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JLER (Journal of Language Education Research)
ISSN : 26210150     EISSN : 26210169     DOI : -
Core Subject : Education,
Focus JLER is a medium for disseminating the result of research about language, literature, and language and literature education in Indonesia. Scope JLER publishes the research article in language, literature, language and literature education in Indonesia.
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Articles 11 Documents
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Strengthening of Character Values in The Merdeka Belajar Era by Short Film Jagat Raya 2 (2023) Sofhie Suhartini; Heris Hendriana; Ika Mustika
JLER (Journal of Language Education Research) Vol 6, No 2 (2023): VOLUME 6 NUMBER 2, MAY 2023
Publisher : IKIP Siliwangi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22460/jler.v6i2.17415


This study was inspired by the declining use of character education principles, particularly among adolescents, which has a negative impact on the standard of instruction in the post-Merdeka Belajar (freedom to learn) era. In this study, Jagat Raya 2 (2023), a short film produced by the Ministry of Education and Culture, Research and Technology of the Republic of Indonesia, which is used as an alternative educational system, is used to illustrate the significance of character values in the Merdeka Belajar era. Researchers employ a type of qualitative methodology. The methods of data research employed include documentation, analysis, and literature review methods. According to the study's findings, the short video Jagat Raya 2, which was produced by the Ministry of Education and Culture in 2023, contains seven different types of character values, including honesty, responsibility, intelligence, keeping one's surroundings neat and tidy, caring, creativity, and cooperation.  In the Merdeka Belajar era, character development through short films gives students the opportunity to decide how they feel about their own decisions, while teachers can differentiate instruction and create stimuli that will encourage students to develop their human capital.
Application of Discovery Learning Learning Model to Improve Learning Outcomes of Fourth Grade Learners Muhamad Hatta; Heris Hendriana; Wikanengsih Wikanengsih
JLER (Journal of Language Education Research) Vol 6, No 2 (2023): VOLUME 6 NUMBER 2, MAY 2023
Publisher : IKIP Siliwangi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22460/jler.v6i2.11931


The purpose of this research is to improve learners' learning outcomes through the application of Discovery Learning models. The type of research used is Class Action Research (PTK). The subject of the study was a class IV student of SDN Talagasari 3 Karawang City. Data collection techniques use tests, observation data, and rubric activities of Teachers and Learners. Data analysis techniques are used in the form of quantitative and qualitative descriptive. The learning outcomes of 28 learners in the first cycle study of IPA subject content with KKM 67 showed that as many as 19 learners had reached KKM if it was percentage to 68%. While 11 students have not reached KKM if the percentage becomes 32%. Then the results of the Second Cycle study increased when compared to cycle I which was (93%) or as many as 26 completed learners. Based on these data, it can be concluded that learning outcomes in cycle II have reached the target of 85%. Thus thr application of the Discovery Learning learning model can improve the learning outcomes of class IV learners of SDN Talagasari 3 Karawang City.
Application of The Think Pair and Share on Writing Skills of Story Text in Class X SMA Students Nasrul Bagus Fajriansyah Nasrul; Euis Eti Rohaeti
JLER (Journal of Language Education Research) Vol 6, No 2 (2023): VOLUME 6 NUMBER 2, MAY 2023
Publisher : IKIP Siliwangi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22460/jler.v6i2.14162


This study was conducted to determine the application of the think, pair, and share models to the skills of writing saga texts. The method used when researching experimental methods is to determine the application of the think pair and share learning model in the experimental class with the ordinary learning model in the control class. Collecting data using pre-test and post-test in the control and experimental classes. The data were analyzed using the SPSS 24 application by looking at the scores obtained by the students, the normality test to determine whether the class was usually distributed, and finally, the t-test to determine the application of the think, pair, and share model to determine the students' scores. The mean score of the control class in the initial test was 77.53 and the final test was 79.97. The result of the average value of the experimental class in the initial test was 79.94 and in the final test. get 82.28. Based on the results of the normality test obtained 0.200 data indicates that the distribution is normal. The t-test obtained data 0.000 <0.05, meaning that H0 was rejected and Haa accepted, so implementing the think, pair, and share model on the skills of writing saga texts was affected.
Implementation of Discovery Model Assisted by Flipbook Media on Learning to Write Poetry Text Jaenudin Jaenudin
JLER (Journal of Language Education Research) Vol 6, No 2 (2023): VOLUME 6 NUMBER 2, MAY 2023
Publisher : IKIP Siliwangi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22460/jler.v6i2.12406


