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jurnal Teknik Industri - Unisi
ISSN : 26141299     EISSN : 26141302     DOI :
Jurnal Teknik Industri - UNISI (JUTI-UNISI) merupakan wadah bagi seluruh civitas akademika dibidang keilmuan sistem dan manajemen Industri, Frekuensi terbit dua kali dalam satu tahun (Mei dan Desember), dikelola oleh Fakultas Teknik dan Ilmu Komputer Universitas Islam Indragiri Tembilahan. Redaksi menerima tulisan yang relevan selama mengikuti petunjuk penulisan yang ditetapkan.
Articles 5 Documents
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Wesbite e-Commerce Lia Cake (Studi Kasus : Lia Cake di Desa Rumbai Jaya Kecamatan Kempas) Dwi Yuli Prasetyo
JUTI UNISI Vol. 3 No. 1 (2019): JUTI-unisi
Publisher : Program Studi Teknik Industri

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32520/juti.v3i1.741


A cottage industry business units on a small scale in a particular industry. These efforts usually uses only one or two of the House as the center of production, administration and marketing at once simultaneously. When viewed from venture capital and the amount of energy absorbed is certainly less than big companies in General. Proven internet technologies is one of the media information that is efficient and effective in the dissemination of information that can be accessed by anyone, anytime and anywhere. So it is with Lia Cake home industry, an industry of households should be able to make information services and promotions to attract the attention of consumers. In addition to accurate information, fast, and easy, information submitted should be packed with interesting. System sales cottage industry of Lia Cake was by way of phone or sms and is not yet online, to promote it only from the mouth to the mouth. Sales system in this way takes a long time in the sales process, then the system is judged less effective and efficient. If you only rely on sales system in a way that the income of this household industry entrepreneurs have not experienced a significant increase. In addition to this household industry feels judged a bit slow. Therefore be designed a system of online sales by using a website with the goal to minimize the time the sales process with the aim of can increase the sales volume of household industry revenues so it can increased and customers may affect booking products without having to come directly to the cottage industry of Lia Cake.
JUTI UNISI Vol. 3 No. 1 (2019): JUTI-unisi
Publisher : Program Studi Teknik Industri

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32520/juti.v3i1.742


Work productivity is the ability of employees to produce compared to the inputs used, an employee can be said to be productive if they are able to produce goods or services as expected in a short or appropriate time. Productivity is not a calculation of quantity, but a ratio, a comparison and a systematic measurement of a level of efficiency. Production is related to quantity, while productivity is related to the results of unity from an input (Sinungan, 1990: 93). Thus the determination of productivity is faced with the desired results achieved (effectiveness) and the resources used to achieve these results (efficiency). Measurements using measures of efficiency and effectiveness are two dimensions of productivity that are very important in managerial business where they can show productivity indexes which are the ratios to the extent to which resources are used in conjunction with achieving predetermined goals. The results of the research are obtained from the productivity level of workers of palm leaf weavers using the side work method for two months, each study for 7 hours, namely coconut covering workers working productively with 95% yield and delay ratio of 0.07%, and allowance the nipah leaf weaver is 23.6% with the following details: 12.00% of energy released, 4.5% work attitude, 1.3% work movement, 0% eye fatigue, temperature condition the workplace is 5.50%, the atmosphere is 0.5%, and the environment is good at 2.50%.
JUTI UNISI Vol. 3 No. 1 (2019): JUTI-unisi
Publisher : Program Studi Teknik Industri

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32520/juti.v3i1.744


Human factors are very important factors in small and medium industries, in determining the productivity of a production system. However, work safety and comfort are often overlooked, as happened in two different companies, namely food companies and manufacturing companies. Both are influenced by the conditions of the company's work facilities that are less ergonomic, so that they can endanger the body of the worker. A similar thing also happened to Manufacturing companies. This study aims to analyze and make a proposal for a more ergonomic work facility design using the Ergonimi pastoral approach. From the results of the improvement it was found that the risk level of Cumulative Trauma Disorders (CTD) was reduced from high to low and from high to moderate. While productivity of work time increases by 10-20%.
WESITE PENYEDIAN INFORMASI RUMAH KOS KAB.INHIL Studi Kasus: Sebagian Rumah Kos Yang Ada Di Tembilahan Bayu Rianto
JUTI UNISI Vol. 3 No. 1 (2019): JUTI-unisi
Publisher : Program Studi Teknik Industri

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32520/juti.v3i1.745


In connection with the development of information technology, naturally it will force the public to utilize the technology to the maximum extent possible from all aspects of life. Of course information varies, one of which is for students and students who will go to college or study in a place far from where they live. For this reason, it is clear at this time that students and students must immediately find a temporary residence to be used as their residence until the study is complete. The need for proper education has increased rapidly or significantly. Being aware of this, the author, builds a website-based boarding house information system, as a means of providing effective housing information for boarders, tenants, and managers Kons house to promote boarding houses that will be rented and manage everything related to boarding houses on the website quickly, easily, and up to date. Boarding house is a flat or single house that was built with the aim of being rented with a period of less than a month or annually or more. Website development uses the waterfall method, whereas for modeling using UML (unifield modeling language). The modeling languages ​​used are PHP and XAMPP for databases. Website Keb.Inhil Boarding House Information Provision is complemented by booking rented houses online to facilitate prospective boarding-dwellers without having to go straight to the field to order a boarding house.
JUTI UNISI Vol. 3 No. 1 (2019): JUTI-unisi
Publisher : Program Studi Teknik Industri

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32520/juti.v3i1.747


Pada era saat ini komunikasi sangat berperan penting dalam kehidupan manusia seiring akan perkembangan teknologi yang sangat pesat terjadi sehingga dapat memudahkan dalam berkomunikasi yang mana pada pada zaman dulunya komunikasi jarak jauh membutuhkan waktu yang sangat susah yang di lakukan melalui surat, dengan adanya teknologi segala kegiatan di ringkas semudah mungkin seperti Handphone (Hp) yang mana dahulunya menggunakan surat dengan adanya handphone maka maka surat berubah menjadi SMS yang bisa mengirim pesan dengan seketika.Saat ini handphonebukanlah suatu hal yangdianggap mewah atau tidak langka lagi. Handphonesekarangsudah menjadi kebutuhanpokok masyarakat Indonesia. Karena mereka merasa semua bisa dilakukan dengan menggunakan Handphone tanpa kerjasama atau bantuan orang lain.Dengan meningkatnya pemakaian dan kebutuhan Ponsel di seluruh kalangan masyarakat sehingga muncul bermacam-macam masalah pada saat pemakaian sehari-hari. Ponsel adalah sebuah perangkat Elektronika yang bekerja dengan didukung oleh sebuah System yang dapat menjalankan Ponsel tersebut.Dengan adanya Rangkaian Elektronika dan System yang mengatur bekerjanya Ponsel, maka ilmu tentang perbaikan di bagi menjadi Ilmu Hardware yaitu perangkat keras dan Ilmu Software sebagai Perangkat lunaknya. Namun bagi seorang teknisi handphone haruslah memiliki kemampuan dalam mereparasi sebuah perangkat handphone secara hardware maupun software, sebab kedua elemen ini tidak dapat dipisahkan.Keadaan persaingan jasa reparasi sangat terasa sekali , persaingan ini dapat dilihat dari jumlah unit handphone yang direparasi dan masyarakat yang menggunakan jasa ini.

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