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EKSISBANK (Ekonomi Syariah dan Bisnis Perbankan)
ISSN : 25992708     EISSN : 26548526     DOI : -
Core Subject : Economy,
Eksisbank Journal is open access published by the Sharia Economic Study Program and Syariah STIES Banking Indonesia Purwakarta. The main objective of Eksisbank is to provide a platform for scholars, academics and international researchers to share contemporary thoughts in the fields of accounting, taxation, sharia financial management, marketing management, Human Resource management, Islamic capital markets, strategic management, risk management, sharia economics , entrepreneurship, and the sharia banking business in the form of research results, feedback articles, and case reports. It also aims to promote sharia economic studies and Islamic banking, thereby becoming a leading international journal in the field of Islamic economics and Islamic banking in the world.
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Praktik Sewa Menyewa Rental Mobil Dump Truck Ditinjau Dari Ekonomi Syari’ah Di CV. Tunggal Perkasa Purwakarta Abdul Rouf; Ahmad Saepudin; Siti Rohmat
EKSISBANK (Ekonomi Syariah dan Bisnis Perbankan) Vol 5 No 1 (2021): EKSISBANK (Ekonomi Syariah dan Bisnis Perbankan)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37726/ee.v5i1.104


A development of the leasing business, such as renting a car at CV Tunggal Perkasa which is engaged in car rental services in the field of expeditions, in this lease there is an agreement where this lease creates rights and obligations for both parties. In Islam, leasing is termed al-ijarah, which is a contract for the transfer of usufructuary rights over goods or services, through payment of rental wages, without being followed by a transfer of ownership (milkiyah) of the goods themselves. The purpose of this study was to determine the practice of renting a car rental service at CV. Tunggal Perkasa, and to find out an overview of the sharia economy in leasing at CV. Mighty Single. The type of research used is field research, while the approach used in this research is a descriptive-qualitative approach. The mechanism used in the practice of renting a dump truck is to enter into a contract agreement with predetermined terms and conditions, and the rental system applied to both parties is bound. When viewed from the perspective of the contract, the pillars and terms of the lease are reviewed according to the Fatwa of the National Sharia Council-Indonesian Ulema Council NO: 112/DSN-MUI/IX/2017. The lease agreement made by both parties is not in accordance with Fiqh Ijarah
Tinjauan Ekonomi Syariah Dalam Sewa Menyewa Produk IndiHome Di PT. Telkom Kandatel Purwakarta Luthfi Rahman; Asep Dede Kurnia; Saepul Bahri; Ahmad Ali Sopian
EKSISBANK (Ekonomi Syariah dan Bisnis Perbankan) Vol 5 No 1 (2021): EKSISBANK (Ekonomi Syariah dan Bisnis Perbankan)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37726/ee.v5i1.105


Telkom is a state-owned company engaged in telecommunications and network services in the territory of Indonesia. One of the products from Telkom is IndiHome. In IndiHome, the company's agreement system with consumers is to rent tools or devices for consumers to use to connect with IndiHome, then consumers pay monthly to extend the lease. Based on the basic provisions of the theory in Islam that leasing is a form of muamalah activity in meeting the needs of human life, in the sharia economic concept, leasing is called (al-ijarah), which has the pillars and conditions that become the legal provisions of the ijarah contract. The purpose of this study was to determine the practice of renting IndiHome at PT. Telkom Indonesia Kandatel Purwakarta and to find out an overview of the sharia economy in leasing indihome products at PT. Telkom Kandatel Purwakarta. The type of research used is field research, while the approach used in this research is a descriptive-qualitative approach. The mechanism used in leasing IndiHome has provisions according to company procedures. The transaction process is carried out with customer registration via offline, carried out directly and online through the My IndiHome application and Call Center to PT.Telkom and if viewed in the sharia economy, IndiHome leases are included in leases that are not in accordance with the provisions of the Fatwa of the National Sharia Council of the Ulama Council. Indonesia No. 112/DSN-MUI/IX/2017, including those related to mu'jir provisions that are not legally competent, provisions on benefits of objects that cannot be leased back and unclear rental times.
Implementasi Denda Pada Akad Murabahah Dalam Perspektif Ekonomi Syariah Di BMT Purwakarta Amanah Sejahtera (PAS) Putranto Sigit; Ahmad Saepudin; Saepul Bahri; Yulia Purnama
EKSISBANK (Ekonomi Syariah dan Bisnis Perbankan) Vol 5 No 1 (2021): EKSISBANK (Ekonomi Syariah dan Bisnis Perbankan)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37726/ee.v5i1.113


