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CICES (Cyberpreneurship Innovative and Creative Exact and Social Science)
ISSN : 23565209     EISSN : 26553058     DOI : 10.33050/cices
CICES (Cyberpreneurship Innovative and Creative Exact and Social Science) adalah wadah publikasi jurnal ilmiah untuk multidisiplin ilmu seperti Bidang Ilmu Politik, Ekonomi, Manajemen, Sosial, Ideologi, IT, Budaya dan Pendidikan. CICES (Cyberpreneurship Innovative and Creative Exact and Social Science) is a place for publishing scientific journals for multidisciplinary sciences such as Politics, Economics, Management, Social Sciences, Ideology, IT, Culture and Education.
Arjuna Subject : Umum - Umum
Articles 191 Documents
Sistem Informasi Manajemen Program Keluarga Harapan Pada Dinas Sosial Kabupaten Tangerang Abas Sunarya; Ely Nuryani; Mochamad Yusuf Romdoni
CICES (Cyberpreneurship Innovative and Creative Exact and Social Science) Vol 1 No 1 (2015): CICES

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (590.35 KB) | DOI: 10.33050/cices.v1i1.32


Community service is very important to do as well as services provided to civil servants/private to public, in any place where companies and government agencies can be divided into several sub-sections to fit the field and their respective functions in the work. Similarly the social services at Serang District which has been divided into several sections, one of which is a sub section Hope Family Program in terms of helping very poor families who have previously registered as participants to this program. This program is a program that provides cash assistance to extremely poor families if they meet the requirements associated with efforts to improve the quality of human resources, education and health. The main objective of this program is helping to reduce poverty by improving the quality of human resources in extreme poverty. In practice, this is managed by Family Hope Program Implementation Unit in each district, In this case I find the problems or constraints that exist within Family Hope Program the classification of very poor families are less clear, the lack of updating an increase in the economic status of participants, and the absence of recapitulation of education facilities and health insurance in their respective districts in Serang District.
Manfaat Mempelajari Dasar-Dasar Perancangan Sebelum Melakukan Pekerjaan Desain Media Komunikasi Sugeng Widada; Adi Kusuma Widya Tama; Roy Karno Surbakti
CICES (Cyberpreneurship Innovative and Creative Exact and Social Science) Vol 1 No 1 (2015): CICES

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1039.342 KB) | DOI: 10.33050/cices.v1i1.114


Agar dalam melakukan pekerjaan desain dapat dilakukan secara produktif, kreatif dan waktu yangdibutuhkan efisien, dibutuhkan kemampuan mendasar yang memerlukan persiapan melaluipembelajaran dan pelatihan mengenai dasar-dasar perancangan atau istilah yang sering digunakan padalembaga pelatihan atau institusi pendidikan yang berbasis seni terap disebut Nirmana. Pada dasar-dasarperancangan atau Nirmana yang dipelajari dasar-dasar perancangan dua dimensi atau NirmanaDwimatra dan dasar-dasar perancangan tiga dimensi atau Nirmana Trimatra. Pada Nirmana Dwimatrayang dipelajari mengenai; unsur atau elemen-elemen dasar dalam perancangan yang disertai pelatihanatau praktek tentang mengatur komposisi unsur rancangan seperti Titik (Dot), Garis (Line), Bidang (Shape) warna (Color). Pada saat mempelajari dasar-dasar perancangan dua dimensi maupun dasar-dasar perancangan tiga dimensi lebih diterapkan ke membuat hasil karya pengaturan komposis unsur-unsur perancangan dengan sekaligus menerapkan prinsip-prinsip dasar perancangan yang dibutuhkan dalam perancangan, seperti penerapan mengenai prinsip Ruang Kosong (White Space) , Kejelasan(Clarity), Kesederhanaan (Simplicity), Pusat Perhatian/Kejelasan (Emphasis), Kesatuan (Unity),Keseimbangan (Balance), Proporsi (Proportion), Irama (Rhytm) dan Dominasi (Domination). Darimempelajari dan memahami dasar-dasar dan prinsip dasar yang dibutuhkan dalam perancangan secarateoritis maupun praktis akan dapat menunjang kreativitas dalam melakukan pekerjaan desain, aratinyasegala sesuatu yang di hasilkan akan tercermin nilai-nilai seni yang kreatif dan pelaksanaannyapunwaktunya relatif efisien.
Penerapan Teknologi Computer Generated Imagery Pada Visual Effect Film Dewi Immaniar; Lusyani Sunarya; Muhammad Alfian
CICES (Cyberpreneurship Innovative and Creative Exact and Social Science) Vol 1 No 1 (2015): CICES

