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Humanitas : Jurnal Psikologi
ISSN : 24072532     EISSN : 25494325     DOI : -
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Studi Kualitatif Dinamika Perilaku Mencari Bantuan pada Mantan Pecandu Narkoba Multi Zat Bianca Alia Sudewaji; Lifina Dewi Pohan
Humanitas (Jurnal Psikologi) Vol 6 No 3 (2022)
Publisher : Universitas Kristen Maranatha

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.28932/humanitas.v6i3.5338


The number of drug users in Indonesia increased during the COVID-19 pandemic. Meanwhile, people seeking rehabilitation for quitting drugs are also growing these past two years according to Badan Narkotika Nasional (BNN) report in 2020 and 2021. Help-seeking behavior is important for individuals with physical and mental health disorders to get treatment. Research shows that help-seeking behavior on the problem of substance abuse has many barriers and driving factors. The study aims to look at the dynamics of help-seeking behavior in former multi-substance drug addicts who have managed to quit completely since 2013. The research is single case study, focusing on the participant's experience of realizing the addiction problem and seeking treatment. Data obtained through interview via google meet. The participant is male 48 years old former addict to various drugs since 1997, quit entirely in 2013, undergo therapeutic community selected by purposive sampling. The researcher also collecting data from expert in the last rehabilitation facility for triangulation. Thematic analysis results are the participant’s background and drug use, treatment history, help-seeking behavior, and problem resolution. The participant achieved full recovery due to adequate social support from family and rehabilitation facility, firmly committed to change, and avoiding negative environment.
Studi Kasus: Regulasi Diri pada Ibu yang Memiliki Anak Usia Sekolah Dasar di SD AL-Hijriyah Selama Blended Learning Agnes Yunitha Kristina; I Rai Hardika; Ni Nyoman Ari
Humanitas (Jurnal Psikologi) Vol 6 No 3 (2022)
Publisher : Universitas Kristen Maranatha

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.28932/humanitas.v6i3.5387


This study aims to explain maternal self-regulation using Zimmerman's theory which consists of three aspects, namely metacognition, motivation, and behavior. This study uses mothers who have children of elementary school age and at Al-Hijriyah Elementary School as subjects in this study. This study uses a qualitative method with a case study approach. Using interviews, observations, and documentation as research data collection methods. The subjects in this study consisted of 3 subjects and 1 informant for each subject. The results of this study indicate that, self-regulation of mothers who have children at Al-Hijriyah Elementary School in a mixed manner, namely the presence and monitoring of children, self-control and actions in control as a mother, as well as the mother's ability to adjust and adapt to the safe situation of children learning in a blended way. Based on the research found to determine that the mother is able to self-regulate and it was found that the factors that influence the mother's regulation are internal factors (self).
Gambaran Loneliness terhadap Lansia yang Mengalami Kedukaan pada Masa Pandemi Covid-19 di Denpasar, Bali Gusti Ayu Gita Ananda Murni; Agnes Utari Hanum Ayuningtias; Tio Rosalina
Humanitas (Jurnal Psikologi) Vol 6 No 3 (2022)
Publisher : Universitas Kristen Maranatha

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.28932/humanitas.v6i3.5397


This study aims to discover in depth the description of loneliness in the elderly of Balinese ethnicity who experiences grief for life partners and how the feelings of loneliness are felt by individuals when experiencing grief events in their lives. The study uses a qualitative method. The approach used in this study is phenomenology with the elderly subject of Balinese ethnicity, who experienced grief events due to being left by their life partner, located in Bali. The data collection method used is by interviewing the subject and informant. The forms of data analysis used are data reduction, data interpretation, data categorization, and data grouping according to themes, and making narratives from the results obtained. The results obtained from this study are the feeling of the loneliness felt by the elderly due to different grief events. This result can influence by internal (individual) factors such as emotions, the individual's personal and external (social) aspects, such as family, friends, neighbors, and the shape of the house, both of which have a very important role in shaping the feeling of loneliness in the elderly who experience grief. It can conclude that the feeling of loneliness that can be felt by the elderly depends on how the elderly respond to the grief event.
Hubungan Antara Self-efficacy dan Dukungan Sosial dengan Psychological Distress pada Perawat di Rumah Sakit “X” Bandung Maria Yuni Megarini; Trisa Genia; Yuspendi Yuspendi
Humanitas (Jurnal Psikologi) Vol 6 No 3 (2022)
Publisher : Universitas Kristen Maranatha

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.28932/humanitas.v6i3.5503


Nurses during the Corona Virus Disease-19 (Covid-19) pandemic are expected to be able to provide professional nursing services even with the risk of contracting and even becoming victims of Covid-19. Working in a hospital with current pandemic conditions causes nurses to experience psychological disorders such as depression, anxiety and stress. The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship between self-efficacy and social support with psychological distress in nurses at "X" Hospital Bandung. The research was conducted using quantitative method with multiple regression analysis and the respondents involved were 233 nurses, both in the inpatient and outpatient departments. Data for psychological distress were obtained using the Depression Anxiety Stress Scales (DASS 42) from Lovibond, S.H. & Lovibond, P.F. (1995), self-efficacy with the Generalized Self-efficacy scale (Schwarzer & Jerusalem, 1995) and social support using The Social Provision Scale (Cutrona & Russel, 1987). The results of the study show that the value of F = 6.403 with sig = 0.002. There is a negative relationship between social support and psychological distress, and there is also a negative relationship between self-efficacy and psychological distress. Based on the results of multiple regression, it was found that the higher the social support and self-efficacy, the lower the psychological distress experienced by nurses.
Peran Kualitas Komunikasi dan Keintiman terhadap Komitmen Pernikahan pada Pasangan Dual career di Organisasi Perangkat Daerah Kabupaten Serang Vania Shavina Santri; Jane Savitri; Jacqueline Tjandraningtyas
Humanitas (Jurnal Psikologi) Vol 6 No 3 (2022)
Publisher : Universitas Kristen Maranatha

