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AT-TURAS: Jurnal Studi Keislaman
ISSN : 2355567X     EISSN : 24601063     DOI : -
Two decades or more, in the global scheme, Islamic studies have been enforced to take broader paradigms from dogmatic-theology to popular-religious. Islamic studies is not merely discussing on sacred corpus only, but everyday life of Islam also. In academic space, this field has increasingly been an intersection -if not a contestation- across disciplines, such as political science, anthropology, sociology, history, economics, media, and cultural studies.
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Mematuhi Protokol Kesehatan di Masa Pandemi Covid-19 Menurut Pandangan Fiqh Sosial Kiai Sahal Janah, Tutik Nurul
JURNAL AT-TURAS Vol 8, No 2 (2021): Hukum dan Pemikiran Islam
Publisher : Universitas Nurul Jadid

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33650/at-turas.v8i2.2750


This study is qualitative research. This research uses descriptive methods. Analysis of the data in this study uses the perspective of fiqh social. Health protocol is an effort to maintain health during the COVID-19 pandemic. Health protocols include three main elements: prevention, detection, and response.In the perspective of social fiqh, adhering to health protocols during the COVID-19 pandemic is an inevitability.  This opinion refers to the development of examples of qaidah fiqhiyyah on the use of madzhab qauli in the methodology of fiqh social. The fiqh social perspective considers that complying with health protocols is part of hifdz al nafs.Therefore, matters related to hifdz al nafs, must also be implemented in order to achieve maqasid al sharia. In this case, including in complying with health protocols during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Assembling Science Dichotomy of Islamic and West Epistemology Perspective Miftahudin Azmi; Nur Syam
JURNAL AT-TURAS Vol 8, No 2 (2021): Hukum dan Pemikiran Islam
Publisher : Universitas Nurul Jadid

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33650/at-turas.v8i2.2781


The dichotomy of science has been going on for a long time, resulting in knowledge originating from Islamic civilization and Western civilization. This dichotomy ultimately requires scientific integration in various scientific disciplines and educational institutions. Whereas the source of all knowledge comes from God. The purpose of this article is to find a meeting point for the epistemology of Islamic scholarship (al-Qur'an) and the West so that in the end there is no dichotomy of knowledge. This research is normative because it examines the texts of Islamic and Western civilizations to find a meeting point for the scientific epistemology developed by the two civilizations. The results showed that the development pattern of scientific epistemology in the West tended to be dominated by reason and sensory experience (rationalism and empiricism). however, the last few periods of scientific epistemology in the West have developed intuitive methods that ultimately minimize or at least not mainstream the roles of reason and sense experience. This concept is similar to the Islamic epistemology system which carries reason (burhani), senses (bayani), and heart ('irfani).
Hukum Islam sebagai Hukum Progresif A. Malthuf Siroj
JURNAL AT-TURAS Vol 8, No 2 (2021): Hukum dan Pemikiran Islam
Publisher : Universitas Nurul Jadid

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33650/at-turas.v8i2.1934


Progressive law (hukum progresif) as a discourse emerged as a response to law enforcement in Indonesia which was concerning, because there had been commercialization and legal engineering by a group known as the judicial mafia so that it deviated from Indonesia's ideals as a state of law. It was Prof. Satjipto Rahardjo who initiated progressive law. Conceptually, progressive law wants to restore the function of law so that it is in accordance with its objectives, namely upholding justice and realizing the benefit of humans. Thus, law according to the concept of progressive law must be dedicated to humans, not the other way around, and to realize justice, the law must always develop dynamically, it must not stagnate in the form of a rigid statutory text. This study wants to see whether Islamic law can also be called progressive law. From the results of the study, it was found that conceptually Islamic law can be categorized as progressive law, although not completely, because Islamic law originates from God's divine revelation 
Interpretation of Ibn Sina's Metaphysics on Islamic Teology and Islamic Education Axiology for Politeknik Negeri Media Kreatif Studies in Medan Gunawan Gunawan; Muhammad Adyan Simanjuntak; Amroeni Drajat; Salminawati Salminawati
JURNAL AT-TURAS Vol 8, No 2 (2021): Hukum dan Pemikiran Islam
Publisher : Universitas Nurul Jadid

