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MDJ (Makassar Dental Journal)
ISSN : 20898134     EISSN : 25485830     DOI : 10.35856/mdj
Core Subject : Health,
The journal receives a manuscript from the following area below Dentistry science and development with interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary approach: Dental Public Health and Epidemiology Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Dental Conservation and Endodontics Preventive Dentistry Biomedical Dentistry Dental Radiology Pediatric Dentistry Oral Pathology Prosthodontics Traumatology Oral Biology Biomaterials Orthodontics Periodontics
Articles 38 Documents
Search results for , issue "Vol. 12 No. 3 (2023): Volume 12 Issue 3 Desember 2023" : 38 Documents clear
The hardness of bulkfill nanofiller composite resin is higher compared to non bulkfill : Kekerasan resin komposit nanofiller bulkfill lebih tinggi dibandingkan dengan non-bulkfill Putu Rusmiany; Dewa Made Wedagama; Ida Ayu Siwi Gayatri
Makassar Dental Journal Vol. 12 No. 3 (2023): Volume 12 Issue 3 Desember 2023
Publisher : Makassar Dental Journal PDGI Makassar

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35856/mdj.v12i3.839


Composite resin is the most commonly used restoration material today, as it is one of the most tooth-coloured materials. In ad-dition, the hardness factor is indispensable for the durability of the filling. The hardness of the composite can be affected by the way the material is applied. This study compared bulk-fill and non-bulk-fill nanofiller composite resins with thicknesses of 2 mm, 4 mm and 6 mm. Laboratory experimental research with posttest with control group design used 24 composite resin sam-ples divided into 6 groups, namely bulkfill and non-bulkfill nanofiller composite resins, each made with a thickness of 2 mm, 4 mm, and 6 mm. The hardness was tested with a Vicker hardness tester. The least significant deference test showed that there was a significant difference in hardness between the 6 treatment groups (p<0.05). The highest hardness was obtained by the bulkfill nanofiller composite resin with a thickness of 2 mm at 27.82 VHN and the non bulkfill composite resin showed a low hardness value especially at a thickness of 6 mm at 6.75 VHN. It is concluded that the bulkfill nanofiller composite resin has higher hardness than the non bulkfill composite resin.
An endodontic emergency situation with airborne contagious diseases around: Situasi darurat endodontik dengan penyakit menular melalui udara sekitar Lestari Hardianti Sugiaman; Noor Hikmah; Nurhayaty Natsir; Juni Jekti Nugroho; Wahyuni Suci Dwiandhany; Christine Anastasia Rovani
Makassar Dental Journal Vol. 12 No. 3 (2023): Volume 12 Issue 3 Desember 2023
Publisher : Makassar Dental Journal PDGI Makassar

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35856/mdj.v12i3.849


mergency endodontics account for one-third of all dental emergencies. Most cases can only be resolved if the dentist can inter-act directly with the patient. One of the airborne infectious diseases that needs attention is Covid-19, dental procedures have a high risk of transmitting the disease. Therefore, emergency endodontics during the pandemic is a big challenge. This paper re-views how to handle endodontic emergencies in the pandemic era. Teledentistry is one of the options as a first step to solve and help the patient's problem. For emergency endodontic interventions, after teleconsultation, dentists can plan endodontic treat-ments such as pulpotomy, pulpectomy, or incision and drainage, with proper control protocols to prevent transmission during the visit. It is concluded that emergency endodontics has a much higher risk of transmission. Reducing treatment time and ex-posure control are ways to reduce the risk of coronavirus spread during endodontic treatment. Following proper protocol pro-cedures in treating patients is a must, so as to protect many people.
Management of submandibular abscess extending to the temporal space in a child: Tatalaksana dari abses submandibula yang meluas ke spasia temporal pada anak Moh. Gazali; Ochtavianus Kano T; Abul Fauzi
Makassar Dental Journal Vol. 12 No. 3 (2023): Volume 12 Issue 3 Desember 2023
Publisher : Makassar Dental Journal PDGI Makassar