Murabaah payments can be made in cash and installments. However, often in the installment process, banks are faced with various problems, especially bad loans. The problem that often occurs in banking is customers who are able but deliberately delay their obligations to the bank. This has resulted in the possibility of the bank experiencing material and non-material losses. in sharia banks in accordance with the DSN-MUI fatwa No. 17 of 2000, if the customer intentionally delays payment for no apparent reason, the sharia financial institution has the right to impose a fine on him in accordance with the previously agreed upon agreement. The purpose of this study was to determine the system of fines on sharia financing products at BMT PAS and to determine the implementation of fines on murabahah contracts in a sharia economic perspective at BMT Purwakarta Amanah Sejahtera (PAS). This type of research is field research, the data is obtained in the field, meaning that it is direct research to obtain data from the facts that occur on the BMT PAS with a qualitative descriptive approach. The data collection technique is done by triangulation (combined), data analysis is a deductive method, namely a method that departs from general knowledge about a phenomenon (theory) and is based on general knowledge that wants to assess specific things. The results of this study indicate that the penalty system for sharia financing products at BMT PAS is by giving policies to members affected by fource majeur by freeing them to pay their financing installments. If it is found that the economic condition of the member is able to pay the debt but does not obey the installments, then the BMT PAS will impose sanctions on the member. If the analyzed member is really economically incapable, then the BMT PAS does not impose a fine or sanction on the member. The Penalty System for Sharia Financing Products at BMT PAS is in accordance with fatwa No. 17/DSN-MUI/IX/2000 concerning Sanctions for Able Customers Who Delay Payments. Because BMT PAS considers Fource majeur to be a disaster, BMT PAS will provide a solution to the member by being retrained if it cannot be fostered, then BMT PAS releases members from paying the installments and is considered to be a loss from BMT PAS. Likewise, the BMT PAS has applied fines to members who can afford it but delay payments. Sanctions in the form of fines are based on the principle of ta'zir, which aims to make customers more disciplined in carrying out their obligations. in allocating the BMT PAS fines, it also clarifies that the fines are used for social funds or community needs, both for compensation, disaster relief infrastructure and so on
Analisis Jual Beli Golok Dengan Cara Panjar menurut Perspektif Ekonomi Syariah di PG. Binangkit Cibeureum Tanjungsiang Subang Abdul Abdul Hopid; Jalaludin jalaludin; Ahmad Damiri
EKSISBANK (Ekonomi Syariah dan Bisnis Perbankan) Vol 5 No 1 (2021): EKSISBANK (Ekonomi Syariah dan Bisnis Perbankan)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37726/ee.v5i1.124


