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Jurnal Iktiologi Indonesia (Indonesian Journal of Ichthyology)
ISSN : 16930339     EISSN : 25798634     DOI :
Aims and Scope Aims: Jurnal Iktiologi Indonesia (Indonesian Journal of Ichthyology) aims to publish original research results on fishes (pisces) in fresh, brackish and sea waters including biology, physiology, and ecology, and their application in the fields of fishing, aquaculture, fisheries management, and conservation. Scope: This journal publishes high-quality articles dedicated to all aspects Aquaculture, Fish biodiversity, Fisheries management, Fish diseases, Fishery biotecnology, Moleculer genetics, Fish health management, Fish biodiversity.
Articles 10 Documents
Search results for , issue "Vol 10 No 1 (2010): Juni 2010" : 10 Documents clear
PENINGKATAN KUALITAS WARNA IKAN RAINBOW MERAH {Glossolepis incisus, Weber 1907) MELALUI PENGKAYAAN SUMBER KAROTENOID TEPUNG KEPALA UDANG DALAM PAKAN [Color quality improvement of red rainbow fish (Glossolepis incisus, Weber 1907) through carotenoids source enrichment of shrimp head meal in feed] I Wayan Subamia; Nina Meilisza; Karunia Lin Mara
Jurnal Iktiologi Indonesia Vol 10 No 1 (2010): Juni 2010
Publisher : Masyarakat Iktiologi Indonesia (Indonesian Ichthyological Society)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32491/jii.v10i1.173


Color is the esthetics value of ornamental fish providing a barometer of its economic value. Red rainbow fish (Glossolepis incisus, Weber 1907) is an Indonesian native species of ornamental fish, which has the esthetics value of beauty in color. Improving the color quality of the red rainbow fish can be done through enrichment of carotenoids in feed. This research that aims to improve color quality of the fish through the carotenoid source of shrimp head meal in the feed was conducted at Research Station for Ornamental Fish Culture. Research design divided to six treatments dosage of shrimp head meal in feed which were 0% (control), 2%, 4%, 6%, 8%, and 10%. The level of coloration of the fish was observed every 10 days by using the standard color Toka Colour Finder (TCF). The results showed that a higher dosage of shrimp head meal in the feed increases the color quality of red rainbow fish. Dosage 10% showed the highest increase of red color on the abdomen, red color on the fins, and green on the back of the red rainbow fish were significantly different from the others dosage.
KEANEKARAGAMAN DAN KELIMPAHAN SUMBERDAYA IKAN DI TELUK KLABAT, PERAIRAN BANGKA BELITUNG [Diversity and abundance of fishes resources in Klabat Bay, Bangka Belitung Seas] Frensly D. Hukom
Jurnal Iktiologi Indonesia Vol 10 No 1 (2010): Juni 2010
Publisher : Masyarakat Iktiologi Indonesia (Indonesian Ichthyological Society)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32491/jii.v10i1.174


A research on reef fishes was done in June-July 2003. The research aims to describe composition, distribution, abundance of species, and community structure of fish. Research was executed using visual census method at five stations LIT (Line Intercept Transect) and forty stations RRA (Rapid Reef Assesment). Sample fish was caught using beach net at some locations. Research recorded successfully 108 species of reef fishes which included in 25 genera with 5,211 individuals, in observation area as width as 5,750 m2. Three groups of reef fish that found is a group of major fish, target fish, and indicator fish. Composition of reef fish species was consisted of 36 target fish species (food fish), two indicator fish species, and 70 major fish species. Group of dominant food fish is Caesio cunning, Leiognathus splendens, Scarus gobhan, and Cephalopholis boenack. Two indicator species found is Chaetodon octofasciatus and Chelmon rostratus. The dominant fish in major group are Chromis ternatensis, Abudefduf sexfasciatus, Neopomacentrus anabatoides and Amblyglyphidodon curacao. Abundance of species and number of fish individuals at each station of transect ranges from 6 species to 48 species and 27 individuals to 792 individuals. Fish in Klabat Bay was divided in three groups, namely group of fish found at the front of outer Klabat Bay, group of fish in outer Klabat Bay, and group of fish in inner Klabat Bay.
DISTRIBUSI SPASIAL IKAN BERONANG (Siganus canaliculatus) DI PADANG LAMUN SELAT LONTHOIR, KEPULAUAN BANDA, MALUKU [Spatial distribution of rabbitfish Siganus canaliculatus in the seagrass beds of Lonthoir Strait, Banda Archipelago, Moluccas] Munira Munira; Sulistiono Sulistiono; Zairion Zairion
Jurnal Iktiologi Indonesia Vol 10 No 1 (2010): Juni 2010
Publisher : Masyarakat Iktiologi Indonesia (Indonesian Ichthyological Society)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32491/jii.v10i1.175


