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Jurnal Scientia Indonesia
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Jurnal Scientia Indonesia mempublikasikan tulisan ilmiah dari hasil penelitian maupun telaah pustaka dalam lingkup pendidikan ilmu pengetahuan alam.
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Articles 98 Documents
How does Pancasila work in countering radicalism and terrorism in Indonesia? Ariyani, Sri Dewi
Jurnal Scientia Indonesia Vol 2, No 2 (2016): October 2016
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15294/jsi.v2i2.35970


Pancasila is a solution to the problems of radicalism that have hit Indonesia today. Then it is hoped that the values in Pancasila must be truly carried out by the Indonesian people to prevent and minimize radicalism and terrorism in our beloved country. The loss of values contained in Pancasila in Indonesian society is the basis of the emergence of various acts of radicalism terrorism in Indonesia. Therefore, the implementation of Pancasila values, in order to remain current in the face of the threat of radicalism must be emphasized in the delivery of the following three messages: 1. This country is formed based on agreement and equality, in which no one should feel as a major shareholder, or first class citizen. 2. Rules for playing in a state have been agreed upon, and the State has full sovereignty to bring order to the members of its country who try systematically to change the order, in ways that are against the law. 3. The state provides protection, opportunity, future and balanced protection to achieve the national goals of a just and prosperous society, prosperous, safe, civilized and free.           The Indonesian government recently began to be aware of the development of radicalism in the country related to the ISIS network (the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria). This issue about ISIS has become a global issue and it seems the world is compact to fight it. Seeing this phenomenon, there needs to be steps to prevent acts of radicalism from flourishing on the earth. In addition to taking action on radicalism, the government must also prevent or preventive measures so that people are not easily provoked against ideologies that use religious attributes. Close collaboration between the government, security forces and religious leaders is needed to rectify religious understanding.
Hard Candy Dari Wortel dan Tomat dengan Tambahan Ekstrak Propolis Sebagai Penambah Nutrisi Untuk Mata Pada Waktu Kegiatan Daring Hidayati, Rahmanisa Nur
Jurnal Scientia Indonesia Vol 1, No 2 (2015): October 2015
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15294/jsi.v1i2.27645


Penghujung tahun 2020 Indonesia masih dilanda Covid-19 data sebaran terbaru menunjukan masih tingginya pasien Covid-19. Penerapan pembelajaran disaat pandemi Covid-19 dilakukan secara virtual.  Pengguna platfrom pembelajaran online mau tidak mau harus dapat mengakses internet dengan menggunakan smartphone, laptop maupun personal computer. Lamanya menatap komputer ataupun smartphone memberikan efek mata lelah. Upaya yang sebelumnya  dilakukan untuk mengurangi kelelahan mata akibat menatap terlalu lama menatap komputer ataupun smartphone yaitu dengan menambahkan screen protector, tetapi screen protector tidak dapat menjaga mata terus menerus sehingga diperlukan sebuah suplemen yang mampu memberikan nutrisi untuk mata agar tetap terjaga kesehatannya. Wortel dan tomat merupakan sumber makanan yang kaya akan vitamin A. Pembuatan permen dari bahan dasar wortel sebagai solusi penambah vitamin A dengan menambahka tomat dan ekstra propolis produk permen ini tidak hanya penambah vitaminA tetapi dapat dijadikan sebagai permen kesehatan gigi.
Method of Determination of Law in Bahtsul Masail Kurniawan, Deden; Maheswari, Adine Alimah
Jurnal Scientia Indonesia Vol 7, No 1 (2021): April 2021
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15294/jsi.v7i1.36146


The Bahstul Masa'il Forum was formed at the XXVIII congress in Yogyakarta in 1989, aiming to solve and make decisions in various problems that arise in Islamic law. Since the establishment of the forum, the mujtahids began to carry out ijtihad, one of which was also attended by several members or scholars of Islamic organizations, such as Nahdlatul Ulama. This study aims to determine the method of determining the law in Bahstul Masa'il Nahdlatul Ulama, and the effect of the determination of this method on Islamic law in Indonesia. The method used in this research is normative juridical through a legal and conceptual approach. Sources of data used in this study, which is sourced from secondary data through a study of laws and regulations, journals, books, articles, and other sources. In this study, it was found that the method of determining the law used in Bahstul Masa'il Nahdlatul Ulama, which includes the qauliy, ilhaqiy and manhajiy methods, and there is a discussion system model which is divided into three groups that focus on determining a decision for each problem discussed in the discussion. Bahstsul Masa'il, these problems are divided into three categories, namely waqiyah, maudhu'iyah, and qauniyah. Then, regarding the influence of the method of law-making decisions in Bahstsul Masa'il on Islamic law in Indonesia, it depends on how we take the attitude of looking at this point of view.
Eradication of Corruption Crimes Based on Pancasila Values by Revitalizing and Re-actualizing Pancasila Listiani, Ririn Ayu
Jurnal Scientia Indonesia Vol 4, No 2 (2018): October 2018
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15294/jsi.v4i2.36044