In Islam, muamalah is a form of convenience for humans to fulfill everything related to their daily needs as living beings and social beings, among the actions of the community to meet material needs is buying and selling with a down payment system, but some people still do not understand about the practice of buying and selling with a down payment system in a sharia economic perspective. This study aims to determine the sale and purchase of the down payment system according to the experts, and to find out the sharia economic review of buying and selling machetes in PG. Binangkit Cibeureum Tanjungsiang Subang. This research is a type of qualitative research with an empirical approach, the data collection techniques used are observation, interviews, and documentation. In this study, the data sources consist of primary data, namely PG managers and owners. Binangkit Kp. Cibeureum Tanjungsiang-Subang and secondary data in the form of records or archives in PG. Raise. Regarding jaul-buying using the Jurisprudence system, As-Syafi'i is of the opinion that it is invalid, based on the hadith narrated by Amru bin Shuaib which reads, "From Amru bin Shu'aib, his father and grandfather were pleased with Allah, so the Prophet said: The Prophet forbade selling- buy 'urban' (Narrated by Abu Dawud)". The understanding of As-Shafi'i fiqh is to avoid the contents of the content of Surah an-Nisa verse 29. Which reads. "O you who believe, do not eat each other's property in a vanity way, except by means of commerce, which prevails consensual among you. and do not kill yourself. Indeed, Allah is Most Merciful to you.” While the Hanbali fiqh understanding of the sale and purchase of advances is of the opinion that the sale and purchase is valid. Based on the Hadith narrated by Zaid bin Aslam and Atsar companions or the practice of the Prophet's companions, namely Umar who bought the prison building to Safwan bin Ummayyah. "The Messenger of Allah was asked about buying and selling the 'urbun system, and he allowed it." Opinions closely related in PG. Binangkit Cibeureum Tanjungsiang regarding the implementation of buying and selling machetes with a down payment system is the opinion of Hanbali fiqh where the practice of buying and selling machetes using down payment is due to the buying and selling that occurs in PG. Binangkit Cibeureum Tanjungsiang is allowed because this is to ensure the continuity of the transaction and guard against buying and selling machetes. Furthermore, a review of Islamic economics based on the results of the researcher's analysis, the sale and purchase of machetes both with the down payment system and directly in the PG. Binangkit is in accordance with sharia both from the provisions related to sighat al-aqd, the parties to the contract, Muthman/mabi '(Object), and the provisions related to Tsaman or the price
Praktek Jual Beli Barang Sistem Arisan di Desa Gardusayang Kecamatan Cisalak Kabupaten Subang Dalam Perspektif Ekonomi Syariah Rina Fitriani; Jalaludin Jalaludin; Ahmad Damiri
EKSISBANK (Ekonomi Syariah dan Bisnis Perbankan) Vol 5 No 1 (2021): EKSISBANK (Ekonomi Syariah dan Bisnis Perbankan)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37726/ee.v5i1.132


This research was conducted in Gardusayang Village, Cisalak District, Subang Regency. bermuamalah is one form of convenience for humans to fulfill everything related to their daily needs as living creatures and social beings, among the actions of the community to meet material needs is social gathering, but members still do not understand the practice of buying and selling goods arisan system in Islamic economic perspective. This study aims to provide a description of the implementation of the sale and purchase of social gathering system items, a review of the sharia economy on the sale and purchase of social gathering system goods and the impact of the sale and purchase of social gathering system goods. This research is a qualitative type with an empirical approach, data collection techniques used are observation, interviews, documentation. In this study the data source consisted of primary data and secondary data. From the results of the study that the practice of buying and selling goods arisan system in the Village of Gardusayang Cisalak-Subang in the implementation of the social gathering members have been willing and agreed to accept the social gathering system made by the head of the social gathering that the members are willing to pay the social gathering according to a mutually agreed period of time. In this economic review of arisan sharia, it is permissible in Islamic Shari'a because it brings more benefits to arisan participants as a means of mutual assistance between them, so that it can have an effect or impact on improving family welfare, because through this arisan they can meet various his necessities such as buying something that might be difficult to buy if he only relied on the opinion of his family
Analisis Praktek Akad Qardhul Hasan Dalam Perspektif Ekonomi Syari’ah Di Koperasi Dewan Kemakmuran Masjid At-Taqwa Desa Cicadas Sagalaherang Kabupaten Subang Mita Nurul Hidayati; Ahmad Damiri; Jalaludin
EKSISBANK (Ekonomi Syariah dan Bisnis Perbankan) Vol 5 No 1 (2021): EKSISBANK (Ekonomi Syariah dan Bisnis Perbankan)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37726/ee.v5i1.136


Cooperatives are generally financial institutions that accept deposits and loans for financing, by collecting funds from their members which are then channeled back to members or the general public. This study aims to analyze the application of Qardhul Hasan financing in the perspective of Islamic Economics carried out at the At-Taqwa Mosque Prosperity Council Cooperative, Cicadas Village, Sagalaherang District, Subang Regency. Qardhul Hasan has the meaning of a good loan, the Qardhul Hasan product is a financing offer to customers that will be used for micro businesses, then members return installments according to the nominal borrowed at a predetermined time, and it is very important that we examine how the implementation of Qardhul Hasan in perspective Islamic economics, because lending and borrowing is one part of our lives in the world. This study aims to find out how the provisions and implementation of the Qardhul Hasan contract, the sharia economic perspective on the Qardhul Hasan contract and the impact of the Qardhul Hasan contract on the community. This type of research is qualitative using descriptive analysis method. Sources of data used include primary and secondary data. The results of the analysis show that the implementation of the Qardhul Hasan contract at the At-Taqwa Mosque Prosperity Council Cooperative in Cicadas Village is in accordance with Islamic law. This can be seen where the cooperative provides loans without any additional. In the Qardhul Hasan contract in Cicadas Village there is non-performing financing. the factors are, first, because of the lack of direction and guidance from the cooperative. Second, because of the negligence of the members themselves. The impact that members feel is very helpful for business capital costs, schools, health
Akad Tabarru’ Pada Pengolahan Limbah Industri di Desa Wantilan Kecamatan Cipeundeuy Subang Widaningsih; Rina Nurhayati; Siti Rohmat
EKSISBANK (Ekonomi Syariah dan Bisnis Perbankan) Vol 5 No 1 (2021): EKSISBANK (Ekonomi Syariah dan Bisnis Perbankan)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37726/ee.v5i1.146


