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Bricolage : Jurnal Magister Ilmu Komunikasi
ISSN : 25020935     EISSN : 26156423     DOI : -
Jurnal Magister Ilmu Komunikasi is an academic journal published twice annually (June-December) by Department of Communication in Master Degree of Universitas Bunda Mulia. This journal publishes original researches in multi concepts, theories, perspectives, paradigms and methodologies on postmodernism in communications studies perspective. Focus of Bricolage : Jurnal Magister Ilmu Komunikasi is posmodernism in communication studies perspective and the scope of journal (but not limited to) are: (1) Corporate Communication; (2) Marketing & Tourism Communication; (3) Media Studies; (4) Cultural Studies; (5) Feminism Studies; and (6) Philosophy of Communication.
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Bricolage : Jurnal Magister Ilmu Komunikasi Vol 4, No 01 (2018): Accredited by Kemenristekdikti RI SK No. 28/E/KPT/2019
Publisher : Universitas Bunda Mulia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (785.291 KB) | DOI: 10.30813/bricolage.v4i01.1654


ABSTRACTThe success of ANTV captured the attention of the audience through the Indian Movie show influenced ANTV's position to television in the first rank. The television, which used to be in the last number among rival televisions, tried the first time to broadcast an Indian movie called Mahabharata, which had been successfully aired by TPI in the 1990s. The latest version of the Indian movie gets a great reception from the audience. This article aims to describe ANTV's strategy in the television industry through Indian movie to win the competition. According to Pringle and Starr (2006: 123-125), when planning a program to be aired, the television managers should pay attention to the nine factors, namely (1) Strength or Weakness of Competing Stations, (2) Building Audience Flow, (3) Building Audience Habit, (4) Available Audience, (5) Audience Interest, (6) Advertiser Interest, (7) Budget, (8) Inventory Program, and (9) Local Production Capabilities. The authors limit this study to the available audience and the scheme programing of ANTV. The research method used qualitative descriptive with data collection technique, consist of interview, observation, and documentation. Based on the results of research and data analysis can be concluded that the Indian movie impressions in accordance with the ANTV audience target, so this show succeeded in drawing the attention of the audience, and became the top program. Scheme of ANTV programs illustrate the suitability of the broadcast time slot division and the available audience. These two conclusions refer to Pringle and Starr's thoughts. ANTV's strategy review to win the competition in the television industry opens up a new idea. In this research describe not only on-air programs but also strengthened by off-air program.Keywords: Program, Indian Movie, ANTV, Available AudienceABSTRAKKeberhasilan ANTV merebut perhatian audiens melalui tayangan Film India memengaruhi posisi ANTV menjadi televisi di peringkat pertama. Televisi yang tadinya berada di nomor buncit di antara televisi saingan, mencoba kali pertama menayangkan film India berjudul Mahabharata, yang pernah sukses ditayangkan TPI tahun 1990-an. Versi terbaru film India ini mendapat sambutan luar biasa dari audiens. Artikel ini bertujuan mendeskripsikan strategi ANTV dalam industri televisi melalui tayangan film India untuk memenangkan persaingan. Menurut Pringle dan Starr (2006:123-125), ketika merencanakan sebuah program yang akan ditayangkan hendaknya pengelola televisi memperhatikan Sembilan faktor, yaitu: (1) Strength or Weakness of Competing Stations, (2) Building Audience Flow, (3) Building Audience Habit, (4) Available Audience, (5) Audience Interest, (6) Advertiser Interest, (7) Budget, (8) Program Inventory, dan (9) Local Production Capabilities. Penulis membatasi kajian pada ketersediaan audiens (available audience) dikaitkan dengan daypart pada pola pemrograman ANTV. Metode penelitian menggunakan kualitatif deskriptif dengan teknik pengumpulan data, terdiri dari wawancara, observasi, dan dokumentasi. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian dan analisis data dapat disimpulkan bahwa tayangan film India sesuai dengan target audiens yang diusung ANTV, sehingga tayangan iniberhasil menyedot perhatian penonton, dan menjadi program unggulan. Penjadwalan program acara di ANTV menggambarkan kesesuaian pembagian slot waktu siaran dan ketersediaan audiens. Kedua simpulan ini sesuai dengan pemikiran Pringle dan Starr. Kajian strategi ANTV untuk memenangkan persaingan dalam industri televisi ini membuka sebuah pemikiran baru, yaitu gambaran strategi yang tidak hanya terpaku pada tayangan on-air, namun juga diperkuat dengan kemasan program off-air.Kata kunci: Program, Film India, ANTV, Ketersediaan Audiens
Bricolage : Jurnal Magister Ilmu Komunikasi Vol 4, No 01 (2018): Accredited by Kemenristekdikti RI SK No. 28/E/KPT/2019
Publisher : Universitas Bunda Mulia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (382.079 KB) | DOI: 10.30813/bricolage.v4i01.1649


