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El-Furqania : Jurnal Ushuluddin dan Ilmu-Ilmu Keislaman
ISSN : 2460383     EISSN : 24778249     DOI : -
Core Subject : Religion, Education,
Jurnal EL-FURQANIA Vol.04 No.02 Agustus 2018 yang saat ini ada di tangan pembaca menampilkan sejumlah artikel yang merupakan bukti atau hasil “pencarian” para penulis untuk memahami hubungan Ushuluddin dan Ilmu-ilmu Keislaman dengan pranata sosial berdasarkan concern keilmuan masing-masing penulis di berbagai bidang. Jurnal ini menampilkan enam karya tulis ilmiah yang merupakan karya orisinal, tentang kajian al-Qur’an dan kajian keislaman
Arjuna Subject : Umum - Umum
Articles 6 Documents
Search results for , issue "Vol. 7 No. 01 (2021): Februari" : 6 Documents clear
The Development of Hadith Studies in Indonesia in the 20-21 AD Century D. Indah Syifana
El-Furqania : Jurnal Ushuluddin dan Ilmu-Ilmu Keislaman Vol. 7 No. 01 (2021): Februari
Publisher : STIU Al-Mujtama Pamekasan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.54625/elfurqania.v7i01.4177


Hadith as the second source of Islamic teachings is very important to study. However, in Indonesia the study of hadith in its development is inversely proportional to the progress of other Islamic sciences. This delay took place over a long period of time, starting from the beginning of the entry of Islam to Indonesia until the end of the 20th century AD. Meanwhile, in modern times the study of hadith has progressed rapidly, both in terms of quantity and quality. However, the progress of this era also raises several problems regarding the authenticity and understanding of the hadith itself. This article will discuss the development history and characteristics of hadith studies in Indonesia. The development of hadith will never be separated from the role of the scholars at that time, therefore in this article the author also describes the figures and works produced in the scientific field of hadith.
Kajian Hadis dalam Ormas Islam Persatuan Islam (PERSIS): Kajian Hadis dalam Ormas Islam Persatuan Islam (PERSIS) Ananda Alam Mar'atus Sholikha
El-Furqania : Jurnal Ushuluddin dan Ilmu-Ilmu Keislaman Vol. 7 No. 01 (2021): Februari
Publisher : STIU Al-Mujtama Pamekasan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.54625/elfurqania.v7i01.4230


Abstrak: Bermula pada awal abad ke 20 ketika rasa nasionalisme bangsa Indonesia baru tumbuh, menjamur sebuah gerakan pembaharuan yang biasa disebut dengan modernisme. Tema sentral ide pembaharuan pemikiran dalam Islam di atas terletak pada kata kunci I’adatu al-Islam, Salah satu wujud dari I’adatu al-lslam itu adalah memperbaharui kembali cara pandang dalam menjawab problematika yang berkembang dengan kembali kepada al-Quran dan al-Hadis. yakni sebuah keinginan untuk kembali kepada ajaran Islam yang murni dengan merujuk kepada al-Quran dan Hadis, serta membuang jauh-jauh sikap taklid. Dan salah satu ormas yang melakukan pembaharuan adalah Persatuan Islam (PERSIS). Persatuan islam berdiri pada permulaan tahun 1920-an. Tepatnya tanggal 12 september 1923 di Bandung. Idenya bermula dari seorang H. Zamzam Ia bersama teman dekatnya, H. Muhammad Yunus dari sebuah kegiatan diskusi keagamaan. Persatuan Islam (PERSIS) memiliki orientasi pemikiran yang khas dengan menempatkan dirinya sebagai paham keagamaan islam bersifat puritan, adapun karakteristik kajian hadis dalam ormas Persis atau bisa dibilang cara dakwah dalam penyebaran islam yakni dengan mengadakan pertemuan-pertemuan umum, tabligh, khutbah, kelompok studi, tadarus, pendirian sekolah-sekolah (pesantren), penerbitan majalah-majalah dan kitab-kitab. Adapun perkembangan ormas ini dalam menyebarkan dakwah islam pun tak terlepas dari peran tokoh-tokoh PERSIS yang juga banyak menghasilkan karya-karya terkait dalam bidang kajian Hadis. Kata Kunci : Kajian Hadis; PERSIS; Puritan; karya tokoh.
TRADISI “NGIDU URASAN” STUDI LIVING QUR`AN DI DESA SURULANGUN: Living Qur`an dalam Mengidu Urasan di Desa Surulangun, Motivasi Masyarakat Desa Surulangun terhadap Tradisi Ngidu Urasan, Ngidu Urasan Pengobatan Dengan Sarana Daun Rambutan Dan Al-Qur`an, Rasionalitas Ngidu Urasan antara Resepsi Kultural dan Agama Rita Desrianti
El-Furqania : Jurnal Ushuluddin dan Ilmu-Ilmu Keislaman Vol. 7 No. 01 (2021): Februari
Publisher : STIU Al-Mujtama Pamekasan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.54625/elfurqania.v7i01.4265


