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Potret Pemikiran
ISSN : 16931874     EISSN : 25280376     DOI : -
Potret Pemikiran terdaftar dengan nomor ISSN 1693-1874 (Cetak), ISSN 2528-0376 (Online) adalah jurnal peer-review yang diterbitkan dua kali setahun pada bulan Juni dan Desember oleh Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat (LP2M) Institut Agama Islam Negeri (IAIN) Manado. Potret Pemikiran mulai menerbitkan artikel-artikel versi cetak pada tahun 2000. Potert Pemikiran adalah jurnal pertama di Sekolah Tinggi Agama Islam Negeri (STAIN) Manado yang sekarang bertranformasi menjadi Institut Agama Islam Negeri (IAIN) Manado. Saat itu, Potret Pemikiran melingkupi cangkupan ilmu secara umum, yaitu ilmu politik, hukum, ekonomi, pendidikan, serta agama hingga tahun 2018. Sejak tahun 2019, Jurnal Potret Pemikiran fokus dan jangkauannya terkait Pemikiran Islam di bidang: Filsafat, Tasawuf, Politik Islam dan sosial Keagamaan, serta terjadi perubahan gaya selingkung yaitu menjadi APA 6th Edition (American Psychological Association).
Articles 10 Documents
Search results for , issue "Vol 27, No 1 (2023)" : 10 Documents clear
Power Relations between Tuan Guru and Sultan in the Malay World: Source of the Tuan Guru Manuscript (TGM) Ziaulhaq Hidayat
Potret Pemikiran Vol 27, No 1 (2023)
Publisher : Institut Agama Islam Negeri (IAIN) Manado

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30984/pp.v27i1.2369


This article examines the power relations between Tuan Guru and the Malay Sultans. Power relations are not only in relations between people and authority but relations that support and strengthen each other’s existence. This research raises how the power relations between Tuan Guru and the Malay Sultans were formed. The Tuan Guru Manuscript (TGM) written by Tuan Guru ‘Abd al-Wahhab Rokan was used as the main source to answer the research questions. This manuscript is important because it is Tuan Guru’s letter and notes to the Sultan of Langkat. The results of this research explain that the power relations formed between Tuan Guru and the Sultans have supported the spread of the Tarekat Naqsyabandiyah-Khalidiyah Babussalam (TNKB) in the Malay world. Then, power relations have also impacted the establishment of a tarekat village. It was supported by the Sultan by providing land and other supporting facilities.
Portrait of Damar Tradition in Welcoming the Arrival of Lailatul Qadar Night in the Community of Patipi Island Village Muhamad Yusuf; M. Syukri Nawir; Afan Garamatan; Suparto Iribaram; Rachmad Surya Muhandy
Potret Pemikiran Vol 27, No 1 (2023)
Publisher : Institut Agama Islam Negeri (IAIN) Manado

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30984/pp.v27i1.2453


The purpose of the study was to explain the implementation of the Damar tradition in the community of Patipi, Fak-Fak Island Regency, West Papua Province. The Damar Tradition welcomes the night of Lailatul Qadar by lighting torches using resin sap. The research method used a qualitative model with a social phenomenological paradigm and a flow model analysis technique. This research produced several findings regarding implementing the Damar tradition as follows. The Damar tradition in Patipi Island developed orally from generation to generation. Islam, as a religion with plenty of followers in Patipi Island, adapts to its culture to form a tradition in enlivening the night of Lailatul Qadar. Damar tradition begins in the last ten days of Ramadhan month, exactly in the odd number of fasting days: the 21st day, the 23rd, the 25th and the 27th day of fasting, respectively. The Damar tradition can unite the community and form of joy to welcome the night of Lailatul Qadar. The absence of fixed and given goods is a moral idea and shows the citizen's generosity. The gift belongs to the mosque management, so they carry out their duties and responsibilities properly. There is reciprocity in the form of prayers read by the mosque management, a form of dependence between the community and the mosque management. The symbols in the tradition have meanings that can be interpreted by the Patipi island community, in the form of incense burned while reading prayers, Raun or a gift holder made of woven coconut leaves, torches, gifts, and cleaning and giving sand to the grave.
Landscape Political Economy Media in Kompas Gramedia Group (KGG): A Chomsky’s Media Propaganda Analysis Nur Allan Lasido
Potret Pemikiran Vol 27, No 1 (2023)
Publisher : Institut Agama Islam Negeri (IAIN) Manado

