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International Journal of Systemic Functional Linguistics
Published by Universitas Warmadewa
ISSN : 26144247     EISSN : 26144255     DOI :
Core Subject : Education,
International Journal of Systemic Functional Linguistics is a Journal of linguistic, provides a forum for publishing research articles or review articles. This journal has been distributed by WARMADEWA PRESS started from Volume 1 Number 1 Year 2017. This journal encompasses original research articles, review articles, and short communications, including systemic functional linguistics
Articles 63 Documents
International Journal of Systemic Functional Linguistics Vol. 1 No. 2 (2017)
Publisher : Warmadewa University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1006.097 KB) | DOI: 10.55637/ijsfl.1.2.449.47-52


Abstract This research describes the transitivity realized in Wasiat Renungan Masa Pengalaman Baru and its relevance to Indonesian language learning at SMA (Senior High School) according to Systemic Functional Linguistic approach. The research was designed by employing qualitative descriptive research method. The data was collected with the application of documentation method and note-taking technique. The data was analyzed with the use of identification technique, which covers identification on the words, phrases, and clauses based on the classification of realized processes according to SFL perspective. The result of data analysis was presented using description technique by elaborating the analyzed data. The finding showed that among 112 clauses obtained, the dominant type of process was material process by number realization is 100 (49.29%), mental process is 49 grains (22.68%), rational process is 11 gains (5.11%), behavior process is 10 grains (17.60%), existential process is 8 grains (3.70%). Keywords: Transitivity, Wasiat Renungan Masa Pengalaman Baru, SFL
Readability of the Transactional Texts in Bahasa Inggris Textbook for Grade X Eva Tuckyta Sari Sujatna
International Journal of Systemic Functional Linguistics Vol. 2 No. 1 (2019)
Publisher : Warmadewa University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1499.164 KB) | DOI: 10.55637/ijsfl.2.1.996.33-42


This paper aims are lexical density and grammatical intricacy of the transactional texts in Bahasa Inggris as one of the English textbooks for senior high students (grade X) in Indonesia. The method applied is qualitative research method. The study supported by three methods in determining readability as proposed by Halliday (1985, 1994, 2004), Ure (1971), and a text analyzer adapted from as the website that provided the tool. The data are taken from the textbooks as transactional texts. The texts obtained are six transactional texts. The results of the study have shown several valuable insights. Firstly, the transactional text that has the highest number of words (530 words) containing highest number of sentences could be categorized into the spoken text (lexical density= 26.44) and the level is under Easy Reading Range (Fog Index = 4.23) as described in T6. Secondly, the total unique words in transactional text has relation with hard words, lexical density and Fog Index as described in the T2. Thirdly, the lowest number of words could relate to the unique words and total number of sentences (as seen in T4). To choose the transactional text given as the material in Bahasa Inggris, it is suggested that the writer of the textbooks should be more thoughtful in deciding the transactional texts level chosen since the data shows that the level of the text is various (Fog Index 4.23 as the lowest – 10.25 as the highest) and the average transactional text level is 6.7.
International Journal of Systemic Functional Linguistics Vol. 1 No. 2 (2017)
Publisher : Warmadewa University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (754.323 KB) | DOI: 10.55637/ijsfl.1.2.392.28-33


This paper reports the result of investigation on the use of complex clauses in Legal and Criminal Rubric of Lombok Post media and its relevance to Indonesia language learning at senior high school with the orientation of SFL (Systemic Functional Linguistic) study. The purpose of this study is to describe the use of complex clauses in the Legal and Criminal Rubric of Lombok Post media and its relevance to Indonesian language learning in SMA. Specifically, the types of complex clauses investigated in this research are paratactic and hypotactic complex clauses. The complex clauses were investigated through Systemic Functional Linguistic theory (LFS) exploitation. The investigation was designed by employing qualitative descriptive research method. Data of the research was text obtained from daily newspaper of Lombok Post. The data was collected by exploiting document method. The result showed that there are five logical semantic and taxis relationship within substantial construction of complex clauses in the October-December 2014 Lombok Post, such as elaboration, extension, double, locution, and ideas. Regarding the result of data analysis, it can be said that such texts in Legal and Criminal Rubric of Lombok Post media is transferable to as teaching material of Indonesia language learning with the implementation of 2013 curriculum.
Interpersonal Function in Martin Luther King Jr’s Speech Forisman Hulu
International Journal of Systemic Functional Linguistics Vol. 2 No. 1 (2019)
Publisher : Warmadewa University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1450.693 KB) | DOI: 10.55637/ijsfl.2.1.999.43-46