In order to reduce waste and optimize existing potential, the Wantilan Village Government manages waste from industry in the form of rope waste into creative handicraft products and has economic value. Through the Family Welfare Trustees (PKK) in Wantilan Village, the waste rope that was previously trash has now been transformed into a bag, a place for tissue, flower pots and others. The community as craftsmen certainly has additional income from these handicraft products so that this program can certainly increase the income of the community, especially the craftswomen. The purpose of this study was to find out the practice of tabarru' contracts in industrial waste treatment in Wantilan Village, Cipeundeuy District, Subang Regency, to find out industrial waste treatment carried out in Wantilan Village, Cipeundeuy District in the view of Islamic Economics, and to find out the benefits of tabarru' contracts for anayaman craftsmen. Wantilan Village, Cieundeuy District, Subang Regency. The type of research used is field research, while the approach used in this research is a descriptive-qualitative approach. The practice of processing industrial waste in Wantilan village is a tabarru contract with a monetary contribution of IDR 10,000 per sack. In industrial waste treatment in Wantilan Village, there are two tabarru' contracts in the form of giving something, namely a grant contract that is in accordance with sharia provisions. The benefits of the Tabarru' contract that have been carried out include the profit from the sale of handicrafts is quite large because craftsmen do not need to buy raw materials, craftsmen can easily get raw materials because they have been provided by the manager, tools or general expenses needed by the PKK for mutual progress in pay from tabarru' funds, as for these needs including: making hangtags, exhibition needs, purchasing raw materials to the company.
Studi Kajian Bisnis Tambang Uang Digital (Cryptomining) Dalam Konteks Ijarah Mochammad Ichsan Maulana; Asep Dede Kurnia; Ayi Nurbaeti
EKSISBANK (Ekonomi Syariah dan Bisnis Perbankan) Vol 5 No 1 (2021): EKSISBANK (Ekonomi Syariah dan Bisnis Perbankan)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37726/ee.v5i1.158


Industrial revolution 4.0 bring up a new digital currency called cryptocurrency. This also brings a miners who works as an intermediaries to validate each transaction. This research aims to; Explain the Cryptomining, as well as an analysis of points in the Ijarah contract that are relevant to the activities. As for the step by step to mine the coins are as follows; assembling mining rigs, filtering coins, setting up applications, selecting the pools, then proceeding to mine along with routine maintenance, until finally receiving a reward. The study was conducted using a qualitative methods. Researcher collects data by acting as one of the cryptominer. Researcher took most references in the MUI fatwas to conduct analysis, as well as developing of hypotheses in the equalization of the Ijarah covenant towards the process in the Cryptomining activities. The results of this study show that the activities of Cryptomining, are mostly in accordance with the terms of the Ijarah contract. The Miners are equated with Mu'jir, cryptocurrency users as musta'jir, transactions that are processed as benefits, and prizes as ujrah. The mining activity itself is a muamalah activity which is mostly carried out digitally through internet media. Even so, there is still confusion in the terms of payment of the ujrah. Among other things like 'cash as the required payment'. The provisions provided at MUI DSN NO: 28 / DSN-MUI / III / 2002 about money trades, (which in this case relates to the media of the ujrah payment). More on this matter requires ijtihad from clerics, especially DSN MUI.
Pengaruh Product, Price, Place Dan Promotion Terhadap Keputusan Nasabah Simpanan Fleximax Di PT. Bank Panin Dubai Syariah KCU Bandung Gina Sakinah; Ade Ponirah; Intan Nurjanah
EKSISBANK (Ekonomi Syariah dan Bisnis Perbankan) Vol 5 No 1 (2021): EKSISBANK (Ekonomi Syariah dan Bisnis Perbankan)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37726/ee.v5i1.161


