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English Language Teaching and Research
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Articles 62 Documents
The Effect of Applying Actional Functional Model (AFM) on The Student’s Achievement in Speaking Anni Alvionita Simajuntak; Annisa Risma Lubis; Della Fransiska Ginting
English Language Teaching and Research Vol 2, No 1 (2018): ENGLISH LANGUAGE TEACHING AND RESEARCH
Publisher : English Language Teaching and Research

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This study was aimed at describing The Effect of Applying Actional Functional Model (AFM) on the Students’ Achievement in Speaking at the tenth grade of SMAS Nurul Islam Indonesia Medan in academic year 2013-2014. . The population was 40 students and the sample of this research were 40 students too. This research was conducted by the experimental research.The technique of analyzing data of this study was applied by using quantitative data.The quantitative data were taken from the writing test. Most of the students achieved a good score at the test.The passing grade of  English lesson was 70.It shows that the students at the second class of SMA Nurul Islam Indonesia Medan who were taught by using AFM could learning speaking effectively, than those were taught by using conventional. The student who were taught learning speaking by using AFM got 93% higher scores than those who taught without AFM.The null conventional method was rejected and alternative hypothesis was accepted. It means that there was significant effect of using AFM.The result of the data analysis that the mean of the experimental was 93%Keyword: The Students’ Achievement, Speaking, Actional Functional Model (AFM)
LINGUISTIC FEATURES FOR A LANGUAGE LEARNING RESEARCH: The Case of Passives and Medio-Passives in English Jufrizal Jufrizal
English Language Teaching and Research Vol 1, No 1 (2017)
Publisher : English Language Teaching and Research

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Conducting a research on EFL learning may be initiated by students’ problems in understanding linguistic-grammatical features of the learnt language. Therefore, students’ problems and difficulties in understanding English grammatical features can be the sources of problems of language teaching researches. This paper, which is practically derived from experiences of teaching English grammar and conducting researches in 2009 and 2012, particularly discusses how to derive the linguistic-grammatical features of English become the topic/research problem of researches on EFL learning. By using the case of passives and medio-passives of English, the discussion presented in this paper specifically is the answer for questions: (i) why do passives and medio-passives of English become academic problems for most Indonesian learners?; and (ii) how can the linguistic features of English passives and medio-passives be derived as a topic/research problem of EFL learning? The data presented in this paper are those collected through researches conducted in 2009 and 2012, and supported by others picked up during the teaching-learning processes of English Grammar subject at the English Department of Universitas Negeri Padang. The idea of this paper may give scientific information to the researchers in order to derive and to develop topics and/or research problemsof EFL learning. Key words: linguistic features, language teaching, research, passives, medio-passives
English Language Teaching and Research Vol 2, No 1 (2018): ENGLISH LANGUAGE TEACHING AND RESEARCH
Publisher : English Language Teaching and Research

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SMA N 1 Lintau Buo has applied 2013 curriculum almost 5 years, but English teachers who teach there still face some problems in implementing it. This study aims to investigate English teachers’ problems and their strategies to overcome the problems. This study adopted descriptive qualitative design, and the data were collected through interview of three English teachers at SMAN 1 Lintau Buo. Finding showed that there were some problems faced in implementing 2013 curriculum. They got difficulties in using many types of authentic assessments and the rubrics, the shortage of English duration (2 credit hours) that made students were not ensure to improve their English competences at school, and difference materials between 2013 curriculum and 2006 curriculum (materials for UN especially for twelfth grade). To solve these problems, the teachers had different strategies. They used some of authentic assessments (affective and psychomotor), calculated and managed effective weeks, made lesson plans, prota and prosem properly in order to all materials can be taught to the students, and completed 2013 curriculum materials in first semester and focused on UN materials in second semester.Keywords: implementing 2013 curriculum, problems, strategies
Fossilized Errors of English Morphosyntax Committed by English Graduate Students in Thesis Seminar Presentation at Universitas Negeri Padang Sri Muliati; Hermawati Syarif; Jufrizal Jufrizal
English Language Teaching and Research Vol 1, No 1 (2017)
Publisher : English Language Teaching and Research