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35856/mdj.v12i3.850


Odontogenic abscess (OA) is an infection in the maxillofacial area originating from the tooth which if not treated quickly and appropriately can be life-threatening. In children, OA is one of the challenges for dentists where management must be carried out as quickly as possible, but patients are uncooperative when the procedure is performed under local anesthesia. Extension of the abscess into the temporal space in a child is a rarely reported case. A 10-year-old pediatric patient came with complaints of swelling on the right cheek that extended to the right side of the head and left eye accompanied by pain and limited mouth opening. Clinical examination, swelling of the right submandibular region extending to the right buccal and right infratemporal dextra soft consistency, painful palpation. OPG-X ray showed a deep caries perforation on tooth 46. Treatment was performed in the form of antibiotics, analgesics, extra-oral drainage incision of the submandibula and temporal region under general anes-thesia, and mouth opening exercises. After treatment, the patient can open his mouth wider so that his nutritional intake is bet-ter. It is concluded that abscess in the temporal region is generally caused by infection of the maxillary teeth, the spread of this infection can be influenced by the level of bacterial virulence and nutritional intake of the patient. Management of dentoal-veolar infection should be carried out as quickly as possible to prevent the spread of infection which can be life-threatening.
Crown lengthening for gummy smile treatment related to altered passive eruption: Crown lengthening untuk perawatan gummy smile yang berhubungan dengan altered passive eruption Sri Oktawati; Febrianty; Sherly Endang
Makassar Dental Journal Vol. 12 No. 3 (2023): Volume 12 Issue 3 Desember 2023
Publisher : Makassar Dental Journal PDGI Makassar

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35856/mdj.v12i3.851


One of the most common aesthetic problems patients complain about in dentistry is gummy smile; which can be caused by various factors, one of which is APE. Altered passive eruption (APE) is a condition where the gingiva looks larger, causing the teeth to look shorter when smiling, thus affecting the aesthetic appearance. Crown lengthening, either with or without bone reduction, is a frequent treatment in this case. The purpose of this case report is to explain how crown lengthening was used to treat a gummy smile caused by APE. A 21-year-old female patient presented to Hasanuddin University Dental Hospital with complaints of uneven upper gingiva and short teeth, as well as an unattractive smile. After aesthetic and periodontal tissue analysis, crown lengthening was performed which proved successful in aligning the gingival margin with the gingival crest and improving the patient's smile profile. The patient reported no pain or swelling after the procedure. So, it is concluded that a beautiful smile can be successfully achieved with good diagnosis, proper treatment planning and good skills.
Full denture with conventional overdenture: Gigi tiruan lengkap dengan overdenture konvensional Bahruddin Thalib; Probo Damoro Putro
Makassar Dental Journal Vol. 12 No. 3 (2023): Volume 12 Issue 3 Desember 2023
Publisher : Makassar Dental Journal PDGI Makassar

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35856/mdj.v12i3.852


Tooth extraction is the main reason for alveolar bone resorption. Overdentures have several benefits in prosthodontic treatment, including maintaining alveolar ridge height, increasing denture stability, maintaining proprioceptive sensors, and improving masticatory efficiency. This article reports the use of a complete denture with a conventional overdenture as a rehabilitation treatment of the partial edentulous in the upper and lower jaws. A 70-year-old man came to the Department of Prosthodontics RSGM Hasanuddin University with complaints of difficulty chewing food due to partial loss of upper and lower jaw teeth, the patient wanted to make a denture without tooth extraction due to trauma in previous tooth extraction. It was concluded that the use of a complete denture with two copings on the upper and lower jaws can improve the retention and stability.
Early caries prediction using hormonal fingerprint in children: Prediksi awal karies pada anak dengan menggunakan hormonal fingerprint Husny Fadilah; Adam Malik Hamudeng
Makassar Dental Journal Vol. 12 No. 3 (2023): Volume 12 Issue 3 Desember 2023
Publisher : Makassar Dental Journal PDGI Makassar

