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Celebes Engineering Journal
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Celebes Engineering Journal merupakan jurnal ilmiah yang dapat menerbitkan artikel terkait: 1. Elektronika 2. Robotika 3. Elektro 4. Mekatronika 5. Teknik komputer 6. Mesin 7. Kontrol dan 8. artikel terkait lainnya
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Articles 18 Documents
Rancangan Kapal Penyeberangan Optimal pada Lintasan Kasipute - Pising Andi Dirga Noegraha
Celebes Engineering Journal Vol 1 No 1 (2019): Celebes Engineering Journal 
Publisher : Celebes Engineering Journal

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The aim of this research is to obtain the optimal dimension of ferry vessels on the Kasipute-Pising crossing. This research is quantitative using a research design based on work procedures from quantification to measure research variables through the selection and design of data structures. By identifying problems and mismatches of ships operating with the main purpose of crossing transportation, and determining objective functions of optimization. Then determine the aspects of ship design that are adjusted to the characteristics of crossing vessels based on the conditions of request, oceanography and infrastructure. The optimal dimension of the crossing vessel for the Kasipute - Tanjung Pising crossing path has been obtained with dimensions of Length Overall 45.11 m, Breadth 11.9 m, Height of ship 2.7 m, Draft 1.78 m, speed 13 knots, tonnage 451 GT, passenger 450 people, 15 units of R-4 vehicles. The direction of optimization of the ship's design is more emphasized on increasing the speed and effectiveness of the passenger load capacity and mare space of R-4.
Analisis Objek Bergerak Dengan Metode Background Subtraction Akbar iskandar; Irmawaty
Celebes Engineering Journal Vol 1 No 1 (2019): Celebes Engineering Journal 
Publisher : Celebes Engineering Journal

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This study aims to test and analyze the accuracy of the Background Subtraction Method in detecting moving objects in a room with the help of CCTV cameras. Data for this research requires data from various sources such as observations and documentation. The analysis and testing techniques carried out are quantitative and qualitative in order to obtain the expected research results. The results of this study indicate that this application detects movement from within and works by using video samples to detect movements that occur in the room.
Peningkatan Kreativitas Siswa Kelas XI Melalui Penerapan Metode Pemberian Tugas di SMK Negeri 2 Palopo Muh. Arifin Abbas
Celebes Engineering Journal Vol 1 No 1 (2019): Celebes Engineering Journal 
Publisher : Celebes Engineering Journal

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This research is a Classroom Action Research that aims to increase student creativity in subjects drawing lighting installation plans through the method of giving individual assignments to class XI Electric Power Installation Techniques 2014/2015 Academic Year, with the number of students as a sample of 20 student people. The implementation of face-to-face in this research is, in Cycle I held two meetings and in cycle II only one meeting. Data collection techniques used were observation, essay test and practice assessment. The data analyzed is using qualitative analysis. The results of research conducted from August to October 2014 show that (1). Students' attitudes toward learning that are done increase by seeing changes in student attitudes and student behavior both in cycle I and in Cycle II, (2). Mastery of learning materials in the first cycle is in the medium category by looking at the average score of students is 79.20, while in Cycle II has shown a significant change in the acquisition of scores with the acquisition of an average score of 84.16, which means it is in the high category. Based on the results of this study, it can be concluded that the application of the assignment method is quite effective to increase students' creativity in class XI of the Electric Power Installation Engineering Program at SMK Negeri 2 Palopo.
Analisis Penggunaan Material Kaca pada Dinding Luar Bangunan Tinggi Untuk Meminimalisir Penggunaan Energi pada Bangunan Muhammad Fadly Saleh; Fifi Elfira Sirajuddin
Celebes Engineering Journal Vol 1 No 1 (2019): Celebes Engineering Journal 
Publisher : Celebes Engineering Journal

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Building is a huge of energyuser, both at the time of construction and operational, making the building one of the causes of global warming. This study aims to analyze the types of building window glass to obtain the best type of glass in minimizing energy use in buildings. This research is a quantitative research with observation and experimental methods. The object of this research is the building of Makassar Four Points Hotel that is located atJalan Andi Djemma, Makassar City. Observationswere conducted on the physical building in the form of design drawings and conditions at the location of the building project. Experimentation were conducted on the results of observations by analyzing several types of window glass by using the eQuest computer program energy simulation. After changing the type of building windows of the Four Points Hotel Makassar, the energy consumption of buildings on a typical floor has decreased to 10.04% from the existing. The type of window glass used is double clear reflective glass (glass: ¼ in, air: ½ in).
Implementasi Metode Term Frequency-Inverse Document FrequencyClass Frequency untuk Peringkasan Berita Online Marwa Sulehu; Juhar; Watty Rimalia; Akbar iskandar
Celebes Engineering Journal Vol 1 No 1 (2019): Celebes Engineering Journal 
Publisher : Celebes Engineering Journal

