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Jurnal Iktiologi Indonesia (Indonesian Journal of Ichthyology)
ISSN : 16930339     EISSN : 25798634     DOI :
Aims and Scope Aims: Jurnal Iktiologi Indonesia (Indonesian Journal of Ichthyology) aims to publish original research results on fishes (pisces) in fresh, brackish and sea waters including biology, physiology, and ecology, and their application in the fields of fishing, aquaculture, fisheries management, and conservation. Scope: This journal publishes high-quality articles dedicated to all aspects Aquaculture, Fish biodiversity, Fisheries management, Fish diseases, Fishery biotecnology, Moleculer genetics, Fish health management, Fish biodiversity.
Articles 7 Documents
Search results for , issue "Vol 1 No 1 (2001): Juni 2001" : 7 Documents clear
FAUNA I KAN DI SUNGAI CIMANUK, JAWA BARAT [Fish Fauna of Cimanuk River, West Java] Djadja S. Sjafei; S. Wirjoatmodjo; M. F. Rahardjo; Setyo Budi Susilo
Jurnal Iktiologi Indonesia Vol 1 No 1 (2001): Juni 2001
Publisher : Masyarakat Iktiologi Indonesia (Indonesian Ichthyological Society)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32491/jii.v1i1.149


Fish fauna exploration al Cimanuk River was conducted from June 1999 up to January 2000. Two months interval of sampling were done at the three segments of the river (the upper stream = Garut area, the middle stream = Sumedang area and the down stream = Indramayu area). About 40 species of 20 families, were recorded. The fish fauna were dominated by species belongs to Cyprinidae, and Rasbora laterisiriata found in the three segments. Each segment has different number of species. The existing fish were potential to be developed as fish food and ornamental species for aquarium. ABSTRAKUpaya untuk mendapatkan informasi tentang kcragaman jenis ikan di Sungai Cimanuk dilakukan antara Bulan Juni 1999 dan Januari 2000 dengan pengambilan contoh selang dua bulan, Sungai Cimanuk dibagi menjadi tiga segmen sungai yaitu hulu (Garut). tengah (Sumedang). dan hilir (Indramayu). Selama penelitian ditemukan ikan sebanyak 40 jenis yang tercakup di dalam 20 famili. Famili Cyprinidae mempunyai spesies yang paling banyak ditemukan. Satu-satunya spesies/jenis ikan yang ditemukan di tiga segmen sungai ialah ikan paray (Rasbora laterisiriata). Jumlah jenis ikan pada masing-masing segmen sungai tidak merata. Ikan di sungai Cimanuk dapat dikembangkan sebagai ikan konsumsi dan ikan hias.
KEBIASAAN MAKANAN DAN FAKTOR KONDISII KAN KURISI, Nemipterus tambuloides Blkr. DI PERAIRAN TELUK LABUAN, BANTEN [Food Habits and Condition Factor of Fiveline Threadfin Bream, Nemipterus tambuloides Blkr. in Labuan Bay, Banten] Djadja S. Sjafei; Robiyani Robiyani
Jurnal Iktiologi Indonesia Vol 1 No 1 (2001): Juni 2001
Publisher : Masyarakat Iktiologi Indonesia (Indonesian Ichthyological Society)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32491/jii.v1i1.150


The research was conducted in Labuan Bay, Banten from April - June 1999. The fish sample was collected once in every five days. The total fish collected were 483 with 75 - 265 mm of total length and 4.85 - 169.81 grams in weight. Sexual composition was 252 male, 183 female, and 48 of the ambiguous sex. The fish sample was divided into 4 groups of total length (small, medium, and extra large). The medium size was 124 -171 mm) was the most number of the sample (248). According to length weight relationship the growth pattern of the fish was negative allometric. Condition factor of the fish was increased from small to medium size. While the biggest size (extra large) the condition as decreased. This phenomenon maybe because a lot of their gonad were in atresia, A lot of the condition of food material was destructed and impossible to be identified. The female primarily consumed shrimp and squilla. The male feed on shrimp, crab, and fish. According to the time-series of sampling the shrimp had primer index, and the second crab, the third was fish.ABSTRAKPola pertumbuhan ikan kurisi termasuk allometrik negatip. Faktor kondisi kian besar dengan semakin panjang ukuran ikan Ikan kurisi termasuk kedalam kelompok karnivor, dengan makanan utamanya udang. Ikan betina mengkonsumsi terutama udang dan squilla, sedangkan ikan jantan mengkonsumsi udang, kepiting, dan ikan. Tidak ada perubahan jenis maupun IP makanan ikan kurisi berdasarkan waktu. Semakin panjang ukurannya, ikan kurisi semakin mengkonsumsi ikan sebagai makanannya.
BEBERAPAASPEK BIOLOGIIKAN PETEK, Leiognathus splendens CUVIER DIPERAIRAN TELUK LABUAN, B ANTEN [Some biological aspects of splendid ponyfish Leiognathus splendens Cuvier in Labuan Bay, Banten] Djadja S. Sjafei; Saadah Saadah
Jurnal Iktiologi Indonesia Vol 1 No 1 (2001): Juni 2001
Publisher : Masyarakat Iktiologi Indonesia (Indonesian Ichthyological Society)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32491/jii.v1i1.151