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (886.736 KB) | DOI: 10.33050/cices.v1i1.119


In modern times such as this, the world of entertainment, especially in the film really enjoy doing.Various types of films emerging and very interesting to watch. In the modern era oftelecommunications today, technology is very influential. Mainly in the manufacture of variousfilms. Start of animas to fiction films. At that moment the application of multimedia technology ofcomputer generated imagery is needed, to make a movie that the film will be alive and visible. Inthe filming of Transformers lot of computer generated imagery using this technology, because ofthe effects of a car that turns into a robot is not possible using the manual method such as dressingsets per set of movie. Therefore Computer Generated Imagery is used this technology. In theatmosphere of the original, just needed the room with the green screen background and then willbe processed into a computer and software specifications are quite high. Starting from the effectsof flying to the moon, meteor fall, the transformation changes the shape and use CGI effects,because otherwise the result would not be perfect. Thus the CGI technology is not only used in theTransformers movie pebuatan alone, but also on the making of the film to make it look morestunning and cool.
Kepribadian Indonesia Unggul Untuk Mencegah Cyber Bully Akibat Kampanye Politik Ditinjau Dari UU ITE Nurlaila Suci Rahayu Rais; M.Maik Jovial Dien; Yayu Hizza Anisa
CICES (Cyberpreneurship Innovative and Creative Exact and Social Science) Vol 1 No 1 (2015): CICES

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (457.463 KB) | DOI: 10.33050/cices.v1i1.120


The rapid technological advances in mass communication makes social media is also evolved and this becomes a concern will bring a negative impact on the social life of the Indonesian society. Widespread acts of violence committed in cyberspace (cyber bullying) during the campaign leading up to the election being held to be one proof of such concerns. This research is qualitative descriptive research method uses interview techniques and the library research. The author also observed in the field by examining the development of the implementation of Pancasila personality structure that will be used as a reference in solving the problems of the subject matter. The results show that cyber bullying is a crime committed in online social media such as to harass, threaten, embarrass, humiliate, isolate socially, or damage the reputation of others for the sake of the offender. This cyber bullying can be subject to legal sanctions. UU ITE set in Article 27 Paragraph (3), Article 28, Paragraph (1) and Article 28, Paragraph (2). The impact of cyber bullying is a victim that potentially suffering from a psychiatric disease such as a psychopath, not confident, or anti-social. To prevent cyber bullying necessity embodied the Excellence of Indonesian Personality that characterizes the Indonesian nation of true moral Pancasilaist with the practice of sila-sila Pancasila in the life of society, nation and State.
Tinjauan Realitas Terhadap Status, Peran Dan Fungsi Manusia Mohammad Urfan; Desy Apriani; Dedeh Supriyanti
CICES (Cyberpreneurship Innovative and Creative Exact and Social Science) Vol 1 No 1 (2015): CICES

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (379.849 KB) | DOI: 10.33050/cices.v1i1.122


