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Jurnal Ilmiah Lingkungan Kebumian
ISSN : 2460691X     EISSN : 27222799     DOI :
Jurnal Ilmiah Lingkungan Kebumian (JILK) is a peer-review journal. JLK is biannually published in Maret and September by the Environmental Engineering Department. The journal acts as a publication media of high quality for the student, lecturer, scientists and engineers research, which includes: Environmental management of the mining industry, Environmental management of oil, gas, and geothermal industry, Regional development and disaster mitigation and in a wide range of environmental science and technology
Articles 53 Documents
Rancangan Teknik Reklamasi Penambangan Pasir dan Batu Di Dusun Banaran, Desa Keningar, Kec. Dukun, Kab. Magelang, Jawa Tengah rizaldi ramadhan nasution; Agus Bambang Irawan; Ekha Yogafanny
Jurnal Ilmiah Lingkungan Kebumian Vol 2, No 2 (2020): Maret 2020
Publisher : Jurusan Teknik Lingkungan, FTM, Universitas Pembangunan Nasional “Veteran” Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31315/jilk.v2i2.3355


The research was conducted in Banaran Hamlet, Keningar Village, Dukun Subdistrict, Magelang District, Central Java, which is a mining area for sand and rock, previously the area was a private forest. Mining system used in the form of open pit mining and traditional mining methods. The purpose of this research is to determine the level of land and the technical design of mine reclamation mining areas at the study site.The methods used in this research was field survey, mapping and descriptive analysis. The sampling technique used in this research was purposive sampling technique which is a part of non-probability sampling. Descriptive analysis was based on the Environment Ministerial Decree Number 43 of 1996 concerning Standards Criteria for Environmental Damage for Group C mining Businesses and Activities on Land and DIY Governor Decree Number 63 of 2003.Based on the research report, the mining area fulfills the damaged criteria because out of all the tested parameters, only 1 parameter fulfills the good criteria. No management of topsoil, the base relief excavation is more than 1 meter, the average wall slope is 55o (142,81%), the height of the excavation wall with an average of ±5,6 meters and land cover/vegetation reaching 33,35%. The technical design will be used is making bench terraces and making drainage channels. The plants used as revegetation are sengon, jackfruit and vetiver grass as cover crop plants. Keywords: Sand and Rock Mining, Land Degradation, Soil Fertility, Reclamation
Arahan Teknis Pengolahan Limbah Hasil Proses Amalgamasi untuk Menurunkan Kadar Merkuri di Desa Cihonje, Kecamatan Gumelar, Kabupaten Banyumas, Jawa Tengah Dhimas Mahadhika Putra; Andi Sungkowo; Eni Muryani
Jurnal Ilmiah Lingkungan Kebumian Vol 2, No 1 (2019): Vol 2, No 1: September 2019
Publisher : Jurusan Teknik Lingkungan, FTM, Universitas Pembangunan Nasional “Veteran” Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31315/jilk.v2i1.3286


Gold mining activities in Desa Cihonje, Kecamatan Gumelar, Kabupaten Banyumas, Central Java Province still use traditional methods and have not yet treated the wastewater from the amalgamation process, so that there is potential for pollution in the area. There needs to be processing before it is thrown into the environment. The purposes of this study were to analyze and describe the levels of pollution of pH, TSS and mercury (Hg) in waste water and in water bodies, to calculate the effectiveness by using Phytoremediation method with a batch system to reduce pH, TSS and mercury (Hg) and to determine the direction environmental management that can be recommended in the research area.Waste water sampling was based on purposive sampling method. The value of effectiveness is obtained by comparing wastewater with wastewater that has been treated. The experiment was carried out with a laboratory scale for 18 days. To determine the design of the recommended treatment pond, data from the analysis of the effectiveness and environmental conditions are used. Research acquired result for Pij score for river water A1, A2 and A3 are slightly polluted, while Pij score for well water are moderately polluted and for well water 2 are not polluted.  The quality of wastewater from the amalgamation process had TSS content of 5,380 mg/L and mercury of 0.24,482 mg/L. While the results for river water quality contain 110 mg/L, A2 1,812 mg/L and A3 494 mg/L while for mercury A1 0,0001 mg/L, A2 0.02262 mg/L, and 0,02282 mg/L. Groundwater quality for well water 1 contains TSS 66 mg / L and mercury 0.02206 mg/L, while for well water 2 TSS content is 18 mg / L and mercury is 0.00021 mg/L. Phytoremediation method with a batch system has a value of effectiveness for the TSS content of water Eichhornia crassipes by 99.646% and mercury 99.714%. While water Ipomoea aquatica Forsk have a value of effectiveness for TSS content of 99.758% and mercury 99.783% for 18 days.  Keywords:      Amalgamation, Eichhornia crassipes, Ipomoea aquatica Forsk, Phytoremediation
Jurnal Ilmiah Lingkungan Kebumian Vol 3, No 1 (2020): September 2020
Publisher : Jurusan Teknik Lingkungan, FTM, Universitas Pembangunan Nasional “Veteran” Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31315/jilk.v3i1.3536