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33650/at-turas.v8i2.2931


This paper will elaborate on the use of Ibn Sina’s (Avicenna) metaphysics perspective in helping Politeknik Negeri Media Kreatif Medan students to understand Islamic theology and Islamic education axiology. The qualitative (library research) method will further analyze and dissect Avicenna’s metaphysics concept’s relevance to Islamic education. The writer argues that every idea or science that impacts society would have its methodology and objective to ensure its promulgation throughout the years. To achieve an apprehensible understanding, the writer will aim to explain basic knowledge of the idea of “being” and “intellect’’. Furthermore, Avicenna’s “being” and “active intellect” notion has been famous among philosophers and linked to many philosophical and mystical discussions. Therefore, it can be utilized as an essential foundation in understanding Islamic education. His metaphysics concept can explain complex exposition, as religious knowledge has been socially constructed for centuries. Scrutinizing constructed knowledge would require a concept that has the methodology to illustrate the possibilities of higher thinking—making Avicenna’s metaphysics a suitable concept to give profound comprehensive religious study for the student.
Implementation of Gotong Royong Value in Increasing National Resilience during The New Normal Order Fawait Syaiful Rahman; Yatno Isworo
JURNAL AT-TURAS Vol 8, No 2 (2021): Hukum dan Pemikiran Islam
Publisher : Universitas Nurul Jadid

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33650/at-turas.v8i2.2695


Pandemic Covid-19 has been running in Indonesia for more than two years, synergy in policies and persuasion measures from policy makers is indispensable, so that national issues can be minimized. The government has made various efforts, including macro and micro social restrictions in order to maintain and rebuild national economic resilience. On the other hand, Indonesian people have a direct social culture. Indonesian people's perception of the actual relationship if they have met physically and greeted each other directly. This kind of thing if left unchecked can be one of the triggers for the spread of the new Covid-19 cluster. The approach used in this study is qualitative with the type of library research. This study wants to answer questions about what approach can be used to break the chain of Covid-19 spread and rebuild national economic resilience. Finally, the conclusion of the research is the first, the value of mutual cooperation in the frame of Sesanti Bhinneka Tunggal Ika has the basic principle of conducting joint activities to achieve common goals in synergy, collaboration, coordination and mutual empowering. Second, in the process of strengthening the value of mutual assistance can be done through synergy and collaboration involving all components of the nation covering all segmentation of society through the whole of government approach and pentahelix model concept. And third, the implementation of mutual value in the New Normal period can improve the quality of people's welfare towards the National Economic Resilience.
Pemikiran Ulama Nusantara dalam Pergumulan Wahabi dan Perubahan Sosio-Politik: Analisis Risalah At-Tauhid Karya KHR. As’ad Syamsul Arifin Situbondo Nawawi Nawawi
JURNAL AT-TURAS Vol 8, No 2 (2021): Hukum dan Pemikiran Islam
Publisher : Universitas Nurul Jadid

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33650/at-turas.v8i2.2975


This study found that the theology in the Risalah at-Tawhid by KH. As'ad Syamsul Arifin is moderate, namely the balance between reason and religious texts (naqli). The concept of kyai As'ad's tri-tawhid has a foundation from previous scholars and the relationship between the two is mutually attached (talazum), so it is inconceivable if someone who believes in one of them also denies the other. Both have different basic meanings, but have the same meaning (madlul), so it is inconceivable to believe in one of them and deny the other. In contrast to the Wahhabi (Ibn Tamiyah) tri-tawhid concept, it is problematic because it adheres to one of the three categories of monotheism. In fact, the substance of monotheism is the endorsement of Allah and the implication is that the polytheists do not believe in monotheism. Furthermore, the Risalah at-Tawhid examines Sufism, Suluki and philosophy. Suluki Sufism is implemented in the form of a tarekat. Meanwhile, philosophical Sufism includes fana' as a form of awareness of the existence of communication and dialogue between the human spirit and God through contemplation. Likewise, this book examines politics and the criteria for leadership as a form of social Sufism. Namely, Sufism is not only concerned with individual piety but also the movement for socio-political change. This Sufism model is a balance between the life of the world and the hereafter. Thus, this book belongs to the category of progressive and moderate thinking.
Keberhasilan Difusi Inovasi Gagasan Social Enterprise dalam Pemberdayaan Masyarakat Islam: Studi Komunitas Kampung Marketer Purbalingga Wahanani Mawasti
JURNAL AT-TURAS Vol 8, No 2 (2021): Hukum dan Pemikiran Islam
Publisher : Universitas Nurul Jadid

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33650/at-turas.v8i2.2712


Diffusion of innovation is an important part in the process of da'wah and empowerment of Islamic society. This article describes the strategies and success factors for the diffusion of innovation in the Islamic community empowerment programs implemented by Kampung Marketer in village communities in Purbalingga district. The method used is qualitative with in-depth interview techniques and is supported by documentation and online research. The results showed that the success of Kampung Markater in diffusing innovation was due to the characteristics of innovation that had relative advantages, compatibility, easy complexity, triability and observability. In addition, the success of the innovation diffusion process in rural communities is also supported by the components of the social system, such as: 1) agents of change characteristics, 2) homophilia between agents of change characteristics and adopters, 3) characteristics of adopters, 4) social norms of the community and 5) the communication channels used. The community figure component also has an influence on the spread of innovation but is not very dominant

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