Abstrak Tradisi Ngidu Urasan merupakan suatu interaksi yang dilakukan oleh masyarakat di Desa Surulangun kecamatan rawas ulu kabupaten muratara yang menjalankan tradisi ngidu urasan sebagai amalan untuk menolong orang yang sakit dengan perantara Daun Rambutan yang dibacakan ayat al-Qur`an. Bahwa sebelumnya banyak pola interaksi dengan al-Qur`an yang dilakukan masyarakat muslim seperti membaca, menghafal, azimat, syifa` dan lain sebagainya. Jadi untuk mengetahui lebih lanjut tentang tradisi ini, maka dalam artikel ini peneliti akan mengunakan Studi Living Qur`an untuk membedah tema tersebut agar supaya teks al-Qur`an itu benar-benar hidup di masyarakat desa surulangun dengan mengunakan pendekatan kualitatif dan jenis penelitian deskriptif kualitatif non partisipan yaitu dengan cara Dokumentasi dan wawancara secara mendalam kepada informan tentang pengamalan tradisi ngidu urasan untuk mengumpulkan data dari tempat lokasi penelitian agar dapat mengambarkan dan menganalisis suatu hasil penelitian. Adapun fokus penelitian ini terpusat kepada masyarakat desa surulangun yang menyakini bahwa tradisi ngidu urasan sebagai obat. penelitian ini menyimpulkan bahwa tradisi ngidu urasan ini berasal dari nenek moyang terdahulu dan atas dasar keyakinan dan kepercayaan para masyarakatnya kepada para tokoh (pengidu) yang melakukan ngidu urasan. Pengidu urasan mempunyai amalan tersendiri dengan mengunakan daun rambutan yang dibacakan ayat suci al-Qur`an seperti al-Fatihah, An-Nass, al-Ikhlas, al-Falaq, ayat Qursi, Sholawat Nabi, al-Zalzalah sebagai medium pengobatan terhadap penyakit demam, panas tinggi dan gangguan makhluk halus. Sehingg angidu urasan menjadi kajian dlam studi living qur`an yaitu al-Qur`an yang hidup disuatu masyarakat dan berfungsi sebagai obat penyembuhan. Kata Kunci :Ngidu Urasan, Masyarakat Surulangun, Studi Living Qur`an. Abstract The Ngidu Urasan tradition is an interaction carried out by the community in Surulangun Village, Rawas Ulu District, Muratara Regency who carries out the tradition of Ngidu Urasan as a practice to help people who are sick with the intermediary of Rambutan leaves which are read the verses of the Qur'an. Whereas previously there were many patterns of interaction with the Koran that were carried out by the Muslim community such as reading, memorizing, amulet, syifa` and so on. So to find out more about this tradition, in this article the researcher will use the Living Qur`an Study to dissect the theme so that the al-Qur'an text really lives in the Surulangun village community by using a qualitative approach and descriptive type of research. qualitative non-participants, namely by means of documentation and in-depth interviews with informants about the practice of the ngidu urasan tradition to collect data from the research location in order to describe and analyze a research result. And the focus of this research is centered on the people of Surulangun village who believe that the tradition of ngidu urasan is a medium of healing for diseases such as fever, high fever and spirits disorders (Tesapo).This research concludes that the tradition of ngidu urasan originates from previous ancestors and is based on the beliefs and beliefs of the people in the figures (pengidu) who practice ngidu urasan. Pengidu urasan has its own practice by using rambutan leaves that are recited from the holy verses of al-Qur`an such as al-Fatihah, An-Nass, al-Ikhlas, al-Falaq, Qursi verses, Sholawat Nabi, al-Zalzalah as a treatment medium for fever. , high heat and disturbance of spirits. So that angidu urasan becomes a study in the study of living qur`an, namely the al-Qur`an that lives in a society and functions as a healing medicine. Keywords: Ngidu Urasan, Surulangun Society, Living Qur`an Study.
Posisi Nabi Muhammad Sebagai Komunikator Perspektif Al-Qur’an Ali Mahfudz
El-Furqania : Jurnal Ushuluddin dan Ilmu-Ilmu Keislaman Vol. 7 No. 01 (2021): Februari
Publisher : STIU Al-Mujtama Pamekasan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.54625/elfurqania.v7i01.4384


