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Revi Gama Hatta Novika
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Program Studi Kebidanan Fakultas Kedokteran, Universitas Sebelas Maret, Jl. Ir. Sutami 36 A Surakarta 57126
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Placentum: Jurnal Ilmiah Kesehatan dan Aplikasinya
ISSN : 23033746     EISSN : 26209969     DOI : 10.20961
Core Subject : Health,
PLACENTUM Jurnal Kesehatan dan Aplikasinya is a health applied journal published by Sebelas Maret University, Surakarta. The journal publishes original research articles or review articles in Maternal and Child Health, Health Promotion, and Epidemiology. Maternal and Child Health: covers a broad range of disciplines including obstetrics, gynecology, reproductive health, pediatrics, neonatology, nutrition, and family planning Health Promotion: covers a broad range of topics in psychology, sociology, anthropology, communication, education, nursing, public health, and the allied health profession, as they are related to health promotion, health education, health-related behavior, and illness. Epidemiology: covers all aspects of epidemiology and public health. The journal mainly publishes original research articles but also welcomes reviews covering applied, methodological and theoretical issues with an emphasis on studies using multidisciplinary or integrative approaches.
Articles 8 Documents
Search results for , issue "Vol 10, No 2 (2022): August" : 8 Documents clear
Internal Factors Risk of Breastfeeding Failure in Infants Age 3-6 Months Arisna Kadir; Indah Yun Diniaty Rosidi
PLACENTUM: Jurnal Ilmiah Kesehatan dan Aplikasinya Vol 10, No 2 (2022): August
Publisher : Program Studi Kebidanan Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Sebelas Maret

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20961/placentum.v10i2.59999


Background: The coverage of breastfeeding in Indonesia has not yet met the target set by the government . Mother's awareness of breastfeeding in Indonesia is only 14%, and is only given until the baby is four months old. Based on these data, there are ± 86% of mothers who experience exclusive breastfeeding failure, or we can say there are 86% of mothers who give additional food/drinks other than breast milk to their babies before the age of 6 months Objective: To determine the internal factors that cause the risk of breastfeeding failure in infants 3-6 months old. Method: analytic study with case control approach . Sampling using purposive sampling technique with a sample size of 10 respondents in the case group and 10 respondents in the control group. Statistical test using fisher exact test and odds ratio. Results: Internal factors that become the risk of breastfeeding failure in infants 3-6 months are occupation (OR = 16.00), parity (OR = 2.25) and mother's knowledge (OR = 21.00). While the internal factors of age, education, nutritional status and condition of the mother have a low risk for the failure of breastfeeding for infants 3-6 months. Conclusion: Efforts to increase knowledge are needed such as education and counseling. It is hoped that there will be a lactation counselor in increasing the coverage of breastfeeding.
The Implementation of Infection Prevention and Control at the Lubuklinggau City Community Health Center: An Observational Study Jeannita Sri Agustini Purba; Rizma Adlia Syakurah
PLACENTUM: Jurnal Ilmiah Kesehatan dan Aplikasinya Vol 10, No 2 (2022): August
Publisher : Program Studi Kebidanan Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Sebelas Maret

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20961/placentum.v10i2.58716


Introduction: Implementation of Infection Prevention and Control (IPC) is one of the characteristics of the quality of Health Care Services. Health care facilities must do the surveillance, IPC education and training. This aims to describe the implementation of IPC at the Lubuklinggau City Community Health Center (CHC).Methods: Descriptive qualitative study with a participant observation approach used.Result: The results showed that the priority problem was the ineffectiveness of the IPC team in implementing the IPC at the Lubuklinggau City CHC.Discussion: The preparation stage consists of socialization of IPC technical guidelines at CHC, assistance in implementing management and organization, assistance in disseminating policies, guidelines, SOPs, IPC, and IPC indicators, IPC implementation and reporting at the Primary Healthcare Facilities level, and IPC education and information at the level of health cadres and community leaders in every Health Center. The stages of monitoring and supervision are starting from the planning, implementation, and reporting stages. Evaluation is carried out with indicators of success in the form of accuracy and completeness of the report. Reporting is done at the end of the activity. Internal constraints that may occur are constraints on organizational culture, human resources, and funds, while external constraints include regional characteristics, reinforcing factors, and changing/accelerating factors. From these possible obstacles, strategies are made to overcome them.Conclusion: In this study, in order to further increase the effectiveness of the implementation of IPC at the Lubuklinggau City CHC, it is necessary to carry out continuous upgrading of the competence of health workers and IPC data at CHC.
Factors Affecting the Incidence of Anemia in Pregnant Women at Ampel and Gladagsari Public Health Center Boyolali Regency in 2019 Sarah Melati Davidson; Gelora Mangalik; Rifki Ilham Riswandha
PLACENTUM: Jurnal Ilmiah Kesehatan dan Aplikasinya Vol 10, No 2 (2022): August
Publisher : Program Studi Kebidanan Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Sebelas Maret

