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Enrichment : Journal of Management
ISSN : 20876327     EISSN : 27217787     DOI : -
Core Subject : Economy,
The Enrichment : Journal of Management offers wide ranging and widespread analysis of all surfaces of management and science. Published two times per year, it delivers a emphasis for universal proficiency in the vital methods, techniques and areas of research; presents a opportunity for its readers to share mutual understandings across the full range of businesses and skills in which management and science is used; covers all areas of management science from systems to practical facets; links concept with training by publishing case studies and covering the latest important issues.
Articles 113 Documents
Search results for , issue "Vol. 13 No. 2 (2023): June: Management Science And Field" : 113 Documents clear
The influence of development programs organizational culture and work environment on the quality of human resources at the Peukan Bada Aceh Besar sub-district office employee Amelia Rahmi; Zuraidah Zuraidah; Said Ashlan
Enrichment : Journal of Management Vol. 13 No. 2 (2023): June: Management Science And Field
Publisher : Institute of Computer Science (IOCS)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35335/enrichment.v13i2.1359


This study entitled The Influence of Development Programs, Organizational Culture, and Work Environment on the Quality of Human Resources for Peukan Bada Aceh Besar District Office Employees, aims to determine the extent of the partial and simultaneous influence. Employees of the Peukan Bada Aceh Besar sub-district office made up the study's sample of 30 subjects. A questionnaire or list of questions was used to collect the data for this study. To determine the impact of the independent variable on the dependent variable at the 95% confidence level ( = 0.05), hypothesis testing uses multiple linear regression analysis, F test (simultaneous), and t test (partial). Development program variables affect the quality of human resources, according to the research's partial test results. According to a partial test, the research's findings show that work environment factors, organizational culture factors, and development program factors all have an impact on the quality of human resources for employees. Also, using a simultaneous test, it was discovered that the factors of the Development Program, Organizational Culture, and Work Environment had a favorable impact on the Quality of Human Resources for employees of the Peukan Bada Aceh Besar District Office.
Analysis of financial statements to assess financial performance in savings and loan cooperatives CV. Maju Bersama Perdagangan in Simalungun Regency Sari Bulan Tambunan
Enrichment : Journal of Management Vol. 13 No. 2 (2023): June: Management Science And Field
Publisher : Institute of Computer Science (IOCS)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35335/enrichment.v13i2.1360


This study aims to describe the financial performance of cooperative savings and loans CV. Maju Bersama Perdagangan in Simalungun Regency for the 2011–2018 period, find out the dominant factors that have caused the decline in the financial performance of the savings and loan cooperative CV. Maju Bersama. This research was conducted using qualitative descriptive analysis methods and inductive descriptive analysis. The object of research is the Savings and Loans Cooperative CV. Maju Bersama. Moving Forward Together with Perdagangan in Simalungun Regency The results of this study show that the value of the cash ratio, debt to asset ratio, and total asset turnover tend to increase and are in good condition. The profitability value of own capital tends to decrease and is not in good condition. To increase the value of liquidity, cooperative management should increase collection on receivables. To increase the value of solvency, cooperative management should maintain its financial condition by paying debts while maximizing the use of assets. To increase the value of activities, cooperative management should provide and increase sales of assets owned, namely cash and cash equivalents, in order to optimize effectiveness and produce residual business results. To increase the profitability of own capital, cooperative management should increase sales ability, followed by cost management to generate profits, in order to increase profitability for the coming period.
The influence of the manager's leadership role on employee performance in the UMKM Flushartworks M.Zidan Husaini; Nandang Nandang; Ghia Ghaida Kanita
Enrichment : Journal of Management Vol. 13 No. 2 (2023): June: Management Science And Field
Publisher : Institute of Computer Science (IOCS)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35335/enrichment.v13i2.1361


Human Resource Management is one part of management where the main focus is on human roles, processes and activities to achieve an organizational goal. In the organization itself there are two roles, namely a manager or leader and an employee or employee. Both have different roles and responsibilities but are related to each other.This study aims to determine the influence of Leadership Roles on Employee Performance in Flushartworks SMEs which have been established since 2018, and are engaged in furniture services. Flushartworks provides a variety of custom furniture production services for the needs of households, schools, agencies or institutions and offices. Researchers take themes or topics related to human resource management where the focus of this research is on the role of leadership as a variable (x) and employee performance as a variable (y). Source This research uses quantitative approach method.The sampling used was using the purposive sampling method and obtained 6 samples. The data sources in this study used primary and secondary data. The analysis technique used uses a simple regression analyst method. The Result shown that managerial leadership has a contribution to the performance variable in Flushartwork by 58.4%. The leadership variable has a positive effect on performance.
Implications of empathize in the design thinking method on the value of entrepreneurship creativity (study on SMES in Depok City) Uswatun Hasanah; Azizah Fauziyah; Ismail Yusuf
Enrichment : Journal of Management Vol. 13 No. 2 (2023): June: Management Science And Field
Publisher : Institute of Computer Science (IOCS)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35335/enrichment.v13i2.1363


