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Deni Fauzi Ramdani
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Jurnal Ilmu Administrasi: Media Pengembangan Ilmu dan Praktek Administrasi
ISSN : -     EISSN : -     DOI : 10.31113/jia.v16i2
Core Subject : Humanities, Social,
Jurnal Ilmu Administrasi (JIA) is a scientific journal particularly focuses on the main problems in the development of the sciences of public administration and business administration areas as follows Development Administration, Economic Development, Public Policy, Development Planning, Public Sector Finance, Service Management, Public Organization, Human Resource Development, Decentralization and Regional Autonomy, Leadership, Public Sector Innovation, E-Government, Management and Business Policy, E-Commerce, Marketing Management, Budget Management, State Company Management.
Articles 12 Documents
Search results for , issue "Vol 3, No 1 (2006): Jurnal Ilmu Administrasi" : 12 Documents clear
Jurnal Ilmu Administrasi: Media Pengembangan Ilmu dan Praktek Administrasi Vol 3, No 1 (2006): Jurnal Ilmu Administrasi
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Administrasi Lembaga Administrasi Negara

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31113/jia.v3i1.438


Nowadays, computer-based administration system seems to have embeded to college services. Furthermore, computerization of academic data management for various purposes has become common attention. One thing, which is important with regard to the management of academic data, is that each data typology should function as a reference. In this research, the problem formulation includes: (1) what strategy is implemented to develop a computer-based data administration system in effort to accomplish Management Information System; and (2) whether the appointed team for developing the UNIMED computer-based academic administration system has worked based upon the strategy.
Jurnal Ilmu Administrasi: Media Pengembangan Ilmu dan Praktek Administrasi Vol 3, No 1 (2006): Jurnal Ilmu Administrasi
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Administrasi Lembaga Administrasi Negara

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31113/jia.v3i1.437


In 1987 Mr. Wilson said, ?it is the object of administrative study to discover: first, what government can properly and successfully do; second, how it can do these proper things with utmost possible efficiency and at the least possible cost, either of money or of energy?. Our Indonesian government seeks strategies how it can properly and successfully serve the public. For this purpose, it releases Public Service Law. However, the first draft of the law is not based upon public interest. It is merely government initiative for the sake of governmental task completion. Several experiences including those of local governments do not take into account the fact that organization is a social system which has a lot of aspects as well as subsystems to be considered. Without considering these aspects, service institutions will hardly satisfy their clients. This writing shows the nature of organization and the principles to be implemented in order that public services can be delivered successfully.
Jurnal Ilmu Administrasi: Media Pengembangan Ilmu dan Praktek Administrasi Vol 3, No 1 (2006): Jurnal Ilmu Administrasi
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Administrasi Lembaga Administrasi Negara

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31113/jia.v3i1.434


Public service delivery has become the main concern of local government policy. It is to bridge the gap between the dynamic change of social capacity demands and the capacity of local government to fulfill them through public services. To meet the general public demands, local governments have to fully equip their apparatus with appropriate competencies. A range of effort directed to improve apparatus competence in the field of public services has become an endless discussion topic among scholars. Although the demand for better competence has been recorded in numerous policy documents, it does not seem that those efforts have been optimal yet. Therefore, various views on the efforts to enhance apparatus competence in delivering services to society are continuously relevant to be discussed.
Jurnal Ilmu Administrasi: Media Pengembangan Ilmu dan Praktek Administrasi Vol 3, No 1 (2006): Jurnal Ilmu Administrasi
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Administrasi Lembaga Administrasi Negara