The research was conducted in Labuan bay of Banten Province from Avril - June 1999. The numbers offish collected were 747 (539 male and 208 female). The lengths ot male were 49- 145 m with 1.69-51.36 grams in weight, while the female had ranged 49- 161 mm in length and 1.84 - 57.88 gram in weight. The length of the male was primarily in size 73 - 84 mm, the female in 121 - 132 mm. Based on length weight relationship the fish was isometric. Condition factor of the male ranged 0.447 - 2.752, and 0.589 - 2.285 of the female The stomach dominated by undetermined materials. The fish food was dominated by Baccilariophyceae (15 genera the most was Synedra). The secondary group were Pleurosigma, Nitssliia, and ThaUasiotrix. Other foods were Desmidiaceae, Chlorophyceae, Dynophyceae. Copepoda, Ciliata and Sarcodina. Maturity stage of the male ranged between I - IV (dominated by stage I). Maturity stage of the female were ranged between I - V and dominated by stage IV. The gonado somatic index of male ranged between 0.45 - 2.13, while of female between 0.35 - 2.45.ABSTRAKPenelitian dilaksanakan di Teluk Labuan, Banten dari bulan April - Juni 1999. jumlah ikan yang dikoleksi 747 ekor (539 jantan dan 2008 betina). Ukuran panjang ikan antara 49 - 145 mm, dengan berat antara 1,69 - 51, 6 gram. Ikan betina berkisar antara 49-161 mm dan berat 1,84 - 57,88 gram. Ikan jantan terutama banyak pada ukuran 73 - 84 mm. betina pada 121 - 132 mm. Berdasarkan huhungan panjang berat pertumbuhan ikan bersifat isometnk. Faktor kondisi jantan 0,497 - 2,752; betina 0,589 - 2,285. Isi perut didominasi oleh materi yang tidak teridentifikasi. Makanan didominasi oleh Baccilariophyceae (15 genera tterutama Synedra), yang berikutnya Pleurosigma, Nitschia, dan ThaUasiotrix. Yang Iain adalah Desmidiaceae, Chlorophyceae, Dynophyceae, Copepoda, Ciliata, dan Sarcodina. Tingkat kematangan gonad jantan berkisar I - IV (didominasi oleh stadia I). Tingkat kematangan gonad betina berkisar antara I — V yang didominasi oleh stadia IV, Indeks kematangan gonad pada jantan berkisar 0,45 - 2,13; pada betina antara.0,35 - 2,45.
BIODIVERSITAS I KAN DI DAS MENDALAM, TAMAN NASIONAL BETUNG KERIHUN KALIMANTAN BARAT [Freshwater Fishes of Mendalam River System, Betung Kerihun Np, West Kalimantan] Ike Rachmatika
Jurnal Iktiologi Indonesia Vol 1 No 1 (2001): Juni 2001
Publisher : Masyarakat Iktiologi Indonesia (Indonesian Ichthyological Society)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32491/jii.v1i1.152