ABSTRACTSocial equality among human beings is the ideal condition that has been initiated by philosophers such as Hegel and Mead, but Axel Honneth offers a different perspective on both implementation levels and a more holistic perspective. One of the thoughts related to the acquisition of Honneth's recognition through his postulate, has illustrated that there is a struggle on the basis of awareness of respect and recognition of cultural identity in the realm of multiculturalism. In the struggle there are several steps that must be passed to obtain mutual recognition of the particular identity, where the working principle starts from the affective level of love, then the cognitive is in the realm of the legal order, until the intellectual intuition is poured in the form of solidarity. These three become forms of reciprocal relationships that lead to the acquisition of recognition in several stages in every phase of society's development. This is in line with the struggle of the Chinese Association of China (INTI) which is always at the forefront of diffusing the implementation of multiculturalism to the wider community. Recognition of the equal rights and obligations of citizens is an essential human role, as well as the ethnic Chinese Indonesian community that has become an integral and fundamental part of the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia (NKRI). Unfortunately, past political policies 'scratch' history track record that actually creates a negative perception related to the existence of this ethnic.Keywords: Axel Honneth Recognition, Multiculturalism, Perhimpunan INTIABSTRAKPemikiran Rekognisi Axel Honneth melalui postulasinya bahwa terdapat perjuangan pemerolehan rekognisi (the struggle for recognition), dimana prinsip kerjanya lebih didasarkan atas: cinta (love), tatanan hukum (legal order), dan solidaritas (solidarity). Hal ini sejalan dengan perjuangan Perhimpunan Indonesia Tionghoa (INTI) yang senantiasa berada di garis terdepan mendifusikan implementasi dari multikulturalisme pada masyarakat luas. Pengakuan akan kesetaraan hak dan kewajiban warga negara merupakan sesuatu peranan manusia yang sifatnya hakiki, demikian pula masyarakat etnis Tionghoa Indonesia yang telah menjadi bagian integral serta fundamental dari Negara Kesatuan Republik Indonesia (NKRI). Sayangnya kebijakan politik masa lampau ‘menggoreskan’ rekam jejak sejarah yang justru menimbulkan persepsi negatif terkait keberadaan etnis ini.Kata kunci: Rekognisi Axel Honneth, Multikulturalisme, Perhimpunan INTI
Bricolage : Jurnal Magister Ilmu Komunikasi Vol 4, No 01 (2018): Accredited by Kemenristekdikti RI SK No. 28/E/KPT/2019
Publisher : Universitas Bunda Mulia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (472.9 KB) | DOI: 10.30813/bricolage.v4i01.1648


ABSTRACTThe development and optimization of RPTRA function as public space in Kelurahan Pejagalan generates clicks of communication nodes that make the utilization or maintenance of RPTRA complex and complicated. This research tries to reveal how role and relation of the actors in RPTRA management. The method used is the analysis of communication network patterns by making the matrix of communication relations between actors observed from the results of questionnaires and interview questions, sociometric analysis done by descriptive approach. These communication network data were analyzed with UCINET VI. The result of the research with the sociogram analysis showed that the average of individuals in the group had good connectivity with each other. Opinion leaders are still dominated by the formal leaders of Lurah and Ibu Lurah as well as RPTRA coordinator appointed and responsible to the lurah.Keywords: clicks, actor relation, sociometry, opinion leaderABSTRAKPengembangan dan optimalisasi fungsi RPTRA sebagai ruang publik di Kelurahan Pejagalan menghasilkan klik simpul-simpul komunikasi yang membuat pemanfaatan atau pemeliharaan RPTRA menjadi kompleks dan rumit. Penelitian ini berusaha mengungkapkan bagaimana peran dan relasi para aktor dalam pengelolaan RPTRA. Metode yang digunakan adalah analisis pola jaringan komunikasi dengan cara membuat matriks hubungan komunikasi antar aktor yang diamati dari hasil pertanyaan kuesioner dan interview, analisis sosiometri dilakukan dengan pendekatan deskriptif. Data jaringan komunikasi ini dianalisis dengan UCINET VI. Hasil penelitian dengan analisis sosiogram menunjukan rerata individu dalam kelompok memiliki keterhubungan yang baik satu sama laiin. Opinion leader masih didominasi oleh pimpinan formal yaitu Lurah dan Ibu Lurah serta koordinator RPTRA diangkat dan bertanggung jawab terhadap lurah.Kata Kunci: klik, relasi aktor, sosiometri, opinion leader
Bricolage : Jurnal Magister Ilmu Komunikasi Vol 4, No 01 (2018): Accredited by Kemenristekdikti RI SK No. 28/E/KPT/2019
Publisher : Universitas Bunda Mulia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (338.145 KB) | DOI: 10.30813/bricolage.v4i01.1650


