universitas Malikussaleh. These experiments were arranged in a Factorial Randomized Block Design (RBD) with two factors. The first factor was biofertilizer (P) consisting of 4 levels: P0 (0 ml/L), P1 (5 ml/L), P2 (10 ml/L) and P3 (15 ml/L) and the second factor was melon varieties (V): V1 (F1 Pertiwi Anvi) and V2 (F1 Action 88). There was 8 treatment combinations with 3 replications, resulted in 24 experimental units. The interaction between biofertilizers and varieties gave significant effect on the growth and yield of melon, while the interactions between bio fertilizer did not differ on all variables observed. The application of biological fertilizer 10 ml/L on V1 variety (F1 Pertiwi Anvi) is recommendable. There was an interaction between of biological fertilizers and melon varieties on the total dissolved solids (Brix %).