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The paper aims at discussing the kinds of fossilized errors of morphosyntax which occur in students’ oral communication and to find out the most possible factors causing those errors. There were 10 English graduate students who held thesis seminar as the subject of the study. The data were collected from the students’ utterances during their thesis seminar presentation which were recorded and transcribed then analyzed based on the indicators predetermined. To see the truthfulness of the data, the interview was done, especially to see the factors causing fossilized errors. The results show that 8 out of 10 subjects committed fossilized error and the frequent fossilized errors were manifested in using number marking (taking singular for plural marking) in noun/noun phrase category and substitution of the simple present for the simple past tense, the use of voice, agreement and nominalization. These fossilized errors were due to the Indonesian language interference, pedagogic intervention, and lack of opportunity to use English. Based on the result, it is recommended that the lecturers pay serious attention to the language usage in preparing effective writing instructional design. Key words: Error analysis, fossilized error, morphosyntax, interference, speaking.
Cheria Video Conference to Improve Students’ English Ability and Character at SMA 3 Padang Refnita Refnita
English Language Teaching and Research Vol 2, No 1 (2018): ENGLISH LANGUAGE TEACHING AND RESEARCH
Publisher : English Language Teaching and Research

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The purpose of learning English for Senior High School students is to make students able to use spoken and written language in interpersonal, transactional, functional and essay text. This target quite difficult to be reached since the time allocation for learning English is only 2 hours (90 minutes) a week. To give chance for students who are interested in learning English, the school provide an English club, namely the English community. This club is a kind of extracurricular activity. The meeting which was held every week after the school hours initially attended by many students. However, the number of students decreased week by week. After interviewing them, it was found some reasons that make them lazy to attend the meeting. They were tiredness, having other kinds of extracurricular activity, and boring activities. They need something to challenge them to speak with people from other countries. To overcome this problem, the teacher used Cheria Video Conference. Cheria is the acronym of Chatting through Social Media and Video Conference. Cheria is done as the replacement of the meeting. Since the students are close with social media, so the teacher used social media  Line and Whatsapp to discuss the topic for incoming Videoconference. Through Generation Global, students could share ideas with other students from other countries about many topics such as community, faith, charity, celebration, and many others. Moreover, this activity also could make them practice their English and well as building their characters such as nationalism, religious, collaboration, integrity, and independent.  Key words: Cheria, Video Conference, characters
English Language Teaching and Research Vol 1, No 1 (2017)
Publisher : English Language Teaching and Research

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This paper is derived from the result of an experimental research on the effect of giving weekly quizzes as a formative assessment towards students’ achievement. The research was done during the odd semester of 2016/2017 academic year at the English Department of Bung Hatta University. The sample that comprised 52 students was chosen by using total sampling technique. The one-shot case study design was considered suitable for both the type of sample and the research problem and thus applied in the study. After the treatment in the form of giving a ten-item-matching quiz at the end of every instructional meeting, the data were collected by using a posttest and then analyzed by using a t test for non-independent sample. The result of data analysis showed that the value of t-calculated was bigger than that of t-table; therefore, it can be concluded that giving regular quizzes was an effective way to improve students’ achievement. Key words: effect, quiz, achievement, content-based subject
English Language Teaching and Research Vol 2, No 1 (2018): ENGLISH LANGUAGE TEACHING AND RESEARCH
Publisher : English Language Teaching and Research

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This article contains a discussion about the relationship of reading ability and motivation to learn with the ability to write high school students Kodya Padang. The purpose of writing this article to determine the relationship between the ability to read and motivation to the ability to write high school students of SMU  Kodya Padang. For this the authors use the theory of reading ability, learning motivation and ability. This type of research is quantitative because of its nature that contains a series of numbers so as to make predictions for the future. Type of research used test and questionnaire. The results showed based on the proposed hypothesis: (1) There is a significant relationship between the ability to read and write high school students  of SMUKodya Padang. (2) There is a significant correlation between learning motivation and writing skill of SMU Kodya Padang. (3) There is a significant correlation between reading ability and simultaneous learning motivation toward the writing skill of SMU Kodya Padang. Thus the research hypothesis Ho rejected and Ha accepted, of course the results showed that the students of SMU Kodya Padang utilize the ability to read and motivation to improve learning skills. They are not only limited to writing a free article, behind the theories they wrote.Key word: reading ability, motivation to learn, writing ability
English Language Teaching and Research Vol 1, No 1 (2017)
Publisher : English Language Teaching and Research