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This study aims to improve and implement the Term Frequency Inverse Document Frequency Method with the Class Frequency method in summarizing online news to save time for news readers in understanding news through news summaries. Data (text documents) used in this study amounted to 20 Indonesian language news documents obtained from the site The trial document is a collection of news from the economic sports and technology categories. Data were analyzed using the Term Frequency Inverse Document Frequency Class Frequency method. The results of this study, show that Class Frequency implementation can affect the accuracy of word weighting in the Term Frequency and Inverse Document Frequency methods where the test results obtain an average accuracy of up to 75% of the 20 documents tested by comparing system testing with manual testing.
Teknik Pengelolaan Lingkungan Hidup Di Indonesia Dian Mahdiansah
Celebes Engineering Journal Vol 1 No 2 (2019): Celebes Engineering Journal
Publisher : Celebes Engineering Journal

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The phenomenon that is very urgent in Indonesia is the pollution of nature and a pile of garbage that is very important in big cities and the community does not realize that the material is circulating or cycles in the ecosystem so that it must be given enough time to be changed back from one form to the next in while undergoing the cycle. They do not provide an opportunity for spoilage microbes to carry out their functions in the material cycle process. therefore it takes stages as solution. In this study so that environmental management techniques can be realized in real life for the achievement of a healthy life.
Pengaruh Variasi Suhu Pada Proses Tempering dan Hardening Dengan Media Pendingin Oli Terhadap Kekuatan Tarik As Baja Dan Kuningan Darwis Darwis
Celebes Engineering Journal Vol 2 No 1 (2020): Celebes Engineering Journal
Publisher : Celebes Engineering Journal

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The aim of this research is the effect of heat treatment on steel axles and brass on the tensile strength using cooling media. Tests were conducted to determine the strength of materials such as tensile testing and materials used in the testing are as steel and brass. The strength achieved depends on the heating temperature, holding time and cooling rate in the heat treatment. In the process of Tempering used temperature 500°C with holding time 60 minutes, while in Hardening with temperature 850°C with holding time 30 minutes. Through the tensile test results obtained by the average value results in tempering the tensile strength of steel as σu maximum of 49.76 kg/mm2, while hardening the maximum tensile strength as brass that is 46.58 kg/mm2. At 850°C hardening of steel axles the maximum tensile strength 42.03 kg/mm2, while the brass axes with maximum tensile strength σu 49.68 kg/mm2, whereas without heat treatment the tensile strength strength of steel axes σu 152.03 kg/mm2, and brass axle σu 50.65 kg/mm2. From the results obtained the highest value on the steel axes without heat treatment while the lowest value of the maximum strength obtained at tempering with the maximum stress of the steel axle.
Perubahan Pemanfaatan Ruang Di Kawasan Cagar Budaya Benteng Fort Rotterdam Kota Makassar Pratiwi Juniar Achmad Gani, Muhammad Zaki
Celebes Engineering Journal Vol 1 No 2 (2019): Celebes Engineering Journal
Publisher : Celebes Engineering Journal

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Following the purpose of its construction, the fort has a function as a place of refuge for those who live in it. Nowadays there are more and more various activities in the Fort Rotterdam area, causing the dynamics of life to become increasingly diverse. This is marked by the emergence of other activities besides activities related to the fort which has been designated as a cultural heritage area of ​​Makassar City. This study aims to determine the changes in spatial use that occur and the direction of space used in the Fort Rotterdam cultural heritage area. The research to be carried out is non-experimental and qualitative descriptive which will examine the conceptual application model of the problems in the field spatially with spatial analysis techniques. The results of the study found that (1) changes in activity are the most influential factors for changes in space use, (2) increases in changes in space use at the macro scale occur in the use of green open spaces into office and service areas, and (3) changes in space utilization on a scale The largest micro-structure occurs by using buildings to become museums.
Upaya Pencegahan Kecelakaan Kerja Di Kamar Mesin Pada Kapal MT. Pink Diamond Musriady Musriady
Celebes Engineering Journal Vol 2 No 2 (2020): Celebes Engineering Journal
Publisher : Celebes Engineering Journal

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The role of the use of safety equipment is one attempt to prevent or reduce accidents at work. Therefore, it is expected that the entire crew and workers on board always use safety equipment when working in order to avoid things that are not desirable as an accident. This incident happened on MT. Pink Diamond when the writer worked on board. The data sources was obtained directly from the ship where the writer worked. The principal purpose of the writing is to know the efforts the use of safety equipment in engine room to ensure safety on MT. Pink Diamond. Finally, the writer concluded in order to answer the safety in engine room on MT. Pink Diamond that accident happened because of the lack of awareness and discipline of the crew in using safety equipment.
Perancangan Sistem Identifikasi Berdasar Proses Fabrikasi Menggunakan Visual Basic For Application (VBA) Andi M. Yusuf
Celebes Engineering Journal Vol 2 No 1 (2020): Celebes Engineering Journal
Publisher : Celebes Engineering Journal

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This study aims to design an Identification System based on the Fabrication Process using Visual Basic for Application (VBA) and has two main functions, namely the input and search functions. Entering component data and coding (Code Identification) on the ship is an input function. Searching for item data and component code with manufacturing process keywords in accordance with the contents of the code so that components are grouped based on one of the fabrication process keywords is a search function.

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