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.28932/humanitas.v6i3.5539


The purpose of this study was to determine the role of communication quality and intimacy both jointly and partially on marital commitment in dual career couples in Serang Regency Regional Apparatus Organizations. This study uses Rusbult and Buunk's theory of marital commitment, 1993; in Arriaga & Agnew 2001), quality of communication in Montgomery (1981), and Schaefer and Olson (1981; in Weeks and Hof, 1995). This study used a quantitative method with 380 dual career husband/wife subjects in the Serang Regency Regional Apparatus Organization. The research data was processed using multiple regression and linear regression. Based on the analysis conducted in this study, it is known that: the quality of communication and intimacy together have a role in marital commitment (F = 35.508 ; R2 = 0.353 ; ρ < .05). Partial calculations show that the quality of communication and emotional intimacy have a role in marital commitment, while other variables do not have a role in marital commitment.
Peran Self-Esteem terhadap Relationship Flourishing melalui AIM (Attention, Interpretation and Memory) dan Positivity pada Individu yang menikah O. Irene Prameswari Edwina; Cindy Maria Setyana; Tessalonika Sembiring
Humanitas (Jurnal Psikologi) Vol 6 No 3 (2022)
Publisher : Universitas Kristen Maranatha

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.28932/humanitas.v6i3.5549


Relationship flourishing demonstrates the existence of meaningful connectedness and activities that aim to help couples grow as individuals and couples. When individuals are happy and able to carry out their roles functionally, this will have a positive impact on the mental health of each family member (Fower, 2016). This study aims to examines whether there is a mechanism for the role of self-esteem on relationship flourishing in husband/wife with AIM and positivity factors as mediators. Data were collected through self-esteem, AIM, positivity and relationship flourishing questionnaires using google form. There are 252 husbands and wives who are participated in this study. Data analysis uses Model 4 of SPSS PROCESS (Hayes, 2018). The results show that self-esteem does not play a direct role in relationship flourishing and only positive emotions act as a mediator between self-esteem and relationship flourishing in husband/wife. Suggestions are discussed further in this study.
Pengaruh Dukungan Sosial Orangtua dan Teman terhadap Career Search Efficacy Mahasiswa di Jawa Barat Indah Puspitasari; Gianti Gunawan; Meta Dwijayanthy
Humanitas (Jurnal Psikologi) Vol 6 No 3 (2022)
Publisher : Universitas Kristen Maranatha

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.28932/humanitas.v6i3.5590


Choosing a career is important for things for collage students because a career is not only for life but also becomes a way to actualizing their potential. To actualize their abilities optimally, the process of career exploration and choosing the right career is important. Collage students who are in the final stages of their education process need to have career search efficacy so that they have confidence to be able to explore careers so that they can finally choose jobs that match with their self-concept. One of the successes of career search efficacy is influenced by social support. The main social support is obtained from parents and peers. This study aims to determine the role of social support from parents and peers on collage students career search efficacy  in West Java. The number of participants was 210 people with an age range of 18-25 years. The results showed that social support from parents and peers, had an influence on collage students career search efficacy  in West Java (p <0.05, R2 = 0.113).
Hubungan antara Work-Family Conflict dan Neuroticsm dengan Work Engagement dan Burnout Pada Guru Christina Maria Indah Soca Retno Kuntari
Humanitas (Jurnal Psikologi) Vol 6 No 3 (2022)
Publisher : Universitas Kristen Maranatha

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.28932/humanitas.v6i3.5646


This study aims to determine the relationship between Work-Family Conflict, Neuroticism with Work Engagement, and Burnout in teachers. Work-family conflict is a conflict between roles in work and family. The neurotic personality trait has personality traits that are easily anxious, temperamental, self-pitiful, emotional, prone to stress, and sensitive to criticism. Work engagement is a positive state of mind, while burnout is psychological fatigue that arises due to conflict or pressure at work. A purposive sampling technique was used in this study. The respondents of this study consisted of 108 high school teachers. The results of this study indicate that work-family conflict and neurotic personality have a negative relationship with work engagement. This study found that there was no relationship between work-family conflict and burnout. Furthermore, no relationship was found between neuroticism and burnout in high school teachers.
Hubungan Kecemasan Sosial dengan Pengungkapan Diri dalam Hubungan Pertemanan Miryam Ariadne Sigarlaki; Ayu Aulia Nurvinkania
Humanitas (Jurnal Psikologi) Vol 6 No 3 (2022)
Publisher : Universitas Kristen Maranatha

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.28932/humanitas.v6i3.5807


Social anxiety is a condition of an individual who experiences anxiety in a social environment. One of the developmental tasks of late adolescents is to establish mature relationships with peers, where self-disclosure is one of the factors that support the relation to run smoothly. The purpose of this quantitative research is to determine the relationship between social anxiety and self-disclosure among university “X” students. The hypothesis is that there’s a relationship between social anxiety and self-disclosure. The sample used was 106 people. The researcher used the SAS-A (Social Anxiety Scale for Adolescents) by La Greca and Lopez (1998), which was translated into Indonesian by Rizkadina (2016), and the self-disclosure measuring tool made by Miranda (2021) based on Wheeless & Grotz (1976) theory. The results show there’s no significant relationship between social anxiety and self-disclosure. Future research is expected to consider other variables that may have a relationship with both variables.

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