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Public Inspiration : Jurnal Administrasi Publik
Published by Universitas Warmadewa
ISSN : 25812378     EISSN : 25805975     DOI : -
PUBLIC INSPIRATION: Jurnal Administrasi Publik is a journal research published by Postgraduate program of Public Administration, Universitas Warmadewa. This Journal is a group of research including; Social science, Psychology, Politic, Anthropology, Information technology, Culture, and Law. This Journal is published twice a year in June and December.
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Analisis Kinerja Kebijakan Bupati dalam Pengangkatan Tenaga Honorer di Pemerintah Kabupaten Badung I Wayan Arta; A.A. Gede Raka; I Made Sumada
Public Inspiration: Jurnal Administrasi Publik Vol. 4 No. 1 (2019)
Publisher : Universitas Warmadewa

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22225/pi.4.1.2019.1-10


Abstract The appointment policy of honorary staff is embodied in the form of Badung Regent Decree Number: 1316 / 01 / HK / 2005 concerning the Appointment of Honorary Staff in Badung Regency Government whose number has reached 102 people, this is expected to be able to increase policy performance maximally. But in reality the work program has not been intended as expected. Problems have been occurred What is the performance of the Bupati's policy in the appointment of honorary staff in the Badung Regency Government and what factors have led to the ineffective performance of the Regent's policies in the appointment of honorary staff in Badung Regency Government. This research method uses a qualitative descriptive approach. The theory which is used is the theory of policy analysis to be proposed by Dunn and the theory of failure factors according to Hoogewerf. The results of this study has found that the achievement of the performance of honorary staff that has not been maximized due to the lack of support from leadership in the development of Human Resources honorary staff. For this reason, it is recommended that the leadership of honorary staff in each regional apparatus improve their performance and need to be given the opportunity for education and training at least 20 lessons per year according to the mandate of Law No. 5 the Year 2014 and PP No. 11 the Year 2017. Abstrak Kebijakan pengangkatan tenaga honorer dituangkan dalam bentuk Surat Keputusan Bupati Badung Nomor : 1316/01/HK/2005 tentang Pengangkatan Tenaga Honorer di Lingkungan Pemerintah Kabupaten Badung yang jumlahnya mencapai 102 orang, ini diharapkan mampu untuk meningkatkan kinerja kebijakan secara maksimal. Namun dalam kenyataannya progam kerja belum terwujud sesuai dengan harapan. Permasalahan yang terjadi Bagaimana kinerja kebijakan Bupati dalam pengangkatan tenaga honorer di Pemerintah Kabupaten Badung dan faktor-faktor apa yang meyebabkan belum efektifnya kinerja kebijakan Bupati dalam pengangkatan tenaga honorer di Pemerintah Kabupaten Badung. Metode penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan deskreptif kualitatif. Teori yang digunakan adalah teori analisis kebijakan yang dikemukakan oleh Dunn dan Teori faktor-faktor kegagalan menurut Hoogewerf. Hasil dari penelitian ini menemukan capaian kinerja tenaga honorer belum maksimal ini disebabkan kurangnya dukungan dari pimpinan dalam pengembangan Sumber Daya Manusia tenaga honorer. Untuk itu disarankan kepada pimpinan tenaga honorer di masing-masing perangkat daerah untuk memperbaiki kinerjanya perlu diberikan kesempatan pendidikan dan pelatihan minimum 20 jam pelajaran per tahun sesuai amanat UU No. 5 Tahun 2014 dan PP No. 11 tahun 2017.
Implementasi Kebijakan Pengelolaan Keuangan Daerah Berbasis Akrual Pada Badan Kepegawaian Dan Pengembangan Sumber Daya Manusia Di Pemerintah Kabupaten Badung I Wayan Kamasan; A.A. Gede Raka; I Made Sumada
Public Inspiration: Jurnal Administrasi Publik Vol. 4 No. 1 (2019)
Publisher : Universitas Warmadewa

