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Published by Universitas Gunadarma
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Jurnal Psikologi Vol 5, No 2 (2011)
Publisher : Universitas Gunadarma

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Penelitian ini diinspirasi oleh peningkatan perilaku seksual dalam berpacaran dan faktasemakin mudahnya akses pornografi bagi anak. Tujuan studi adalah mengidentifikasikebutuhan akan informasi seksualitas pada remaja. Guna mendapatkan pemahaman yangkomprehensif dilakukan survei terhadap 530 remaja yang berusia 11-18 tahun, terdiri dari261 laki-laki dan 269 perempuan. Data dianalisis secara deskriptif denganmengkategorisasikan respon dari partisipan. Temuan menunjukkan bahwa remaja inginmengetahui tentang enam hal yakni perilaku seksual, hubungan seksual, makna sekssebenarnya, sistem reproduksi, dan problem seksual.AbstractThis research was inspired by the increasing of adolescent’s sexual behavior in courtship andthe fact that pornography recently more accessible to children. The purpose of this study is toidentify the needs of adolescent for sexual information. In order to gain an understanding ofthe needs of adolescents in a comprehensive manner, survey was conducted to gather data.Around 530 adolescents from 11- 18 years old participated to the survey, which consisted of261 male students and 269 female students. The data collected analyzed descriptively, bycategorizing responses from participants. The findings show that adolescents want to knowabout sexuality including six categories of topic, that are sexual behavior, intercourse, thetrue meaning of sex, reproductive system, psychosexual and sexual problem.
Jurnal Psikologi Vol 5, No 2 (2011)
Publisher : Universitas Gunadarma

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Pria adalah figur yang lekat dengan perilaku seks yang permisif. Pria juga cenderung engganlama menjalin relasi seks dengan komitmen. Relasi seks tanpa komitmen bisa dilakukan olehpria yang sudah memiliki kekasih maupun yang belum memiliki kekasih. Penelitian inibertujuan untuk melihat keterkaitan antara kecenderungan tipe cinta eros dan ludus danorientasi sosioseksual global pada pria heteroseksual lajang. Partisipan dalam penelitian iniadalah 45 orang pria heteroseksual lajang. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa beberapasejarah seks partisipan seperti usia hubungan seks pertama sekali, usia berpacaran pertamasekali, dengan siapa hubungan seks pertama sekali dilakukan, dengan siapa hubungan sekspaling sering dilakukan, dan status berpacaran memiliki keterkaitan dengan kecenderungantipe cinta eros dan ludus, serta orientasi sosioseksual global pada pria. Sementara itu, tipecinta eros dan ludus secara bersama-sama berkontribusi terhadap orientasi sosioseksualglobal, di mana kontribusi seks sedikit lebih besar dibandingkan keengganan untukberkomitmen.AbstractMen is figure related to permissive sexual behavior. Men also performs close tendency tohave sexual relation without commitment. This sexual relation without commitment is possibleshowing by both single or not single men. The aim of this research is to measure therelationship between the tendency of eros and ludus type of love and global sociosexualorientation in single heterosexual men. The participants if this research is 45 singleheterosexual men. The result shows that men sexual history such as age of first intercourse,age of first dating, with whom man did his first intercourse, with whom man did hisintercourse most, and dating status have correlation with the tendency of eros and ludus typeof love, and global sociosexual orientation in single heterosexual men. Furthermore, thetendency of eros and ludus type of love also contributing in global sociosexual orientation, inwhich sex contributes stronger than the unwillingness for having relation with commitment.
Jurnal Psikologi Vol 5, No 2 (2011)
Publisher : Universitas Gunadarma

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Indonesia’s geographical conditions are in the high earthquake-prone that requires a seriouseffort in disaster mitigation, so that the losses inflicted disasters both physically andpsychologically can be minimized. This study aims to find out the positive aspects ofexperiencing traumatic event in community that experienced natural disasters, in which withthese memories help the community become more resilient. In this study, interview conductedafter Padang earthquake (West Sumatra) on September 2009. The participants were 7 adults,whom experiencing the event directly. Interview conducted in Indonesian or Minanglanguage. The approach was narrative, asked participants to tell their story of the disasterand how the disaster has changed their community. Analysis was performed with a qualitativeapproach. From the interviews conducted, the finding obtained is the theme of narrative givenby participants can be grouped into two categories; the strategy of evacuation and things thatminimize the impact.
Jurnal Psikologi Vol 5, No 2 (2011)
Publisher : Universitas Gunadarma