This article describes the position of the Prophet Muhammad SAW as a communicator in the perspective of the Qur'an which is a designation from Allah SWT. This shows that the Prophet Muhammad SAW is an ideal patron communicator who can serve as a role model in communication. Some of the terms communicators carried by the Prophet Muhammad SAW in the Qur'an include da>in, muballigh, mubayyin, mubashshir, mundhir, mudhakkir, muallim, dan murabbin. These terms will be explained by referring to the meaning of the language, terms, and their usage in the al-Qur'an. Keywords: Communication, Communicator, Prophet Muhammad SAW
Membedah Al-Kashsha Abdul Syukkur
El-Furqania : Jurnal Ushuluddin dan Ilmu-Ilmu Keislaman Vol. 7 No. 01 (2021): Februari
Publisher : STIU Al-Mujtama Pamekasan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.54625/elfurqania.v7i01.4385


The difference in opinion between Ahlus sunnah wal jamaah and Muktazilah has reached the point of misleading one another. Thus, reference sources for one sect will not be used as a reference for other sects, but this is not the case with al-Kashsha>f which is the work of Muktazilah which is the reference for the ulama-Ahlussunnah wal Jamaah. This article examines the book al-Kashsha>f by al-Zamakhshari> al-Mu'tazili>, its writing background, the biography of the author, the characteristics of the book al-Kashsha>f, its advantages and disadvantages, the interpretation which is the point of criticism of Ahlussunnah wal Jamaah, and Appreciation of Ulama Ahlussunnah wal Jamaah for al-Kashsha>f. Keywords: Al-Kashsha>f, al-Zamakhshari>, Muktazilah, Ahlussunnah wal Jamaah.
Rekonsiderasi Budaya Manumbai Masyarakat Petalangan Melayu Riau Berbasis Al-Qur’an: Februari Miftah Ulya
El-Furqania : Jurnal Ushuluddin dan Ilmu-Ilmu Keislaman Vol. 7 No. 01 (2021): Februari
Publisher : STIU Al-Mujtama Pamekasan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.54625/elfurqania.v7i01.4390


Manumbai is a tradition of taking honey bee that is familiar to the people of Riau Malay Petalangan. In their view there remains a facet of inner strength, a power which cannot be reached by external effort. The unseen inner strength is greater than the outer strength. Therefore, doing a job with physical strength alone will not be sufficient, without being equipped with the effort to obtain supernatural inner strength. It has been popular that "Malay is synonymous with Islam" is a slogan that has been popular among the Riau Malay community. Even so, there still seems to be a discrepancy from what was popularized in the slogan. The author found that the manumbai procession (the ceremony for taking honey bees) in the culture of the Riau Malay Petalangan community seems to contradict the prohibitions in the al-Qur'an which are contained in the QS. Al-Nisa>'[4]: 171, namely' al-ghuluww "means transgressing the limit. This research uses a qualitative approach. While the method of interpretation in research uses the maudhu>'i> interpretation method. The stages in this research go through three stages, namely reading and tracing the literature (primary and secondary), which then analyzes the data with a descriptive analytical frame of mind, which in the end comes a conclusion. The author gives a reconsideration of the manumbai culture of the Riau Malay Petalangan community which seems to contradict the prohibition of the al-Qur'an through transformation. The desired consideration in this research is through changing the form of worship of the sialang tree which is believed to have magical powers to trust and complete belief in Allah, who is the giver and recipient of the prayers of all his servants' requests. Keywords: Reconsideration, Manumbai, Malay Culture.

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