Entrepreneurship is simply associated with activity creating a business that has potential to financial benefits. Many of the business actors in Depok City set up businesses solely because want to gain financial benefits and don’t understand the basic values of entrepreneurship, therefore this research aims to determine the impact of empathize method approach on entrepreneurial creativity value of entrepreneur participants in Depok City in 2020. This a quantitative research use descriptive approach, and a quasi-experimental method. Population in this study taken from New Entrepreneurial Participants in City of Depok for the 2020 Fiscal Year. Saturated sample of 75 participants used in this research. Based on the output, can be concluded that there are differences in creativity after using the empathy map approach. The results can contribute to the field of educational Entrepreneurship, related to the treatment given, namely the empathy approach, which can have an impact on entrepreneurial creativity. The Department of Cooperatives and Micro Enterprises for the City of Depok can focus their training by adding an empathetic approach or design thinking method to the participants to encourage them to see opportunities in a targeted and creative way in entrepreneurship so can improve their entrepreneurial skills and overcome unemployment.
The influence of experiential marketing on customer loyalty of sawah coffee shops in Pematangsiantar City Febriyanti Sinaga; Arief Budiman; Mira Nurfitriya
Enrichment : Journal of Management Vol. 13 No. 2 (2023): June: Management Science And Field
Publisher : Institute of Computer Science (IOCS)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35335/enrichment.v13i2.1364


This study was analyzed using descriptive analysis and a quantitative approach. This study aims to determine the effect of experiential marketing on customer loyalty at Sawah Coffee Shop, Pematangsiantar City. This study uses two variables, namely experiential marketing as the independent variable (X) and customer loyalty as the dependent variable (Y). The sample in this study were 50 respondents who were customers of the Sawah Coffee Shop, Pematangsiantar City, using a questionnaire as a data collection tool. This study uses quantitative research using simple linear regression analysis method. Based on the test results of the coefficient of determination, the result is 0.691. This shows that experiential marketing has an effect of 69.1% on customer loyalty and the remaining 30.9% is influenced by other factors not examined by the author.
The influence of local clothing brand product design in increasing brand awareness Ahmad Ridwan Rais; Arief Budiman; Nizza Nadya Rachmani
Enrichment : Journal of Management Vol. 13 No. 2 (2023): June: Management Science And Field
Publisher : Institute of Computer Science (IOCS)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35335/enrichment.v13i2.1365


Product design is one of the most important parts of the way of recognizing a brand product to improve brand awareness, which in this globalization era the appearance of a product greatly affects the interest of consumers to buy a product. Brand awareness plays an important role in maintaining consumer loyalty so that consumers still feel comfortable with the products offered. In Bandung City, Indonesia, there’s a competitive competition in global brand and local product, the innovation of local product and design play important role in raising brand awareness to compete the competition. This study aims to determine how much Local Clothing Brand product design effect on brand awareness. This study uses quantitative methods with a descriptive approach. Based research result it can be interpreted that the design has a contribution to the local product brand awareness variable of 78.2%, and discoveries likewise recommend neighborhood style clothing makers ought to accentuate creation quality, improve plan and item credits, and guarantee item customization because of customer and market needs. As a matter of fact, clients will foster brand dependability and positive informal as indicated by their previous encounters because of good quality items that are likewise creative and satisfy their assumptions.
The role of green human resourches management as mediation in the effect of organizational culture on employee performance Muhamad Ekhsan; Ryani Dhyan Parashakti
Enrichment : Journal of Management Vol. 13 No. 2 (2023): June: Management Science And Field
Publisher : Institute of Computer Science (IOCS)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35335/enrichment.v13i2.1368