One of the Indonesian government's policies to support border areas is the supply of raw water in border areas. This was carried out by an order to support the development and development program of the Aruk - Sajingan Besar border area, which was intended to accelerate development in the border area which has been known as a backward area. To support the development and development of the Aruk border region, various attempts have been made by the central government and the provincial government of West Kalimantan. This research is one of the efforts to support the government program by examining the availability of raw water in the Aruk-Sajingan Besar border area. Based on the results of the hydrological study at the study site, the mainstay discharge of raw water reaches 0.5 - 2 m3 / sec with a large evapotranspiration of 3-4 mm / day. In addition, this study also projects water needs for the next 25 years, these results are compared with the availability of raw water so that it can be concluded that up to 2045 the people of Sebunga Village, Sajingan Besar District, Sambas Regency, water needs can be met.
Kajian Tingkat Risiko Tanah Longsor Desa Hargomulyo, Kecamatan Kokap, Kabupaten Kulonprogo Nandra Eko Nugroho; Wisnu Aji Dwi Kristanto
Jurnal Ilmiah Lingkungan Kebumian Vol 1, No 2 (2019): Vol1,No 2(2019): Maret 2019
Publisher : Jurusan Teknik Lingkungan, FTM, Universitas Pembangunan Nasional “Veteran” Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31315/jilk.v1i2.3281


Landslides are one of the disasters that have a high frequency of events in DIY, especially in areas that are prone to landslides or potentially occur including the Hargomulyo Village, Kokap District, Kulonprogo Regency. Regulation of the Head of BNPB No. 2 of 2012 concerning the Disaster Risk Assessment Guide provides an understanding that disaster risk assessment is an approach to show potential negative impacts that may arise due to a potential disaster that strikes. From this function, disaster threat (H) and individual or community vulnerability (V) in a region are positively correlated or directly proportional to risk, meaning that when there are threats and certain areas are in vulnerability, the risk becomes very high. While capacity (C) correlates negatively or inversely, meaning that the higher the capacity of individuals or communities in a region, the risk will decrease. Disaster risk analysis and review have the subject, namely the existence of risky elements of certain disasters, are the livelihood assets and lives of a community or social system. The risk of landslides in the village of Hargomulyo is a process of combining the hazard index, vulnerability index and capacity index, based on the study of landslide hazards, vulnerability and capacity of the Hargomulyo Village. The results of overlays between hazard maps, vulnerability maps, and capacity maps indicate that the risk of landslide hazards in Hargomulyo Village is MODERATE.Keywords: Threat, Capacity, Vulnerability, Risk, Landslides.
Jurnal Ilmiah Lingkungan Kebumian Vol 1, No 1 (2015): Vol. xx Nomor yy dd mm yyyy
Publisher : Jurusan Teknik Lingkungan, FTM, Universitas Pembangunan Nasional “Veteran” Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31315/jilk.v1i1.3269