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30984/pp.v27i1.2137


Kompas Gramedia Group (KGG) is one of Indonesia's largest corporations with a network of media businesses. This study aims to analyze and map two aspects: How the mapping of business networks and the development of KGG media concentration in several regions in Indonesia, as well as political and economic factors that influence the formation (construction) of strengthening the KGG conglomerate as one of the largest media companies in Indonesia today. This study uses qualitative research methods through the instrument of political economy analysis of media propaganda models against five filters/layers of political media economy developed by Noam Chomsky. The study results found that KGG built a media business arena almost evenly throughout Indonesia. Arena contestation has become a bone of contention because it has significant economic opportunities to create new expansion areas. For example, areas outside Jakarta as information control mechanisms from Jakarta can control suburbs as the center of information. In addition to the work of five media layers on Kompas, it can move quickly to reach one point, namely the element of diversity or diversity of media content consumed by the audience to be nonexistent. This condition needs to be watched out as a threat to the independence of the fulfillment of citizens' rights to diverse information, but the content is not uniform.
Discourse from the Perspective of Mohammed Arkoun: An Examination of the Values of Interfaith Dialogue Imronudin Imronudin; Riza Muhammad
Potret Pemikiran Vol 27, No 1 (2023)
Publisher : Institut Agama Islam Negeri (IAIN) Manado

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30984/pp.v27i1.2367


Interfaith dialogue is presented to appreciate the truth in others and work together to realize actual problems, such as citizenship rights, violence, ignorance, poverty, equality, injustice, social inequality, and so on. Arkoun's influence with the post-structuralist reveals the critical urgency of religious teachings in shaping the integrity of society. So, in Arkoun's thought, every interpretation is not sacred and must be done with a sociocultural approach that is contextual and open to criticism. He sought to deconstruct Islamic thought, which was considered sacred and closed, using the social sciences approach to represent a humanist, rational, and loving dialogue. This research method uses critical analysis methods with Paul Ricoeur's hermeneutic approach in reading sources about Mohammed Arkoun. The results of this research are the development of contemporary Islamic thought by Arkoun by presenting Islam as Epistemology, including producing interreligious dialogue as a tool to create tolerance, prioritize dialogue, and establish a brotherhood.
Acculturation of Islam and Culture in Shalawat Ngelik and Mauludan in Pathok Negoro Mosque Mlangi Yogyakarta Dzulkifli Hadi Imawan; Muhammad Nurkhalid Al Ghazali
Potret Pemikiran Vol 27, No 1 (2023)
Publisher : Institut Agama Islam Negeri (IAIN) Manado

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30984/pp.v27i1.2244


This study describes the acculturation of Islam and local culture in Shalawat Ngelik and Kojan at the Maulidan Event at the Pathok Negoro Mlangi Mosque, Yogyakarta. Shalawat Ngelik is the recitation of Barjan's shalawat, which is read in a high voice at the time of the Mauludan event. Shalawat Ngelik and Kojan are typical Mlangi prayers that reflect the acculturation of culture and Islam, which have been rooted since the 18th century AD and have been maintained until now. For this reason, this study aims to explain the acculturation process of culture and Islam in the Ngelik and Kojan prayers at the Maulidan event at the Pathok Negoro Mlangi Mosque. This research method is a qualitative historical analysis approach. The results of this study explain that there is the acculturation of culture and Islam in the prayers of Ngelik and Kojan at the Maulidan event at the Pathok Negoro Mlangi Mosque, which can foster religious enthusiasm, care for traditions, and togetherness in the Mlangi community.
The Concept of Ethics and Moral Education Based on Katoba Local Culture in the Overseas Muna Community in Kendari City Musafar Musafar; Hadirman Hadirman; Ardianto Ardianto; Arhanuddin Salim
Potret Pemikiran Vol 27, No 1 (2023)
Publisher : Institut Agama Islam Negeri (IAIN) Manado

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30984/pp.v27i1.2101


Katoba local culture is a tradition owned by the Muna ethnicity, both living in Muna and overseas. Katoba local culture is carried out by the overseas Muna community in Kendari City to strengthen children's Islam and provide ethical and moral education to children aged 7–11 years, both boys and girls. The purpose of this study is to describe the concept of ethics and moral education based on local katoba culture in the overseas Muna community in Kendari City. The method used in this study is a phenomenological approach. The analysis uses a cultural approach. The results showed that the local culture of katoba in the overseas Muna community in Kendari City carried out this tradition as a means of shaping the ethical and moral education of a child. Children are prepared to become individuals who have religious understanding, ethics, and good morals in the midst of society.
A Happy Life in a Different Religious Marriage Experience in Malang City Edwind Satri Simatupang; Yohanes Endi
Potret Pemikiran Vol 27, No 1 (2023)
Publisher : Institut Agama Islam Negeri (IAIN) Manado

