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English Language Teaching and Research
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Articles 62 Documents
Stimulated Recall Interview (SRI): Teacher’s Self Reflection Yetty Zainil
English Language Teaching and Research Vol 2, No 1 (2018): ENGLISH LANGUAGE TEACHING AND RESEARCH
Publisher : English Language Teaching and Research

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Many researchers have preferred to use questionnaire and interview only in their investigation, however Golato (2002) reports that the data from teachers’ perception and interview may or may not be accurate, as  there is often a considerable gap between what people think they do and what they actually do (Tian & Hennebry, 2016).  This paper presents the investigation on teacher code-switching from the point of view of teachers’ understandings and beliefs about effective language teaching and learning. The study was carried out in an EFL classroom in four junior high schools in Padang, West Sumatra, Indonesia where the teacher and the students share Bahasa Minang (L1) and Bahasa Indonesia (L2). Conversation analysis was used as a tool to investigate the function teachers’ code-switching and stimulated recall interviews with five teachers which focused on instances of code-switching. The analysis showed that although code-switching clearly helped teachers and students in the teaching and learning process, it was often done on an ad hoc basis. The use of stimulated recall interview provides a powerful insight into the way teachers code-switch in the classroom. The findings suggest the incongruence between what the teacher thinks and they do in practice and resulted in stimulated self-reflection which may help teachers to develop pedagogical self-reflexivity.Key words: Stimulated recall, self-reflection, EFL classrooms 
English Language Teaching and Research Vol 2, No 1 (2018): ENGLISH LANGUAGE TEACHING AND RESEARCH
Publisher : English Language Teaching and Research

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Grammar mastery and writing ability cannot be separated each other. Both support one another.  This article was intended to see the correlation between grammar mastery and students’ writing ability. The design was quantitative research. The population of the research was all second year regular students of English Department of Universitas Negeri Padang registered in 2007/2008 academic year. The sample was chosen based on cluster sampling technique.  The data was in form of documenter data and analyzed by using Pearson Product Moment. The result showed that “there is positive correlation between grammar mastery and students’ writing ability’ was accepted. It indicates that the ability of the students in writing could be predicted through their grammar mastery.Key words:  correlation, grammar mastery, writing ability
English Language Teaching and Research Vol 1, No 1 (2017)
Publisher : English Language Teaching and Research

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This research was aimed at identifying the effect of using SCROL (Survey, Connection, read, Outline, Look Back) strategy toward students’ reading comprehension on hortatory exposition text. Since hortatory exposition is a type of text that influence reader to do something or act in certain way, a profound understanding of the text is something that the students should possessed. SCROL provides procedures that help students to achieve good comprehension. This researcher used a quasi-experimental design by using the pretest-posttest control group design with purposive sampling technique. The pre-test and post-test scores of the experiment class, indicate that the t-obtained (5.44) is higher than the t-table (1.68488) with degree of freedom (df) = 39 and (α) = 0.05. Therefore, alternative hypothesis (Ha) is accepted and it means that there is significant effect of SCROL strategy toward the students’ reading comprehension on hortatory exposition text. The calculation of post-test both classes indicated that the t-o is (2.82) which is higher than the t-table (2, 02439), with degree of freedom 20 + 20 – 2 = 39 and (α) = 0,025. Thus, the alternative hypothesis (Ha) was accepted and it means that there is significant difference between using SCROL strategy and common strategy. Finally, t-obtained both of classes is (2.82) which is higher than t-table (1.68488) with (α) = 0. 05. Therefore, the alternative hypothesis (Ha) is accepted and it means that SCROL strategy is better than common strategy in teaching reading comprehension on hortatory exposition text. Key Words: SCROL Strategy, Reading Comprehension, Hortatory Exposition
English Language Teaching and Research Vol 2, No 1 (2018): ENGLISH LANGUAGE TEACHING AND RESEARCH
Publisher : English Language Teaching and Research

