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Acintya Vol 14, No 2 (2022)
Publisher : Institut Seni Indoensia Surakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33153/acy.v14i2.4301


Upacara Seren Taun di Kabupaten Kuningan, Jawa Barat. Masyarakat Kabupaten Kuningan memiliki cara tersendiri untuk melestarikan alam. Mereka memiliki tradisi yang dapat digunakan sebagai sarana Pendidikan moral untuk penganutnya. Selain itu tradisi ini memiliki kedekatan emosional hubungan antara manusia dengan alam. Upacara Seren Taun diadakan sebagai wujud rasa syukur atas hasil pertanian, serta doa semoga pertanian selanjutnya memiliki hasil yang melimpah. Dengan berbagai rangkaian prosesi acara dalam Upacara Seren Taun, ada banyak makna serta nilai dan norma yang dapat dipetik untuk diterapkan dalam kehidupan sehari-hari.
Perancangan Sarung Bantal Hias Untuk Sofa Dengan Teknik Makrame Erna Wati; Adji Isworo Josef
Acintya Vol 14, No 2 (2022)
Publisher : Institut Seni Indoensia Surakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33153/acy.v14i2.4430


Pillowcase is a place that is used to protect the pillow from dust and dirt. The macrame technique is a knotted knot craft consisting of several ropes or threads to make a work. There are very few macrame pillowcase products on the market, this causes the product to be less popular. Because judging from the manufacturing process looks complicated and takes a long time. So this is the background of the Design of Decorative Pillowcases for Sofas with the Makrame Technique. This design aims to make macrame pillowcase products easy to produce. The creation method used is SP Gustami's theory which consists of 3 stages, namely exploration, design and embodiment. The result of the creation of this work is a sofa cushion cover made using the macrame technique. This sofa cushion cover is intended as a decoration on a sofa or room.Keywords: Pillowcase, Sofa, Macrame
Acintya Vol 14, No 2 (2022)
Publisher : Institut Seni Indoensia Surakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33153/acy.v14i2.4546


ABSTRACTThis research is a follow-up study that the author has carried out since 2016 in the form of artistic creation, as well as applied research. Carrying a big theme, namely photograms in which each research/creation is developed or deepened so that new innovations will always appear.The author hopes that with this research entitled Aspects of Light Management to Affect the Visual Effects of Photograms, the author can present a finding in the form of ways to determine certain lighting to get a certain effect on the photogram technique, which can make a contribution to the world of photography which is growing rapidly in the world. in the realm of art today.With this research, several outputs in the form of journal articles and seminar presentations of the results will provide a novelty in the theme of the photogram that the author has adopted so that what the author has done several years before has sustainability and can be useful for everyone, especially those related to photography.Keyword: governance, photograms, lighting. ABSTRAKPenelitian kali ini merupakan sebuah studi lanjutan yang penulis telah lakukan sejak tahun 2016 dalam bentuk penciptaan artistik, maupun penelitian terapan. Mengusung sebuah tema besar yakni fotogram yang pada setiap penelitian/ penciptaan dilakukan mengembangan ataupun pendalaman sehingga akan muncul kebaruan-kebaruan yang selalu berkelanjutan.Penulis berharap dengan penelitian berjudul Aspek Tata Kelola Cahaya untuk Mempengaruhi Efek Visual Fotogram ini, penulis dapat menghadirkan sebuah temuan hasil berupa cara-cara menentukan pencahayaan tertentu untuk mendapatkansuatu efek tertentu pada teknik fotogram, yang dapat memberikan sebuah kontribusi bagi dunia fotografi yang semakin berkembang pesat di dalam ranah berkesenian saat ini.Dengan penelitian ini, beberapa luaran berupa artikel jurnal serta presentasi seminar hasil akan memberikan sebuah kebaruan dalam tema fotogram yang penulis angkat sehingga apa yang telah penulis lakukan beberapa tahun sebelumnya memiliki keberlanjutan serta dapat bermanfaat bagi semua orang terutama yang berkaitan dengan fotografi. Kata kunci: tata kelola, fotogram, pencahayaan.
Acintya Vol 14, No 2 (2022)
Publisher : Institut Seni Indoensia Surakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33153/acy.v14i2.4665


ABSTRAKTujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengungkap tari sebagai media komunikasi yang paling aktual bagi seniman. Beragam jenis garap tari tradisi yang bersumber tarian istana Surakarta salah satu wahana bagi seniman untuk mampu berkomunikasi dengan masyarakat. Kehadiran tari sebagai ungkapan ekspresi jiwa manusia merupakan media komunikasi seorang seniman (koreografer) terhadap penghayat. Sebagai media komunikasi, tari mempunyai muatan-muatan pesan dari koreografer yang hendak dikomunikasikan dengan masyarakat penonton atau penghayat. Metode dalam penelitian ini bersifat kualitatif dengan teknik pengumpulan data: studi pustaka, studi lapangan dan partisipan penuh yang terlibat langsung sebagai seniman. Teori yang digunakan sebagai dasar analisisnya adalah teori komunikasi menurut Cangara bahwa dalam peristiwa komunikasi terdapat unsur-unsur yang utama: sumber/ komunikator, media, pesan, penerima, lingkungan, efek dan umpan balik. Hasil penelitian bahwa aktualisasi seniman dalam masyarakat merupakan perwujudan fungsionalisasinya dari subsistem kebudayaan yakni untuk menjalin dan menjaga keseimbangan dari kebutuhan hidup akan rasa estetik dan pemenuhan kebutuhan yang berhubungan dengan beragam tuntutan sosial. Tari sebagai media komunikasi yang aktual bagi seniman di masyarakat rupanya sangat tepat, mengingat seniman dalam hal ini koreografer menyiratkan pesan-pesan yang berupa moral, spiritual, dan hiburan sebagai sumbangan dan pemenuhan kebutuhan hidup masyarakat yang bersifat immateriil. Kata kunci: seniman, tari, masyarakat.
Pemanfaatan Teknik Simpul untuk Pembuatan Tas Berbahan Denim Deni Ramawati; Adji Isworo Josef
Acintya Vol 14, No 2 (2022)
Publisher : Institut Seni Indoensia Surakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33153/acy.v14i2.4432


Denim is one of the oldest materials in the world, and until now the material is still known to everyone. The use of denim fabric for textile products is a phenomenon that will never die from time to time because this material is always used in creating a fashion product. Bags are one of the things that can support the appearance made of various textile materials, one of which is denim. The use of the knot technique in the manufacture of women's bags aims to provide a new alternative in making bags without sewing techniques. The knot technique is able to provide its own value in a work even if only by using a simple knot. The result of the design is a denim bag  tote bag and a drawstring sling with a knot technique. Using the design method according to SP Gustami which consists of three stages, namely exploration, design, and realization.Keywords: denim, knots, woman’s bag.
TARI JARANSARI DALAM UPACARA RITUAL BERSIH DESA LENCOH KECAMATAN SELA BOYOLALI Sri Setyoasih; Budi Setiyastuti; Nuryanto Nuryanto; Samsuri Samsuri; Daryono Daryono
Acintya Vol 14, No 2 (2022)
Publisher : Institut Seni Indoensia Surakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33153/acy.v14i2.4603


ABSTRACT Jaransari dance to cleanse the village of Lencoh, Sela, Boyolali is an art with a ritual function. There is a relationship between dance and local cultural customs. The research objective is to explore the art of dance with local cultural traditions.This research uses an anthropological approach to dance that is qualitative and descriptive. The methods used include observation, interviews, documentation, and literature.The result that the Jaransari dance desired to achieve is a folk dance performed in village cleansing ritual activities. Dance activities are closely related to the lifestyle of the community to deal with critical situations from the influence of the power of the village guardian spirits. Through the activities of the Jaransari dance, the community is considered to have fulfilled the wishes of the village's spirit, so that it will not interfere with community activities. After the cleansing ritual ceremony of the village, the community calmed down, worked hard and the harvest was bountiful.Key Words: jaransari, folk dance, ritual, village cleansing  ABSTRAKTari Jaransari dalam rangka  bersih desa Lencoh, Sela, Boyolali merupakan seni yang berfungsi ritual. Terdapat hubungan antara seni tari dengan adat budaya setempat. Tujuan penelitian adalah untuk menggali seni tari dengan adat budaya setempat.Penelitian menggunakan pendekatan antropologi tari yang bersifat desktiptif kualitatif.  Metode yang digunakan meliputi observasi, wawancara, dokumentasi dan kepustakaan. Hasil yang ingin dicapai tari Jaransari merupakan tari rakyat yang dipertunjukan pada kegiatan ritual bersih desa.  Kegiatan  tari  berkaitan erat dengan pola hidup masyarakat untuk menghadapi situasi gawat dari pengaruh kekuatan goib penunggu rokh desa.  Melalui kegiatan tari Jaransari masyarakat dianggap telah memenuhi keingginan penunggu rokh desa sehingga tidak mengganggu aktivitas masyarakat. Setelah upacara ritual bersih desa masyarakat menjadi tenang, giat bekerja dan panen melimpah.Kata Kunci: jaransari, tari rakyat, ritual,  bersih desa.
Acintya Vol 14, No 2 (2022)
Publisher : Institut Seni Indoensia Surakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33153/acy.v14i2.4550