Eksploitasi dan Eksplorasi yang dilakukan oleh Petrochina International Jabung Ltd menghasilkan produk minyak dan gas. Air dari hasil backwash dari media filter berpotensi sebagai pencemar. Untuk meminimalkan dampak yang dapat ditimbulkan oleh limbah tersebut, maka diperlukan pengolahan dengan WWTF (Waste Water Treatment Facility). Penelitian ini bertujuan (1) Mengetahui karakteristik kimia dari setiap air buangan (backwash water) pada inlet maupun outlet pada WWTF, (2) mengetahui fungsi dari setiap unit WWTF di dalam melakukan pengolahan air buangan (backwash water), (3) mengetahui hasil analisis laboratorium terhadap kualitas air sungai Lagan dari pengolahan yang dilakukan pada WWTF di NG_CPS serta hubungan antar tiap parameter.Metode yang digunakan adalah metode survey untuk observasi dan penentuan pengambilan sampel di  lapangan dan metode analisis laboratorium untuk hasil sample air, baik di inlet maupun outlet WWTF. Teknik sampling yang digunakan adalah purposive sampling. Metode analisis data yang digunakan adalah statistik korelasi berganda dan analisis deskriptif. Baku mutu yang digunakan adalah Permen LH no.19 tahun 2010 dan PP no. 82 thn 2001.Dari hasil analisis kualitas air backwash pada inlet WWTF selama dua minggu di laboratorium, didapatkan karakteristik kimia air yang pengukurannya berdasarkan Peraturan Menteri Lingkungan Hidup No 19 Tahun 2010.  Hasil pengamatan menunjukan adanya emulsi minyak yang tinggi (COD>1000, TSS>750) sehingga mengakibatkan peningkatan COD dan TSS pada air backwash. Untuk air permukaan, sungai Lagan telah memenuhi baku mutu yang telah ditetapkan. Hubungan antar parameter menunjukkan pengaruh positif pada koefisien regresi TSS, yaitu sebesar 0,003, artinya jika terjadi kenaikan TSS sebesar 1 satuan (unit) maka pH akan meningkat sebesar 0,003. Hubungnan antara TDS dan TSS terhadap nilai oil content tidak menunjukkan signifikansi. Terdapat ketidak-efektifan pada unit alat oil mist separator yang disebabkan oleh emulsi minyak yang cukup tinggi. Arahan Pengelolaan untuk pengendalian pencemaran dilakukan dengan 2 cara, yaitu pendekatan teknologi dan pendekatan institusi.Kata kunci: air buangan, WWTF (Waste Water Treatment Facility), kualitas air.
Penentuan Prioritas Tempat Pengungsian Erupsi Gunungapi Merapi di Kabupaten Sleman Kirana Putri Prastika; Muhammad Anggri Setiawan
Jurnal Ilmiah Lingkungan Kebumian Vol 2, No 2 (2020): Maret 2020
Publisher : Jurusan Teknik Lingkungan, FTM, Universitas Pembangunan Nasional “Veteran” Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31315/jilk.v2i2.3318