The ichthyological study was conducted in Mendalam river system on 6 May to 24 May 1998 in Mendalam River and 21 its tributaries, a sub river system of Kapuas River Basin. These were included in 44 sampling stations. This work conducted in conjunction with the establishment and management of Betung Kerihun National Park collected 69 fishes species. These belong to 12 familia, 39 genera and 5 ordo. The most common fishes were those belonging to Cyprinidae (47.88%), Balitoridae (14.08%) dan Cobitidae (12,67%). At least eleven species endemic to Borneo were found. They are Garra borneensis, Grynocheihisptistulosus, Hampala bimaculata, Homaloptera stephensoni, Neogastrotnvzon niewenliitisi, N. pauciradiatus, Osphronemus septemfasciatus, Paracrossocliilus acerus, Rasbora vo/lzi, Acrochordonichthys chameleon, and Gastromyzon embalohensis. Most of the fishes found constitute ornamental and consummed fishes, which are economically important. ABSTRAKPengamatan fauna ikan di Daerah Aliran Sungai (DAS) Mendalam telah dilakukan selama 18 hari (dari tanggal 6 Mei sampai tanggal 24 Mei 1998) di DAS Mendalam dan 21 anak sungainya yang merupakan salah satu sub DAS Kapuas. Dari 44 stasiun pencuplikan ditemukan sebanyak 69 jenis ikan yang terdiri atas 12 familia, 39 genera dan 5 ordo berhasil dikoleksi. Jenis-jenis tersebut tergolong kedalam ft mil i Cyprinidae (47,88%), Balitoridae (14,08%) dan Cobitidae (12,67%). Sekurang-kurangnya 11 jenis ikan yang tergolong endemik Kalimantan ditemukan yaitu Garra borneensis; Grynocheilus pustulosus, Hampala bimaculata, Homaloptera stephensoni, Neogastromyzon niewenhuisii, N. pauciradiatus, Osphronemus septemfasciatus, Parachrossochilus acerus, Razor voltzi, Acrochordonichthys chameleon, dan Gastromyzon embalohensis. Sebagian besar ikan di kawasan ini merupakan ikan hias dan konsumsi yang bernilai ekonomis.
PENGAMATANISILAMBUNG BEBERAPA JENISIKAN BUNTAL ('Tetraodon reticularis, T. fluviatilis, I lunaris) DI PERAIRAN UJUNG PANGKAH, JAWA TIMUR [Study on the Stomach Contents of Some Puffer Fishes (Tetraodon reticularis, T. fluviatilis, T. lunaris) in Ujung Pangkah Waters, East Java] Sulistiono Sulistiono; Delismawati Lubis; Ridwan Affandi; Seiichi Watanabe
Jurnal Iktiologi Indonesia Vol 1 No 1 (2001): Juni 2001
Publisher : Masyarakat Iktiologi Indonesia (Indonesian Ichthyological Society)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32491/jii.v1i1.153


Study on the stomach contents of some puffer fishes (Tetraodon reticularis, T. fluviatilis, T. lunaris) was done from March 2000 to April 2001 in Ujung Pangkah Waters, East Java. Samples were collected monthly using gill net mesh sized of 2.5 and 4.5 cm. Stomach content was preserved by formalin 10% and observed under microscope (50 magnification). Analysis was carried out to estimate Index of Stomach content (ISC) and Index of Preponderance (IP). The result showed that main food of male Tetraodon reticularis was Balamis sp.. suplemen food was bivalva and debris, and additional food, gastropods and crab. While main food of female fish was Balamis sp., suplemen food w'as debris and bivalve, and additional food was shrimp, crab, and gastropoda. Main food of male T. fluviatilis was Balamis sp., suplemen food was gastropoda, additional food was shrimp, bivalve, fish and green mussel. While for female fish, the main food was Balamis sp., suplemen food was bivalve and shrimp, and additional food was gastropoda, crab, fish and bivalve. Main food of male T. lunaris was fish, suplemen food was bivalve, shrimp and gastropoda, and additional food was Balanus sp., crab, green mussel and unidentified organisms. While main food of female fish was fish, suplemen food was shrimp and bivalva, and additional food was Balanus sp., crab, gastropoda and unidentified organisms. The ISC seems on August (male) and September (female) for T. reticulates, on April (male) and May (female) for T. fluviatilis, and on April (male) and December (female) for T. lunaris. ABSTRAKPengamatan terhadap isi lambung beberapa jenis ikan buntal (Tetraodon reticularis, T. fluviatilis, T. lunaris) dilakukan sejak Maret 2000 sampai April 2001 di perairan Ujung Pangkah, Jawa Timur. Sampel ikan ditangkap per bulan dengan menggunakan gill net (mata jaring 2,5 dan 4,5 cm). Isi lambung diawet dengan formalin dan diamati di laboratorium. Analisis dilakukan untuk menentukan indeks isi lambung (ISC) dan indeks bagian terbesar (IP). Hasil pengamatan didapatkan bahwa jenis Tetraodon reticularis jantan memiliki makanan utama berupa Balanus sp., makanan pelengkap berupa bivalva, serasah, dan an makanan tambahan berupa ikan, gastropoda dan kepiting. Sedangkan untuk ikan betina, makanan utama berupa Balanus sp., makanan pelengkap berupa serasah dan bivalve, dan makanan tambahan berupa udang, kepiting dan gastropoda. T. fluviatilis jantan memiliki makanan utama berupa Balanus sp., makanan pelengkap berupa gastropoda, makanan tambahan berupa udang, bivalve dan ikan. Sedangkan untuk ikan betina makanan utamanya berupa Balanus sp., makanan tambahan berupa bivalve dan udang, dan makanan pelengkap berupa gastropoda, kepiting, ikan dan bivalve. T. lunaris jantan makanan utamanya berupa ikan, makanan pelengkap berupa bivalve, udang dan gastropoda, dan makanan tambahannya berupa Balanus sp., kepiting, bivalve dan organisme tak teridentifikasi. Sedangkan untuk jenis ikan betina memiliki makanan utama berupa ikan, makanan pelengkap berupa udarrg dan bivalve, dan makanan tambahannya berupa Balamis sp., kepiting, gastropoda dan organisma tak teridentifikasi. T. reticulates terlihat memiliki ISC yang lebih tinggi pada bulan Agustus (Jantan) dan September (betina), T. fluviatilis pada bulan April (jantan) dan Mei (betina), dan T. lunaris pada bulan April (jantan) dan Desember (betina).
BEBERAPAASPEK BIOLOGIIKAN BIJINANGKA Upeneus moluccensis Blkr. DIPERAIRAN TELUK LABUAN, BANTEN [Some Biological Aspects of Goldband Goatfish, Upeneus moluccensis Blkr. in Labuan Bay, Banten] Djadja S. Sjafei; Ratna Susilawati
Jurnal Iktiologi Indonesia Vol 1 No 1 (2001): Juni 2001
Publisher : Masyarakat Iktiologi Indonesia (Indonesian Ichthyological Society)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32491/jii.v1i1.154