In the letter 12-14 Verse 23 of Qoran, it describes the process of creation of humanfrom nuthfah, turned into alaqah, mudhghah, Izham and khalqan akhar (other beings).Further, It has described in other verses like (QS:25:54), (QS:86:6-7), (QS:18:37),(QS:32:7), (QS: 37:11), (QS:15:26). After learning carefully the various verses above, wecan conclude that the body / physical is one of element that exists within the human.However, these elements have many weaknesses. The purpose of this study was toexamine the three elements that exist in human beings, then we would like to observecarefully about status, role and function of one of the most important elements in humman,which causes humans can be regarded as a perfect creature. The methods of thisobservation is examines various verses in the Qoran related to human, then we would liketo force the reader to trust and believe in the truth. Results of this study prove that humanis composed of three elements, namely the bodies (physical materiality), spirit and soul.The study concluded that soul that distinguishes human from other creatures. The soul thatcan make a human become perfect beings. Soul has been main actors and controllers all ofhuman life in the world.
"Pengaruh PO (Penilaian Objektif) Pembimbing Dan PO (Penilaian Objektif) Penguji Terhadap Kualitas Kelulusan Mahasiswa Pada Perguruan Tinggi Raharja" Ageng Setiani Rafika; Ki Ahmad Saputro; Riyan Nova Saputra
CICES (Cyberpreneurship Innovative and Creative Exact and Social Science) Vol 1 No 1 (2015): CICES

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (369.43 KB) | DOI: 10.33050/cices.v1i1.128


Currently, many graduate students who can’t be absorbed by the world of work or labor market because of poor quality. It is caused by several factors such as students as learners, lecturer as a teacher, and the campus as a connector between the institution or any of its faculty and students to students and faculty facilities. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of student discipline in implementing the guidance of the thesis as well as to determine the influence of PO coach and PO testers on the level of quality of graduation. This study uses a quantitative approach with descriptive correlational survey method. The sample collection technique is based on the calculation formula Slovin as many as 61 people. Data was collected using questionnaires and documentation. Analyzed using descriptive statistics and statistical analysis iferensial. Data processing using SPSS. Results of the study showed that the better the level of completion of Objective Assessment Supervisor, the better the quality level graduation because the value received will better the automatic IPK and also rose. However, the better the level of completion of Objective Assessment Examiners, will not affect the level of quality of the graduation.
Analisa Terhadap Pergeseran Peran Strategis Wanita Di Era Informasi Serta Solusinya Menurut Islam Al-Bahra bin Ladjamudin; Mukti Budiarto; Tuti Nurhaeni
CICES (Cyberpreneurship Innovative and Creative Exact and Social Science) Vol 1 No 1 (2015): CICES

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (358.281 KB) | DOI: 10.33050/cices.v1i1.129


Women are the largest part of the community. If they are good, the community would be good. Conversely, if their moral (akhlaq) is damaged, they would devastate the community theirselfes. Today women are being lulled by a propaganda which called emancipation, under the pretext of elevating women or regarded as women's liberation. The cluster freedom of women try as much as possible to drag women to have an equal footing with men, women should undress their muslim clothes), women should make up as beautiful as possible, outgoing, feminine, appear attractive to men when she comes out form her house, Emancipation has destroyed joints and basic rules of community life, to sow the seeds of freedom, to make a living woman to be selfish and arrogant. Through the means of information, women are very easily exposed, even commercialized. Finally women have no hope of being a wife, mother, sister, or child of flesh. The nature of the woman turned into a bitch, and reactive violent as men. Surprisingly, the women actually like it, and feel very proud to be like men. We should acknowledge that there are very rarely woman who hates.
Pengaruh Ukuran Perusahaan, ROA (Return On Asset), DER (Debt To Equity Ratio), Dan TATO (Total Asset Turn Over) Terhadap Perataan Laba Sri Rahayu; Elisa Elsera; Eduard Hotman Purba
CICES (Cyberpreneurship Innovative and Creative Exact and Social Science) Vol 1 No 1 (2015): CICES

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (669.957 KB) | DOI: 10.33050/cices.v1i1.132