This study was carried out from July to December 2009 in three locations of seagrass area at Lonthoir Strait, Banda Archipelago, Moluccas. The aim of study is to analyze seagrass condition and spatial distribution of the rabbitfish Siganus canaliculatus. The result shows that the species density of the seagrass at three stations ranged from 7.48 to 235.50 ind. m-2 with the highest species density is Cymodocea rotundata at station 1 and 2, and Thalassia hemprichii at station 3. The highest abundance of the fish was found at station 1 and the lowest one was at station 2. According the Kruskal-Wallis test, abundance of male and female rabbitfishes were not statistically different at among stations (H = 0.17, P = 0.66 and H = 0.83, P = 0.92). The correspondence analysis shows that there were two groups of habitat of the rabbitfishes in research station. The first group is station 1 and the second one is station 2 and 3.
DETERMINATION OF RESIDUAL OXYTETRACYCLINE IN FISHES BY HIGH PERFORMANCE LIQUID CHROMATOGRAPHY [Determinasi residu oxytetracycline pada ikan dengan menggunakan HPLC] Djamartumpal F. Lumban Batu
Jurnal Iktiologi Indonesia Vol 10 No 1 (2010): Juni 2010
Publisher : Masyarakat Iktiologi Indonesia (Indonesian Ichthyological Society)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32491/jii.v10i1.176


A high performance liquid chromatography method (HPLC) was developed for the determination of oxytetracycline (OTC) residues in fishes. OTC was extracted from fish tissues with 5% trichloroacetic acid containing 5% disodium ethylenediaminetetraacetate (Na2EDTA). The extract was centrifuged and concentrated. The concentrated solution was washed with n-hexane and passed through a Sep-pak C18 cartridge. The cartridge was washed with distilled water, before use. Elute OTC with methanol and evaporate to dryness. The residue was dissolved in acetonitrile-distilled water (3:7), and determined by HPLC (with absorbance measurement at 360 nm) on a TOSOH TSK-GEL ODS 80 Tm Column (250 mm x 4,6 mm) with methanol-acetonitrile-0.2 M oxalic acid (1 : 1 : 4.4; pH 2,0) as a mobil phase. The average recoveries of OTC from blood, liver, muscle and kidney of rainbow trout, Oncorhynchus mykiss were 90, 72, 84, and 73%, respectively. The detection limits for muscle was 0.05 ppm, and those for liver and kidney were 0.1 ppm.
PERTUMBUHAN IKAN TENGADAK ALBINO DAN HITAM (Barbonymus schwanenfeldii) DALAM KOLAM [Growth performance of the albino and black tinfoil barb (Barbonymus schwanenfeldii) in pond] Gleni Hasan Huwoyon; Irin Iriana Kusmini
Jurnal Iktiologi Indonesia Vol 10 No 1 (2010): Juni 2010
Publisher : Masyarakat Iktiologi Indonesia (Indonesian Ichthyological Society)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32491/jii.v10i1.177