ABSTRACTThis article will provide a study of the concepts of conflict and negotiation in various scientific perspectives, which in this context will be seen from the perspective of architecture, sociology, technology and communication. Each perspective has its own perspective in defining and operationalizing a concept of conflict and negotiation, since each formal object of the scientific study has different ontological origins. For this reason through this article will be a basic topic development from various angles of scientific theories that will give a picture of the tradition of each of the scholars. For this reason, a comprehensive discussion of theoretical approaches to the basic topics of conflict and negotiation is required. So in this article the discussion will be divided into two big skeletons. The first will discuss the study of each discipline and its relation to communication. From several perspectives of architecture, sociology, and technology will be presented one by one epistemologis and study. Then from each perspective linked red thread with the tradition of communication science. The second major framework will address topics of conflict and negotiation from the various angles of the scholarship. After the previous discussion has been presented scientific approach, then will be dissected one by one how the scientific approach sees conflict and negotiation. Not only defining the concept of conflict and negotiation, the discussion will also link between each scientific perspective in conflict resolution through negotiation methods. Along with that will be described examples of cases that can clearly illustrate the use of conflict and negotiation topics in various scientific perspectives.Keywords: Conflict, Negotiation, Architecture, Sociology, Techonology, CommunicationABSTRAKArtikel ini akan memberikan sebuah telaah mengenai konsep konflik dan negosiasi di dalam berbagai perspektif keilmuan, yang dalam konteks ini akan dilihat melalui perspektif arsitektur, sosiologi, teknologi dan komunikasi. Setiap perspektif tersebut memiliki sudut pandangnya masing-masing dalam mendefisinikan maupun mengoperasionalkan sebuah konsep konflik dan negosiasi, mengingat setiap objek formal dari kajian keilmuan tersebut memiliki asal muasal ontologis yang berbeda. Untuk itulah melalui artikel ini akan dilakukan sebuah pengembangan topik dasar dari berbagai macam sudut pandang teori keilmuan yang akan memberikan gambaran tradisi dari masing-masing keilmuan. Untuk itulah diperlukan sebuah pembahasan yang komprehensif menyangkut berbagai pendekatan teoretis yang membahas topik dasar berupa konflik dan negosiasi. Sehingga dalam artikel ini pembahasan akan dibagi menjadi dua kerangka besar. Yang pertama akan membahas mengenai kajian dari masing-masing disiplin beserta kaitannya dengan komunikasi. Dari beberapa perspektif yaitu arsitektur, sosiologi, dan teknologi akan dipaparkan satu per satu epistemologis serta kajiannya. Kemudian dari tiap perspektif dihubungkan benang merahnya dengan tradisi keilmuan komunikasi. Kerangka besar kedua akan membahas topik konflik dan negosiasi dari berbagai sudut keilmuan tersebut. Setelah pada pembahasan sebelumnya telah dipaparkan pendekatan keilmuannya, selanjutnya akan dibedah satu per satu bagaimana pendekatan keilmuan tersebut memandang konflik dan negosiasi. Tidak hanya mendefinisikan konsep konflik dan negosiasi, pembahasan juga akan mengaitkan antara tiap perspektif keilmuan dalam penyelesaian konflik melalui metode negosiasi. Bersamaan dengan itu akan dijabarkan contoh kasus yang dapat menggambarkan secara jelas penggunaan topik konflik dan negosiasi dalam berbagai perspektif keilmuan.Kata kunci: Konflik, Negosiasi, Arsitektur, Sosiologi, Tekonologi, Komunikasi
Bricolage : Jurnal Magister Ilmu Komunikasi Vol 4, No 01 (2018): Accredited by Kemenristekdikti RI SK No. 28/E/KPT/2019
Publisher : Universitas Bunda Mulia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (702.502 KB) | DOI: 10.30813/bricolage.v4i01.1651


