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Journal of Politics and Policy (JPPOL)
Published by Universitas Brawijaya
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The aim of this journal publication is to disseminate the conceptual thoughts or ideas and research result that have been achieved in the area of Political Sciences, Governance and Local Politic. JPPOL, particularly focuses on the main problems in the development of the sciences areas as follows: Political Science; Local Politics and Decentralization; Public Policy; Governance; Conflict and Social Movement.
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Articles 40 Documents
Journal of Politics and Policy Volume 1 No.1 December 2018
Publisher : Journal of Politics and Policy

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (124.149 KB) | DOI: 10.21776/ub.jppol.2018.001.01.2


Demokratisasi yang menjunjung tinggi kebebasan menjadi landasan bagi setiap individu dalam mengaktualisasikan dirinya, termasuk dalam persoalan politik. Kebebasan individu yang dijamin oleh konstitusi di Indonesia mencerminkan tingginya popularitas sistem demokrasi ini. Akan tetapi, kebebasan tersebut pada akhirnya semakin memperjelas jurang pemisah antar identitas (agama, suku, bahasa, jenis kelamin, dll) yang ada di Indonesia, terutama berkaitan dengan persoalan politik bangsa. Persoalan agama dan nasionalis bangsa merupakan dua identitas yang saat ini menjadi perdebatan di Indonesia. Polemik politik identitas semakin meruncing hingga munculnya klaim kebenaran bahwa kelompok kepentingan yang satu lebih baik daripada kelompok kepentingan lainnya, urusan kepentingan ini kemudian mulai memecah belah bangsa yang sebelumnya menjunjung tinggi perbedaan. Artikel ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui realita politik identitas di Indonesia saat ini, berfokus kepada dua kelompok identitas yaitu kelompok agama dan kelompok nasionalis. Metode kualitatif dan kajian literatur digunakan untuk mengkaji persoalan ini. Kajian ini menemukan bahwa perpecahan yang muncul karena pengelompokan politik berdasarkan identitas keagamaan dan nasionalisme ini menyebabkan terganggunya stabilitas negara yang ditandai dengan munculnya krisis kepercayaan terhadap pemerintah, penyebaran berita hoax, persekusi, makar, terbatasnya ruang demokrasi, dll. Kata kunci: politik identitas, nasionalis, agama, Indonesia
Dilema Pengawasan Gardu Partisipatif Pemilukada: (Studi Tentang Efektifitas Pengawasan Partisipatif Pemilihan Gubernur Dan Wakil Gubernur Provinsi Kepulauan Bangka Belitung Tahun 2017) Ranto Ranto; Mohammad Rafli Abbas
Journal of Politics and Policy Volume 1 No.2 June 2019
Publisher : Journal of Politics and Policy

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21776/ub.jppol.2019.001.02.02


This study aims to explain how far the effectiveness of participatory election-based supervision took place in the election of Governors and Deputy Governors of the 2017 Bangka Belitung Islands Province. The debate is becoming more and more complexes and more complexes when the idealism of the existing surveillance system collides with the real context of the field of reality. The problem will become so complicated when the theoretical conceptual building fails to explain and even becomes a guide in engineering its ideal political reality. To conduct these study qualitative descriptive research methods will be used. Primary data sources will be obtained through non-participant observation and in-depth interviews whose information is determined by purposive sampling. To help analyze this study, the theory of participatory supervision will be used which includes electoral reform and local democracy, contextualization of participatory engagement. Data analysis techniques are carried out with the stages of collecting, reducing, displaying and drawing conclusions.
Journal of Politics and Policy Volume 1 No.1 December 2018
Publisher : Journal of Politics and Policy

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (349.224 KB) | DOI: 10.21776/ub.jppol.2018.001.01.3