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31113/jia.v3i1.440


Sejak akhir tahun 1998, Indonesia telah mengalami proses desentralisasi yang begitu cepat dan menusantara. Melalui proses ini, otoritas penentuan kebijakan dan administrasi bergeser dari pemerintah pusat di Jakarta kepada pemerintah kabupaten dan kota. Pelimpahan wewenang ini mencakup berbagai segmen perekonomian nasional dan secara signifikan merdefinisi peran dan tanggung jawab lembaga-lembaga pemerintahan di seluruh tingkatan struktur administrasi. Dengan pergeseran lokus pengambilan keputusan dari pemerintah pusat, proses desentralisasi menandai babak baru dengan melepaskan sistem pemerintahan sentralistik yang mewarnai rejim Orde Baru tahun dari tahun 1966 hingga 1998. Desentralisasi telah memunculkan perubahan-perubahan ke arah perencanaan pembangunan yang lebih demokratis, partisipatif dan transparan baik di tingkat lokal maupun nasional. Respon pemerintah daerah terhadap perubahan ini pada umumnya positif. Meski demikian, pemberlakuan regulasi yang tidak sistematis dan tidak terkoordinasi, ditambah kurangnyasosialisasi perubahan menyebabkan pemerintah daerah menemui kesulitan dalam mengelola dan melaksanakan perubahan-perubahan tersebut. Bahkan, pemerintah pusat memberlakukan desentralisasi tanpa membekali terlebih dahulu penguatan kapasitas institusi di tingkat kabupaten?kota untuk menyelenggarakan fungsi kepemerintahan secara efektif. Berbagai ketidak-pastian tentang konjektur saat ini dan trajektori masa depan Indonesia bersatu terrefleksikan dengan merebaknya pertanyaan-pertanyaan tentang fungsi dan peran administrasi publik. Sebagian masyarakat berpendapat bahwapemerintahan yang sentralistis lebih berhasil menciptakan kondisi bangsa yang stabil dan harmonis dibanding kondisi saat ini. Mereka percaya bahwa demokrasi hanya menjadi milik masyarakat menengah ke atas bukan masyarakat tingkat bawah (grassroots). Oleh karenannya, melalui kebijakan otonomi, apakah pemerintah di tingkat propinsi dan kabupaten?kota mampu menciptakan masyarakat yang lebih harmonis dan makmur? Apakah kebijakan tersebut mampu meningkatkan partisipasi masyarakat dalam pembangunan? Atau, apakah pertanyaan-pertanyaan semacam ini hanya bersifat sementara yang akan segera menghilang begitu ?terpuaskan? melalui wacana? Apa yangpertama kali orang amati tentang kebijakan otonomi Indonesia saat ini dan bagaimana kita menginterpretasinya?
Jurnal Ilmu Administrasi: Media Pengembangan Ilmu dan Praktek Administrasi Vol 3, No 1 (2006): Jurnal Ilmu Administrasi
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Administrasi Lembaga Administrasi Negara

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31113/jia.v3i1.435


It is widely known that the country?s quality of public service is stil substandard.Theprocedures are full of twists and turns. The delivery is, most of the time, sluggish and an atmosphere of corruption seems to flourish within public service institutions. All these problems, without any doubt, reflect insufficient competence among public service apparatus. Actually, efforts to improve apparatus competence through trainings have many a time been conducted, however, the impacts have yet to be evident. This might be due to the fact that most of trainings have been conducted without feasible planning. In addition, commitment for apparatus competence upgrading from senior government officers seems to be lacking. Therefore, an alternative course of action is to be established to develop apparatus competence through proper trainings highly endorsed by a strong leadership.
Jurnal Ilmu Administrasi: Media Pengembangan Ilmu dan Praktek Administrasi Vol 3, No 1 (2006): Jurnal Ilmu Administrasi
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Administrasi Lembaga Administrasi Negara