Corruption that has happened for a long time in this country has not been able to be resolved. In all comparative studies of eradicating corruption between countries, Indonesia always occupies the lowest position. The high number of corruption in Indonesia needs to be taken seriously to eradicate corruption in Indonesia. However, until now the eradication of corruption in Indonesia has not shown a bright spot. Although there are rules and laws for acts of corruption, but still not able to overcome this problem, because corruption has become a rooted cultural system also becomes a nation-style life. So it is indeed quite difficult to eliminate corruption in Indonesia. Therefore, it is necessary to reconstruct the mindset, lifestyle, and morality of a nation by exploring the values of Pancasila as the planting of character, behavior and personality for Indonesian people from an early age. It is very important to revitalize the values of Pancasila when this nation suffers from bad morals, because revitalization is a real effort to reconstruct and replace the nation's morality in the right position when it has gone far beyond the values of national morality namely Pancasila. Pancasila revitalized the function and occupation of Pancasila as a philosophy of good nation and state. And make the source of all sources of law in the country of Indonesia. So that the revitalization of Pancasila is very important for Indonesian guidelines in the life of the nation and state.
Settlement of Debtors in Default in Credit Agreements with Movable Property Guarantees Maharani, Aulia
Jurnal Scientia Indonesia Vol 7, No 1 (2021): April 2021
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15294/jsi.v7i1.36144


An agreement between two or more people is referred to as an agreement. Agreement is something that often happens in society. There are various types of agreements, one of which is a credit agreement, this credit agreement can occur between a debtor and a creditor so as to create a debt-debt relationship, where the debtor is obliged to repay the loan granted by the creditor, based on the terms and conditions agreed upon by the parties. However, sometimes there are conditions where the debtor cannot carry out the obligations specified in the agreement so that collateral is needed in this case movable objects. This article aims to discuss the settlement if the debtor defaults in the credit agreement by using movable objects as collateral. And the method used in this article is a qualitative descriptive method with a normative juridical approach. The results of the discussion on the settlement of defaulting debtors in credit agreements with movable property guarantees, namely through litigation in the form of filing a lawsuit to the district court in accordance with the provisions of civil procedural law, or requests for execution and settlement through the state receivables affairs committee for loans involving state assets or through non-litigation, namely settlement of legal cases carried out outside the court such as mediation, consultation, negotiation, and conciliation.
The Challenge of Pancasila in the Development of the Millennial Generation Masruri, Masruri
Jurnal Scientia Indonesia Vol 3, No 2 (2017): October 2017
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15294/jsi.v3i2.36021


Pancasila has grown and developed as the nation's ideology since the beginning of independence. And become a noble value for Indonesia as well as a unifying basis for the nation. It contains divine, humanitarian, unifying and democratic values that build social welfare. These fundamentals have built Indonesia to its present day. The millennial generation as the nation's next generation must be able to preserve and maintain the integrity of the values contained in Pancasila, lest the values of Pancasila just disappear without a trace. Various challenges must be able to be resisted, must be able to be conquered. The millennial generation must be able to prove that they are a generation that can be proud and can be trusted to carry a heavy burden towards a better Indonesia. In the current era, the value of Pancasila has begun to be forgotten by the millennial generation, they are more influenced by foreign cultures because they think that foreign cultures are more relevant to today's life. In this era, the development of science and technology and foreign culture is very easy to spread through online media for the consumption of the millennial generation, including the influence of radicalism and intolerance. Thus it is easy and poisons the soul of Pancasila. This is where we are tested how to continue to uphold Pancasila as an up-to-date ideology of the times, how to practice Pancasila in the modern era. In order for the millennial generation to continue to have a Pancasila foundation, an understanding of Pancasila ideology is needed, this can be obtained through formal, informal education and in everyday life.
Cyberbullying in Children and Their Legal Consequences According to Positive Law in Indonesia Nurassani, Sherlie Pramesty
Jurnal Scientia Indonesia Vol 6, No 1 (2020): April 2020
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15294/jsi.v6i1.36133