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35856/mdj.v12i3.853


Dental and oral hygiene can determine the risk of developing dental and oral diseases. One of the most common dental and oral health problems in children is dental caries. Efforts are needed to detect earlier the potential for caries to occur, so that preven-tive measures can be taken earlier. Apart from saliva, another biomarker that can be used for early detection of caries is the hor-monal fingerprint. Hormonal fingerprinting offers a convenient assessment method for detecting caries. A literature study is conducted by collecting valid information and in accordance with the topic of study then synthesizing it. The ten articles ana-lyzed showed various results showing the relationship between hormonal fingerprints and caries. It is concluded that hormonal fingerprints or the 2D:4D digit ratio can help provide insight into the baby's prenatal life which can provide information about behavior, the possibility of disease, intelligence, so that it can act as a positive predictor for various dental conditions such as the risk of caries, oral squamous cell carcinoma, malocclusion and prognathism.
Maxilla and mandible rehabilitation using telescopic overdenture: Rehabilitasi Maksila dan mandibula menggunakan overdenture teleskopik Risnawati; Ian Afifah Sudarman; Andre Koesumo; Mohammad Dharma Utama
Makassar Dental Journal Vol. 12 No. 3 (2023): Volume 12 Issue 3 Desember 2023
Publisher : Makassar Dental Journal PDGI Makassar

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35856/mdj.v12i3.854


The plan for rehabilitation of the edentulus in the maxilla and mandible with dental or implant support can be done with the use of an overdenture denture. Improved retention in this denture can be obtained by the use of copings or the so-called tele-scopic denture. A telescopic overdenture is a precision-coupled overdenture, consisting of a primary coping on the support-ing teeth and a secondary coping on the denture. This article reports the use of a telescopic overdenture for rehabilitation of the partial edentulous in the maxilla and mandible. A 55-year-old man came to the Department of Prosthodontics RSGM Unhas with complaints of difficulty chewing food and lack of confidence due to the loss of most of the teeth of the upper and lower jaw, the patient wanted to make a denture to chew and improve his smile. This treatment provides more aesthetic results due to the absence of the grip that patients often complain about, as well as better stability and retention when using the denture. It was concluded that the use of a telescopic overdenture in maxillary and mandibular edentulous patients would improve sta-bility, retention and aesthetics.
Osteogenesis imperfecta in incidental findings of panoramic radiographic examination: Osteogenesis imperfecta pada temuan insidental pemeriksaan radiografi panoramik Fadhlil U.A Rahman; Muhammad Fadil Hidayat; Barunawaty Yunus; Syakriani Syahrir
Makassar Dental Journal Vol. 12 No. 3 (2023): Volume 12 Issue 3 Desember 2023
Publisher : Makassar Dental Journal PDGI Makassar