Hope family programs is a program conditional cash assistance to poor families or in international terms known as Conditional Cash Transfers (CCT). Hope family programs intended for help reduce family expenses while increasing investmen for future generations through improving the quality of health and children's education. In the long run, hope family programs expected to break intergenerational poverty chain. As a program Conditional assistance open access to poor families especially pregnant women and children's to utilize various health care facilities  and educational service facilities which are available around them. Hope family programs first implemented in 2007 with scattered target in seven provinces namely DKI Jakarta, East Java, West Java, Gorontalo, North Sulawesi , West Sumatera and East Nusa Tenggara (Kupang City). Facts show that Policy Implementation hope family programs has gone well since 2007. In kupang City up to the year 2018 there are around 6.019 heads of family recipient of the family Hope program (latest data 2018, after deducting the participants who leave). Constraints to implementing a family program of hope is a cross-sectoral communication issue and bureaucratic structure in the process of implementing a family program of hope so that it often causes problems in the field. Participants of the Family Hope Program who does not carry out commitments in accordance with verification results will get sanctions in the form of discounted amounts of assistance in the current year.Cooperation between operators and facilitators and all stakeholders be the key to success implementation of the family hope program in kupang city. Keywords : Policy Implementation, Hope family programs. 
Resistensi Pemilih Perempuan Terhadap Caleg Perempuan Di Kota Banjar Pada Pemilu Legislatif Periode 2014-2019 Wiwi Widiastuti; Fitriyani Yuliawati
Journal of Politics and Policy Volume 1 No.1 December 2018
Publisher : Journal of Politics and Policy

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (406.609 KB) | DOI: 10.21776/ub.jppol.2018.001.01.4


Penelitian ini Menarik untuk diteliti melihat data jumlah anggota Legislatif di Kota Banjar yang berbanding 1:25 antara anggota legislatif perempuan dan anggota legislatif laki-laki. data tersebut menunjukkan bahwa tingkat partisipasi pemilih yang memilih anggota dewan perempuan sangat rendah sehingga ada indikasi terjadi resistensi terhadap anggota dewan perempuan. indikasi ini kami khususkan pada pemilih perempuan karena perempuan dengan jumlah 70.998 jiwa atau lebih dari setengan pemilih yang terdaftar tidak menghasilkan anggota dewan perempuan  yang memenuhi kuota 30% Keterwakilan Perempuan. penelitian ini menggunakan teori Resistensi Keterwakilan Perempuan dan Teori Perwakilan Politik, Lembaga Politik dan Kuota 30%. penelitian ini menggunakan metodologi survey dengan metode Slovin dalam pemilihan Sampel. Hasil penelitian ini membuktikan bahwa terjadi resistensi pada pemilih perempuan karena dari jumlah total pemilih perempuan yang berhasil di wawancarai membuktikan bahwa 86% pemilih perempuan yang datang ke TPS memilih calon legislatif perempuan tetapi yang benar-benar berencana memilih hanya 6% saja. meskipun 40% dari total pemilih perempuan memilih calon legislatif ternyata suara tersebut tersebar di lebih dari 70 calon tetap legislatif perempuan. faktanya 34% yang memilih calon perempuan di legislatif memilih secara acak karena berharap akan membawa perubahan sehingga memang tidak paham secara jelas visi misi calon karena kurangnya sosialisasi calon sebelum pemilihan umum legislatif. Kata Kunci: Resistensi Pemilih Perempuan, Caleg Perempuan
The Analysis of Satisfaction of Public Service Accountability in the Office of Investment and Integrated Licensing Services (DPMPTSP) Jambi City, Jambi Province Muhammad Yusuf
Journal of Politics and Policy Volume 1 No.1 December 2018
Publisher : Journal of Politics and Policy

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (54.923 KB) | DOI: 10.21776/ub.jppol.2018.001.01.5