ABSTRAKSwafoto berkaitan erat dengan citra yang dipersepsikan seseorang atas dirinya sendiri (self image). Swafoto telah menjadi gaya hidup tidak hanya masyarakat perkotaan tetapi juga sudah sampai ke pinggiran. swafoto pada area wisata/ publik, hal ini juga tidak terlepas dari perubahan gaya hidup generasi muda yang kini gemar melakukan travelling.Fenomena swafoto ini akhirnya mempengaruhi pengelola ruang komersial seperti kafe untuk mendekorasi ulang interiornya dengan menyediakan spot swafoto sebagai salah satu dayatarik usahanya. Gaya hidup swafoto dan perkembangan teknologi informasi terutama media sosial seperti facebook dan Instagram telah memberi keuntungan bagi pengelola ruang komersiil dan pemerintah daerah. Dengan menyediakan spot swafoto, usahanya maupun destinasi wisatanya telah dipromosikan karena diseberluaskan melalui akun Facebook atau IG wisatawannya.Sayangnya spot swafoto sekarang yang telah ada di kafe-kafe maupun di destinasi wisata yang dikelola oleh pemerintah daerah masih terkesan seragam atau minimal jauh dari kultur setempat. Oleh karena itu perlu sebuah penelitian yang bertujuan untuk membuat Rancangan Prototipe Seni Instalasi Sebagai Elemen Artistik Spot Swafoto di Ruang Publik bernuansa budaya lokal.Penelitian ini didesain sebagai penelitian eksperimentatif dengan menggunakan metode Kreasi Artistik yang memiliki tahapan riset dengan pendekatan etik dan riset dengan pendekatan emik sebagai dasar penciptaan karya, dan kedua, tahapan penciptaan karya berisi: eksperimentasi, perenungan dan pembentukan. Penelitian ini didesain sebagai penelitin terapan dengan durasi selama enam bulan.  Luaran penelitian ini adalah: draft rtikel ilmiah, produk inovasi dan KI. Kata kunci; seni instalasi; spot swafoto, budaya lokal, ruang publik  ABSTRACTSelfie is closely related to the image that a person perceives of himself (self image). Selfie has become a lifestyle not only for urban people but has also reached the outskirts. selfies in tourist/public areas, this is also inseparable from the changing lifestyles of the younger generation who are now fond of traveling.This selfie phenomenon has finally influenced the managers of commercial spaces such as cafes to redecorate their interiors by providing selfie spots as one of the attractions of their business. The selfie lifestyle and the development of information technology, especially social media such as Facebook and Instagram, have provided benefits for commercial space managers and local governments. By providing selfie spots, their businesses and tourist destinations have been promoted because they are disseminated through their Facebook accounts or tourists' IG accounts.Unfortunately, the selfie spots that already exist in cafes and tourist destinations managed by local governments still seem uniform or at least far from local culture. Therefore, a research is needed that aims to create a Prototype Design of Installation Art as an Artistic Element of a Selfie Spot in a Public Space with the nuances of local culture.This research is designed as an experimental research using the Artistic Creation method which has research stages with an ethical approach and research with an emic approach as the basis for creating works, and second, the stages of creating works consist of: experimentation, reflection and formation. This study was designed as an applied research with a duration of six months. The outputs of this research are: drafts of scientific articles, innovation products and IP. Keywords; installation art; selfie spot, local culture, public space 
Acintya Vol 14, No 2 (2022)
Publisher : Institut Seni Indoensia Surakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33153/acy.v14i2.4575


The rapid pace of technology in the 4.0 era constructs conventional transaction models into digital transactions with the growth of various digital startups. The use of digitalization for folk performing arts is still not maximally accommodated, even though the internet has spread to villages. Although various conceptions and discourses on the digitization of folk performing arts continue to roll out, they are only carried out by academics and only a small part of the performing arts community is able to utilize the internet and gadgets for means of communication and interaction with a wide audience. This study shows the utilization of digital internet technology that has changed the pattern of face to face interaction to screen to face through the digital application as one of the start-ups engaged in the realm of folk performing arts development in Indonesia. The various benefits of marketing through the digital application are becoming a meeting place for all groups to form the habit of assessing and being judged virtually, preserving cultural heritage and historical values that are useful in the future, and becoming an archive that can be reused as educational material that contains values of mutual cooperation, a sense of independence, freedom of expression, and the formation of mutual appreciation of folk performing arts through the digital-virtual world.
Acintya Vol 14, No 2 (2022)
Publisher : Institut Seni Indoensia Surakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33153/acy.v14i2.4001


