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ANNABA adalah jurnal berkala STIT Muhammadiyah Paciran yang terbit dua kali dalam satu tahun, Maret dan september. Dewan penyunting menerima sumbangan tulisan berupa kajian analisis atau hasil penelitian seputar pendidikan, baik dari sudut pandang Islam ataupun konvensional dengan panjang tulisan 15 - 20 halaman kwarto spasi ganda dilengkapi dengan abstrak dalam bahasa Inggris dan kata kunci. Tulisan dikirim ke alamat redaksi: Jl. Pondok RT.4 RW 5 Paciran Lamongan. Telp. 0322 666904, e - mail:
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Articles 113 Documents
Meningkatkan Kemampuan Kognitif Peserta Didik Kelas X IPS 2 Dalam Materi Perilaku Ekonomi Melalui Pendekatan Saintifik Di Sekolah Menengah Atas Negeri 12 Kota Jambi journal journal; Rayuna
Jurnal Pendidikan Islam Vol. 5 No. 1 (2019): Jurnal Annaba' STIT Muhammadiyah Paciran
Publisher : STIT Muhammadiyah Paciran Lamongan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37286/ojs.v5i1.17


Abstract:The purpose of this study is to improve students’ knowledgeability in economic subject in topic the economic behavioral role ineconomic activities through scientific approach for students in XIPS2 class of the state of senior high school 12 Jambi city. This studyemployed the action class research. The data collected throughobservation, documentation and interview. Furthermore, the dataanalyzed by using triangulation data. This study run from Septemberto December 2018. The result of study shows that the student’sknowledge ability increased 54.83 %, from 22.58% to 77.41%,followed by teacher’s performance from 76.66% to 90% andstudents’ activity from 41.85% to 90,25%. The results inform thatthe saintific approach can use for teachers to improve student’sknowledge ability by following the stage of sacientific approachprinciples.
Analisis Unsur Religius Pada Novel “Dalam Mihrab Cinta” Karya Habiburrahman El - Shirazy Maftuhah
Jurnal Pendidikan Islam Vol. 4 No. 2 (2018): Jurnal Annaba' STIT Muhammadiyah Paciran
Publisher : STIT Muhammadiyah Paciran Lamongan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37286/ojs.v4i2.21


Abstract: This study aims to describe the religious element contained in the novel “Dalam Mihrab Cinta”. This study used a qualitative description of the research. Qualitative research is used to obtain a picture empirical about religiosity in the novel “Dalam Mihra b Cinta” Habiburrahman El - Shirazy work. This study uses a structural approach and pragmatic approach, this analysis can be seen from the aspect of religion (aqidah, sharia, morals, and jurisprudence) and researchers trying to find the values contained in t he novel “Dalam Mihrab Cinta”. Results from this study are able to analyze the elements of religious values (aqidah,sharia, and morals) and aimed to introduce the science of jurisprudence that stirs the soul trough a love story that is so unique and intere sting to the reader in the novel “Dalam Mihrab Cinta” Habiburrahman El - Shirazy work.
Cara Mudah Menghafal Al Qur’an Melalui Metode Tarjim Di Pondok Pesantren Tahfidzul Qur’ an Safinatul Huda III Bandung Diwek Jombang Sunardi Kamaliyatul
Jurnal Pendidikan Islam Vol. 4 No. 2 (2018): Jurnal Annaba' STIT Muhammadiyah Paciran
Publisher : STIT Muhammadiyah Paciran Lamongan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37286/ojs.v4i2.22


Abstract: Everyone has their own method or method of memoriz ing. But the most widely used are those that are suitable and enjoyable for each individual. When examined, most methods suitable for each person are obtained through several attempts. The method or method of memorizing effective Al - Qur'an applies diversit y not uniformity. That is, between one person and another, the same method applies, depending on the character, absorption and memory of each. This method proved to be accurate for someone not necessarily accurate for others. The purpose of this study is t o investigate the implementation of the tarjim method, the supporting and inhibiting factors in memorizing the Qur'an. The application of the tarjim method is a foreign grammar study that emphasizes grammar analysis, vocabulary memorization, discourse tran slators, and writing exercises. This method emphasizes reading, writing and translation skills.
Masa Keemasan Pendidikan Islam (Studi Tentang Peran Khalifah Harun Al - Rasyid Dalam Pendidikan Islam) Ali Mustofa
Jurnal Pendidikan Islam Vol. 4 No. 2 (2018): Jurnal Annaba' STIT Muhammadiyah Paciran
Publisher : STIT Muhammadiyah Paciran Lamongan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37286/ojs.v4i2.23


