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Islamic Management and Empowerment Journal
ISSN : 2685953X     EISSN : 26860317     DOI :
Core Subject : Humanities, Social,
Islamic Management and Empowerment Journal with registered number ISSN 2685-953X (Print) and ISSN 2686-0317 (online) focuses on the discussion of Management and Empowerment research. Method can using quantitative or qualitative research methods. This journal is a media to accommodate the result of field research and literature study of students, lecturers, or practitioners.
Articles 7 Documents
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Implementasi Pengelolaan Zakat Profesi Aparatur Sipil Negara Kementerian Agama Kabupaten Demak Siti Mualimah; Edi Kuswanto
Islamic Management and Empowerment Journal Vol 1, No 1 (2019): Islamic Management and Empowerment Journal
Publisher : IAIN Salatiga

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (191.821 KB) | DOI: 10.18326/imej.v1i1.45-62


This study aimed at determining the implementation of professional zakat for the State Civil Apparatus (ASN), especially in the Ministry of Religius Affairs of Demak Regency. The study used a descriptive qualitative approach. The results showed that the management of professional zakat in the Ministry of Religius Affairs of Demak Regency was the joint responsibility of the Zakat Collector Unit of the Ministry of Religius Affairs of Demak Regency and the BAZNAS of Demak Regency. The Zakat Collector Unit of the Ministry of Religius Affairs of Demak Regency manages 75% of theprofessional zakat collected while the remaining 25% is managed by the BAZNAS of Demak Regency. Whereas the istribution of professional zakat is intended for 8 Ashnaf who are entitled to receive according to Islamic sharia in two forms, namely zakat for consumption and zakat is productive. Zakat profession of the State Civil Apparatus Ministry of eligius Affairs Demak Regency is taken from the gross basic salary of each employee with a level of 2.5%, while the deduction is carried out by the treasurer of salaries based on the statement made
Implementasi Prinsip Nilai dan Etika Pekerja Sosial dalam Penanganan Pengemis di IPSM Yogyakarta Novie Purnia Putri
Islamic Management and Empowerment Journal Vol 1, No 1 (2019): Islamic Management and Empowerment Journal
Publisher : IAIN Salatiga

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (186.75 KB) | DOI: 10.18326/imej.v1i1.63-78


Social work is as a help profession. It has a basic task in overcoming social problems, one of them is handling the beggars. The method used in this study was a qualitative method by describing the implementation of the value principles and ethics of social workers in handling the beggars through the Yogyakarta Society of Social Workers Association and the ethical dilemmas inside. The purpose of this study was expected to provide an overview of practices in the field as an effort to improve the quality of social work, increasingly to have adequate competence, both in terms of values and ethics in carrying out their profession. The results of this study indicated that in the implementation of the value principles and ethics of social workers with reviews of acceptance, individualization,  disclosure of feelings, non-judgmental attitudes, objectivity, self determination, confidentiality and accountability. The whole principles had been practiced. However, during practicing in the field, there were ethic dilemmas in the application of the principles. They were dilemmas in client confidentiality, policy laws, management care and scarce and limited resources.
Lembaga Dakwah dan Wasatiyah: Sebuah Tela’ah Perspektif Manajemen Dakwah di Kota Salatiga Yahya Yahya
Islamic Management and Empowerment Journal Vol 1, No 1 (2019): Islamic Management and Empowerment Journal
Publisher : IAIN Salatiga

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (242.136 KB) | DOI: 10.18326/imej.v1i1.79-100


This study aimed to determine the understanding of the Salatiga preaching institution to wasatiyah, the management of preaching in preaching wasat}iyah, and the obstacles. The research used was a qualitative method. The results of this study indicated that the understanding of da’wah institutions to wasatiyah could be said to be linear. There was a tendency to equate moderate wasatiyah and a tendency to reject the radical, rigid, violent, and ghuluw religious methods and are felt to be lacking when rejecting the tafrīt or taqsīr or jafā ’religion. The preaching management of the Da’wah preaching institution in Salatiga was still natural in nature and was a routine activity that had not approached the ideal management in the preaching of uncertainty in determining its vision and mission in preaching Wasatiyah. And the obstacles were the different perspectives of management, limited human resources, limited infrastructure and financial advice, ego and rigidity of some administrators
Kampung Wisata Berbasis Masjid di Kampung Sayidan Prawirodirjan Yogyakarta Ahmad Kharis
Islamic Management and Empowerment Journal Vol 1, No 1 (2019): Islamic Management and Empowerment Journal
Publisher : IAIN Salatiga

