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Journal of Information Systems and Informatics
Published by Universitas Bina Darma
ISSN : 26565935     EISSN : 26564882     DOI : -
Core Subject : Science,
Journal-ISI is a scientific article journal that is the result of ideas, great and original thoughts about the latest research and technological developments covering the fields of information systems, information technology, informatics engineering, and computer science, and industrial engineering which is summarized in one publisher. Journal-ISI became one of the means for researchers to publish their great works published two times in one year, namely in March and September with e-ISSN: 2656-4882 and p-ISSN: 2656-5935.
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Articles 20 Documents
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Business Process Improvement Using Bpi Method in the Implementation of Communication Network Device to Support Online Bank Branch Office and ATMs Yuliawan Cahya Pamungkas; Ahmad Nurul Fajar
Journal of Information System and Informatics Vol 4 No 3 (2022): Journal of Information Systems and Informatics
Publisher : Universitas Bina Darma

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.51519/journalisi.v4i3.293


Business Process Improvement or BPI is a systematic framework built to assist organizations in making significant progress in the implementation of their business processes. BPI provides a system that will assist in the streamlining of business processes, by guaranteeing that internal and external customers of the organization will get better output than before, the purpose of this research is to provide business process improvement solutions with the BPI methodology in the implementation of the network device to support online ATM dan branch office. PT bank ABC is one of the biggest state-owned banks in Indonesia, which was established on December 16, 1895, in Purwokerto, Central Java. Currently has more than 20,000 office locations throughout Indonesia, where all these offices are online using Fiber Optic, MPLS, and VSAT technology, currently the business flow of the implementation process has not been optimal and is monitored manually with a long bureaucracy. An analysis of the activities in each business process is carried out where each of these activities has different characteristics, where we find 7 activities have value as real value-added (RVA) 6 activities that have value as business value-added (BVA), and 20 activities that have value as non-value added (NVA). Using streamlining tools provided by BPI we can streamline the existing business processes where from the results of streaming on the old business process we get 20 activities that have value as NVA can be streamlined using the Bureaucracy Elimination tool and 13 activities that have value as BVA and RVA can be streamed using the Upgrading tool. The results of the analysis are obtained by comparing the current business process and what is proposed from this research. After process improvement, The results of the simulation using bizagi software show that the processing time required to run the process is shorter in the recommended business process compared to the existing business process, where the average time required before is 10 Days 3 Hours 38 Minutes 45 Seconds with 33 activities involved and after we streamline it with Bureaucracy Elimination tool and Upgrading tool, we found the new average time is 3 Days 2 Hours 42 Mins 30 seconds and the new business process only have 14 activities. Based on the evaluation and simulation results that we have done Further research can use the evaluation results as a reference in the preparation of analysis and development of software applications and further research can develop an analysis that uses cost details that are not available in this research.
Implementation of Agile Methods on Development of Savings and Loan Cooperative Information Systems Robi Setiawan; Irman Effendy
Journal of Information System and Informatics Vol 4 No 3 (2022): Journal of Information Systems and Informatics
Publisher : Universitas Bina Darma

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.51519/journalisi.v4i3.296


Koperasi Sehati Makmur Abadi is a savings and loans cooperative whose data processing process still uses a system that is accessed through an old version of the browser and if the browser is updated to the latest version, it will result in the system not being able to run. The system used now sometimes experiences errors because it still uses old technology, it is certain that if it still uses old technology, it will make the business will be left behind with the times that continue to develop, and in the old system the appearance of the system is not attractive Anda lso the system used does not involve its members, in the development of technology which now the system has involved many users as in banks have given access to their customers so that they can check balances, transfer transactions and so on. This problem must be resolved so that the business can develop and not be left behind by other competitors. Using a web-based information system application can make it easier if you want to open it in various browsers or devices such as gadgets and can be used anywhere and anytime. The use of methods in this research starts from the type of data used is primary data or single data that researchers get through interviews, direct observations, and literature studies, while in the use of the system design method using agile methods and the implementation in this research uses PHP language for website development and for the database itself using databases MySQL. From the results of this research or research, it is hoped that the system created can process data such as member data, installments, loans, deposits and so on, it is hoped that it can facilitate the Sehati Makmur Abadi cooperative in managing data
Digitalization of Judicial Electronic Archives using the Rational Unified Process Method with An Application Development Framework Using CodeIgniter (Case Study of Pengadilan Tinggi Agama Palembang) Zevy Ega Foresta DS; Kurniawan Kurniawan
Journal of Information System and Informatics Vol 4 No 3 (2022): Journal of Information Systems and Informatics
Publisher : Universitas Bina Darma