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Sejumlah penelitian telah dilakukan untuk memberi penjelasan terhadap adiksi internet padaremaja. Umumnya penelitian terkait berfokus pada anteseden maupun konsekuensi dariperilaku adiktif tersebut, namun masih jarang dilakukan kajian untuk menguji faktor yangmemoderasi hubungan adiksi internet dengan variabel independen. Tujuan penelitian iniadalah untuk menguji efek harga diri sebagai moderator dalam hubungan kesepian denganadiksi internet pada remaja. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah remaja yang menjadipelanggan pada sejumlah warung internet di Jakarta Pusat berjumlah 121 orang dengansampling aksidental. Guna mengukur ketiga variabel dalam penelitian ini digunakan skalamodel likert yang terdiri dari skala kecanduan internet, skala kesepian, dan skala harga diriyang valid dan reliabel. Berdasarkan hasil analisis data dapat disimpulkan bahwa secarastatistik tidak ditemukan bahwa harga diri adalah variabel moderator dalam hubungankesepian dengan adiksi internet. Namun, terdapat pengaruh positif dan signifikan variabelkesepian terhadap adiksi internet. Selain itu, harga diri memiliki kontribusi yang unikterhadap adiksi internet.AbstractMany researches have been conducted in evaluating internet addiction on adolescents.Generally previous researches focus on internet addiction antecedents or the impact of theaddiction. So far it can be noted that very few attention given to identify moderating variablein creating internet addiction. Given the fruitfull of studies on the relationship betweeninternet addiction and relating variables, it is important to understand the moderating factor,especially in term of causal relation. The aim of the the study was to investigate themoderating impact of self-esteem on the relationship between loneliness and internetaddiction among adolescents. The sample of the study consisted of 121 adolescents selectedfrom several internet cafes in Central Jakarta. Three valid and reliable questionnaires titledInternet Addiction Scale, Loneliness Scale, and Self-esteem Scale were used for this study. Theresults revealed that self-esteem did not significantly moderate the relationship betweenloneliness and internet addiction among respondents. However, self-esteem exhibited asignificant unique relationship with internet addiction.
Jurnal Psikologi Vol 5, No 2 (2011)
Publisher : Universitas Gunadarma

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Penelitian ini adalah penelitian kualitatif dalam perspektif filosofis- praksis. Seluruh dataselain ditelusuri melalui bahan bacaan seperti buku dan jurnal ilmiah filsafat maupunpsikologi, juga berdasarkan wawancara dengan nara sumber terutama dengan dr. GrangsangSuryomentaram, SKM (salah seorang putera Ki Ageng Suryomentaram). Ki AgengSuryomentaram (1892- 1962) adalah seorang praksisi moral yang konsisten. Ia berjuangdalam memerdekakan Indonesia dan turut mendirikan Taman Siswa bersama Ki HajarDewantara (1922). Ilmu Jiwa menurut Ki Ageng Suryomentaram merupakan salah satupemikiran epistemologis Ki Ageng Suryomentaram tentang bagaimana mengusahakan agarorang bisa menjadi “Aku bukan Kramadangsa” yaitu Aku yang otonom, berkesadaran penuh,dapat mengendalikan emosi serta dapat memilih apa yang baik bagi diri sendiri maupun bagiorang lain/ liyan/ The Other. ‘Aku bukan Kramadangsa’ berarti Aku yang telah mencapaijiwa abadi karena ia telah dapat mengalahkan pergumulan pribadinya sendiri melawanKramadangsa/ pengetahuan- pengetahuan tak berguna dan yang seringkali mengintervensidiri sendiri.AbstractThis is a qualitative research in the perspective of praxis philosophy. All data were taken fromreading texts, books, scientific journals on philosophy and psychology, and the interviewswith many resource persons, one of whom is dr. Grangsang Suryomentaram, SKM (one of thechildren of Ki Ageng Suryomentaram’s). Ki Ageng Suryomentaram (1892-1962), a consistentmoral praxis, struggled for the Indonesian independence and actively established TamanSiswa Institute in cooperation with Ki Hajar Dewantara (1920). Ki Ageng Suryomentaramdefined psychology as an epistemological thought of Ki Ageng Suryomentaram on how peoplebecome “Aku bukan Kramadangsa”, meaning that I am an autonomous person, fullyconscious, can control my emotion and can select good deeds for myself and for “the other”.“Aku bukan Kramadangsa” means that I have achieved the eternal soul because I havecontrolled my own struggling against Kramadangsa - useless knowledge and the knowledgewhich interferes our own self.
POLA KENAKALAN PENYALAHGUNA NAPZA Eny Purwandari; Nisa Rahma Nur Anganthi; Yadi Purwanto
Jurnal Psikologi Vol 5, No 2 (2011)
Publisher : Universitas Gunadarma