The research was conducted in Labuan Bay Banten from April to June 1999. The number offish were 282, 120 males and 212 females. The sex ratio was 1: 1, 25. The samples were dominated by fish of length 90 - 170 mm. The fish mature gonad of the male was predicted at 120 mm and the female was 125 mm in length. Their fecundity ranged BETWEEN 19.116 - 89.344 according to distribution. According to distribution of egg diameter, the fish was total spawner. The fish growth was isometric and it was carnivore which fish and shrimp as main food. ABSTRAKPenelitian dilakukan di teluk Banten dari bulan April-Juni 1999. Ikan yang diamati berjumlah 382 ekor yang terdiri atas 170 ekor jantan dan 212 ekor betina. Komposisi jumlah ikan jantan dan betina menunjukkan rasio kelamin yang tidak seimbang. Ikan dengan panjang 99 -170 mm mendominasi hasil tangkapan. Ikan jantan diduga pertama kali matang gonad pada ukuran 120 mm dan ikan betina pada ukuran panjang 125 mm. Fekunditas ikan biji nangka berkisar antara 19.116-89.344 butir. Ikan mempunyai sifat pemijahan total. Pertumbuhan ikan bersifat isometrik. Ikan ini termasuk karnivor dengan makanan utama udang dan ikan.
KEBIASAAN MAKANAN I KAN LEMURU {Sardinella lemuru) DI PERAIRAN MUNCAR, BANYUWANGI [Food Habits of Threadfm Bream, Sardinella lemuru in Muncar, Banyuwangi] Septalina Pradini; M. F. Rahardjo; R. Kaswadji
Jurnal Iktiologi Indonesia Vol 1 No 1 (2001): Juni 2001
Publisher : Masyarakat Iktiologi Indonesia (Indonesian Ichthyological Society)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32491/jii.v1i1.162


300 of threadfm bream were caught from three groups. The threadfin bream is a phytoplankton feeder, particularly on Bacillariophyceae, The main food is change and depend on the size of the groups.ABSTRAKJumlah ikan yang tertangkap sebanyak 300 ekor yang terdiri atas tiga kelompok, yaitu protolan, lemuru dan lemuru kering Ikan lemuru termasuk kelompok pemakan fitoplankton terutama Bacillariphyceae. Jenis makanan utama berubah dengan perubahan kelompok ukuran.

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