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As the dramatic technology changes, interconnected community from different national, ethnic, and religious cultural background is something that cannot be refuse in this globalization era.  The question appeared by the phenomenal is what happens when people from different cultures interact between one another? The answer is of course there is a big possibility that the thing such as cross-cultural probelms will appear.  As students who learn English as their foreign language, this kind of problem is something that will be faced by them.  Therefore, how to understand the culture of the native language is a salient thing to do in order to achieve the goal of the communication.  Unfortunately, many teachers are not careful on this kind of thing and they just focus on teach the pattern of the language.  As a resutl, students will have a problem when they got to do the communication with the English native speakers.  Increasing critical culture awarness is the solution to overcome this problem where this is aslo a major trend in EFL field nowadays.  As Byram mentions why students should learn the culture of the target language is because the foreign learner should know the culture of the society in which the language is spoken.  Hence, the objective of this paper is to propose the development of critical cultural awarness for the effectiveness of communication. Key words: Critical Culture Awarness, Foreign Learner, Communicative Effectiveness 
English Language Teaching and Research Vol 1, No 1 (2017)
Publisher : English Language Teaching and Research

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This research was describing the issues in designing instrument for affective assessment based on scientific approach. It is a reflection of English teachers in assessing the students’ affective in English language teaching. In English language teaching, an English teacher is not only forced to assess the students’ competence on language, but also their affective. Good affective is believed can support the students’ successfulness in learning. That’s why, the English teacher must assess the students’ affective frequently and continuously as an attempt to gain the progresses and the changes of students’ affective during the learning process. But, the English teachers have some problems in designing instrument for affective assessment based on scientific approach. So, it’s become the main issue in doing the evaluation for English classroom. For that reason, the researcher used qualitative method by giving depth interview with the English teachers in Junior High School in order to point out the issues. Moreover, it’s found that: (1) the instrument used by English teachers in assessing affective was still general, not based on phases in the scientific approach; (2) the indicator for scoring affective could not define the specific description for each type of affective; (3) the English teachers focused on one attitude to be assessed; and (4) the instrument used in assessing affective was a blank paper without any instruction, explanation, or table for noting the students’ scores. Finally, it is hoped that the English teachers can develop the instrument based on subject and approach used in English language teaching. Key words/phrases:  Issue, Instrument, Affective Assessment, Scientific Approach, Teachers’ Reflection
English Language Teaching and Research Vol 2, No 1 (2018): ENGLISH LANGUAGE TEACHING AND RESEARCH
Publisher : English Language Teaching and Research

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As many students of SMAN 3 Padang Panjang have problems in comprehending English texts, some strategies, methods or techniques have been applied for years. In fact, Collaborative Strategic Reading has become one of the best practices among others. This strategy helps the students to guess the meaning of words/phrases/sentences based on context,  get the general idea, find explicit and implicit information, summarize the text, get the gist, cope with the questions which require the students’ higher order thinking and retell or summarize the  content of the text. Although the students needed to adapt with the strategy  at the first time they did it, they could finally achieve better reading comprehension as the writer analyzed the problems faced by the students and improved the implementation of this strategy for the next meeting. This  strategy helped most students to minimize the difficulties in guessing the meaning of words/phrases/sentences based on context,  getting the general idea, finding explicit and implicit informations, summarizing the text, getting the gist and coping with the questions which require the students’ higher order thinking skills as well as retelling or summarizing the content of the text. This best practice report is aimed at exposing and sharing the experience about how Collaborative Strategic Reading strategy was implemented and how this technique can help the students to improve and overcome the problems found  in reading comprehension classes of grade XII in 2018/2019 academic year.  Key words: Collaborative Strategic Reading,  improve, students’ reading comprehension
English Language Teaching and Research Vol 1, No 1 (2017)
Publisher : English Language Teaching and Research