Both good and clean government has raised an issue in the public administration study; one of them in the public service sector is accountability. Accountable become a demand from the public to public official which can be done by the government. Based on the Ombudsman Republic of Indonesia’s supervision in eight government agencies of Jambi city, one of them is The Office of Investment and Integrated Licensing Service (DTMPTSP). The results of supervision indicated the service has not well; it is characterized by the absence of service standard; did not follow procedures and long chain service. One example, there were users completed documents for taking Building Permit (IMB), but it more than one month for taking licence. This study aims to describe the aspects of process accountability of service to the users. This study uses descriptive quantitative research, the researcher took the primary data includes survey, interview and observation, secondary data obtained from literature study and documentation. The results showed IMB service was not accountable, it is viewed by the disobedience of providers with applicable regulations, and public official is power oriented and less responsive in accommodating the public interest, less careful in serving the user and not available details of the cost of publishing licence.
Fungsi Pengawasan Parlemen dalam Perspektif Gender Abdul Aziz SR
Journal of Politics and Policy Volume 1 No.1 December 2018
Publisher : Journal of Politics and Policy

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (751.625 KB) | DOI: 10.21776/ub.jppol.2018.001.01.1


As a branch of power in a democratic system, parliament has a function of control over the executive. This function is carried out to ensure that what is ordered by the Act is carried out properly by the executive, as well as to prevent at least minimizing deviations of power. In a gender perspective, the supervision carried out by parliament must accommodate and consider all interests for justice for all citizens. The interests of all citizens without discrimination against both men and women. Legislative activities and budget allocations carried out by the parliament together with the government must form a unity with a supervisory function to ensure the decision-making process along with political decisions that are gender responsive. Keywords: parliamentary oversight, democracy, gender responsiveness.
Dilema Pemberlakuan PP. No. 78 Tahun 2015 Tentang Pengupahan: Disparitas yang Kian Melebar Rama Mahesa; Kurniawan Sabar
Journal of Politics and Policy Volume 1 No.2 June 2019
Publisher : Journal of Politics and Policy

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21776/ub.jppol.2019.01.02.01


This study aims to examine the implementation of wage system in Indonesia based on Law No. 13/2003 and Government Regulation No. 78/2015 on labor conditions in Jabodetabek. The urgency of this study with regard to wage conditions in Indonesia that are still visible lags tend to widen the gap between workers and employers. It’s a policy study by collecting secondary data and then analyzed into a conclusion and a recommendation. Descriptive qualitative study method used data collection techniques such as: documentation of literature study, discussion and grouping of research object data. The results of the study indicate that the new formula in determining the minimum wage and annual wage increase in Indonesia has been implemented based on PP no. 78 years 2015 which is based on inflation rate and economic growth. The new formula of minimum wage determination is opposed by the workers on the basis of not accommodating the fulfillment of life-worth needs and narrowing the rights of workers in democracy demanding a decent wage increase. Entrepreneurs view PP Wage has not accommodate the condition of UMKM  in the implementation of minimum wage that requires the structure of wages and wage scale (SUSU). The Regional Representative Council of the Republic of Indonesia (DPD RI), which is preparing the Wage System Bill, needs field data and facts related to the current wage condition. The important recommendations that can be considered by the DPD RI in the preparation of the Wage System Bill is the refinement of the legislative materials related to the evaluation of the components of Decent Living Needs (KHL) once in five years, the establishment of policies on the implementation of SUSU for UMKM and strengthening the supervisory function in the field of manpower especially in the regions
Konstruksi Identitas Nasional Pada Masyarakat Adat: (Studi Kasus Di Kampung Naga Desa Neglasari Kecamatan Salawu Kabupaten Tasikmalaya) Taufik Nurohman; Hendra Gunawan
Journal of Politics and Policy Volume 1 No.2 June 2019
Publisher : Journal of Politics and Policy

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21776/ub.jppol.2019.001.02.3