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20961/placentum.v10i2.56694


Background: Anemia is a condition where the blood hemoglobin level is <11 g/dl. Anemia is often experienced by mothers during pregnancy. The main cause of anemia in pregnant women is due to iron deficiency in the body. This study aims to determine what factors are the main causes of anemia in the working area of Ampel Health Center and Gladagsari Health Center. Poor nutritional status, parity, short pregnancy intervals are believed to be the biggest contributors to the incidence of anemia in pregnant women.Methods: This study used secondary data with a cross sectional design. Chi Square test is used in statistical testing. Study involved Ampel Health Center (193 samples) and Gladagsari Health Center (246 samples). The variables studied were the age of pregnant women, distance between pregnancies, parity, nutritional status, Antenatal Care and adherence to Fe tablet consumption.Results: The results showed that nutritional status (0.001), gestational distance (0.003), parity (0.032) and age of pregnant women (0.032) had a significant relationship with the incidence of anemia in Ampel Health Center < (0.05). Gladagsari Health Center samples showed different results where nutritional status (0.003), gestational distance (0.007), parity (0.005), adherence to Fe tablet consumption (0.049) and age of pregnant women (0.046) had a significant relationship with the incidence of anemia < (0, 05). Maternal nutritional status during pregnancy is the highest cause of anemia, many steps can be taken to improve the nutritional status of pregnant women, one of which is the provision of additional food.Conclusion: Education of health workers about the importance of consuming Fe tablets for women of childbearing age (WUS) and pregnant women and self-compliance play an important role in preventing anemia during pregnancy.
PLACENTUM: Jurnal Ilmiah Kesehatan dan Aplikasinya Vol 10, No 2 (2022): August
Publisher : Program Studi Kebidanan Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Sebelas Maret

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20961/placentum.v10i2.63004


Introduction: Wheezing is one of the most common manifestations of airway obstruction.  The use of a stethoscope in the wheezing examination has several disadvantages such as subjective results  and depends on  the auditor's  hearing sensitivity.  So an easy device is needed that helps determine the wheezing  sound precisely.  This study assembled a single tool to detect wheezing  sounds based on the internet of things.Method: This tool is designed with a microprocessor hardware connected to  an electric stethoscope so that it can be attached to the patient's chest  wall.  Collection of chest breathing voice data  accessed on  The creation of algorithms with Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN)  was later changed to Mel Frequency Cepstral Coefficients (MFCC). This model  will be implanted in a microprocessor and use python  language to  be able to record  the sound of chest  wall vibrations.  The recorded sound is converted into MFCC  to make it easier to perform   wheezing sound detection.  MFCC image results and  detection results are sent to the database via  the firebase database feature which stores MFCC  photos in real-time as they are detected.  Designing android application software using Flutter   builds communication between android  applications and firebase databases that allows applications to  retrieve MFCC  images as the final result. Result: The results of  the tool trial on five volunteers, three exacerbation asthma patients and two healthy people  showed the device can detect wheezing  sounds at a frequency of  400Hz with 80%  accuracy through CNN and MFCC  algorithms  Internet of things based.Conclusion: This tool can help health workers  to accurately determine wheezing   sounds, enforce the diagnosis   faster, the prognosis of the disease to be  better, so as to  reduce the number  morbidity and mortality of diseases with airway abnormalities in Indonesia 
PLACENTUM: Jurnal Ilmiah Kesehatan dan Aplikasinya Vol 10, No 2 (2022): August
Publisher : Program Studi Kebidanan Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Sebelas Maret

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20961/placentum.v10i2.54505


Background: Nosocomial infection is a complication that most often occurs in hospitals and other health services. Infection is a most widely acquired hospital effect that can affect 5 to 10% of all hospitalized patients in developed countries and in low-background countries being a major burden. Objectives: This study aims to determine the epidemiological determinants of nosocomial infections in inpatients at the General Hospital of the Haji Adam Malik Center, Medan in 2019.Method: Determination of the sample size in the case and control using unpaired categorical analitical formula obtained a total sampel of 90 patients with ratio of 1:1. Data analysis using chi-square test analysis. Result: The results showed that the dominant type of infection was urinary tract infection (35.6%), the most widely used type of invasive procedure was catheters (35.6%), the most common type of germs was conditional pathogens (84.4%), and the most common type of invasive procedure was catheter treatment ≥ 7 days (64.4%). The determinants of nosocomial infection in hospitalized patients were the type of invasive action (surgery, p value 0.013 and length of stay of patients (≥ 7 days, p value 0.035). Conclusion: Performing surgery in accordance with standart operational procedure, applying surgical site infection bundles, discharging surgery patients on the fourth day, improving personal hygiene, reducing invasivtione procedures and providing antimicrobials to patients are necessary to reduce the incidence of nosocomial infections.
Application of Clean and Healthy Behavior Activities In the Covid-19 Pandemic in Miftahul Islamic Boarding School, South Jakarta, Indonesia Mulyanti Mulyanti; Rina Yuliana Subur; Sri Rahayu
PLACENTUM: Jurnal Ilmiah Kesehatan dan Aplikasinya Vol 10, No 2 (2022): August
Publisher : Program Studi Kebidanan Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Sebelas Maret