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.51519/journalisi.v4i3.297


The archiving process at the Pengadilan Tinggi Agama Palembang was still manual, where archive officers must prepare storage areas, sort and classify archives, put files into folders, and create archival data. The increasing number of archives and piling up in storage space makes searching for archives difficult and takes a long time in the process of searching for the required archives. The purpose of this research is to improve the existing system by designing a web-based archiving digitization application. In this research, the system development stage uses the Rational Unified Process (RUP) method with an application development framework using CodeIgniter. Based on the test results using the blackbox testing method, the system can display information on the decision archives graphically, the archive search process quickly, downloads the decision archive documents digitally, digital documents that have been separated by archive type and archive year, so it can be concluded that the archival information system with the application of information technology can facilitate work in processing, storing, reporting to obtain information and can then be used for decision making.
Game Theory Analysis on Marketing Strategy Determination of KAI Access and Traveloka based on Usability of HCI (Human-Computer Interaction) Henoch Juli Christanto
Journal of Information System and Informatics Vol 4 No 3 (2022): Journal of Information Systems and Informatics
Publisher : Universitas Bina Darma

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.51519/journalisi.v4i3.300


In the era of digitalization, KAI finally transformed train ticket booking transactions by launching the KAI Access application. By applying the optimal strategy of Game Theory, KAI Access will be able to compete with marketplaces such as Traveloka to be able to represent itself to the community as a credible company. Game Theory was chosen to analyze the existing competition to find the optimum strategy. Because both applications sell the same product, the strategy will be seen from the services provided by both applications using the usability of HCI. The 5 strategies are Learnability, Efficiency, Memorability, Errors, and Satisfaction. The best strategy used by KAI Access to obtain maximum profit is the low error rate (errors) strategy, while for Traveloka the strategy used to minimize loss is the ease of application (learnability).
The Implementation of the Black Box Method for Testing Smart Hajj Application Ministry of Religion Alan Budi Kusuma; Novri Hadinata
Journal of Information System and Informatics Vol 4 No 3 (2022): Journal of Information Systems and Informatics
Publisher : Universitas Bina Darma

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.51519/journalisi.v4i3.306


This research was conducted to assist the Ministry of Religious Affairs in testing the quality and accuracy of the Haji Pintar application. The main purpose of testing is to design tests that systematically uncover types of errors that have not been detected before. The Haji Pintar application will be tested using the Black Box method thoroughly with respect to application functionality, interfaces , data structures or external database access, performance, initiation and termination errors, usage, benefits, and results obtained from the use of the application. In testing the Haji Smart application, there are 5 types of testing from the Black Box method. The value of the overall effectiveness of the Haji Pintar application is 83.75%. With this value, the Haji Pintar application has been running according to the expected functionality but there are still errors in the application that must be updated immediately regarding the cancellation information menu and the payment information menu, which experienced problems when checking the status of the cancellation process that the congregation submitted and checking the congregation portion. Hajj includes the right to pay off or not.
Population Density Cluster Analysis in DKI Jakarta Province Using K-Means Algorithm Amalia Anjani Arifiyanti; Farhan Setiyo Darusman; Brahmantio Widyo Trenggono
Journal of Information System and Informatics Vol 4 No 3 (2022): Journal of Information Systems and Informatics
Publisher : Universitas Bina Darma

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.51519/journalisi.v4i3.315


This study aims to analyze clusters based on the area and population density of the area and population density of the area in DKI Jakarta Province in 2015 using the data mining method by clustering as the first step in planning for population equality. The subject of analysis in this study is a village located in the province of DKI Jakarta which is recorded based on the area and population density in each sub-district until 2015 with several stages, namely data understanding, data processing or cleansing, cluster tendency assessment, clustering, cluster review. From this study, the results were obtained that the data tended to be clustered because the statistical value of Hopkins was close to the value of 0 and in VAT there was a vague picture of clusters that might be formed. Based on this, cluster creation is carried out using the K-Means Algorithm. Based on the results, there are 3 clusters formed, namely cluster 0 (not densely populated), cluster 1 (medium population density), and cluster 2 (densely populated). These results can be used as a basis for policy making in population management.
Academic IS Risk Management using OCTAVE Allegro in Educational Institution Vincentius Gerardo; Ahmad Nurul Fajar
Journal of Information System and Informatics Vol 4 No 3 (2022): Journal of Information Systems and Informatics
Publisher : Universitas Bina Darma