This study examines the construction of national identity in indigenous peoples in Indonesia. This national identity is a form of social identity or collective identification which describes the attachment of group members to the state expressed with a sense of belonging, love, loyalty, pride, and protection of the group and its homeland. This national identity discourse is often an issue that is vulnerable to being discussed and debated in a society that has its own peculiarities such as indigenous peoples. These indigenous people have cultural identities, value systems and knowledge, living areas, and ways of interacting which are often different from other communities, so that they need different treatment in terms of building their national identity.
Abortion Article Debate and Discussion Process in Act No. 36 Year 2019 About Health Wendra Afriana; Chusnul Mariyah; Harry Azhar Azis
Journal of Politics and Policy Volume 2 No.1 December 2019
Publisher : Journal of Politics and Policy

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (290.828 KB) | DOI: 10.21776/ub.jppol.2019.002.01.3


AbstractThis article examines the process of discussing the health bill specifically relating to abortion. The pros and cons of the substance of abortion gave birth to two factions, namely pro choice and pro life. The pro life faction considers the discussion on abortion should not be submitted in the ruling. Those belong to this faction include the NGO National Movement for life, Pro life Indonesia as well as a number a mps from the PDS party in the Commission IX of the House of Representative. In opposition, the pro choice group, who support the abortion article to be included in the Bill, includes NGO Yayasan Kesehatan Erempuan, Perkumpulan Keluarga Berencana Indonesia and the majority MPs within the Commission IX from PDIP, Golkar, Demokrat, PKS, PPP, PKB, BPD, and PAN. MPs from PBR accepts the abortions article with a condition that rulings on rape victims should not be included. There are three ideological groupings based on religion, feminism, and secularism. The decision making process on the substance of the material was held privately through the lobby forum because a meeting failed to reach a settlement or approved. That the two factions finally reach on compromise agreement through lobby forum pursued by factions in order to accelerate the decision making. Key words: Deliberation, debate, ideology, abortion.
Application of The Elaboration Likelihood Models in The Political Campaign of Sudrajat-Syaikhu During The West Java Regional General Election in 2018 Andhika Kurniawan Pontoh; Farrah Mardiati Soeharno; Mutia Adia Risjad
Journal of Politics and Policy Volume 2 No.1 December 2019
Publisher : Journal of Politics and Policy

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (49.171 KB) | DOI: 10.21776/ub.jppol.2019.002.01.4


The Regional Election (PILKADA) of West Java in 2018 has seen significant change in the increasing electability of one of the governor and vice governor candidates Sudrajat-Ahmad Syaikhu ahead of the election day. Amid the estimation commissioned by various survey institutions, the final results of the vote count showed a significant jump in the vote collection of Sudrajat-Syaikhu. These significant jumps can be achieved because the candidate utilized campaign persuasion messages by emphasizing religious values, supporting for certain groups social and political causes and was benefited by the existing authorities both from the government and the party. Government programs that should be prioritized, were promoted on the shades of significant phenomenal issues to get voters’ attention. This article tries to explain the application of the Elaboration Likelihood Model to the Sudrajat-Syaikhu's campaign that succeeded in changing voter behavior in West Java. The Elaboration Likelihood Model asserts two main channels for conveying persuasion messages, the central route and the peripheral route. In the Elaboration Likelihood Model theory, persuasive messages will be received differently by the recipient. This is because recipients have differences in motivation and ability to comprehend the conveyed messages. Central persuasion messages can be seen in the form of messages containing strong logical and directed information, whereas peripheral persuasion messages comprise short-cut elements related to authority, commitment to the group, reciprocal relationships, scarcity and social proof. This paper will describe the application of the Elaboration Likelihood Model theory in the Sudrajat-Syaikhu campaign strategy which utilized and was benefited from the peripheral route using Islamic populist strategies, support for #2019GantiPresiden cause and 212 movement, and authorities from party, military and the ruling government. The utilization of this peripheral route is proven able to increase the number of votes in the end, which reflects the reality of prioritization of religious values above other aspects in West Java.Key words: Elaboration Likelihood Model, Voters Motivation, Pilgub Jabar 2018, Sudrajat-Syaikhu

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