Companies are required to be able to compete in the world of marketing. Because the heart of the company lies in the world of marketing. In order for the company's operations to run smoothly, the marketing process must run well. There are several factors that must be considered by the management team in determining a marketing strategy known as the marketing mix. In this article, we will analyze the effect of Product, Price, Place and Promotion on Customer Decisions for Fleximax Savings Bank Panin Dubai Syariah KCU Bandung. Product is everything that is ready to be marketed by producers to get attention, requested until purchased to fulfill needs. Price is the value of an item or service that is measured in money to get the goods or benefits. Place is a permanent location or existence of a company. Promotion is sales communication that is persuasive in influencing consumers to be interested in the products offered. The results of the research show that all independent variables have an effect on the dependent variable. First, the results of the first t-test, obtained a t-test of 2.232 with a significance level of 0.029, meaning that the product is able to have a significant influence on the decision of the Fleximax Savings Customer partially; Second, the results of the t-test obtained a t-test of 2.128 with a significance level of 0.037, meaning that Price is able to give a significant influence on the decision of the Fleximax Savings Customer partially; Third, the results of the t-test obtained t-test 3.346 with a significance level of 0.001, meaning that Place is able to have a significant influence on the decision of the Fleximax Savings Customer partially; Fourth, the t-test results obtained t-test 3.106 with a significance level of 0.003. This means that Promotion is able to have a significant influence on the Fleximax Savings Customer Decision partially. Testing the Effect of Product, Price, Place and Promotion on Customer Decisions simultaneously obtained f-statistics results of 3.894 with a significance of 0.007. This result means that all independent variables are able to have a significant influence on customer decisions because the significant value is less than 0.05. The implication of this research is that the management of Bank Panin Dubai Syariah must be able to maintain and be able to improve banking products that are in accordance with the needs of the community, especially Felximax Savings that is able to answer the needs of today's society. With its convenience and advantages. So that many customers are interested in saving their funds with the Fleximax savings product. By paying attention to the marketing mix factors, this can support the running of the company and be able to compete with conventional products that first existed
Analisis Kesehatan Bank Dengan Menggunakan Metode RGEC Pada PT. Bank Mega Syariah Tbk. Periode 2016-2019 Ade Ponirah; Faridha Nurazizah; Yesa Tiara Purnama Sari
EKSISBANK (Ekonomi Syariah dan Bisnis Perbankan) Vol 5 No 1 (2021): EKSISBANK (Ekonomi Syariah dan Bisnis Perbankan)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37726/ee.v5i1.162


Tingkat kesehatan bank sangat penting untuk berbagai pihak terkait. Karena menjadi informasi sebagai bahan evaluasi kinerja sebuah bank. Bank Indonesia telah mengeluarkan aturan sebagai landasan dalam penilaian tingkat kesehatan bank. Metode yang kini banyak digunakan yaitu RGEC terdiri dari Risk Profile, Good Corporate Governance, Earnings, dan Capital. Dalam metode ini dinilai menggunakan ketentuan dan kompsit yang telah ditentukan. Pada penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis tingkat kesehatan bank pada PT. Bank Mega Syariah Tbk periode 2016-2019. Pendekatan yang digunakan yaitu pendeketan deskriptif dengan data kuantitaif dari laporan tahunan yang di unduh dari web resmi. Hasil penelitian berdasarkan aspek penilaian Risk Profile bank di ukur dengan NPF termasuk dalam kaetgori sehat, lalu diukur juga dengan menggunakan FDR dalam kurun empat tahun termasuk pada kategori sehat. Pada aspek Good Corporate Governance (GCG) bank termasuk dalam komposit dua yaitu sehat. Lalu pada aspek Earnings keseluruhan selama empat tahun bank termasuk pada akategori sangat sehat. Terakhir pada aspek Capital bank termasuk pada kategori sangat sehat. Secara keseluruhan PT. Bank Mega Syariah Tbk dalam kurun waktu empat tahun berada pada nilai komposit 2 yang berarti termasuk dalam kategori sehat.

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