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Jurnal Politik dan Pemerintahan Daerah
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Articles 8 Documents
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Modalitas Jariah, S.Pd dalam Memenangkan Pemilihan Kepala Desa Serentak Tahun 2022 (Studi: Desa Danau, Kecamatan Nalo Tantan, Kabupaten Merangin) Miranti Miranti; Suryani Suryani2
Jurnal Politik dan Pemerintahan Daerah Vol 5, No 2 (2023): Desember
Publisher : Universitas Muara Bungo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36355/jppd.v5i2.125


This research is entitled "Jariah S.Pd Modalities, in winning the 2022 Simultaneous Village Head Election" (study of Danau Village, Nalo Tantan District, Merangin Regency). The aim of this research is to explain the modalities of Jariah S.Pd, in Pikades in 2022. Modalities are very necessary for candidates to achieve victory in the political arena in accordance with the theory proposed by researchers, namely the theory according to Pierre Bourdieu that there are three capitals used in the arena of political contestation, namely political capital, economic capital, social capital, cultural capital and symbolic capital. The method used in this research is a qualitative method that uses data collection techniques using interview, observation and documentation techniques. The results of this research found that Jariah has the overall modalities of social, economic, political, cultural and symbolic capital. Based on the research results, there is capital that is more dominantly owned by Jariah S.Pd, namely social capital. Supporting factors gave a good and bad impression to Jariah, S.Pd, this was able to be overcome by Jariah, S.Pd and made him able to sit in the village head's chair. Theoretically, the benefit of the research findings is that it can increase knowledge about modalities for the academic fields of students in the faculties of social sciences and political sciences. Meanwhile, practically this research can produce study material from various interested parties to analyze regional democratic practices in Danau Village, Nalo Tantan District, Merangin Regency
Peran Intelijen Polres Bungo dalam Pengamanan Pemilihan Rio Serentak Kabupaten Bungo Ronal Dison; Harwan dolly
Jurnal Politik dan Pemerintahan Daerah Vol 5, No 2 (2023): Desember
Publisher : Universitas Muara Bungo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36355/jppd.v5i2.126


The location of this research was carried out at the PMD Service Office, the Bungo Police Intelligence and Security Unit Office and in several hamlets that held Rio elections simultaneously in Bungo Regency. This research was carried out for 1 month, namely from 01 February to 10 March 2023. The research aims to determine the performance evaluation of the Political Unit of the Intelligence and Security Unit of the Bungo Police in the Implementation of Simultaneous Elections in Bungo Regency in 2022 and to analyze the factors inhibiting and supporting the evaluation of the Unit's performance Politics of the Bungo Police Intelligence and Security Unit in the Implementation of Simultaneous Elections in Bungo Regency in 2022. This research uses qualitative methods. The results of the research show that the Performance Evaluation of the Political Unit of the Intelligence and Security Unit of the Bungo Police in Organizing Simultaneous Rio Elections in Bungo Regency in 2022 is: 1) Evaluation of the Performance of the Political Unit of the Intelligence and Security Unit, 2) Evaluation of the performance of the Rio Election Committee in Communication, 3) Evaluation of the Performance of the Political Unit of the Intelligence and Security Unit, 2) Evaluation of the performance of the Rio Election Committee in Communication, 3) Evaluation of Human Resources and 4) Evaluation of the Operational budget and Inhibiting and Supporting Factors for the Performance of the Political Unit of the Bungo Police Intelligence and Security Unit in Holding Simultaneous Rio Elections in Bungo Regency in 2022, namely: a. Inhibiting factors are: Lack of Human Resources for the Executive Committee, Lack of Operational Budget, Short Stage Time. b. Supporting Factors are; There is a legal basis, there is budget support. c. There is synergy between the Political Intelligence and Security Unit and the PMD Service.
Sosial Budaya dan Dinamika Pemilihan Temenggung Suku Anak dalam (SAD) Secara Adat di Komunitasnya pada Dusun Dwi Karya Bhakti Kecamatan Pelepat, Bungo Joko Setyoko; Ronal Dison; Jenderi Halis Saputra
Jurnal Politik dan Pemerintahan Daerah Vol 5, No 2 (2023): Desember
Publisher : Universitas Muara Bungo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36355/jppd.v5i2.127