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31113/jia.v3i1.439


It is a study on Public Sector Accounting, i.e. examining the role and orientation of the local government in response to the encouraging and obstructive factors in optimizing the local revenue. The objectives of this research are to recognize: (1) the influence of the encouraging and obstructive factors upon the role and orientation the local government, (2) the influence of encouraging and obstructive factors upon the local revenue, (3) the role of the local government in enhancing the local revenue, and (4) the dominant componentsof encouraging and obstructive factors. The unit of analysis is the Local Government of West Java Province. The respondents for this research are the elements of analysis units, namely 31 service units of local revenue(UPPD) which are divided based on the regions spread all over West Java Province. On top of that, an interview is carried out with some decision makers of the local government (based on the organizational structures), namely: (1) the Secretariat of Local Government and (2) Local Service Department. In addition to the circulation of the questionnaire and interview, an observation is also conducted. Data analysis is conducted in two ways, namely the quantitative and qualitative approaches. Firstly, the quantitative approach consists of 2 methods, namely the path and correlation analysis. Secondly, the qualitative analysis is based on the theory and rationality and is used to accomplish the quantitative result of the analysis. The result of path and correlation analysis shows that: (1) the role and orientation of local government are positively influenced by encouraging factors (14,80%), and negatively by obstructive factors (8,20%); (2) the local revenue is positively influenced by encouraging factors (0,44%), and negatively influenced by obstructive factors (21,53%); (3) the localrevenue is positively influenced by the local government?s role and orientation (2,68%); (4) dominant components of encouraging factors are tax law and other laws pointed out by correlation coefficient at the value of 0,909, and the most dominant component at the obstructive factors is the collection cost marked by the correlation coefficient at the value of 0,743. This shows that the local government?s role and orientation play a part in raising the local revenue. Whereas, based on the qualitative analysis, the ratio of local revenueagainst the regional gross domestic product from 1999/2000 up to 2004 is around 0.28%- 0.93%. It shows that there is still a potential of local revenue which is yet to be realized by West Java Province.
Jurnal Ilmu Administrasi: Media Pengembangan Ilmu dan Praktek Administrasi Vol 3, No 1 (2006): Jurnal Ilmu Administrasi
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Administrasi Lembaga Administrasi Negara

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31113/jia.v3i1.440


Sejak akhir tahun 1998, Indonesia telah mengalami proses desentralisasi yang begitu cepat dan menusantara. Melalui proses ini, otoritas penentuan kebijakan dan administrasi bergeser dari pemerintah pusat di Jakarta kepada pemerintah kabupaten dan kota. Pelimpahan wewenang ini mencakup berbagai segmen perekonomian nasional dan secara signifikan merdefinisi peran dan tanggung jawab lembaga-lembaga pemerintahan di seluruh tingkatan struktur administrasi. Dengan pergeseran lokus pengambilan keputusan dari pemerintah pusat, proses desentralisasi menandai babak baru dengan melepaskan sistem pemerintahan sentralistik yang mewarnai rejim Orde Baru tahun dari tahun 1966 hingga 1998. Desentralisasi telah memunculkan perubahan-perubahan ke arah perencanaan pembangunan yang lebih demokratis, partisipatif dan transparan baik di tingkat lokal maupun nasional. Respon pemerintah daerah terhadap perubahan ini pada umumnya positif. Meski demikian, pemberlakuan regulasi yang tidak sistematis dan tidak terkoordinasi, ditambah kurangnyasosialisasi perubahan menyebabkan pemerintah daerah menemui kesulitan dalam mengelola dan melaksanakan perubahan-perubahan tersebut. Bahkan, pemerintah pusat memberlakukan desentralisasi tanpa membekali terlebih dahulu penguatan kapasitas institusi di tingkat kabupaten–kota untuk menyelenggarakan fungsi kepemerintahan secara efektif. Berbagai ketidak-pastian tentang konjektur saat ini dan trajektori masa depan Indonesia bersatu terrefleksikan dengan merebaknya pertanyaan-pertanyaan tentang fungsi dan peran administrasi publik. Sebagian masyarakat berpendapat bahwapemerintahan yang sentralistis lebih berhasil menciptakan kondisi bangsa yang stabil dan harmonis dibanding kondisi saat ini. Mereka percaya bahwa demokrasi hanya menjadi milik masyarakat menengah ke atas bukan masyarakat tingkat bawah (grassroots). Oleh karenannya, melalui kebijakan otonomi, apakah pemerintah di tingkat propinsi dan kabupaten–kota mampu menciptakan masyarakat yang lebih harmonis dan makmur? Apakah kebijakan tersebut mampu meningkatkan partisipasi masyarakat dalam pembangunan? Atau, apakah pertanyaan-pertanyaan semacam ini hanya bersifat sementara yang akan segera menghilang begitu ‘terpuaskan’ melalui wacana? Apa yangpertama kali orang amati tentang kebijakan otonomi Indonesia saat ini dan bagaimana kita menginterpretasinya?
Jurnal Ilmu Administrasi: Media Pengembangan Ilmu dan Praktek Administrasi Vol 3, No 1 (2006): Jurnal Ilmu Administrasi
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Administrasi Lembaga Administrasi Negara