Realist painting is one of the competencies that must be mastered to determine students' ability to paint with oil paints. Potential students who have talents and interests become the right place for each student's for self-development. Development of technology, social culture and the world of business, industry and work (DUDIKA), make an update on the curriculum. Learning conditions during the Covid-19 period which were carried out online learning required students to study independently. Differences in the abilities of students who have talents and interests require guidance during the pandemic. Preliminary observation, the percentage of completeness level of each student realist painting learning outcomes with avarge value of 40%, that makes researchers interested to research on Class. This research method is a classroom action research. The subject of this research were class XI SMK Negeri 1 Sukawati Student in the even semester 2020/2021 with the 30 people. Collecting data technique using primary data from the outcome learning assessment student and secondary data by field observation. Data analysis method with qualitative descriptive analysis method.The results of this research that The Application of Sketching Techniques with Carbon Paper, Improves Realist Painting Learning Outcomes for Class XI Students of SMK Negeri 1 Sukawati in the 2021/2022 Academic Year. This result can be seen from observation data of outcome learning assessment in the first cycle is average value of 79 and increasing to average value of 85 in the second cycle, percentage of completeness 77%, and increasing in second cycle with average value of 87% and 26 students declared completed.
Estetika Garap Tubuh dan Properti dalam Karya Tari Gandhewa Raga Anggono Kusumo Wibowo; samsuri samsuri
Acintya Vol 14, No 2 (2022)
Publisher : Institut Seni Indoensia Surakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33153/acy.v14i2.4675


ABSTRACTThe dance entitled Gandhewa Raga is a group dance of men and women. This dance is worked on with the beauty of the body and operatives. The body functions as a medium to express the contents of dance and property, as one of the media, said the complement. Disclosure of the beauty of the body worked with property media, namely gandhewa. The motion displayed is the exploration motion of the gandhewa form. The movement of Gandhewa Raga dance is a movement of the Surakarta stout and princess style traditions. This work process aims to explore, find out the meaning of property, and understand the aesthetic values of the body and property. The results of this study are explorations and disclosures of body and property values. The method used is creating dance work with the process of investigation, improvisation, and composition. The aesthetic of the Gendhewa Raga dance will emerge after carrying out the stages of the method. The aesthetic value of body and property can be seen from the form of dance composition that has been arranged and can be enjoyed. This beauty can be enjoyed by aspects of dance movements, namely energy, space, and time, dance accompaniment, fashion make-up, dance performers, staging venues, and property processing. Keyword: Gandhewa Raga, Aesthetic, Phsycal dance, body and property ABSTRAKTari Gandhewa Raga merupakan tari kelompok putra dan putri. Tarian ini merupakan tari yang digarap dengan keindahan tubuh dan poperti. Tubuh yang berfungsi sebagai media untuk mengungkapkan isi tari da propertisebagai salah satu media ungkap pelengkapnya. Pengungkapan keindahan tubuh digarap dengan media propert yaitu Gandhewa. Gerak yang ditampilkan adalah gerak eksplorasi dari bentuk Gandhewa. Gerak karya tari Gandhewa raga adalah gerak tradisi gaya Surakarta gagah dan putri. Proses kekaryaan ini bertujuan untuk bereksplorasi, mengetahui makna properti, dan memahami nilai-nilai estetis tubuh dan property. Hasil penelitian ini merupakan eksplorasi dan pengungkapan nilai tubuh dan properti. Metode yang digunakan adalah metode menciptakan karya tari dengan proses eksplorasi, improvisasi dan komposisi. Estetika ketubuhan tari Gandhewa Raga akan muncul setelah melaksanakan tahapan metode tersebut. Nilai estetis ketubuhan dan propertidapat dlihat dari bentuk koposisi tari yang sudah tersusun dan sapat dinikmati. Penikmatan keindahan tersebut dapat dilihat dengan aspek gerak tari yaitu tenaga, ruang dan waktu, serta iringan tari, tata rias busana, pelaku tari, tempat pementasan dan pengolahan properti Kata kunci: Gandhewa Raga, Estetika, Tari Fisik, Tubuh dan Properti 

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