Masyarakat yang tinggal di Kawasan Rawan Bencana Erupsi Gunungapi Merapi dan sekitarnya diharuskan untuk mengungsi karena letusan Gunungapi Merapi pada tahun 2010 yang lalu. Permasalahan yang muncul saat masa tanggap darurat adalah distribusi bantuan yang tidak merata. Kejadian ini menunjukkan kurangnya informasi terkait kebutuhan pengungsi yang diterima oleh masyarakat luas. Penentuan kelas prioritas tempat pengungsian dapat menjadi salah satu informasi yang berguna saat bencana terjadi. Parameter yang digunakan untuk menentukan prioritas tempat pengungsian antara lain demografi pengungsi, lokasi tempat pengungsian, zona tempat pengungsian dan fasilitas pendukung. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui faktor yang paling mempengaruhi penentuan prioritas dan menentukan prioritas tempat pengungsian Erupsi Gunungapi Merapi. Penelitian ini menggunakan Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) untuk menentukan bobot parameter dengan memberikan kuesioner perbandingan bepasangan ke 9 responden yang mewakili ahli kebencanaan dan pihak terkait penanganan kondisi tanggap darurat Merapi. Hasil menunjukkan bahwa demografi pengungsi merupakan faktor yang paling mempengaruhi dengan bobot 0,364. Hasil ini kemudian digunakan untuk menentukan prioritas tempat pengungsian menggunakan data primer dari observasi lapangan dan data sekunder dari Rencana Kontinjensi yang dibuat oleh BPBD Kabupaten Sleman. Analisis berbagai faktor penentu dan skenario erupsi efusif maka tempat pengungsian diklasifikasikan menjadi 3 kelas, yaitu Prioritas I, Prioritas II, dan Prioritas III. Dari sejumlah 20 tempat pengungsian di Kabupaten Sleman, Barak Sindumartani merupakan tempat pengungsian yang berada pada urutan prioritas I. Artinya, Barak Sindumartani harus mendapatkan perhatian yang khusus ketika terjadi erupsi terlebih lagi apabila skenario erupsi 2010 terulang kembali.
Upaya Teknis Rehabilitasi TPA Sampah Kopi Luhur dengan Sistem Lahan Urug Terkendali Nendia Nur Isni; Andi Sungkowo; Ika Wahyuning Widiarti
Jurnal Ilmiah Lingkungan Kebumian Vol 2, No 1 (2019): Vol 2, No 1: September 2019
Publisher : Jurusan Teknik Lingkungan, FTM, Universitas Pembangunan Nasional “Veteran” Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31315/jilk.v2i1.3287


The risk index value of Kopi Luhur Waste Landfill is 575.3536, classified as moderate hazard category and the suggested action is to continue the landfill and apply the rehabilitation into a controlled landfill system gradually. The purpose of this research are to de design the rehabilitation steps based on some measurement in Kopi Luhur Waste Landfill. The purpose of this research are to design the process of landfill mining in unactive landfill and to design a landfill with controlled landfill system. The methodology in the research are survey & mapping method and measurement of waste composition. The landfill mining process and the controlled landfill system is designed based on The Minister of Public Works Regulation No.3/2013 and the existing condition of Kopi Luhur Waste Landfill. The result shows that Kopi Luhur Waste Landfill consists of 9.09% hazardous waste, 12.91% biodegradable waste and 58% non-biodegradable waste.  The waste composition become a reference in conducting landfill mining and the rehabilitation process of Kopi Luhur Landfill into controlled landfill is applied after applying the landfill mining process. The new landfill land area with a controlled landfill system has a length of 198 m and a width of 65, which has 3 layers with a thickness of 5 m. The waste is spread into a thickness of 0.5 m, compressed by heavy equipment and then covered by a 20 cm daily overburden when the waste lift reaches 2.5 m. In addition, the landfill system is equipped with environmental protection facilities such as the base layer, drainage system, leachate collection network and gas control system. The implementation of the controlled landfill system make the new landfill has 6.6 years lifespan.  Keywords: Kopi Luhur Waste Landfill, Controlled Landfill, Landfill Mining 
Analisis Potensi Jenis Longsor Berdasarkan Karakteristik Geomekanika Batuan di Kecamatan Patuk, Kabupaten Gunung Kidul, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta Thamzez Nuur Anom; Tusyifa Rahmadanti; Distika Pratiwi; Bandhar Aji Sukma Yudha; Wisnu Aji Dwi Kristanto
Jurnal Ilmiah Lingkungan Kebumian Vol 3, No 1 (2020): September 2020
Publisher : Jurusan Teknik Lingkungan, FTM, Universitas Pembangunan Nasional “Veteran” Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31315/jilk.v3i1.3511