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22225/pi.4.1.2019.39-46


Berbasis akrual adalah pengakuan terhadap transakasi pada saat peristiwa terjadi tanpa memperhatikan kas atau setara kas berpindah tangan. Akan tetapi dalam implementasi pengelolaan keuangan berbasis akrual pada BKPSDM di Pemerintah Kabupaten Badung, terjadi keterlambatan pengakuan transaksi keuangan. oleh sebab itu, penelitan yang berjudul Implementasi Pengelolaan Keuangan Daerah berbasis akrual pada Badan Kepegawaian dan Pengembangan Sumber Daya Manusia di Pemerintah Kabupaten Badung” sangat menarik untuk dikaji. Dengan perumusan masalah dalam penelitian ini adalah: 1). Bagaimana implementasi kebijakan pengelolaan keuangan daerah berbasis akrual pada BKPSDM di Pemerintah Kabupaten Badung?, 2). Faktor-faktor apa yang menghambat implementasi kebijakan pengelolaan keuangan daerah berbasis akrual pada BKPSDM di pemerintah Kabupaten Badung? Tujuan penelitian 1).Untuk mengetahui implementasi kebijakan pengelolaan keuangan daerah berbasis akrual pada BKPSDM di Pemerintah Kabupaten Badung. 2). Untuk mengetahui faktor-faktor yang menghambat implementasi kebijakan pengelolaan keuangan daerah berbasis akrual pada BKPSDM di Pemerintah Kabupaten Badung. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode pendekatan deskriptif kualitatif. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukan bahwa pengelolaan keuangan daerah pada BKPSDM di Pemerintah Kabupaten sesuai teori Adward III yaitu komunikasi, sumber daya, kecenderungan-kecenderungan, dan struktur birokrasi, sudah berjalan dengan baik. Sedangkan faktor-faktor yang menghambat implementasi kebijakan pengelolaan keuangan daerah berbasis akrual pada BKPSDM di Kabupaten Badung, sesuai Teori Bambang Sunggono dari faktor informasi melalui pelatihan-pelatihan belum merata, faktor dukungan pelaksanaan sumber daya manusia yang mempunyai keahlian akuntansi belum memadai, kapasitas internet dan SIMDA keuangan online masih kurang, faktor pembagian potensi belum adil berdasarkan kinerja individu Accrual based is the recognition of transactions when an event occurs without regard to cash or cash equivalents changing hands. However, in the implementation of accrual-based financial management at BKPSDM in the Badung Regency Government, there was a delay in the recognition of financial transactions. Therefore, research entitled Implementation of Regional Financial Management based on accruals on the Personnel and Human Resources Development Agency in the Badung Regency Government "is very interesting to study. With the formulation of the problem in this study are:11). How is the implementation of accrual-based regional financial management policies in BKPSDM in the Badung Regency Government ?, 2). What factors hinder the implementation of accrual-based regional financial management policies at BKPSDM in the Badung Regency government? Research Objective 1). To find out the implementation of accrual-based regional financial management policies at BKPSDM in the Badung Regency Government. 2). To find out the factors that hinder the implementation of accrual-based regional financial management policies at BKPSDM in the Badung Regency Government. This study uses a qualitative descriptive approach. The results of this study indicate that regional financial management in BKPSDM in the District Government according to Adward III's theory of communication, resources, trends, and bureaucratic structure, has been going well. While the factors that hinder the implementation of accrual-based regional financial management policies in BKPSDM in Badung Regency, according to Bambang Sunggono's theory of information factors through trainings have not been evenly distributed, the factors supporting human resource implementation that have inadequate accounting expertise, internet capacity and SIMDA online finance is still lacking, potential distribution factors have not been fair based on individual performance
Aktualisasi Kesadaran Bela Negara Bagi Generasi Muda Dalam Meningkatkan Ketahanan Nasional I Nengah Suriata
Public Inspiration: Jurnal Administrasi Publik Vol. 4 No. 1 (2019)
Publisher : Universitas Warmadewa