The Anak Dalam tribe or known by another name SAD is a native Indonesian tribe that spreads across the island of Sumatra, this tribe itself has special characteristics in its habits and way of life. SAD itself is a marginalized tribal group and spends much of its life in the forest, but that's not the case. This means that Sad does not have leadership regulations. In each SAD group there is one leader known as Temenngung. This temenggung leadership period itself does not have part time or has no leadership period limits. For this reason, Sad can be said to be a group that adheres to a chain of command or bureaucracy in its leadership because this is proven by its form of leadership and procedures for selecting the group leader or temenggung. The origins of Sad Sndri are native people from West Sumatra, specifically Pagaruyuh, who fled into the forest because of past wars in Indonesia, therefore SAD depends on hunting and relying on garden products for its living. However, in the current era, Sad is crawling to follow the life of the general public with several tips and assistance from the regional government so that now Sad lives like the general public who live by relying on the agricultural sector, trade and state servants. In selecting the temenggung as their leader, there are stages that must be passed, and these stages have become institutionalized. This is the reference point for today's ethnic groups.
Efektifitas dan Kesinambungan Pembangunan Taman Tematik Terhadap Kesejahteraan Masyarakat di Kota Jambi Ridwan Ridwan; Anggin Maria; Mulia Jaya
Jurnal Politik dan Pemerintahan Daerah Vol 5, No 2 (2023): Desember
Publisher : Universitas Muara Bungo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36355/jppd.v5i2.122


This research is directed at describing the Jambi City Government's strategy in improving the function of the Youth Park to support the welfare of the surrounding community. Then identify what obstacles are faced in improving the function of youth parks as supporting the welfare of the surrounding community. Next, it explains the Jambi City government's efforts to overcome obstacles in improving the function of the Youth Park in supporting the welfare of the surrounding community. The method in this research is descriptive qualitative. The development of tourist attractions must continue to be carried out by means of innovation, the development of management of facilities and facilities must continue to be carried out in order to provide comfort for tourists who come to this youth park object. Human resource development by the Government must continue to be carried out periodically. Especially for the public and visitors so that there are no more criminal acts that can damage the beauty of the youth park.
Tahapan Gerakan Terpadu Tabir Timur Berdayo (Gerdu Tatibo) oleh Pemerintahan Kecamatan dalam Memajukan Desa dengan Memperhatikan Kearifan Lokal pada Tahun 2019 Siti Maryam; Hayatullah Hayatullah
Jurnal Politik dan Pemerintahan Daerah Vol 5, No 2 (2023): Desember
Publisher : Universitas Muara Bungo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36355/jppd.v5i2.128


GERDU TATIBO is an East Tabir District Innovation program which runs in the field of Village and District government performance and develops it in order to advance or maximize the performance and results of government work in regulating government management and finances and focusing village funds on MSEs and the development of BUMDes to improve Village Paddy and the Economy in Villages, and the development of arts and cultural communities throughout East Tabir District as a means of promoting all products and potential in East Tabir District. Difficulty in accessing roads to reach villages, lack of public awareness in implementing the District Government Policy which has been detailed in the GERDU TATIBO Innovation Strategy, less than optimal administration and cooperation within both the sub-district and village governments, and so on from the background of this Innovation Strategy It was created so that researchers wanted to see how the "Tabir Timur Berdayo Integrated Movement Strategy by the Tabir Timur Subdistrict Government will develop villages in its area based on local wisdom in 2019". There are several factors that support the implementation and implementation of the GERDU TATIBO Innovation Strategy, namely the sub-district Internet and sub-district website to optimize performance online, providing good service with Saung facilities complete with a mini park and PKK Gallery, good cooperation support has been signed, both from the sub-district government and village government, and so on which have had a positive impact on the GERDU TATIBO Innovation Strategy.
Evaluasi Peraturan Dusun Nomor 03 Tahun 2020 Tentang Larangan Membuka Aurat/Wajib Berhijab (Studi Kasus: Dusun Baru Pusat Jalo Kecamatan Muko Muko Bathin VII Kabupaten Bungo) Harpisyah Harpisyah; Umi Kalsum
Jurnal Politik dan Pemerintahan Daerah Vol 5, No 2 (2023): Desember
Publisher : Universitas Muara Bungo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36355/jppd.v5i2.123