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Penyalahgunaan NAPZA menjadi permasalahan individu dan sosial yang mempunyai polatertentu yang tidak sama dengan bentuk penyimpangan perilaku lain. Tujuan dari penelitianini adalah mengidentifikasi pola penyalahgunaan NAPZA oleh konsumen di Indonesia.Sampel dalam penelitian ini sebanyak 94 orang dengan karakteristik (1) usia 15-45 tahun,dan menyatakan kesediaan untuk menjadi informan penelitian, dan (2) penyalahguna NAPZAdi wilayah Sragen. Metode pengumpulan data menggunakan (1) wawancara, (2) ceklist, dan(3) dokumentasi. Selanjutnya data dianalisis melalui metode statistik parametrik. Hasilmenunjukkan bahwa pola kenakalan penyalahguna NAPZA dari tinjauan usia dan tingkatpendidikan tidak berbeda, sedangkan pola kenakalan penyalahguna NAPZA berdasarkanjenis kelamin menunjukkan pola yang berbeda.AbstractDrug abuse is an individual and social problem that has a certain pattern, which is not thesame as other forms of deviant behavior. The objective of the study is to identify pattern ofdrug abusers. Sample in this study as many as 94 people with the characteristics such as (1)age 15-45 years, and expressed willingness to become informants research, (2) drug abusersin the Sragen region. Data collection methods used are (1) interviews, (2) daftar-periksa, and(3) documentation. Furthermore, data were analyzed using parametric statistical methods.The results showed that the pattern of juvenile drug abusers from a review of age andeducation level did not differ, whereas the pattern of juvenile drug abusers by sex showed adifferent pattern.
Jurnal Psikologi Vol 5, No 2 (2011)
Publisher : Universitas Gunadarma

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Sejak perkembangan teknologi komputer dan informasi yang sangat pesat, penggunaankomputer dalam pengerjaan tugas adalah hal biasa ditemui, khususnya pada mahasiswa.Namun demikian, tidak semua mahasiswa memiliki keterampilan dan pengetahuan yangsama dalam mengembangkan keyakinan pengerjaan tugas tersebut. Penelitian ini bertujuanuntuk menganalisis kontribusi pengetahuan komputer terhadap efikasi diri penggunaankomputer pada mahasiswa. Partisipan dalam penelitian ini berjumlah 86 mahasiswakomputer yang terdiri dari 56 mahasiswa laki-laki dan 30 mahasiswa perempuan, usia 19sampai 24 tahun dan indeks kumulatif prestasi mahasiswa mulai dari 2.1 sampai di atas 3.5.Berdasarkan hasil penelitian diketahui bahwa terdapat kontribusi antara pengetahuan akankomputer dengan efikasi diri penggunaan komputer sebesar 42.2%. Hal ini berartipengetahuan akan komputer memiliki peran yang penting bagi efikasi diri penggunaankomputer, sehingga penting bagi mahasiswa untuk mempelajari komputer sejak mulaimenjadi mahasiswa.AbstractSince the advanced of computer technology and Information Technology, usually homeworkis done with computer, particularly on college students. However, college students do nothave equal computer skill and knowledge in their computer self-efficacy. Therefore the aimof this research is to measure contribution of computer knowledge to computer self-efficacyin college students. Participants of this research are 87 college students consist of 56 malesand 30 females in 19-24 years old with GPA range from 2.1 to above 3.5. The result showsthat the contribution of computer knowledge to computer self-efficacy is around 42.2%. Thisfinding shows that computer knowledge plays important role to computer self-efficacy oncollege students, and it is important also
Jurnal Psikologi Vol 5, No 2 (2011)
Publisher : Universitas Gunadarma

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Objective Postpartum depression is a condition that may occur in women soon afterchildbirth. Considering the impact arising from this disorder, intervention and early treatmentis necessary to prevent the sufferer’s condition getting worse and afflicting those around.Therefore, a valid instrument to screen postpartum mothers is needed. The EdinburghPostnatal Depression Scale is a questionnaire developed to screen the depression of postnatalmothers. The validity of EPDS has been widely documented. To be used with differentlanguage groups and in different countries, questionnaires must be translated and adapted tonew cultural characteristics, and then validated by a widely accepted process to evaluatereliability and validity. The aim of the study was to perform the cross-cultural adaptation andto assess the reliability and validity of the Indonesian version of the Edinburgh PostnatalDepression Scale (EPDS). A cross-cultural adaptation using qualitative analysis techniquewith cultural adaptation theory by Manson and Flaherty were used. Construct validity wereassessed in 359-probability samples of mothers in Jakarta, and the reliability was analyzed bysingle test reliability. Results: The EPDS showed satisfactory construct validity in relationwith HSCL-25 (Hopkins Symptom Checklist-25) with correlation coefficient 0.51 (los < 0.01).Single test reliability was acceptable (Coefficient α = 0.652). It shows that The EPDS is avalid and reliable instrument to be used as a screening instrument for postnatal depression inIndonesia.
Jurnal Psikologi Vol 5, No 2 (2011)
Publisher : Universitas Gunadarma