Abstract: The role of the Caliph Harun al - Rasyid in Isl amic education is very large, including creating a varied curriculum that not only focuses on the problems of religion that are adapted to the level of education, establishing Khizanah al - Hikmah as an institution of translation, observation and reading roo m, building educational institutions , guaranteeing the lives of high - paying educators, utilizing the country's wealth to build educational infrastructure facilities, cooperating with developed countries to exchange information about science, developing le arning systems by developing Islamic education goals. Scientific treasures really grew rapidly in Baghdad under the rule of Caliph Harun al - Rashid. The era of Caliphate Harun al - Rasyid was a golden age in various fields, ranging from the fields of governme nt, socio - economic, administration, and the most prominent of science.
Pengaruh Penerapan Media Benda Asli Pada Mata Pelajaran Matematika Terhadap Hasil Belajar Siswa Kelas I II Di MI/SD Idzi’ Layyinat
Jurnal Pendidikan Islam Vol. 4 No. 2 (2018): Jurnal Annaba' STIT Muhammadiyah Paciran
Publisher : STIT Muhammadiyah Paciran Lamongan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37286/ojs.v4i2.24


Abstrak: Pada suatu lembaga pendidi kan yang bersifat formal seperti Madrasah, keberhasilan pendidikan dapat dilihat dari hasil belajar siswa dalam prestasi belajarnya. Kualitas dan keberhasilan belajar siswa sangat dipengaruhi oleh kemampuan dan ketepatan guru memilih dan menggunakan metode maupun media yang bervariasi dalam meningkatkan keefektifan siswa dalam belajar. Judul penelitian ini adalah “Pengaruh Penerapan Media Benda Asli Pada Mata Pelajaran Matematika Terhadap Hasil Belajar Siswa Kelas III di Madrasah Ibtida’iyah. Penelitian yan g digunakan yakni eksperimen dengan pendekatan kuantitatif. Adapun pengambilan sampel dalam penelitian ini, penulis hanya mengambil kelas III sebagai kelas eksperimen yang berjumlah 27 siswa berdasarkan random sampling dan hasil observasi penulis terhadap siswa kelas III mengenai rendahnya hasil belajar siswa terhadap mata pelajaran Matematika . Teknik pengumpulan data penelitian ini menggunakan observasi, tes ( pre - test dan post - test ). Analisis data untuk mengambil kesimpulan menggunakan rumus tes “t ” untuk sampel kecil yang saling berhubungan. Hasil penelitian ini yaitu hasil observasi menunjukkan bahwa penerapan media benda asli pada mata pelajaran Matematika tergolong baik. Hasil belajar siswa pada pos - test mengalami peningkatan skor mean jika dibandingka n dengan pre - test. Sedangkan untuk uji perbandingan didapatkan kesimpulan setelah membandingkan besarnya t tabael 1% dan 5% adalah 2 , 7 8 dan 2 , 0 6 yang diperoleh dalam perhitungan (t o ) adalah 16,23 . Sehingga pada penilitian menyimpulkan bahwa ada pengaruh pe nerapan media benda asli terhadap hasil belajar siswa kelas III di MI/SD.
Pesantren Sebagai Bentuk Identitas Pendidikan Islam Mahrus
Jurnal Pendidikan Islam Vol. 4 No. 2 (2018): Jurnal Annaba' STIT Muhammadiyah Paciran
Publisher : STIT Muhammadiyah Paciran Lamongan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37286/ojs.v4i2.26


Abstract: Islamic boarding school is one of the dominant Islamic education institutions and emphasizes religious studies that influence and impact the culture, tradition and preservation of Islamic teachings. Islamic boarding schools also play a role in the formatio n of a nation's civilization. Pesantren at this time must be prepared to face the challenges of globalization and produce graduates who can compete and fill the global era. For this reason, pesantren must be able to become institutions that are global in m ind and have capable resources, especially in Islamic education. Therefore, it is necessary to change the mindset of pesantren into a mindset that follows change, which is oriented towards the creation of graduates who have three abilities, namely: (1) the ability to survive (survive) amidst continuous changes and competition, ( 2) the ability to improve the quality of life (spiritual and physical), (3) the ability to develop and adapt to the changing demands of the times
The Influence of Guidance To Solve Problem In English Learning at SMP Al Akbar Brondong Lamongan Rohmat Qosyim
Jurnal Pendidikan Islam Vol. 4 No. 2 (2018): Jurnal Annaba' STIT Muhammadiyah Paciran
Publisher : STIT Muhammadiyah Paciran Lamongan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37286/ojs.v4i2.27