In the preliminary survey that has been conducted in the classroom, students have the value of poetry writing skills under the minimum completeness criteria that have been set by the school. The background of this study is the low ability to write poetry texts of Junior High School students. Students ' ability to write poetry texts needs to be improved because students must be trained in pouring words with imagination in the surrounding environment. This study aims to determine the effectiveness of the discovery learning learning model with the help of flipbook media, the results of writing poetry texts after the implementation of the learning model and the activities of teachers and students during the learning process. This study uses a qualitative approach with descriptive analysis techniques. The Data were obtained based on the results of the application of the discovery learning learning model assisted by flipbook media which can improve the writing skills of Al Inayah Kutamukti Junior High School students. The presentation includes: 1) learning syntax, 2) the results of students ' poetry writing skills, and 3) the results of observations of teacher and student activities. The data obtained in this study are presented in Tabular Form and analyzed descriptively. The data processing is done by researchers, namely display, reduction and conclusions. The results of descriptive analysis after the first application, the steps of learning to write poetry texts using the discovery learning method assisted by flipbook media, namely the provision of stimuli or stimuli with flipbook media. 2) identify problems on how to write poetry 3) collect data from several sources facilitated by teachers 4) process information 5) proof and 5) draw conclusions. Second, the value of students in writing poetry obtained an average of 82 with the lowest value of 79 and the highest 86. The Data showed that the results of writing poetry students have reached the minimum criteria of completeness is 75. Then the last activity of teachers and students in the learning process based on the observation of 88% which means it has a good category. These results can be concluded that the learning model of discovery learning assisted by flipbook media is effective for learning to write poetry.
Analysis of Emotional Elements in Short Stories "This Is About Me" by Putu Ayub Through Character Education Perspective Sena Junjunan; Ika Mustika
JLER (Journal of Language Education Research) Vol 6, No 2 (2023): VOLUME 6 NUMBER 2, MAY 2023
Publisher : IKIP Siliwangi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22460/jler.v6i2.17429


Emotions that are born when reading can change a person's character to be more rational because the basic concept of emotion is an overflow of feelings felt by someone when doing something, with the aim of analyzing the emotional elements of Putu Ayub's short stories and exploring the supporting factors of emotions that occur in real life reality. By using a qualitative approach as a scalpel in examining this literary work entitled about me, it is expected to be able to give birth to a more meaningful deepening of the emotions of the role. The result of this research is the content of character education values that are implemented in Putu Ayub's short story manuscript to produce education on emotional regulation and maturity mindset so that they can be wise in making decisions. Thus, this research is oriented towards the formation of a wise character in thinking, especially in the millennial generation who are still emotionally unstable.
Implementation of Discovery Model Assisted by Flipbook Media on Learning to Write Poetry Text Jaenudin Jaenudin
JLER (Journal of Language Education Research) Vol 6, No 2 (2023): VOLUME 6 NUMBER 2, MAY 2023
Publisher : IKIP Siliwangi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22460/jler.v6i2.12406


In the preliminary survey that has been conducted in the classroom, students have the value of poetry writing skills under the minimum completeness criteria that have been set by the school. The background of this study is the low ability to write poetry texts of Junior High School students. Students ' ability to write poetry texts needs to be improved because students must be trained in pouring words with imagination in the surrounding environment. This study aims to determine the effectiveness of the discovery learning learning model with the help of flipbook media, the results of writing poetry texts after the implementation of the learning model and the activities of teachers and students during the learning process. This study uses a qualitative approach with descriptive analysis techniques. The Data were obtained based on the results of the application of the discovery learning learning model assisted by flipbook media which can improve the writing skills of Al Inayah Kutamukti Junior High School students. The presentation includes: 1) learning syntax, 2) the results of students ' poetry writing skills, and 3) the results of observations of teacher and student activities. The data obtained in this study are presented in Tabular Form and analyzed descriptively. The data processing is done by researchers, namely display, reduction and conclusions. The results of descriptive analysis after the first application, the steps of learning to write poetry texts using the discovery learning method assisted by flipbook media, namely the provision of stimuli or stimuli with flipbook media. 2) identify problems on how to write poetry 3) collect data from several sources facilitated by teachers 4) process information 5) proof and 5) draw conclusions. Second, the value of students in writing poetry obtained an average of 82 with the lowest value of 79 and the highest 86. The Data showed that the results of writing poetry students have reached the minimum criteria of completeness is 75. Then the last activity of teachers and students in the learning process based on the observation of 88% which means it has a good category. These results can be concluded that the learning model of discovery learning assisted by flipbook media is effective for learning to write poetry.
Analysis of Emotional Elements in Short Stories "This Is About Me" by Putu Ayub Through Character Education Perspective Sena Junjunan; Ika Mustika
JLER (Journal of Language Education Research) Vol 6, No 2 (2023): VOLUME 6 NUMBER 2, MAY 2023
Publisher : IKIP Siliwangi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22460/jler.v6i2.17429


