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Jurnal Elektronika Listrik dan Teknologi Informasi Terapan
Published by Politeknik Jambi
ISSN : 26852276     EISSN : 26857014     DOI : -
Jurnal ELTI (Elektronika, Listrik dan Teknologi Informasi Terapan) merupakan jurnal peer review yang difokuskan kepada tiga cakupan utama, yakni bidang Elektronika, Listrik dan Teknologi Informasi. Untuk bidang Elektronika mencakup Implementasi Sensor Elektronik (Electronics Sensor Implementation), Pengukuran Cerdas (Smart Measurement), Sistem Kontrol (Control System), Otomatisasi dan Robotika (Automation and Robotic). Dalam bidang Listrik cakupan jurnal meliputi Energi Baru dan Terbarukan (Renewable Energy), Distribusi Energi Listrik (Energy Distribution), Kontrol Industri (Industrial Control). Untuk bidang Teknologi Informasi cakupan bahasan meliputi Internet of Thinks (IoT), Pemrograman Berbasis Website (Web Programming), Pemrograman Android (Android Programming), Pengolahan Sinyal dan Citra (Signal and Image Processing).
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Articles 8 Documents
Search results for , issue "Vol. 1 No. 1 (2019): ELTI Juni" : 8 Documents clear
Penerapan Internet of Thinks (IoT) Pada Alat Monitoring Energi Listrik Tanto; Darmuji
Jurnal Elektronika Listrik dan Teknologi Informasi Terapan Vol. 1 No. 1 (2019): ELTI Juni
Publisher : Jurnal Elektronika Listrik dan Teknologi Informasi Terapan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37338/elti.v1i1.170


The purpose of this study is to monitor household electricity consumption based on Arduino, Esp and Android, which can be monitored through smartphones so that there is no soaring costs when paying electricity every month. The test sample is the use of 5 watts of light and solder simultaneously, to see the number of watts used and expenditure at the time of use with a monitoring system on smartphones which is equipped with applications connected via the Arduino system using the ESP8266 module as data sender so that we can monitor via a smartphone and this tool is equipped with an LCD on the display so that we can monitor in two views.
Pengukuran Konsumsi Energi Listrik menggunakan Sensor Current Transformer TA12-200 Maizal Isnen; Muhammad Ficky Afrianto
Jurnal Elektronika Listrik dan Teknologi Informasi Terapan Vol. 1 No. 1 (2019): ELTI Juni
Publisher : Jurnal Elektronika Listrik dan Teknologi Informasi Terapan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37338/elti.v1i1.164


Increasing of electrification in Indonesia still leaves several problems, such as blackouts. This can be caused by greater demand than energy availability. Businesses that can be taken to overcome this problem is include making an arrangement on the consumer side or demand side management (DMS). By implementing control technology, an Arduino-based embedded system device has been able to measure electricity consumption. The application of the TA12-200 current sensor has been able to measure electricity power with accuracy up to 96.4% and sensor resolution for about 0.4 volts per ampere. This system is equipped with an RTC module to calculate the duration of measurement, then convert the value of power (watts) into electricity energy (kWh) as well as the electricity cost in rupiah. Displaying the cost of electricity in rupiah, in this measurement system, is considered has a potential to increase user awareness to make savings on electricity usage. This is able to reduce the electricity demand, thus the cases of blackouts can be minimized.
Potensi Sensor Kelembaban Tanah YL-69 Sebagai Pemonitor Tingkat Kelembaban Media Tanam Palawija Saleh Yaakub; Rezagi Meilano
Jurnal Elektronika Listrik dan Teknologi Informasi Terapan Vol. 1 No. 1 (2019): ELTI Juni
Publisher : Jurnal Elektronika Listrik dan Teknologi Informasi Terapan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37338/elti.v1i1.165


Technology development can support various aspects of life including the agricultural sector. It is undeniable that the selection of good seeds and good plant maintenance, such as agricultural integration. Agricultural integration consists of good tillage and regular irrigation. Chili plants have very poor growth. To grow well, chili plants must have air content in a balanced tanaha.This final project discusses the control of soil moisture in chili plants. In this final project is made a tool for controlling soil moisture and automatic watering plants. Air pump as a sprinkler of chilli plants. This chili plant sprinkling system automatically adjusts the soil moisture conditions observed. To see the results of monitoring consistently can be seen on the LCD display.
Unjuk Kerja Panel Surya Kapasitas 50 Wp Terhadap Perubahan Intensitas Cahaya Matahari Yusuf Rizal Fauzi
Jurnal Elektronika Listrik dan Teknologi Informasi Terapan Vol. 1 No. 1 (2019): ELTI Juni
Publisher : Jurnal Elektronika Listrik dan Teknologi Informasi Terapan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37338/elti.v1i1.166