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22225/pi.4.1.2019.47-56


The awareness of state defensive is the right and obligation for every citizen. In accordance with Article 27 Paragraph (3), Article 30 Paragraph (1) of the 1945 Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia. Observing Article 27 Paragraph (3) and Article 30 Paragraph (1), implies that the state's defense effort in defending the state constitutes the rights and obligations of every citizen country with no exception the further regulation in the Law of the Republic of Indonesia Number 39 of 1999 concerning Human Rights, Republic of Law Number 3 of 2002 concerning National Defense, Law of the Republic of Indonesia number 34 of 2004 concerning TNI, Law of the Republic of Indonesia Number 20 of 2003 concerning the National Education System, and Law of the Republic of Indonesia number 12 of 2006 concerning Citizenship. Legal regulations cover the existence of state defense, but have not been able to realize awareness for the young generation. The number of violations of law carried out by the young generation including brawls, the participation of radical ideology (ISIS), drug abuse, and other illegal acts. The young generation was not actualize defending the country, so national security became less resilient which the country and nation collapsed. This research method used descriptive- qualitative analysis with observing a series of events that occur, observing the history of past observations based on current situations and conditions and using literature studies. The approach taken in the National Resilience perspective was multi-disciplinary or interdisciplinary. This approach also used to determine the extent of the state actualization of defense for young generation in national security. Next was the approach to find out that how much the role of the young generation in defending the country to strengthen national security. The population in this study was the young generation, while the sample was a purposive sample by searching on the internet for the involvement of young generation in violating the law. The conclusions of this study showed that the young generation experienced various violations of law, deviating from the basic values of the Pancasila, behaving radically and very disrespectfully, so that national resilience could not be strong. National Resilience is less resilient to Obstacles, Threat, Challenges and Disruptions (HTAG), which currently Indonesia is in implementing National Development.
Pengaruh Kualitas Pelayanan Puskesmas Terhadap Kepuasan Pasien Gigitan Hewan Penular Rabies (GHPR) di UPT Puskesmas Mengwi I Kecamatan Mengwi I Wayan Suryanata; I Wayan Gede Suacana; A.A. Gede Raka
Public Inspiration: Jurnal Administrasi Publik Vol. 4 No. 1 (2019)
Publisher : Universitas Warmadewa

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22225/pi.4.1.2019.11-19


Abstract The Community Health Center as the Technical Implementation Unit of the District Health Office is responsible for health development in its working area. Community Health Center have the role of organizing health efforts to increase awareness, willingness and ability to live healthy for each population in order to obtain optimal health degrees. The number of cases of Transmission Rabies (GHPR) and the ability of Human Resources (HR) to serve varied and still complaints about services obtained by the community, so the research entitled The Effect of Community Health Center Service Quality on Satisfaction of Transmitted Rabies Animal (GHPR) patients in The Technical Implementation Unit of Mengwi Community Health Center I in Mengwi Subdistrict is important. The formulation of the problems 1. Partially influence the quality of Community Health Center services (tangibles, reability, responsiveness, assurance and empaty) partially to the satisfaction of Transmitted Rabies Animal (GHPR) patients in the Mengwi I Badung Health Center Technical Implementation Unit? (Tangibles, reability, responsiveness, assurance and empaty) simultaneously to the satisfaction of animal bites transmitting rabies (GHPR) in the Mengwi I Badung Health Center Technical Implementation Unit ?. The purpose of this study was to find out and understand the effect of the quality of services of the Mengwi I Technical Implementation Unit on the satisfaction of partial and simultaneous of animal bites transmitting rabies (GHPR) patients. The theory used is the theory of Zeitham Parasuraman-Berry which states that satisfaction is influenced by the quality of services based on 5 dimensions (tangibles reliability, responsiveness, assurance, and empathy). The method used is Random Sampling with a population of 596 and a sample of 100 respondents. Data collection used observation, questionnaire and documentation techniques. The results of this study found that there is a partial effect between tangibles variable of 0.456, reliability of 0.095, responsiveness of - 0.035, assurance of 0.334 and empaty of 0.253 on satisfaction of animal bites transmitting rabies (GHPR) patients. Simultaneously the variable quality of health center services (tangibles, reability, responsiveness, assurance and empathy) had a positive and significant effect on the satisfaction of the animal bites transmitting rabies (GHPR) patients at the Mengwi I Health Center Technical Unit in Mengwi District (P
Jelmane To To Dogen: Genealogi Kekerasan dan Perjuangan Subaltern Bali I Ngurah Suryawan
Public Inspiration: Jurnal Administrasi Publik Vol. 4 No. 1 (2019)
Publisher : Universitas Warmadewa