The purpose of this study is to evaluate the role of GRHRM as a mediator in influencing the relationship between organizational culture and employee performance. This research will use a quantitative approach by distributing questionnaires to respondents in several manufacturing companies in the industrial area in Cikarang. The questionnaire will contain items related to organizational culture, GRHRM, and employee performance. Data analysis will use path coeffiecient to evaluate the role of GRHRM as mediation in influencing the relationship between organizational culture and employee performance. The research shows that the implementation of sustainable GHRM practices can increase employee job satisfaction. Employees who feel involved in the organization's sustainability practices tend to be more satisfied with their jobs and have a more positive attitude towards the company. The implication of this research is that GHRM helps organizations to adopt environmentally friendly practices and build a culture that supports sustainability. This can result in long-term benefits, such as reduced carbon emissions, energy savings, waste reduction, and preservation of natural resources. Employees who engage in these practices feel more satisfied with their jobs and are more motivated to contribute to the organization's sustainability goals.
Can financial distress and good corporate governance influence tax aggressiveness Sherlyn A.F Saputri; Wirawan E.D Radianto
Enrichment : Journal of Management Vol. 13 No. 2 (2023): June: Management Science And Field
Publisher : Institute of Computer Science (IOCS)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35335/enrichment.v13i2.1369


This study aimed to test the impact of financial distress, audit quality, institutional ownership, and independent commissioners, which can be helpful for the government, DJP, and companies as a consideration in identifying matters that influence tax aggressiveness. Sampling used a purposive sampling method so that the company data sample in this study totaled 29 property and real estate companies listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange from 2014-2020. Methods of data analysis using multiple regression analysis with robust standard error. The results of this study indicated that financial distress, audit quality, and independent commissioners have no impact on tax aggressiveness, and institutional ownership has a negative impact on tax aggressiveness. Thus, the healthiness or bankruptcy of a company's financial condition, audited by a Big 4 KAP or non-Big 4 KAP, and the high or low number of idependent commisioner. It does not affect a company's decision to carry out tax aggressiveness. Instead, tax aggressiveness will decrease as institutional parties' shareholdings increase.
Content marketing efforts in improving consumer purchase decision in Titip Weh Muhammad Jembar Mubarrak; Ismail Yusuf; Mira Nurfitriya
Enrichment : Journal of Management Vol. 13 No. 2 (2023): June: Management Science And Field
Publisher : Institute of Computer Science (IOCS)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35335/enrichment.v13i2.1370


The The purpose of this research is to find out: (1) How does marketing content describe and Titipin Weh consumers' purchasing decisions, (2) How does content marketing influence Titipan Weh's consumer purchasing decisions. This study uses 2 variables to test its influence, namely content marketing (X) purchasing decisions (Y). The objects in this study were 19 consumers from Titipin Weh. This study uses a quantitative research method with a descriptive and verification approach. From the results of the R test (Coefficient of Determination) the value of R Square (R²) obtained is 0.830, which means that the influence of marketing content on purchasing decisions is 83%, the remaining 17% is influenced by other factors not examined by the author.
The effect of celebrity endorsement on consumer decisions using the Ruangguru application Dwi Nuryanti; Azizah Fauziyah; Ismail Yufus
Enrichment : Journal of Management Vol. 13 No. 2 (2023): June: Management Science And Field
Publisher : Institute of Computer Science (IOCS)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35335/enrichment.v13i2.1372


Celebrities in the modern era fulfill a powerful role in various marketing communications activities. Indonesia is one country that has many celebrities who take advantage of this condition, have a role as communicators in sales promotions. Currently, the trend in Indonesia, the use of social media spreads instantly which reflects the image, idea, reason or product. In general, consumer perceptions and intentions to buy a product are related to its characteristics or to imitate the person who uses it. The trend of using celebrities in sales promotions is massive and expanding to all sectors, including the education sector. One brand that utilizes the role of celebrities in its marketing is Ruangguru. A Brand engaged in the education sector. This study aims to determine the effect of celebrity endorsers on consumer decisions using the Ruangguru application. The type of research data n is quantitative which comes from filling out the questionnaire. Measurement of data in this study using a Likert scale. The population in this study were students of SMA Negeri 15 Jakarta. The sample used as many as 86 respondents. The sampling technique in this study used sampling with a non-probability sampling technique. The method used in this study is the purposive sampling method. The test instrument used in this study used the Validity Test and Reliability Test. The data analysis technique used in this research simple linear regression analysis. The hypothesis in this study is there is no positive influence between celebrity endorsers and purchasing decisions. The results showed that celebrity endorsers influenced students' decisions to use the Ruangguru application by 59%.

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