Abstract: Teachers sometimes are amazed at the extent to which a child’s undesirable habit patterns can be recondit ioned through the efforts of understanding teachers. At the same time, home influences may be so strong that there is little that teachers and counselors can do for the child unless he can be removed from unhealthful home surroundings. In most states, the parents have the legal right to device where their child shall live. Hence school people are helpless in such situations unless, by court action, the child is placed in an institution or foster home because of extreme parental neglect of or cruelty to the child, or gross immoral behavior on the part of one or both parents. Based on the background, the writer wants to do classroom action research with the title “The Influence of Guidance to Solve Problem in English Learning at SMP Al Akbar Brondong”
Teaching Strategy and Learning Model Using Practice Method Khudriyah
Jurnal Pendidikan Islam Vol. 4 No. 1 (2018): Jurnal Annaba' STIT Muhammadiyah Paciran
Publisher : STIT Muhammadiyah Paciran Lamongan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37286/ojs.v4i1.28


bstract : This research is done because of the phenomenon in some teaching and learning process happened at STIT al Urwatul Wutsqo. The researcher found that most of students could not practice of teaching using some methods, strategy or models. They practiced the teaching using lecturing method, mean while they are prepared to be professional teacher. The lecturing method is not bad, but it has many disadvantages, one of them is boring method, especially when the teacher cannot organize it well, the students will be bored easily. This research is aimed to know how practice method is effective to prepare the students to be professional teacher. The design of the research is qualitative descriptive, observation, questionnaire interview and documentation, were as instruments. The result is the practice method is very effective, such as; most of students were actively involved in the teaching and learning process. Most of students chose positive answer which supported the implementation of practice method, the students were able to gain good and high score, and they showed their positive responses to the teaching using practice method.
Pemikiran Harun Yahya Dalam Nilai Nilai Moral Al-Qur’an ( Studi Analisis Nilai Nilai Pendidikan Akhlaq) Ali Mustofa
Jurnal Pendidikan Islam Vol. 4 No. 1 (2018): Jurnal Annaba' STIT Muhammadiyah Paciran
Publisher : STIT Muhammadiyah Paciran Lamongan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37286/ojs.v4i1.29


Abstract: Moral education is a sub / part of the subject of Religious Education, because the real religion is morality, so that the presence of the Prophet Muhammad to the face of the earth was in the step of completing the morals of men who at that time, girls were killed alive, against the truth of many who resist, as well as many other levels of munkar they do. Because religion is morals, it is not excessive to say that what is good according to morals is good also according to religion. Because so much the role of education of Morals in the formation keperibadian son of man then all Muslim philosophers agree that moral education is the soul of Islamic education, because the highest goal of Islamic education is to educate the soul and morals. The values of moral education in the book value of moral values of the Qur'an on Islamic education based on human life together with what He has created. The Qur'an tells people to be dignified, humble, trustworthy, kind, faithful, adult, and willing to listen to goodness. values of moral education contained in the book "the moral value of the Qur'an The work of Harun Yahya is: belief in the existence of God, Godly to Allah, belief in the fate of Allah, faith in God, Pray, Believe, Be patient, grateful, despair, mercast, humble to God, read the Qur'an, take refuge in God, humble, do not make fun of.
Kepribadian Tokoh Utama Dalam Novel Rembulan Tenggelam Di Wajahmu Karya Tere Liye (Kajian Psikoanalisis Sigmund Freud) Maftuhah
Jurnal Pendidikan Islam Vol. 4 No. 1 (2018): Jurnal Annaba' STIT Muhammadiyah Paciran
Publisher : STIT Muhammadiyah Paciran Lamongan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37286/ojs.v4i1.30


Abstract: This study aimed to describe (1) the personality id figure Rey in the novel "The moon Drowned In Your Face" Work Tere Liye, (2) the personality ego character Rey in the novel "The moon Drowned In Your Face" Work Tere Liye, (3) personality super ego character Rey in his novel "the moon Drowned in Your Face" Tere Liye work. This study was a qualitative descriptive study and included in this type of library research. The data used in this study is novel Rembulan Drowning In Your Face Tere Liye Work, published by Republika Jakarta pata first printing in 2009 and consists of 426 pages. Data collection techniques used in this research is the engineering documentation and observation techniques. Teknk data analysis aims to describe the elements of fact stories that form the main characters' personalities that exist in the novel "The moon Drowned In Your Face" Work Tere Liye ". Based on the analysis, it can be concluded personality of id, ego and super ego that experienced by the main character. Based on the results of the study, that the personality Ray in the novel Rembulan Drowning In Your face has the id that is present in the form of hatred against a dark past, the curiosity over his true identity, as well as the ambition to destroy those he considered duplicity. Ego Ray looked at the rebellion he often did to help the people he loved. Super ego Ray looked at the behavior that always decide things according to his conscience desires.

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