Tinfoil barb is endemic species from West Kalimantan. Generally, the color has pleiotropic effect on the growth performance. The objective of study was to analyze the growth performance of albino and black tinfoil barb under communal rearing in concrete ponds. This study was using 3-5 g in weight and density was 20 fish per net (10 albinos and 10 black tinfoil barbs) with 4 replications. During rearing period, fish was fed with commercial pellet 5% body weight a day. The observation was done every 30 days up to 10 months. Growth was observed by weighting 10 fish per each color phenotypes. The results showed that albino tinfoil barb had better performance than black tinfoil barb in absolute length (albino: 7.2±0.52; black: 5.7±0.50), absolute growth (albino: 66.9±9.11; black: 46.3±8.39) and specific growth rate (albino: 0.94±0.047; black: 0.83±0.059).
HABITAT PEMIJAHANIKAN WADER PARI (Rasbora lateristriata) DI SUNGAI NGRANCAH, KABUPATEN KULON PROGO [Spawning habitat of Rasbora lateristriata in Ngrancah River, Kulon Progo Regency] Agus Arifin Sentosa; Djumanto Djumanto
Jurnal Iktiologi Indonesia Vol 10 No 1 (2010): Juni 2010
Publisher : Masyarakat Iktiologi Indonesia (Indonesian Ichthyological Society)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32491/jii.v10i1.178


Yellow rasbora (Rasbora lateristriata) is a riverine fish that has unique spawning behaviour. Observation on its spawning aspects become interesting to carry out. Purpose of this research was to describe spawning site of the fish in Ngran-cah River, Kulon Progo Regency. The study was conducted by survey methods and direct observation in the field. The result showed that yellow rasbora has spawn in shallow riverside with sand and gravel riverbed. Spawning occurred at challenging from wet to dry monsoon with clean and freshly water, enough of oxygen, low water level and low temperature. The characters had been used by fisherman for increasing fish catch ability by make an artificial spawning site modification.
PERTUMBUHAN BENIHIKAN BAUNG (Hemibagrus nemurus) DALAM KERAMBA JARING APUNG YANG DIBERI PAKAN BUATAN DENGAN KADAR PROTEIN BERBEDA [Growth of green catfish (Hemibagrus nemurus) fry in floating net cage feed by artificial food with different protein content] Ningrum Suhenda; Reza Samsudin; Estu Nugroho
Jurnal Iktiologi Indonesia Vol 10 No 1 (2010): Juni 2010
Publisher : Masyarakat Iktiologi Indonesia (Indonesian Ichthyological Society)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32491/jii.v10i1.179


The study was conducted to evaluate different protein content of feed on the growth performances of green catfish (Hemibagrus nemurus). Two thousands fingerlings (3.92 ± 0.32 g in averaging of individual body weights) were stocked in each of floating net cage (3x3x3) m3. They were fed daily for four months with diets containing protein content of 27% and 31%. The feed was given in pellet form at 4-8 % of total body weight. Result of this study showed that the fish feed with 31 % protein content gave better growth performances than it with 27 % protein feed. The feed contain of 31% protein was optimum for green catfish fingerlings and gave a higher average individual weight gain (80.48 g), specific growth rate (2.67%), fat retention (29.48%), and better feed conversion ratio (2.28). Survival rates were si-milar for two treatments and ranged between 94.17 to 95.18%.  
KOMPOSISI DAN LUAS RELUNG MAKANAN IKAN KEPERAS (Cyclocheilichthys apogon, Valenciennes, 1842) DI SUNGAI MUSI [Food composition and niche breadth of beardless barb (Cyclocheilichthys apogon, Valenciennes, 1842) in Musi River] Dimas Angga Hedianto; Ridwan Affandi; Siti Nurul Aida
Jurnal Iktiologi Indonesia Vol 10 No 1 (2010): Juni 2010
Publisher : Masyarakat Iktiologi Indonesia (Indonesian Ichthyological Society)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32491/jii.v10i1.180