This research is entitled, Evaluation of Hamlet Regulation Number 03 of 2020 concerning Prohibition of Revealing the Private Parts/Compulsory Hijab (Case Study: Dusun Baru Pusat Jalo, Muko Muko Bathin VII District, Bungo Regency) and to find out the background to the problem of implementing regulations regarding hijab, the obstacles faced by the Hamlet Government in its implementation and efforts to overcome these obstacles. The method used in this research is a qualitative research method which is a descriptive study. The method used in this research is a qualitative research method which is a descriptive study. The informant selection technique used by researchers in this research was the purposive sampling method (a technique for determining samples with certain considerations). The results of this research indicate that the evaluation of Hamlet Regulation Number 03 of 2020 concerning the Prohibition of Revealing the Private Parts/Compulsory Hijab in the Dusun Baru Pusat Jalo Area, Muko-Muko Bathin VII District is not completely good, this can be seen from: First; Scope. Has been implemented in accordance with the provisions, Second; Prohibition Provisions. There are still people who violate the provisions, especially men who wear shorts. Third; Community Rights and Obligations have been fulfilled properly. Fourth; Penalty. The New Central Jalo Government has implemented warning sanctions or verbal warnings but has not implemented administrative sanctions. The obstacles faced by the Hamlet Government include finding women who do not wear the hijab leaving the house and finding men who wear shorts when leaving the house. Lack of socialization carried out by hamlet officials regarding hamlet regulations regarding the Prohibition of Opening Aurat. There have been no administrative sanctions imposed on people who violate it, even though they have committed several violations
Power and Authority Pasca Penggabungan Satuan Polisi Pamong Praja dan Pemadam Kebakaran Kabupaten Bungo Mulia Jaya; Sadri Sadri; Willyan Willyan; Sri Zul Chairiyah
Jurnal Politik dan Pemerintahan Daerah Vol 5, No 2 (2023): Desember
Publisher : Universitas Muara Bungo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36355/jppd.v5i2.129


Power and Authority (Power and Authority) after the merger of the Civil Service Police Unit and the Fire Department. Through Bungo Regent's Regulation Number 5 of 2016 concerning the Formation and Structure of Regional Apparatus, referring to Government Regulation Number 18 of 2016 which states that if a government affair does not meet the requirements to form a Regional/Regency Service then the Government affairs can be merged. The formulation of the problem in this research is first, what is the power and authority of leaders after the merger between Pol PP and Damkar units. Second, the obstacles and efforts after the merger between Sat Pol PP and Damkar. The benefits of this research are first, to provide references and academic studies to policy makers in Bungo Regency. Second, provide knowledge about policy development in the field. The object of this research was carried out at the Civil Service Police Unit and the Bungo Regency Fire Department. Descriptive research method with a qualitative approach. The results of this research show that there is overlap and the use of power and authority in leadership is ineffective and tends to be subjective. The power and authority of leaders tends to be outside the operational standards of work tasks, giving rise to the impact of overlapping work. The obstacles faced are regarding the budget, the minimal budget provided by the regional government and the absence of education and training which has an impact on employee performance. The power and authority of leaders in giving orders or tasks should be in accordance with standard operational procedures that have been determined by regulations. legislation
Mengurai Kemacetan dalam Konteks Tata Ruang Perkotaan Yogyakarta Dwinanta Nugroho; Hani Subagio; Muhamad Ridwan; Hari Rachmadi; Ajeng Tri Kadesti
Jurnal Politik dan Pemerintahan Daerah Vol 5, No 2 (2023): Desember
Publisher : Universitas Muara Bungo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36355/jppd.v5i2.124


This study discusses the role of spatial planning in overcoming the increasingly worsening problem of traffic congestion in the urban area of Yogyakarta. This research explains how good spatial planning can contribute to reducing congestion, improving mobility and creating a more sustainable environment. The author explains that effective spatial planning must consider aspects such as residential location, land use patterns, transportation accessibility, and road infrastructure. The research results show that good spatial planning can optimize land use, reduce travel distances, and increase accessibility to various important facilities. In addition, this study also discusses the importance of community participation in the spatial planning process, because opinions and input from residents can help create solutions that are more appropriate to local needs and reduce resistance to change. The results of this research provide a better understanding of how wise spatial planning can help overcome traffic congestion, improve the quality of life in the Yogyakarta urban area, and support sustainable development. The policy implications drawn from this research can provide important guidance for policymakers, urban planners, and the public in joint efforts to face the challenges of congestion in other cities in the future.

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