ABSTRACTGlobalization encourages foreign brands to come to Indonesia, one of them is Keds as a sneakers shoe brand. One of the problems that Keds faces when it comes to Indonesia is the perception about Keds as a type of shoes even though actually it is a brand of shoes. Therefore, Keds held a “Ladies First Since 1916” Campaign not only to celebrate their 100th anniversary, but also to create awareness about Keds as the first sneakers brand for ladies since 1916 and to deliver their persuasive messages through promotion activites in the campaign. The aim of this research is to find out Keds customer buying decision process based on social judgement theory, where the customer will interpret the persuasive messages about the promotion activities in the campaign and also to find out the stages of customer decision buying process. The research method that was used is qualitative descriptive method through indepth interview with Keds customers. The result shows that the interpretation of the messages through attiudes/cognitive and beliefs/mental ego involvement is in latitude of acceptance that leads in assimilation effect and it seen in evaluation of alternatives stage in the buying decision process by Keds customer.Keywords: buying process, beliefs, attitudes, persuasiveABSTRAKGlobalisasi mendorong brand asing masuk ke Indonesia, salah satunya adalah Keds sebagai sebuah brand sepatu sneakers. Persoalan yang dialami Keds ketika awal masuk ke Indonesia adalah persepsi bahwa Keds merupakan jenis sepatu, padahal Keds merupakan brand sebuah sepatu. Oleh karena itu, Keds mengadakan Campaign “Ladies First Since 1916” selain untuk merayakan ulang tahun Keds yang berusia 100 tahun, juga untuk memperkenalkan kembali kepada masyarakat bahwa Keds merupakan brand sneakers wanita pertama asal Amerika sejak 1916 serta melakukan penyampaian pesan persuasif melalui berbagai kegiatan promosi dalam campaign tersebut. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk melihat proses pengambilan keputusan pembelian customer Keds dalam Campaign “Ladies First Since 1916” berdasarkan Social Judgement Theory, bagaimana customer akan memaknai pesan persuasif dalam campaign tersebut yang selanjutnya akan dilihat tahap-tahap dalam pengambilan keputusan pembelian yang dilalui oleh customer. Penelitian dilakukan dengan metode kualitatif deskriptif melalui wawancara mendalam kepada customer Keds. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pemaknaan pesan berdasarkan ego involvement kognitif dan mental berada pada latitude of acceptance yang mengarah pada efek asimilasi dan terlihat pada tahap evaluasi alternatif dalam berbagai tahap pengambilan keputusan pembelian yang dilalui customer Keds.Kata kunci: keputusan pembelian, mental,sikap, persuasi
Bricolage : Jurnal Magister Ilmu Komunikasi Vol 4, No 01 (2018): Accredited by Kemenristekdikti RI SK No. 28/E/KPT/2019
Publisher : Universitas Bunda Mulia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (429.091 KB) | DOI: 10.30813/bricolage.v4i01.1653


ABSTRACTBali becomes the world’s tourism that has varied culture, one of them is ‘Tari Kecak’ (‘Tari Cak’ or ‘Fire Dance’). Different with other dance using music (‘gamelan’), ‘Tari Kecak’ just uses the dancer’s sound/shouting like “cak cak ke cak cak ke”as the art. Through qualitative research based on constructive paradigm, the researcher depended on participative observation and in depth interview to the key informants and informants (from local society and tourists). By using Semantic Meaning Theory from Charles Osgood, the results show five meanings from ‘Tari Kecak’, namely (a) avoiding curse, (b) as a belief system, (c) as a holy thing, (d) as an art and culture and also (e) as economic income.Keywords: Message, Tari Kecak, Semantic Meaning TheoryABSTRAKBali merupakan destinasi wisata dunia yang memiliki ragam budaya, salah satunya adalah Tari Kecak (biasa juga disebut sebagai Tari “Cak” atau Tari Api/fire dance). Berbeda dengan tarian lainnya yang menggunakan alat musik (gamelan), tari Kecak hanya memadukan seni dari suara para penari berupa teriakan-teriakan seperti “cak cak ke cak cak ke”. Pada penelitian kualitatif dengan paradigma konstrukstivis ini, peneliti mengedepankan pengamatan partisipatif dan wawancara mendalam kepada enam narasumber (baik warga di Bali maupun wisatawan asing). Dengan menggunakan Teori ‘Pengertian Secara Semantik’ (Charles Osgood), hasil penelitian menunjukkan lima makna pesan dari Tari Kecak, yakni: (a) menghindari karma, (b) kepercayaan, (c) sakral, (d) seni dan budaya, serta (e) pendapatan ekonomi.Kata Kunci: Pesan, Tari Kecak, Teori Pengertian Semantik

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