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31113/jia.v3i1.435


It is widely known that the country’s quality of public service is stil substandard.Theprocedures are full of twists and turns. The delivery is, most of the time, sluggish and an atmosphere of corruption seems to flourish within public service institutions. All these problems, without any doubt, reflect insufficient competence among public service apparatus. Actually, efforts to improve apparatus competence through trainings have many a time been conducted, however, the impacts have yet to be evident. This might be due to the fact that most of trainings have been conducted without feasible planning. In addition, commitment for apparatus competence upgrading from senior government officers seems to be lacking. Therefore, an alternative course of action is to be established to develop apparatus competence through proper trainings highly endorsed by a strong leadership.
Jurnal Ilmu Administrasi: Media Pengembangan Ilmu dan Praktek Administrasi Vol 3, No 1 (2006): Jurnal Ilmu Administrasi
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Administrasi Lembaga Administrasi Negara

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31113/jia.v3i1.439


It is a study on Public Sector Accounting, i.e. examining the role and orientation of the local government in response to the encouraging and obstructive factors in optimizing the local revenue. The objectives of this research are to recognize: (1) the influence of the encouraging and obstructive factors upon the role and orientation the local government, (2) the influence of encouraging and obstructive factors upon the local revenue, (3) the role of the local government in enhancing the local revenue, and (4) the dominant componentsof encouraging and obstructive factors. The unit of analysis is the Local Government of West Java Province. The respondents for this research are the elements of analysis units, namely 31 service units of local revenue(UPPD) which are divided based on the regions spread all over West Java Province. On top of that, an interview is carried out with some decision makers of the local government (based on the organizational structures), namely: (1) the Secretariat of Local Government and (2) Local Service Department. In addition to the circulation of the questionnaire and interview, an observation is also conducted. Data analysis is conducted in two ways, namely the quantitative and qualitative approaches. Firstly, the quantitative approach consists of 2 methods, namely the path and correlation analysis. Secondly, the qualitative analysis is based on the theory and rationality and is used to accomplish the quantitative result of the analysis. The result of path and correlation analysis shows that: (1) the role and orientation of local government are positively influenced by encouraging factors (14,80%), and negatively by obstructive factors (8,20%); (2) the local revenue is positively influenced by encouraging factors (0,44%), and negatively influenced by obstructive factors (21,53%); (3) the localrevenue is positively influenced by the local government’s role and orientation (2,68%); (4) dominant components of encouraging factors are tax law and other laws pointed out by correlation coefficient at the value of 0,909, and the most dominant component at the obstructive factors is the collection cost marked by the correlation coefficient at the value of 0,743. This shows that the local government’s role and orientation play a part in raising the local revenue. Whereas, based on the qualitative analysis, the ratio of local revenueagainst the regional gross domestic product from 1999/2000 up to 2004 is around 0.28%- 0.93%. It shows that there is still a potential of local revenue which is yet to be realized by West Java Province.
Jurnal Ilmu Administrasi: Media Pengembangan Ilmu dan Praktek Administrasi Vol 3, No 1 (2006): Jurnal Ilmu Administrasi
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Administrasi Lembaga Administrasi Negara

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31113/jia.v3i1.434


Public service delivery has become the main concern of local government policy. It is to bridge the gap between the dynamic change of social capacity demands and the capacity of local government to fulfill them through public services. To meet the general public demands, local governments have to fully equip their apparatus with appropriate competencies. A range of effort directed to improve apparatus competence in the field of public services has become an endless discussion topic among scholars. Although the demand for better competence has been recorded in numerous policy documents, it does not seem that those efforts have been optimal yet. Therefore, various views on the efforts to enhance apparatus competence in delivering services to society are continuously relevant to be discussed.

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