This research aims was to discover the interpersonal function types and to explores their realization within the speech. This research was conducted by using qualitative research design. The data was taken from the website which are readily accessible to the public. After that, the data is divided into clauses form. Next, the data was analyzed based on Halliday’s theory through many steps of data analysis by Cresswell. The results of data analysis showed that Martin Luther King Jr applied: (1) Speech Function (statement, command, and question); Mood (declarative, imperative and interrogative); Modality (high, median, and low); Tense Shift (present, future, and past) and Personal Pronoun (First Personal Pronoun, Second Personal Pronoun and Third Personal Pronoun). (2) speech function (statement was a most dominant, command was the second dominant and question was less); Mood (declarative was most dominant, imperative was the second dominant and interrogative was less); modality (median was most dominant, high was the second, and low was rare); personal pronoun (we was used frequently) and tense shift (present tense was majority, future was a second place, and past tense was less). So based result above, it was concluded that Martin Luther King Jr gave much infomation. Therefore, this speech was called as an informative speech. Considering the result above, the researcher suggested orator use many pronoun “we” when delivering a speech and the university students learn interpersonal function.
International Journal of Systemic Functional Linguistics Vol. 1 No. 2 (2017)
Publisher : Warmadewa University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (878.383 KB) | DOI: 10.55637/ijsfl.1.2.389.1-10


Representation of experiential meaning, textual meaning, and general ideology realized in Mosquito Net text are problem in this research. It is aimed at investigating representation of experiential meaning, textual meaning, and general ideology in Kelambu Nyawa Text text are problem in this research and describing the relevance of the research result to learning discourse in higher education. It was conducted by using qualitative-quantitative descriptive (mixed-method). In collecting data, observation, interview, document and note-taking method were employed. Data analysis carried on with the orientation of formal and informal methods. The results showed that the dominant process found in the text of Mosquito Nets is a material process consisting of 115 (35.50%). The use participants in the text is dominated by participant I (Netting Lives) consisting of 308 participants or 33.44%, participant II consists of 264 consisting of 85 or 33.20%, other participant consists of 24 dominated by Reach taking over 15 times (62.25%). Furthermore, the use of circumstance in the text of Kelambu Nyawa is dominated by circumstantial environment, which were used over 51 times (26.42%). The dominant theme used in of Mosquito Nets text topical theme. It was used 146 times (48.18%). Furthermore, the ideology realized in the text of Mosquito Net is the belief of the Sufism in God as the source of everything. The relevance of this research to discourse learning at universities is to the extent that the results of this research can be used as reference to analyzing written text, especially on the transitivity and theme rhema system by using Systemic Functional Linguistics theory (SFL).
International Journal of Systemic Functional Linguistics Vol. 1 No. 2 (2017)
Publisher : Warmadewa University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1073.966 KB) | DOI: 10.55637/ijsfl.1.2.450.53-61


Abstract This research is carried on to obtain the complete and comprehensive description about the Lombok Folklore Texs entitled Amaq Setoweq by using the SFL (Systemic Functional Linguistic) theory and make it relevant towards learning discourse analysis at college. The research emphasizes on textual and contextual analysis of the Amaq Setoweq folklore. Textual analysis covers 3 (three) language meta-fungctions where are describe into lexico-grammar structure system and the Lombok Folklore Texs entitled amaq Setoweq or “Teks Cerita Rakyat Lombok Amaq Setoweq (TCRLAS)” nonlinguistic contextual analysis. The result of the research on the lexico-grammmar structure system shows: (1) referring to the ideasional description, narrative texs dominantly use behavioral process (30,43%), material process (26%), verbal process (18,26%), mental process (20%), relational process (8,69%), form process (5,21%), (2) referring to the interpersonal process description, texs is dominated by declarative mood (62,72%), exclamation mood (32%), imperative mood (1,7%), interogative mood (3,7%), and circumstansial adjunction (68,69%), mood adjunction (4,34%), polariy adjunction (0%), comment adjunction (0,8%), vocative adjunction (0,8%), conjungtive adjunction (2,6%), and continuity adjunction (6%), (3) referring to the textual description: topical theme (56,95%), interpersonal finite theme (0%), interpersonal mood adjunction theme (26,95%), interpersonal vocative adjunction theme (2,6%), interpersonal polarity adjunction theme (0%), interpersonal comment adjunction theme (5,2%), textual continuituity adjunction theme (6,8%), and textual conjungtive adjunction theme (2,6%). The analysis of nonlinguistic context covers situasional context analysis, cultural context, idelogy context identifies the closely relation between the textual meaning which is described into lexico-grammar structure system and its clauses with lombok society in general. The clause forms a text showsthe realityu of thecultural and social condition of here inafter is related with the study of discourse analysis lecture at collage using the constructivist study method. The relevance is acceptedto relate the content and technic or how to anayzethe discourse/text by usingsystemic functional linguistics (SFL) theory interpersonal comment adjunction Keywords: Text, context, Systemic Funfcional Linguistics, Amaq Setoweq Folklore, The Theory of Constructivist Study
Chafe’s Semantic Structure Processes Versus Halliday’s Systemic Functional Grammar Processes Luu Quy Khuong; Doan Phan Anh Truc
International Journal of Systemic Functional Linguistics Vol. 2 No. 1 (2019)
Publisher : Warmadewa University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1832.688 KB) | DOI: 10.55637/ijsfl.2.1.1075.24-32