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Perbedaan agama sebagai salah satu sumber konflik di dalam masyarakat Indonesiamelatarbelakangi tujuan dari penelitian ini untuk melihat apakah agama merupakan kategoriyang nyata di dalam interaksi sosial masyarakat yang majemuk. Penelitian ini menggunakankombinasi metode kuantitatif dan kualitatif, meliputi survei dan wawancara. Dua ratus tigamahasiswa berasal dari tiga universitas secara sukarela berpartisipasi dalam penelitian ini.Dua universitas mewakili latar belakang agama yang berbeda, yaitu Islam, Kristen,sedangkan sebuah universitas bersifat netral. Hasil survei diolah dengan statistik deskriptif,sedangkan hasil wawancara diolah dengan metode analisa tema. Hasil penelitianmenunjukkan bahwa kategorisasi berbasis agama memang cukup menonjol pada respondenpenelitian dan digunakan sebagai dasar mereka dalam memberikan dukungan kepadakelompoknya. Menonjolnya kategorisasi agama tersebut ternyata tidak terkait dengan afiliasiuniversitas tempat responden berasal. Keterlibatan responden dalam aktivitas keagamaanserta pengalaman interaksi mereka dengan kelompok agama yang berbeda ternyata lebihberperan terhadap penonjolan kategorisasi agama tersebut. Responden yang kaya dalampengalaman kontak dengan kelompok agama lain umumnya memiliki pandangan yang lebihinklusif dan akomodatif terhadap masyarakat di luar kelompok mereka. Hasil penelitian inimenunjukkan bahwa kontak yang intensif dengan orang dari kelompok agama yang berbedaakan dapat mengurangi bias negatif dan stereotipe terhadap kelompok agama lain, yangselanjutnya akan membantu terciptanya hubungan yang lebih harmonis antar kelompokagama yang berbeda.AbstractWhile we often found diversity in terms of religion as a source of conflict in our society, thispaper is designed to investigate whether religion background is a salient categorization in asocial interaction among people in our society. To achieve the objective, this research used acombination of quantitative and qualitative methods, including a survey and interviews. Twohundred and three students (all volunteers) from three universities, each of them representingMoslem, Christian and neutral affiliation participated for the study. All the interviews wereexamined through thematic analyses, while statistical procedures used included descriptivestatistics. The finding indicates that categorization based on religion is salient amongparticipants and would highly likely to be used as a basis to support their ingroup. Howeverthe salient of religion categorization is not related to the institution affiliation to a certainreligion where the participants belong to. It is more influenced by the extent to which theparticipants’ involvement in religion activities and their interaction experiences with peoplefrom different religions. Subjects with a rich contact to people from other religion would havea more inclusive and accommodative opinion about their outgroup members. In summary, thisstudy suggests that contact with people from other religion would reduce negative bias andstereotype about outgroup which lead to such a more harmonious relationships among peoplefrom different religion backgrounds.
TERAPI PERILAKU UNTUK FOBIA LIFT Nanik Nanik; Vensi Anita Ria Gunawinata
Jurnal Psikologi Vol 5, No 2 (2011)
Publisher : Universitas Gunadarma

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Penelitian ini ingin melihat peran terapi perilaku dalam mengatasi kecemasan penderitafobia lift. Pendekatan terapi yang digunakan multi-modal behavior therapy, meliputibibliotherapy, terapi kognitif behavioral, relaksasi, dan desensitisasi sistematis. Subjekpenelitian (N=1) adalah penderita fobia lift sejak remaja. Teknik pengambilan data atassubjek penelitian ini menggunakan incendental dan purposive sampling. Desain penelitian initergolong quasi experiment dengan single case subject design. Pengumpulan data dilakukandengan multi-assessment, meliputi observasi dan wawancara, angket kecemasan dan angketproses kognitif pada sebelum, selama, dan sesudah terapi diberikan. Hasil penelitianmenunjukan bahwa terapi perilaku dapat diandalkan perannya dalam mengatasi kecemasanpenderita fobia lift.AbstractThis research wanted to see the role of behavior therapy in reducing anxiety experienced bysubject with lift phobia. Therapy approach used in this research was multi-modal behaviortherapy, including bibliotherapy, cognitive-behavioral therapy, relaxation, and systematicdesensitization. Subject (N=1) was lift phobic since adolescence. Sampling technique in thisresearch was accidental and purposive sampling. Research design was classified as quasiexperiment with single-case subject design. Data collection was performed with a multiassessment,including observation and interviews, anxiety questionnaires and cognitiveprocesses before, during, and after therapy is given. Results indicated that behavioral therapycan be relied upon their role in overcoming anxiety lift phobics.

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