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Speaking performance can be considered as activity of speaking in more formal setting such as speech and presentation. Speaker is expected to have positive attitude and confidence during the performance. Unfortunately, speaking can be so challenging due to problems that related to affective factors. Common affective problems in speaking in front of audience are anxiety and low-self esteem. When speakers are anxious, the symptom such nervousness, sweaty, and having bodily tense up, can inhibit them in having a good performance. Anxiety is stemmed from false belief about what audience may think about the performance, so the speaker experience fear. Low-self esteem relates to bad opinion and value that speakers put on themselves about their competence. One of the cause of low-self esteem is comparing oneself to another person. The act of comparing end with the bad feeling lack and inferior to other person. To combat low affective factors, there is affective strategy which can be applied before or during performance. this strategy can be divide as lowering anxiety, encouraging yourself, taking emotional temperature, and enhancing self-esteem. The use of affective strategy is expected to control speaker’s emotion in balance or even more positive during speaking performance. with applying affective strategy, speaker can be more relaxed and enjoy speaking. thus, this strategy is a solution for dealing with negative emotion that may occure in speaking. Keywords: Affective, performance, anxity, self-esteem
Intrinsic-Task Motivation and Creative Writing through Project-Based Language Learning (PBLL) Using Video Scribe Khoiriyah Khoiriyah; Utami Widiati
English Language Teaching and Research Vol 3, No 1 (2020)
Publisher : English Language Teaching and Research

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This paper presents the importance of intrinsic motivation to accomplish the task within project-based language learning (PBLL) using a particular technology in the form of a video scribe to elevate pre-service teachers’ creative writing. The result shows that PBLL using video scribe facilitates pre-service teachers to elevate their writing language production and their creativity exposure. The strategy also stimulates personal competence covering enthusiasm, curiosity, problem-solving, motivational intensity, intrinsic value, and patience, reasonable challenges to support student teachers’ professional competence and pedagogical competence. It also strengthens the other competence that allows them to be more sociable persons. This study implies that PBLL empowers pre-service teachers’ competencies in which the three “Hs” of Hand, Heart, and Head are embedded which allow them to encourage their creativity and critical thinking. Keywords: intrinsic task-motivation, creative writing, Project-based Language Learning (PBLL), video scribe
Organizing blog as student’s diary: A teacher’s strategy to teach writing a recount text to junior high school students Al Araf Amala
English Language Teaching and Research Vol 3, No 1 (2020)
Publisher : English Language Teaching and Research

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Internet is one of the on-line media that can be accessible for everybody in any places and moment. The development of this technology (IPTEK) gives positive impacts to education, especially in English writing class. In addition, some Junior High Schools and Senior High Schools have already got the multimedia room equipped by computer and internet connection. One of the ways to improve the students’ writing quality and the ability to write is through utilizing IPTEK development by organizing Blog (on-line journal). Blog is an on-line journal where the students can write anything that they are interested in, edit their writing and publish it, and even make a sharing media for their members. It hopes that writing through organizing blog will create a real and potential audience to improve the students’ writing, innovation, exploration, and better creation to give a better dynamic interaction, a better literacy, and even a better development work in team. This paper explains how to organize the on-line writing media such as blog to improve the students’ writing ability. The paper begins to explain about some problems faced by teachers at schools and theories of writing, diary, and blog. It also explains about the model of teaching writing through blog. The writer hopes that this technique can be applied and therefore it can help the teacher to teach writing in the class as away to improve their writing ability.
The Need Analysis of Learning Materials for Teaching English for Specific Purpose at 2nd grade Computer Networking Students’ in SMKN 1 Bukittinggi Tifannie Audya Syifa; Loli Safitri
English Language Teaching and Research Vol 3, No 1 (2020)
Publisher : English Language Teaching and Research

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This study analyzes needs of 2nd grade computer networking students at SMK 1 Bukittinggi because computer networking students desperately need English in accordance with their majors. In learning computer networking students of computer networking are still to uses English textbooks that have the same material as general students and this school has 6 majors. The subjects of this study were of 2nd grade computer networking   students. The researchers used a descriptive method which uses qualitative and quantitative paradigm. The populations of results of this study were all students of 2nd grade computer networking in SMK 1 Bukittinggi and the samples taken were all students of second grade computer networking with a total of 47 students and samples taken with proportional sampling techniques. The data collection technique used was a questionnaire. Researcher uses documents to collect data in analyzing the suitability of material in English and interview the English teacher that teaches of 2nd grade computer networking in vocational schools especially in SMKN 1 Bukittinggi. The   results of this study indicate that 2nd grade computer networking students need more specific English material for vocational students. Finally, ESP program is appropriate in vocational schools so students can understand English lesson.