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Language acquisition is started from listening then mimicry and finally the ability to speak. Exposing students with authentic English will help them acquiring, understanding and getting the sense of English better. If the goal is to reach native-like level, being exposed to the authentic English is very important. There are several stages of language acquisition: the receptive or preproduction stage, the early production stage, the speech emergence stage, the intermediate language proficiency stage, the advanced language proficiency stage. English Cartoon Task is meant as extensive activity for the students outside of the school environment. The procedure to be folowed in giving this task: teacher picks a cartoon, teacher distributes the cartoon and task to the students, the students are given some time to watch the cartoon adn do the task, students are asked to present their task. There are several reasons of choosing English Cartoon Task to help students acquiring English. The first reason of using this activity is because it is a fun way to learn English. Second reason is that English cartoon has clear pronunciation. The third reason to use cartoon task is because it uses real life conversation. The fourth reason is because cartoon show has short duration. Several cartoons recommended : Martha Speaks, Word Girl andAdventure Time.  Keywords: Cartoon, Task, English Acquisition, Listening, Speaking.
Best Practice “HOTS – Home Stay” Encouraging Students’ HOTS through Home Stay Activities Arjus Putra
English Language Teaching and Research Vol 2, No 1 (2018): ENGLISH LANGUAGE TEACHING AND RESEARCH
Publisher : English Language Teaching and Research

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There are a lot of model schools constructed by goverment and as well as by private. Those schools significantly contribute toward the quality progress of education in social’s eyes. For English subject side students from model schools may achieve very good score but as phenomena that they can not prove their excellency in English for direct communication. This happened as the impact of teaching and learning only focused on LOTS (Lower Order Thingking) based. To overcome this problem that teaching and learning English must also focus on HOTS or Higher Order Thinking Skills.This is the background of HOTS – Home Stay to encourage students’ Higher Order Thinking Skills is excecuted. This activity is conducted in the form of English out door activity. This has been conducted since 2007 in several places. The activity focused on learning by doing with HOTS approached.Finding from HOTS – Home Stay activity is that students grow in their interest and motivation for using English communication. Then their thinking quality is also increase especially for “analysis, synthesis and evaluation”. As these three words are part of taxonomy bloom for higher order thinking skills level. HOTS – Home stay activity is recommended for the English teachers of Junior High Scool and Senior High Shcool to desigh the activity of HOTS – Home Stay for students. Keyword: Home Stay, HOTS, Outdoor,
English Language Teaching and Research Vol 2, No 1 (2018): ENGLISH LANGUAGE TEACHING AND RESEARCH
Publisher : English Language Teaching and Research

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Using a right strategy for our class is an important thing. Eventhough there are so many strategies that we can use in our class, still we have to think the best and suitable one for the class. We need to consider about the learning materials, students’ learning behaviours, classroom or school condition, students’ ability and others, so that the students can learn maximally.SMAN 14 Padang has nine classes for grade ten. They are five classes for science program and 4 classes for social classes. Each class has heterogent students’ learning behaviour, but most of them are kinesthetic learners with low to middle English ability. Since most of them are kinesthetic learners, it is important to choose a strategy which can accomodate the majority learners’ type but do not left the others. One of the strategy is “Running Discussion” strategy. In fact, this strategy is a modified strategy from “Running Dictation” strategy. It is modified to make it suitable for the students condition.The result shows that all of the classes from five classes for science programme and 4 classes for social classes programme were enjoy and happy during the class.Keywords: English learning, heterogent learners’ type, Kinestetics learners, Running discussion