Processes are seen as a language phenomenon involving the participant of various language elements realized by verbals, nominal groups or adverbials. How these elements occur in the processes depends on linguists’ concepts of processes. The paper aims to consider Chafe’s processes and Halliday’s Systemic Functional Grammar processes to see what similarities and differences are. The study was conducted with qualitative methods in order to analyse materials and analyse the data collected. The data include samples extracted from four literary works in English which are The Man of Property, The Old Man and the Sea, the Call of the Wild and the Moon and Sixpence. The findings can point out some differences and similarities of processes by Chafe and Halliday. At the same time, the results will help those who pay much attention to this language phenomenon have a deeper understanding in order to equip themselves with background knowledge of language learning and research.
International Journal of Systemic Functional Linguistics Vol. 1 No. 2 (2017)
Publisher : Warmadewa University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (751.052 KB) | DOI: 10.55637/ijsfl.1.2.390.11-17


This research reports the result of transitivity investigation of lexical metaphor in the novel Ayat-Ayat Cinta and its relevance to language learning in SMA. The purpose of this study is to describe the transitivity process in the novel Ayat-Ayat Cinta; to describe the kinds of lexical metaphor that existed in the novel Ayat-Ayat Cinta; and to describe the relevance of research finding to language learning in high school. The approach used in this research is qualitative descriptive. Method of data collection is documen which covers the script documentation of the text in the novel Ayat-Ayat Cinta and recording technique. The data analysis was done by applying identification technique with the orientation Systematic Functional Linguistics (LFS). The results of data analysis were presented by using descriptive method comprising description the data anlyzed. The result showed that the presence of metaphor in transitivity in text of the novel Ayat-Ayat Cinta is very supportive for the research. It was found that the number of transitivity processes found is 247 clauses with the division into several processes. The percentage of material process is 19%, mental process 132%, relational process 8.50%, behavioral process 5.26%, verbal process 7.28%, and extential process is 6.47%. Based on the overall classification of process, the most dominant process realized in the novel is mental process (132%). (RELEVANCE OF RESEARCH FINDING TO LANGUAGE LEARNING AT SCHOOLS)
Textual Metafunction in Donald Trump’s Speech “Recognizing Jerusalem as Israel’s Capital” Mirsa Umiyati
International Journal of Systemic Functional Linguistics Vol. 2 No. 2 (2019)
Publisher : Warmadewa University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1529.93 KB) | DOI: 10.55637/ijsfl.2.2.1321.55-60


This research aimed to discover the realization of textual metafunction and to discover kinds of mood and theme types dominated in speech since the data itself was Donald Trump’s speech “Recognizing Jerusalem as Israel Capital”. This research employed a qualitative research method and content analysis approach. The data was obtained from the trusted website and the data itself was analyzed by using Halliday’s theory by considering the steps of data analysis proposed by Gay et al. As a result of the analysis, it was discovered that: (1) the realization of textual metafunction in Donald Trump’s speech was applied. 84 clauses found in Donald Trump’s speech, and each clause contained Theme and Rheme which carry the message told the listeners; (2) mood (theme in declarative clauses) were mostly dominated particularly unmarked theme, which had 44 clauses while marked theme 38 clauses. Otherwise, (theme in imperative clauses) were the lowest calculation, it was obtained 2 clauses from the total number of clauses. Meanwhile, (theme in interrogative clauses) was not found, yes or no as well as wh-question; theme types (ideational/topical theme was dominant), it was derived 57 clauses, the second was (textual theme), it was derived 25 clauses and the last was (interpersonal theme), it derived 2 clauses. To sum up, based on textual metafunction perspective, the speaker attempts to get the listeners’ attention to focus on the message of what is being said, and giving many statements to tell the listeners his recognition that Jerusalem as Israel’s capital.
Interpersonal Function in Paul Biya’s 2018 French Inaugural Speech and its English Translation Vincent Mbahawa Chefor
International Journal of Systemic Functional Linguistics Vol. 2 No. 2 (2019)
Publisher : Warmadewa University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1961.447 KB) | DOI: 10.55637/ijsfl.2.2.1371.47-54


In this paper, Halliday’s Systemic Functional Grammar theory (1985) is used to analyze the interpersonal metafunction of language, with focus on the mood system, across two linguistics mediums. The corpus analyzed is a political speech namely, Cameroonian President Paul Biya’s 2018 inaugural speech in French and its English translation. Specifically, the paper seeks to know if the mood system of the political speech in the French language is preserved in its English translation. The paper leads to the conclusion that, with regard to mood choices in the French and English texts respectively, declaratives account for 96.42% and 97.79%, imperatives account for 3.58% and 2.21% while there is no representation of the interrogative in both texts. Therefore the mood system in a vast majority of the clauses in the French Source Text is preserved in the English Target Text. This is proof that in the English Translation of Paul Biya’s 2018 inaugural speech, the translator tried as much as possible to keep the original style of the political speech.