Objective of the research was to analysis food habits of beardless barb (Cyclocheilichthys apogon) with observing a composition of prey items. Research was carried out in June 2006, August 2006, and January 2007 in Musi River alongside the upstream and downstream using cast net and experimental gillnet. Stomach content analysis was based on index of preponderance and niche breadth. Beardless barb analyzed during research about 159 individuals fish with total length ranging from 57-175 mm and weight ranging from 1.88-71.79 gram. Beardless barb is omnivorous having the character of euryphagic with plant (54.98) as basic food; detritus (19.05), worm (9.30), phytoplankton (8.22), insect (4.89) as secondary food; and zooplankton (3.57%) as supplement food. Difference of sex, size, habitat, and research time did not cause change and difference of resources utilization by beardless barb in the Musi River. Female of beardless barb in upstream Musi River has different resources utilization with increasing of resources utilization of animal organism which is estimated to has relation of requirement of reproduction energy. Equality of resources (food organism) which utilization by beardless barb in various sex and size, was conducive existence of emulation when food resources in limited condition.
Jurnal Iktiologi Indonesia Vol 10 No 1 (2010): Juni 2010
Publisher : Masyarakat Iktiologi Indonesia (Indonesian Ichthyological Society)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32491/jii.v10i1.181


Fish diversity monitoring could be used as a basis for formulating management of the fisheries resources. This study was conducted to describe the snapper of the family Lutjanidae from the Spermonde Archipelago, South Sulawesi. Specimens were collected in Rajawali and Paotere Fish Landing Port Makassar, South Sulawesi from November 2005 to August 2009. The result showed that there was 42 species representing eight genera of family Lutjanidae inhabiting the area were examined and identified: Aphareus furca, A. rutilans, Aprion virescens, Etelis carbunculus, E. radiosus, Lut-janus argentimaculatus, L. bengalensis, L. biguttatus, L. bohar, L. boutton, L. carponotatus, L. decussatus, L. fulvus, L. sebae, L. fulviflamma, L. fuscescens. L. johnii, L. kasmira, L. gibbus, L. lemniscatus, L. lunulatus, L. lutjanus, L. mala-baricus, L. monostigma, L. quinquelineatus, L. rivulatus, L. russelli, L. sebae, L. timorensis, L. vitta, Macolor macularis, M. niger, Paracaesio kusakarii, Pristipomoides argyrogrammicus, P. auricilla, P. filamentosus, P. flavipinnis, P. mul-tidens, P. typus, P. zonatus, Symphorichthys spilurus, S. nematophorus. The local name available of each species was given.
MAKANAN IKAN JAPUH, Dussumieria acuta Valenciennes, 1847 (FAMILI: CLUPEIDAE) DI PERAIRAN TELUK KENDARI [Food habit of rainbow sardine, Dussumieria acuta Valenciennes, 1847 (Family: Clupeidae) in Kendari Bay] Asriyana Asriyana; M. F. Rahardjo; E. S. Kartamihardja; D. F. Lumban Batu
Jurnal Iktiologi Indonesia Vol 10 No 1 (2010): Juni 2010
Publisher : Masyarakat Iktiologi Indonesia (Indonesian Ichthyological Society)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32491/jii.v10i1.182


Research on ontogenetic dietary variation rainbow sardine relating to body size of fish with time was carried out from August 2009 to January 2010 in Kendari Bay, Southeast Sulawesi. This research aims to describe ecological role of rainbow sardine in Kendari Bay. Fish collection was done using experimental gillnets (with different mesh sizes %, 1, 1%, and 1% inch) and scopednet (0 1 meter and mesh size 0.04 inch). A total of 136 individual fish were caught with range from 0.6 to 15.7 cm in length. Food analysis was determined by using Index of Preponderance. Result of the analysis indicates rainbow sardine is planktivora, which important diet is Bacillariophyceae. The male and females of fish did not have ontogenetic dietary (main food) shift and was not ontogenetic dietary shift relating to body size of fish. The diet of the fish every months was dominated by Bacillariophyceae.

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