This study aims to analyze the influence of the firm size, ROA (Return on Assets), DER (Debt To Equity Ratio), and Total Asset Turnover for income smoothing, either partially or simultaneously. Variabels used in the study as independent variabels are firm size, ROA (Return on Assets), DER (Debt To Equity Ratio), and Total Asset Turnover. While the dependent variabel is income smoothing. The population in this study are all companies manufacturing food and beverage field are listed in the Indonesia Stock Exchange year of 2008-2011, as many as 14 companies, with a total sample of 8 companies that passed the stage purposive sampling. Analysis techniques that will be used this research is logistic regression to obtain an overall picture of the relationship between one variabel with another variabel. Processing is done by using logistic regression with SPSS version 19. Independent variabels used in this study are firm size, ROA (Return on Assets), DER (Debt To Equity Ratio), and Total Asset Turnover and income smoothing as the dependent variabel. The data analysis used in this study were descriptive statistics, assessing model fit,-2loglikehood, Cox's and Snell's R square nagekerke's R square, Hosmer and Lemeshow's goodness-of-fit test, and 2 x 2 classification tables. The test results in this study show that the simultaneous testing and retesting or separate company size (X1) significantly influence income smoothing (Y), while ROA (Return on Assets) (X2), DER (Debt To Equity Ratio) (X3) , and Total Asset Turnover (X4) does not have a significant impact on income smoothing (Y) as the dependent variabel.
Perancangan Media Video Profile Berbentuk Promosi Dan Informasi Di SMK Yuppentek 4 Ciledug Tangerang Wahyu Hidayat; Suhendra Suhendra; Ade Maulana
CICES (Cyberpreneurship Innovative and Creative Exact and Social Science) Vol 2 No 1 (2016): CICES

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1126.644 KB) | DOI: 10.33050/cices.v2i1.186


Development of science and information makes a variety of activities and life sehari–hari of the information gained from the media, both print and electronic media. The role of information technology and multimedia are also not to miss, a variety of information offered by the form of multimedia that can create interactive and informative presentation by combining text, audio, video, animation and graphics used for competitive advantage Development education grew rapidly, causing a growing number of facilities and advantages that should be promoted to compete, especially at SMK Yuppentek 4 Ciledug Tangerang. The purpose of this research is to design-based audio visual media in order to be an effective appeal, especially in the delivery of information and promotions regarding things – things that are related to the overall CMS Yuppentek 4 Ciledug Tangerang. SMK Yuppentek 4 Ciledug Tangerang is located in Tangerang. Existing problems, namely the medium used by the SMK SMK Yuppentek 4 Ciledug Tangerang was a print media, in general the community more receptive of information via media interactive and communicative, so CMS Yuppentek 4 Ciledug Tangerang requires video media profile as a media of supporting information and promotion on the show to prospective students and students of SMK Yuppentek 4 Ciledug Tangerang, or as a media information to the public , so the design of video media profile that displays the entire scope, advantages and facilities belonging to SMK Yuppentek 4 Ciledug Tangerang, can be a solution in solving problems in media promotion and information. With this author makes research with the title “"THE DESIGN OF VIDEO MEDIA PROFILE INFORMATION ON PROMOTIONS AND SHAPED SMK YUPPENTEK 4 CILEDUG TANGERANG".
Media Video Profile Sebagai Media Promosi Dan Informasi Pada SMK Bina Am Ma’mur Desy Apriani; Haerul Haerul; Yanuar Arif Febriana
CICES (Cyberpreneurship Innovative and Creative Exact and Social Science) Vol 2 No 1 (2016): CICES

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1752.863 KB) | DOI: 10.33050/cices.v2i1.187


With the development of information technology in particular in the field of multimedia in such rapid and the longer forms of media more diverse so that educational agencies to demand a more boasts information from various media. Media information and promotions that are currently used by CMS Bina Am ' prosperous. The purpose of this research was chosen as the audio visual media media information and proper promotion, by controlling hearing and vision in the form of audio visual in order to convey messages can be understood by the public at large. Existing problems, namely the medium used by the CMS Community still Prospers Am ' in the form of print media such as banners, posters and pamplet are considered less effective and efficient to use while simultaneously promoting the institutions with the best possible audio visual media so that it is selected into a medium of information and promotion of the right, by controlling hearing and vision in the form of audio visual. Because therein lies the message delivery process or how to visualize. At the same time listening and showing the contents of the message to the recipient with information through media menunjangnya, so the design of video media profile that displays the entire scope, advantages and facilities belonging to SMK Bina Am ' prosperous, can be a solution in solving problems in media promotion and information. With this study the author makes with the title of "VIDEO MEDIA PROFILE AS a MEDIA PROMOTION and IINFORMASI on CMS BINA AM MA'MUR".

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