This study aims to analyze cyberbullying which includes types, motives, impacts, legal consequences and prevention efforts. This research is a research using a qualitative method, namely a method that focuses on objects through an analytical process and is narrative. There are many bad consequences of the internet, one of which is bullying through the internet or cyberbullying. In general, cyberbullying is a type of crime that is experienced by someone through an electronic device. The crime in question is terror, provocation, evasion, or humiliation carried out through the help of electronic media. Cyberbullying is a threat that results in mental, psychological, and social conditions. Cyberbullying can be prevented as quickly as possible by inviting people to contribute such as parents, teachers, and peers. That is why there is a need for legal protection against perpetrators of the crime of bullying, where the perpetrators also have special rights that should be obtained so that the perpetrators who commit these actions get the legal consequences or sanctions for the actions taken.
Challenges of the Young Generation in the Current of Hedonism and Its Relationship with Pancasila Saroh, Siti
Jurnal Scientia Indonesia Vol 3, No 1 (2017): April 2017
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15294/jsi.v3i1.35981


The young generation has interesting topics to support, where in the life of the younger generation there will be interesting dynamics of life to learn. Young people who certainly have a young age are also in an emotionally unstable situation. The various dynamics of life of the young generation that are often discussed is a matter of hedonism. Most young people may not know the dangers of hedonism behavior. Cultural changes due to the behavior of hedonism have become commonplace that are considered normal. Indonesia as a country that makes Pancasila as the basis of the state should apply all values contained in the Pancasila in everyday life. According to (KBBI) Hedonism is a view that considers material pleasure and enjoyment as the main goal in life. If the youth is immersed in this thought, it will certainly harm themselves and others. (Reihan, 2019) shares five ways to avoid the nature of hedonism, namely learning minimalist life, wisely in social media play, setting priorities, don't always look up, selectively choose friends. Besides that, Pancasila as a guideline of course can overcome this problem of hedonism. (Suprayogi, 2018, p. 220) states that the Pancasila as Weltanschauung nation and state life must be taught to the younger generation. This if done will help foster a nationalist sense and make Pancasila a guideline in everyday life.
The Existence of Pancasila for the Millenial Generation in Order to Realize the National Ideological Resistance in the Era of Disruption Rahmawati, Elly
Jurnal Scientia Indonesia Vol 2, No 1 (2016): April 2016
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15294/jsi.v2i1.35968


Building national character is an absolute and urgent need in the era of industrial revolution 4.0. In today’s era there has been a paradigm shift about how we get information, how we communicate, how we work and how we express things. This very rapid technological development has changed the way of life of today’s and future societies. The era of disruption as a result of the industrial revolution has resulted in may positive impacts such as damaging the nation’s mentality which is expected to destroy the joints of the life of the nation and the state. The rapid advancement of technology and social media facilitates the entry of various information and influences from outside including the value system and lifestyle which are often in conflict with the values of the Pancasila. If left unchecked the values of the Pancasila will be eroded by all kinds of global culture. Pancasila as a unifying idology as well as strnghening the integration of the Indonesian nation must now be attached more closely to the soul of the millennial generation. Todays youth nust be given an interesting and not boring touch of Pancasila learning with the use of technology and sosial media. This method is considered relevant to everyday life at this time so that the millennial generation can better understand the important of the Pancasila in reality.
Legal Analysis of Legal Personality Organization of South East Asian Countries (ASEAN) as the Subject of International Law Satesna, Dhezya Pandu
Jurnal Scientia Indonesia Vol 5, No 1 (2019): April 2019
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15294/jsi.v5i1.36064


ASEAN stands on August 8, 1967, under the agreement of five foreign ministers of Southeast Asian Countries namely Adam Malik (Indonesia), Tun Abdul Razak (Malaysia), Thanat Khoman (Thailand), Rajaratnam (Singapore), and Narcisco Ramos (Philippines). The ASEAN Charter is the legal and institutional framework that binds all ASEAN member countries and makes ASEAN an organization of legal status. ASEAN has immunities and privileges in the territory of the Member States as necessary to achieve its objectives. ASEAN with the ASEAN Charter being a full international organization, there are clear rules on ASEAN. Among them are the privileges and immunities for Permanent Representatives and diplomatic diplomatic agents in the ASEAN Secretariat.

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