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35856/mdj.v12i3.855


Osteogenesis imperfecta is a hereditary disorder easily fractured due to a high fragility with the primary suspected pathogenesis due to disruption of type 1 collagen synthesis. Clinically, abnormalities in the teeth can also be found. The purpose of this case report is to analyze the panoramic radiographic appearance of the case of osteogenesis imperfecta. A 4-year-old boy came to Hasanuddin University Hospital complaining of mobile upper and lower teeth and a history of bone fractures. The panoramic radiographic examination showed widespread loss of bone density with the impression of brittle bone in most areas of the up-per and lower jaws accompanied by missing and migration of the permanent teeth. The suspected radiodiagnostic case was os-teogenesis imperfecta. Patients were briefed on the relationship between oral conditions and systemic diseases and referred to the pediatric department to manage the systemic condition, and antibiotics and analgesics are prescribed to reduce oral discomfort. The manifestations of osteogenesis imperfecta are decreased jaw bone density, class III malocclusion, and dentinogesis imper-fecta. In this case, migration and missing permanent teeth were also found. It is concluded that clinical examination of osteo-genesis imperfecta needs to be supported by a panoramic radiographic examination to identify the condition of hard tissue, bones, and teeth. Osteogenesis imperfecta is a hereditary disorder easily fractured due to a high fragility with the primary suspected pathogenesis due to disruption of type 1 collagen synthesis. Clinically, abnormalities in the teeth can also be found. The purpose of this case report is to analyze the panoramic radiographic appearance of the case of osteogenesis imperfecta. A 4-year-old boy came to Hasanuddin University Hospital complaining of mobile upper and lower teeth and a history of bone fractures. The panoramic radiographic examination showed widespread loss of bone density with the impression of brittle bone in most areas of the up-per and lower jaws accompanied by missing and migration of the permanent teeth. The suspected radiodiagnostic case was os-teogenesis imperfecta. Patients were briefed on the relationship between oral conditions and systemic diseases and referred to the pediatric department to manage the systemic condition, and antibiotics and analgesics are prescribed to reduce oral discomfort. The manifestations of osteogenesis imperfecta are decreased jaw bone density, class III malocclusion, and dentinogesis imper-fecta. In this case, migration and missing permanent teeth were also found. It is concluded that clinical examination of osteo-genesis imperfecta needs to be supported by a panoramic radiographic examination to identify the condition of hard tissue, bones, and teeth.
A comparative evaluation of osteoprogeterin and receptor activator of nuclear Kappa B ligand during orthodontic movement: Evaluasi komparatif osteoprogeterin dan aktivator reseptor ligan Kappa B nuklir selama gerakan ortodontik Norman Hidajah; Ketut Virtika Ayu
Makassar Dental Journal Vol. 12 No. 3 (2023): Volume 12 Issue 3 Desember 2023
Publisher : Makassar Dental Journal PDGI Makassar

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35856/mdj.v12i3.856


Orthodontic tooth movement is a continuous and balanced process characterized by bone deposition and bone resorption res-pectively on tension and compression sites. This article is aimed to show the comparative of osteoprogeterin (OPG) and receptor activator of nuclear kappa B ligand (RANKL) during orthodontic tooth movement. Literature review was conducted by collect-ing various information regarding the topic and perform the synthesis. Several studies have shown the ratio concentration of RANKL to that OPG in gingival crevicular fluid was significantly higher than control sites. It was concluded that the OPG and RANKL expression during orthodontic movement varies at different time intervals and according to the type of force delivery system.
Increasing the number of fibrolas in the healing of rat gingiva wounds with topically applied of leaves extracts of belimbing wuluh (Averrhoa bilimbi Linn): Peningkatan jumlah fibrolas pada penyembuhan luka gingiva tikus dengan pemberian ekstrak daun belimbing wuluh (Averrhoa bilimbi Linn) secara topikal I Gusti Agung Ayu Hartini
Makassar Dental Journal Vol. 12 No. 3 (2023): Volume 12 Issue 3 Desember 2023
Publisher : Makassar Dental Journal PDGI Makassar

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35856/mdj.v12i3.869


Gingival wound healing is complex because it is located in an open area, often contaminated and exposed to various types of bacteria in the oral cavity. Histologically, wound healing shows an increase in the number of fibroblasts. Belimbing wuluh (Aver-rhoa bilimbi Linn) can be used as a wound medicine because it contains saponins that have the ability to clean and are antisep-tic; tannins and flavonoids are anti-inflammatory. This study aims to determine the increase in the number of fibroblasts in rat gingival wound healing by topically administering belimbing wuluh leaf extract with different concentrations. The study was conducted with a pretest-posttest control group design, consisting of a control group with distilled water and a treatment group with topical administration of BWL ethanol extract with concentrations of 20% and 40%. The results of the study based on the comparison test between the three groups with one-way Anova showed that the mean number of fibroblasts in the three groups after treatment was significantly different (p=0.001). It was concluded that there was an increase in the number of fibroblasts in the gingival wound healing of rats given BWL extract although at 20% concentration, the increase was higher than at 40%.

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