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (417.296 KB) | DOI: 10.18326/imej.v1i1.101-128


This article aimed to describe the organizing process to empower village communities through mosque-based tourism in Sayidan Village. This research was a descriptive qualitative research which aimed to explain the process of organizing village tours through mosques. The procedure of this study resulted in descriptive data consisting of written words, oral words of the people who were received. Snowball techniques were used to collect data, interviews, observation and documentation. The results in this study were the Sayidan Tourism Village which originated from the assumption that people in the community needed to be restless because the river sometimes caused flooding. But the community was able to turn disaster into a blessing through Tourism Village. More than the mosque basecamp was delivered during a scussion meeting which led to the idea of a tourist village. When the process of organizing the community makes Mosque-Based Tourism Village among others, a. Emergence of Ideas: Discovery (Discovery) to Dreams (Dreams), b. Planning (Design): Detailing not what was needed, c. Defining (Defining): Raising mutual strength, d. Implement (Destiny): Ensure the plan has been implemented
Optimalisasi Pemanfaatan Bantaran Sungai Anak Brantas dalam Upaya Peningkatan Ketahanan Pangan di Sidoarjo Anif Muchlashin; Edi Martono; Subejo Subejo
Islamic Management and Empowerment Journal Vol 1, No 1 (2019): Islamic Management and Empowerment Journal
Publisher : IAIN Salatiga

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (243.458 KB) | DOI: 10.18326/imej.v1i1.1-20


The purpose of this research was (1) to describe the optimization of river bank usage in achieving food security by Eksis Forever Youth Organization; (2) to analyse obstacles which were faced by Eksis Forever Youth Organization in optimizing river bank; (3) to examine its implication to food security in Desa Keboan Anom, Kecamatan Gedangan, Kabupaten Sidoarjo.This study used descriptive qualitative. The data were compiled through observation, interview, documentation and focus group discussion (FGD). The findings show that (1) Eksis Forever Youth Organization had succeeded in manufacturing the nutrition garden by utilizing river bank to raise the economical of some families; (2) the obstacles came from the intern and the extern; (3) the implication of findings in this research was in environment, economy and social as well as the improvement of human resource especially young generation.
Fenomena Dakwah Online dan Offline Ustadz Abdus Somad di Pondok Pesantren Al-Amien Prenduan Sumenep Madura Muhammad Munir
Islamic Management and Empowerment Journal Vol 1, No 1 (2019): Islamic Management and Empowerment Journal
Publisher : IAIN Salatiga

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (208.686 KB) | DOI: 10.18326/imej.v1i1.129-142


This research was conducted to find out how the phenomenon of online propaganda that occurred among pesantren and the Madurese community, welcomed the arrival of Ustadz Abdus Somad, in facing the challenges of social media today. By using a qualitative research approach. The results of this study indicate that the views of the santri community and alumni of Al-Amien Prenduan Islamic boarding school on the phenomenon of online propaganda are three, namely: challenge from offline media, challenges from online media, internet as media propaganda. (a) The challenge of Offline Media is the challenge in the form of the order at the venue, such as the sound system, the audience, the presence of the audience, (b) The challenge of online media is that organizers must be able to arrange for online media to be noticed also because this really helps the virtual community to be able to watch when they are unable to attend the place of the event (c) the Internet as a propaganda media, this is one of the advantages of the internet in the realm of da’wah that is able to search for content, videos, and new things.
Partisipasi Masyarakat dalam Program Klaster Berdaya di PKPU Pekanbaru Moralely Hendrayani
Islamic Management and Empowerment Journal Vol 1, No 1 (2019): Islamic Management and Empowerment Journal
Publisher : IAIN Salatiga

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (208.572 KB) | DOI: 10.18326/imej.v1i1.21-44


This study aimed to see how community participation in the empowerment program in PKPU Pekanbaru with a qualitative approach research method, the results obtained were that community participation in identifying community problems was involved and the community attended and PKPU also informed the community about the program and the purpose of activities for the community in advance. In the planning and implementation of the  community following the activities but not all people were present, in the evaluation activities, monitoring the community supervised together with the supervision that also helped oversee  the business being carried out, and in measuring the negative impact, the community felt directly the changes before and after the existence of Powerful Cluster Program

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