This research was conducted to determine the performance of solar panels with a capacity of 50 Wp of the sun intensity fluctuations it receives. This research was conducted by measuring sunlight on the surface area of solar cells using Luxmeter. Then at the same time the current and voltage data are collected. This research was conducted for 5 days starting from 6am to 6pm local time. From the calculation results obtained an average output power of 7.356809231 Watt and in a day can produce 95.63852 Wh.
Sistem Penjualan Online Berbasis Website (Studi Kasus di Infomedia Komputer) Tekat Budi Santoso; Edy Susena
Jurnal Elektronika Listrik dan Teknologi Informasi Terapan Vol. 1 No. 1 (2019): ELTI Juni
Publisher : Jurnal Elektronika Listrik dan Teknologi Informasi Terapan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37338/elti.v1i1.167


Infomedia Computer is a company engaged in the sale of computers and devices related to computers. Use of the right sales method is very important so that the company can continue to compete with other companies. In this case Surakarta Computer Infomedia still uses direct sales method where sales transactions are carried out in the store. This is considered to be no longer relevant in this modern era, which has all been integrated with the internet. Therefore, it is necessary to improve the system or method of buying and selling transactions. To create an online sales system to increase sales at Surakarta Computer Infomedia in order to continue to compete with other companies. Making this system is based on website programming. The method of data collection uses the method of observation, interviews and literature. Tools used to design systems are Flowcharts, Context Diagrams, DFD (Data Flow Diagrams), and ERD. The results of the implementation of the program that has been made is an e-commerce website which has helped promote the products sold by Surakarta Computer Infomedia. Easy management and operation by admin and customers because the system implements a friendly user system. The system can also be accessed with any device and has a responsive appearanc.
Pembangkit Listrik Tenaga Hybrid Berbasis Energi Surya dan Energi Angin Sepdian
Jurnal Elektronika Listrik dan Teknologi Informasi Terapan Vol. 1 No. 1 (2019): ELTI Juni
Publisher : Jurnal Elektronika Listrik dan Teknologi Informasi Terapan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37338/elti.v1i1.168


One of the problems in the field of electrical energy is limited fossil energy resources are the main source of electrical energy producer in Indonesia. To reduce the impact of electricity dependence on the availability of this fossil, it needed a new source of electrical energy that can be renewed. Hybrid power is one source of electrical energy, which is sourced from the light and wind gusts that are environmentally friendly. Due to this hybrid power source of the sun and the wind is, the output voltage of electricity is not stable, because the change according to the circumstances surrounding nature. Batteries are one of the tools that can store electrical energy and can accommodate energy output from the hybrid power source. This research will be discussed rationing system is a hybrid of the capacity of the energy storage system, which includes the relationship between light intensity and the wind blowing against the current and the voltage is raised, and the efficiency increase of the energy storage system.
Rancang Panel Surya Untuk Instalasi Penerangan Rumah Sederhana Daya 900 Watt Mahmud Idris
Jurnal Elektronika Listrik dan Teknologi Informasi Terapan Vol. 1 No. 1 (2019): ELTI Juni
Publisher : Jurnal Elektronika Listrik dan Teknologi Informasi Terapan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37338/elti.v1i1.169


The need for electrical energy for humans continues to increase as the number of people increases and the increasingly modern pattern of human life is also one of the causes of increasing energy consumption. The solution to this discussion is to supply new and renewable energy sources as an alternative to supply electricity with the PLTS electricity system with a spare battery. The purpose of this study is to make a PLTS electrical system with a backup battery with a capacity of 900 Watts for power consumption from the National Electric Company and the Utilization of the Sun's Natural Resources into electrical energy. The PLTS system is in a backup battery for storing electrical energy produced by solar cells. PLTS and pendungung components are needed to produce PLTS with 900 Watt power, PLTS backup battery with 200 Ah battery capacity with 12V voltage, 150Wp x 2 Photovoltaic, MPA type solar charge controller with 30A capacity, Pure sine wave type inverter with 1000 Watt capacity and use safety current MCB 1 phase 6A and 2A.
Prototype Pembangkit Listrik Tenaga Mikro Hidro Puspita Ayu Armi; Sepdian
Jurnal Elektronika Listrik dan Teknologi Informasi Terapan Vol. 1 No. 1 (2019): ELTI Juni
Publisher : Jurnal Elektronika Listrik dan Teknologi Informasi Terapan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37338/elti.v1i1.171


Research on the design and construction of a micro hydro power plant has been conducted. This tool is used to support energy conversion learning, in this case a micro hydro power plant. In this research a series of steps were carried out including design, assembly, and testing. The plant uses a 12 VDC generator equipped with an inverter. From the test results it was found that this prototype has been able to produce electrical energy from a relatively small water flow, which starts from 1,9 m3/s by generating electricity of 0.03 watts. In this test the highest power measurement results obtained were 0.09 watts at the water discharge of 3,02 m3/s. Thus the greater water debit used, the bigger electricity produced will be.

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