Emotions that are born when reading can change a person's character to be more rational because the basic concept of emotion is an overflow of feelings felt by someone when doing something, with the aim of analyzing the emotional elements of Putu Ayub's short stories and exploring the supporting factors of emotions that occur in real life reality. By using a qualitative approach as a scalpel in examining this literary work entitled about me, it is expected to be able to give birth to a more meaningful deepening of the emotions of the role. The result of this research is the content of character education values that are implemented in Putu Ayub's short story manuscript to produce education on emotional regulation and maturity mindset so that they can be wise in making decisions. Thus, this research is oriented towards the formation of a wise character in thinking, especially in the millennial generation who are still emotionally unstable.
Strengthening of Character Values in The Merdeka Belajar Era by Short Film Jagat Raya 2 (2023) Sofhie Suhartini; Heris Hendriana; Ika Mustika
JLER (Journal of Language Education Research) Vol 6, No 2 (2023): VOLUME 6 NUMBER 2, MAY 2023
Publisher : IKIP Siliwangi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22460/jler.v6i2.17415


This study was inspired by the declining use of character education principles, particularly among adolescents, which has a negative impact on the standard of instruction in the post-Merdeka Belajar (freedom to learn) era. In this study, Jagat Raya 2 (2023), a short film produced by the Ministry of Education and Culture, Research and Technology of the Republic of Indonesia, which is used as an alternative educational system, is used to illustrate the significance of character values in the Merdeka Belajar era. Researchers employ a type of qualitative methodology. The methods of data research employed include documentation, analysis, and literature review methods. According to the study's findings, the short video Jagat Raya 2, which was produced by the Ministry of Education and Culture in 2023, contains seven different types of character values, including honesty, responsibility, intelligence, keeping one's surroundings neat and tidy, caring, creativity, and cooperation.  In the Merdeka Belajar era, character development through short films gives students the opportunity to decide how they feel about their own decisions, while teachers can differentiate instruction and create stimuli that will encourage students to develop their human capital.
Discourse Issues Three Periods of Jokowi's Leadership (Norman Fairclough's Critical Discourse Analysis in News Text) Nisa Haerunisa; Teti Sobari
JLER (Journal of Language Education Research) Vol 6, No 2 (2023): VOLUME 6 NUMBER 2, MAY 2023
Publisher : IKIP Siliwangi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22460/jler.v6i2.17562


This research is motivated by the development of issues regarding the three periods of Jokowi's leadership in society. The issue of this discourse does not only appear once but many times, giving rise to pros and cons. This issue has even sparked a wave of mass action in several areas. The purpose of this research is to describe President Jokowi's attitudes and responses to the three-period issue discourse in the news text. The method used in this study uses a qualitative approach with the type of critical discourse analysis research. The researcher uses Norman Fairclough's critical discourse analysis. This text is analyzed in terms of language, vocabulary, semantics, and grammar (micro). Text can also be analyzed through how the text is produced and the things that build it (meso). The text can also be analyzed from the socio-cultural influences that make up the text (macro). The results of the study show that the issue of this discourse was not only announced once but many times. Then there is President Jokowi's response and attitude which is not the same as responding to it. Through the choice of words displayed by journalists, media indirectly wants to present a negative image. From a news perspective, wants to capture the problems and realities that occur on the ground. displays hot and actual news by compiling previous events so that they become complete and comprehensive news. This automatically makes it easier for the reader to understand the construction of a story. The issue of discourse on the three periods is reminiscent of the power practices during the Old Order and New Order periods, where the constitution was not implemented properly so the term limits for the president were distorted.
Application of Discovery Learning Learning Model to Improve Learning Outcomes of Fourth Grade Learners Muhamad Hatta; Heris Hendriana; Wikanengsih Wikanengsih
JLER (Journal of Language Education Research) Vol 6, No 2 (2023): VOLUME 6 NUMBER 2, MAY 2023
Publisher : IKIP Siliwangi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22460/jler.v6i2.11931


The purpose of this research is to improve learners' learning outcomes through the application of Discovery Learning models. The type of research used is Class Action Research (PTK). The subject of the study was a class IV student of SDN Talagasari 3 Karawang City. Data collection techniques use tests, observation data, and rubric activities of Teachers and Learners. Data analysis techniques are used in the form of quantitative and qualitative descriptive. The learning outcomes of 28 learners in the first cycle study of IPA subject content with KKM 67 showed that as many as 19 learners had reached KKM if it was percentage to 68%. While 11 students have not reached KKM if the percentage becomes 32%. Then the results of the Second Cycle study increased when compared to cycle I which was (93%) or as many as 26 completed learners. Based on these data, it can be concluded that learning outcomes in cycle II have reached the target of 85%. Thus thr application of the Discovery Learning learning model can improve the learning outcomes of class IV learners of SDN Talagasari 3 Karawang City.

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