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.51519/journalisi.v4i3.319


Today, the use of technology is a common thing that is used to support everyday life. However, this technology also carries risks that can compromise the security of information in organizations. Kalbis Institute is a private campus in the East Jakarta area that has been established since 2012. The academic information system used there includes all actors in the campus environment. This risk analysis is carried out to see and understand what risks exist in the current information system. This risk analysis will assess how likely there are threats and vulnerabilities to information systems. This study uses the OCTAVE Allegro method with the help of the OCTAVE Allegro Worksheet. The purpose of this study is to conduct a risk analysis of the academic information system at Kalbis Institute. The result of this study is to look at risk assessments and recommendations for strategies to protect information systems within organization.
The Use of Gamification for Pre-Recruitment System in Tax Consulting Company Muthia Maharani; Gunawan Wang
Journal of Information System and Informatics Vol 4 No 3 (2022): Journal of Information Systems and Informatics
Publisher : Universitas Bina Darma

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.51519/journalisi.v4i3.320


The increasing need for employees who are experts in the IT field, or commonly referred to as digital talent, is a new challenge for the human resources department in the era of digital transformation. The results of interviews and observations conducted at a tax consulting company show that the HR department does not have a definite procedure for measuring the technical capabilities of IT candidates. Because technology is always changing and evolving, it is difficult to locate someone who is already conversant with the most current technologies and techniques. Assessing a candidate's genuine potential is more difficult than merely reading it on a CV or asking, "can you accomplish this?" or "do you have this trait?" Previous research indicates that the majority of candidates lie about themselves on their resumes and hiring managers just don't care. Having a qualified digital talent is critical while the tax company undergoes digital transformation. With Gen Z and millennials as recruitment targets, this study proposes a solution by designing a gamification using the MDE framework. Gamification has been shown to be effective in attracting and assessing fresh talent throughout the recruiting process. The purpose of this study is to investigate how gamification might attract skilled IT applicants while avoiding errors in judging their genuine potential.
Development of I-Graciass Adoption and Implementation Model at Telkom Education Foundation Lemdikti Knowledge Management Systems Based Noerma Pudji Istyanto; Muhammad Nasrullah
Journal of Information System and Informatics Vol 4 No 3 (2022): Journal of Information Systems and Informatics
Publisher : Universitas Bina Darma

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.51519/journalisi.v4i3.321


I-Graciass is one of the digicampus programs under the Directorate of Digital Transformation, Synergy &Performance (DTSP) of the Telkom Education Foundation (YPT) in the form of a smart app & information system as an integrated academic and non-academic management information system. Based on the Vision-Mission, Strategy and Tagline of YPT as The Leader of ICT Education Provider in Indonesia as well as the spirit of carrying out digital transformation in the foundation, so that I-Graciass becomes mandatory to be adopted and implemented in all Higher Education Institutions (Lemdikti) under the guidance of YPT. However, the facts on the ground of the process of adopting and implementing I-Graciass in each Lemdikti are not easy things. For this reason, this research was carried out in order to facilitate the process of adopting and implementing I-Graciass through the method of climbing Knowledge Management Systems (KMS) in all YPT Lemdikti, especially for new universities such as Telkom Institute of Technology Surabaya and other new universities that will later be established by YPT. The results of this study show that the factors that influence the success of the I-Graciass Adoption process at ITTelkom Surabaya and other Lemdikti consist of tennis and non-technical aspects that can refer to the implementation of best practices in the previous lemdikti. In addition, to support the success rate of adoption and implementation, an effective knowledge transfer process is needed through the use and development of the right KMS for an organization and its end users.
Edutech Digital Start-Up Customer Profiling Based on RFM Data Model Using K-Means Clustering Dedy Panji Agustino; I Gede Harsemadi; I Gede Bintang Arya Budaya
Journal of Information System and Informatics Vol 4 No 3 (2022): Journal of Information Systems and Informatics
Publisher : Universitas Bina Darma

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.51519/journalisi.v4i3.322


Digital start-up is companies with a high risk because they are still looking for the most fitting business model and the right market. The company's growth is the primary goal of the start-up. As a newly established company, digital start-ups have one challenge, it is the ineffectiveness of the marketing process and strategic schemes in terms of maintaining customer loyalty, the same goes for edutech digital start-ups. Ineffective and inefficient plans can waste resources. Hence, a method is needed to find out the optimal solution to understanding the customer characteristic. Business Intelligence is needed, with the customer profiling process using transaction data based on the RFM (Retency, Frequency, Monetary) model using the K-Means algorithm. In this study, the transaction data comes from an education platform digital start-up assisted by the STIKOM Bali business incubator. Based on three metrics, namely the Elbow Method, Silhouette Scores, and Davis Bouldin Index, transaction data for sales retency, sales frequency, and sales monetary can be analyzed and can find the optimal solution. For this case, K = 2 is the optimum cluster solution, where the first cluster is the customer who needs more engagement, and the second cluster is the best customer

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