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20961/placentum.v10i2.58199


Introduction: The COVID-19 pandemic has hit countries around the world, including Indonesia. One of the sectors affected by the COVID-19 pandemic is the education sector. Educational institution in Indonesia has designed a distance learning program to prevent COVID-19 but not all educational institutions can implement this, for example an Islamic boarding school. The Pandemic COVID-19 causes the weakness of teaching and learning activities in islamic boarding school. However, teaching and learning activities must continue to be carried out with study times, to follow government directives in preventing the wider spread of the pandemic COVID-19. One of the ways to prevent the spread of COVID-19 is to wash your hands with soap and running water, also maintaining clean and healthy behavior activities.Method: This study uses a qualitative method with a descriptive phenomenological approach. The sample was selected purposively, the research informants were student Islamic Boarding School Miftahul, South Jakarta and key informants consisted of boarding school leaders, teachers in the boarding school environment on November 2021.Result: The results showed that the informants had behaved in a clean and healthy life both as an effort to prevent the covid-19 virus.Conclusion: It is hoped that the board and management of Islamic boarding schools can coordinate with local health center health workers to conduct health education related to Clean and Healthy Behavior (PHBS).   
PLACENTUM: Jurnal Ilmiah Kesehatan dan Aplikasinya Vol 10, No 2 (2022): August
Publisher : Program Studi Kebidanan Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Sebelas Maret

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20961/placentum.v10i2.56226


Background: Nutritional anemia is a major nutritional problem in the world, including in Indonesia, which is caused by iron deficiency. Iron deficiency anemia has infected more than 600 million people worldwide and in developing countries the prevalence reaches 51%. In Indonesia, the prevalence of anemia in adolescent girls is 22.7%. The effects of anemia can cause ongoing stress and complications from fatigue. The influencing factor is the lack of knowledge of young women about anemia. Efforts to increase knowledge of young women on anemia health problems can be done through nutrition education. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of nutrition education through posters and videos on knowledge of anemia in adolescent girls.Methods: The research design used was quasy experimental with a pre-post test group design, which was carried out in April 2021. The research subjects were young women aged 12-18 years consisting of two groups, namely the poster media group and video media, with a total of 40 respondents. Data analysis used paired sample t-test.Results: Based on the results of the Paired Sample T-Test, it showed that knowledge increased after education, both in the poster and video groups. There were differences in respondents' knowledge of the effect of using nutrition education media through posters (p = 0,021) and videos (p = 0,001).Conclusion: Nutrition education has an effect on knowledge of anemia in adolescent girls, as well as more effective education through video media.
The Relationship between Family Functions and the Quality of Life of the Elderly with Hypertension in the working area Public Health Center of Babadan Dinta Sekar Oktaviani; Merry Tiyas Anggraini; Nina Anggraeni Noviasari
PLACENTUM: Jurnal Ilmiah Kesehatan dan Aplikasinya Vol 10, No 2 (2022): August
Publisher : Program Studi Kebidanan Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Sebelas Maret

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20961/placentum.v10i2.59756


Background: Hypertension is still a major problem in the elderly at the Babadan Health Center, based on data in 2021 the incidence of hypertension at the Babadan Health Center is 539 cases. Due to the high rate of hypertension in the elderly, it has a negative impact on the quality of life. Elderly who suffer from hypertension need the role of a good family function in order to create a good quality of life as well. The general purpose of this study was to explain the relationship between family functions and the quality of life of elderly patients with hypertension in the working area of Babadan Health Center.Methods: Analytical observational research with cross sectional approach and using simple random sampling technique. This research was conducted from October to December 2021 in the working area of the Babadan Health Center, Ponorogo Regency. The number of samples for this study was 67 samples with inclusion criteria and exclusion criteria. Data collection was obtained from the results of filling out the APGAR Family questionnaire and the WHOQOL-BREF questionnaire which had been tested for validity and reliability. The data obtained were analyzed with bivariat analysis used Chi-Square test.Results: The majority of elderly people with hypertension at the Babadan Health Center have healthy family functions and a good quality of life, especially in the domain of social relations. Based on statistical analysis using the Chi-Square test, it was found that there was a significant relationship between family function and the quality of life of the elderly with hypertension (p = 0.000; PR = 8.9; CI = 95% 2.954 to 26.830).Conclusion: Elderly people with hypertension who come from healthy families are 9 times more likely to have a good quality of life than the elderly who come from unhealthy families. The role of a good family function will affect the quality of life of elderly people with hypertension, especially in terms of social relationships.

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