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22225/pi.4.1.2019.20-30


Abstrak Sejarah panjang kekerasan dan pentas pembentukan politik kebudayaan Bali meminggirkan narasi dari kelompok masyarakat yang disisihkan dan dikalahkan oleh kekuasaan. Narasi-narasi kecil mereka berada di tepi wacana pelestarian politik kebudayaan Bali. Padahal dalam kesaksian mereka terurai relasi kuasa yang terjadi dalam sejarah kekerasan dan konstruksi kebudayaan Bali. Para kelompok subaltern ini menjadi korban tapi kemudian bangkit berjuang (survivor) yang dengan caranya sendiri menjalani pergolakan hidupnya dengan penuh siasat dan perjuangan. Genealogi kekerasan menjadi pondasi dari terbentuknya kebudayaan Bali yang terwarisi dari zaman kolonial hingga kini. Genealogi kekerasan tercipta dalam serangkaian peristiwa-peristiwa yang menunjukkan bagaimana perjuangan orang-orang Bali untuk tetap bertahan hidup di tengah teror kekerasan oleh saudaranya sendiri, sesama krama (warga) Bali sendiri. I Nyoman Nambreg dan I Ketut Sorog salah satunya, menjadi saksi bagaimana tragedi kekerasan paling pilu dalam hidupnya. Ia menjadi saksi hidup ketika kedua anaknya meregang nyawa saat dibantai oleh beberapa orang yang ia kenal. Ia meyakini bahwa yang membantai anaknya orangnya adalah itu-itu juga (jelmane to to gen). Artikel ini berargumen bahwa konstruksi pembentukan politik kebudayaan Bali sudah menjadi esensialisme kebudayaan. Oleh karena itu, menempatkan kajian-kajian subaltern, narasi di luar kekuasaan dengan perspektif pascakolonial akan melahirkan kajian yang tajam dan humanistik dalam membongkar kuasa genealogi kekerasan dan politik kebudayaan Bali.
Implementasi Program Sistem Informasi Manajemen Kepegawaian (SIMPEG) Berbasis Web Di Badan Kepegawaian Dan Pengembangan Sumber Daya Manusia (BKPSDM) Kabupaten Badung I Wayan Dharmawan; A.A. Gede Raka; I Made Mardika
Public Inspiration: Jurnal Administrasi Publik Vol. 4 No. 1 (2019)
Publisher : Universitas Warmadewa

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22225/pi.4.1.2019.31-38


Pengelolaan data kepegawaian, Kabupaten Badung dilakukan dengan Sistem Informasi Manajemen Kepegawaian (SIMPEG) berbasis web. Pelaksanaan program oleh Badan Kepegawaian dan Pengelolaan Sumber Daya Manusia (BKPSDM) Kabupaten Badung berupaya meningkatkan manajemen dan administrasi kepegawaian secara cepat, tepat dan akurat. Kendatipun program ini telah terlaksana dengan baik, namun belum mencapai hasil yang optimal. Penelitian ini berupaya menganalisis efektivitas implementasi kebijkasanaan program di BKPSDM Kabupaten Badung. Dua masalah yang dikaji adalah: (1) efektifitas implementasi program SIMPEG berbasis web di BKPSDM Kabupaten Badung, dan (2) Faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi implementasi program SIMPEG tersebut. Tujuan penelitian adalah untuk mengetahui efektivitas implementasi program SIMPEG berbasis web di BKPSDM Kabupaten Badung dan faktor-faktor yang menjadi menghambat implementasi program SIMPEG berbasis web di BKPSDM Kabupaten Badung. Pendekatan yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode deskriptif kualitatif dengan penerapan teori Edwards III dan teori Bambang Sunggono. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan teknik observasi, wawancara mendalam, dan dokumentasi. Pemilihan informan menggunakan teknik purposive sampling, dan analisis data dengan kualitatif bersifat induktif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa implementasi program SIMPEG berbasis web di BKPSDM Kabupaten Badung sudah berjalan cukup baik sesuai dengan empat unsur yang menentukan implementasi kebijakan yaitu komunikasi, sumber daya, disposisi, dan struktur birokrasi. Faktor-faktor yang menjadi hambatan dalam implementasi program SIMPEG berbasis web di BKPSDM Kabupaten Badung menyangkut isi kebijakan, dukungan SDM, sarana prasarana dan komunikasi.

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