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30984/pp.v27i1.2150


This research focuses on interfaith marriages in Malang City, lived by several families with loyalty. In general, interfaith marriages are often considered a way to indoctrinate people into joining a particular religion. Interfaith marriage amid multiculturalism is an effort to respect each other's differences, not differences. The city of Malang, one of the fertile land areas for the growth of major and world religions since the colonial era, is an example of cultivating tolerance and religious differences. This study aims to show that interfaith marriages foster an attitude of tolerance within the small community (family) to avoid various kinds of social friction in society. The view of interfaith marriage is the basis for appreciating religious values in differences and not differences. Interfaith marriage promotes individual rights and freedoms within the state and upholds the values and spirit of family harmony. This study uses qualitative field research. Data was collected through observation, interviews, and documentation, as well as being analyzed and conclusions drawn. This study found that families who live in interfaith marriages make families respect religious differences seen as guidelines that lead to good, righteous, and holy lives. Interfaith marriages appreciate differences, not differences, so that the seeds of freedom of rights for children emerge in guiding their life journey, especially relations with God in religious values. Happiness can be experienced with fidelity even though the marriage is of different religions.
Unraveling Political Islam in Indonesia: A Comparative Literature Analysis Delmus Puneri Salim
Potret Pemikiran Vol 27, No 1 (2023)
Publisher : Institut Agama Islam Negeri (IAIN) Manado

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30984/pp.v27i1.2594


Indonesia’s direct elections has increased engagement of religion in politics since the early 2000s. Moreover, some political parties have used Islam as their ideology. However, people disagree about how far does Islam engage in politics. Some believe Islam is a completed way of life including political life. Other make assertions that Muslims have to choose leaders based on their religions. Other oppose and argue that Islam has been politicized in gaining and maintaining power. Some propose separation of religion and politics. This paper aims at defining features of political Islam. Collected data was conducted by document study to texts of literature. This study reveals the features of politics and Islam are constructed within three dimensions, which are perspectives, ethics, and goals. The analysis reveals the distinction between the correct and incorrect political Islam is centered on whether its’ goals are an increase in submission to God or power in the first place. For example, the correct political Islam does not change its narratives with or without general elections in Indonesia.
The Concept of Nature According to Syed M Naquib Al-Attās: The Perspective of New Kalam Kholili Hasib; Zainal Abidin
Potret Pemikiran Vol 27, No 1 (2023)
Publisher : Institut Agama Islam Negeri (IAIN) Manado

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30984/pp.v27i1.2551


This article explains the views of Syed M Naquib al-Attas on the concept of nature from the perspective of the issue of kalam jadid. The study from the perspective of kalam jadid is important in this modern era because the issue of kalam jadid challenges religious thought to be able to answer actual issues around modernity with rational arguments. Kalam jadid is a kalam developed from classical issues based on the dirasatul firaq. Therefore, the study of kalam jadid is not limited to the problem of firqah thought (limited to the debate on the nature of qadm or hadith, but based on the development of modern science in the perspective of Islamic worldview. This article uses a descriptive method with a philosophical approach. Data were obtained by surveying the relevant literature and discussion. The data is then analyzed by means of discourse analysis which enables the researcher to uncover hidden intentions in the text. The results of this study concludes that al-Attās's thoughts on the concept of nature can be categorized as the issue of kalam jadd. The al-Attās method of describing the concept of nature based on the Islamic worldview can be a model in studying and developing the science of kalam in the modern era. This is the basis for the rise of new kalam (new kalam/Jadīd kalam). The study of kalam involves a variety of sciences: sufism, metaphysics, philosophy, and science. Thus, the science of kalam becomes a science that is more meaningful in various fields of science.
Power and Knowledge: Analysis of LGBTIQ Discourse in Sociology of Religion Based on Queer Theory Lidya Kandowangko
Potret Pemikiran Vol 27, No 1 (2023)
Publisher : Institut Agama Islam Negeri (IAIN) Manado

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30984/pp.v27i1.2526


This article intends to analyze the LGBTIQ discourse in sociology of religion based on queer theory. The conceptual framework in conceptualizing research results refers to the terminology of Michael Foucault's thoughts regarding the practice of discourse and power, and the queer theory approach. This research was conducted using a qualitative research method based on a critical discourse analysis approach. The critical discourse analysis approach is used in order to gain scientific knowledge and understanding regarding the reproduction of LGBTIQ discourse influenced by socio-religious values as part of sociology of religion studies. The findings of this study are that the power and knowledge gained from the terminology of Michael Foucault determined the paradox of discourse. Especially when it is associated with a socio-religious scientific background, it also creates contradictions that affect the socio-religious practices of the community in accepting the existence of LGBTIQ as an individual and community identity. However, as a sociology of religion researcher, we can use or integrate queer theory to produce inclusive knowledge because of the data collected based on LGBTIQ experiences, So that the scientific study in sociology of religion related to LGBTIQ research is more valid and reliable and does not tend to discriminate against their existence as part of humanity.

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