ABSTRAKKecamatan Patuk, Kabupaten Gunung Kidul merupakan daerah yang memiliki potensi kejadian tanah longsor cukup besar. Banyaknya bidang diskontinuitas serta pelapukan menjadi faktor utama penyebab tanah longsor pada daerah Patuk dan sekitarnya. Tulisan ini bertujuan mengidentifikasi potensi jenis longsoran berdasarkan nilai geomekanika batuan. Metode penelitian yang digunakan yaitu penelitian dengan studi literatur dengan metode pengumpulan data. Parameter geomekanika batuan yang digunakan sebagai bahan penelitian berupa tingkat pelapukan pada batuan, kerapatan bidang diskontinuitas (RQD), serta nilai kuat tekan batuan utuh. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan  terdapat 3 satuan batuan yang menyusun daerah penelitian yaitu Satuan Batupasir Tufan, Satuan Batupasir, serta Satuan Breksi Andesit. Daerah penelitian dibagi menjadi 5 satuan geologi teknik, yaitu Satuan Breksi Andesit 1 dengan kualitas batuan sangat baik, Satuan Breksi Andesit 2 dengan kualitas batuan sedang, Satuan Tufa dengan kualitas batuan buruk - baik, Satuan Batupasir Tufan dengan kualitas batuan sedang - baik dan Satuan Batupasir dengan kualitas batuan baik.  Potensi jenis longsoran pada daerah penelitian berdasarkan analisis kinematika geomekanika batuan yaitu berjenis longsoran gelinciran (sliding) dengan bentuk longsoran busur (cicular failure), longsoran bidang (plane failure), dan longsoran baji (wedge failure). Perlu dilakukan mitigasi bencana untuk mengurangi maupun meniadakan resiko bencana tanah longsor pada daerah penelitian Kata Kunci: longsoran, geomekanika,  rock quality designation (RQD), tingkat pelapukan.
Analisis Indeks Risiko Lingkungsn Tempat Pemrosesan Akhir (TPA) Sampah Mojorejo Di Kabupaten Sukoharjo, Provinsi Jawa Tengah Afifah Asri Larasati; Andi Sungkowo; Farida Afriani Astuti
Jurnal Ilmiah Lingkungan Kebumian Vol 1, No 2 (2019): Vol1,No 2(2019): Maret 2019
Publisher : Jurusan Teknik Lingkungan, FTM, Universitas Pembangunan Nasional “Veteran” Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31315/jilk.v1i2.3282


Mojorejo landfill establised since 1994 and already operating more than five years with open dumping operating system. Based on Undang-Undang Republik Indonesia No 18 Tahun 2008, the landfill sould not be operated again by open dumping system, but increased to controlled landfill. Changes the system to reduce some environmental pollution such as air pollution and ground water pollution. The purpose of this research aims to calculate the Environmental Risk Index Mojorejo landfill. Methodology in the research used is survey, laboratory test, and evaluation method. There are three parameter criteria to get Environmental Risk Index that are assessed based on Minister of Public Works Regulation Number 03 of 2013 were landfill criteria (20 parameters), solid waste criteria at landfill (4 parameters), and leachate characteristics (3 parameters). The results showed that Mojorejo Landfill was included in the medium hazard criteria with a value of 543,36. Therefore the suggested actions are to continue the landfill sites and do rehabilitation into controlled landfill gradually. Keywords:  Controlled Landfill, Environmental Risk Index, Mojorejo Landfill.  
Jurnal Ilmiah Lingkungan Kebumian Vol 1, No 1 (2015): Vol. xx Nomor yy dd mm yyyy
Publisher : Jurusan Teknik Lingkungan, FTM, Universitas Pembangunan Nasional “Veteran” Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31315/jilk.v1i1.3271


Ekosistem gumuk pasir memiliki manfaat secara ekonomi dan non ekonomi sehingga berpotensi menimbulkan konflik kepentingan dalam upaya pemanfaatannya. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menilai secara relatif pemanfaatan dan pengelolaan ekosistem gumuk pasir sebagai kawasan konservasi atau sebagai kawasan pertambangan dengan pendekatan ekonomi lingkungan. Metode yang digunakan pada penelitian ini adalah dengan cara penilaian relatif. Penilaian ini bersifat prediksi dengan pendekatan pengharkatan. Nilai harkat dilakukan pada setiap makna dari manfaat ekosistem gumuk pasir dan ditentukan berdasarkan pertimbangan kepakaran (professionalism judgment). Keterkaitan antara ekosistem gumuk pasir sebagai kawasan konservasi dengan kawasan pertambangan menghasilkan dua macam hubungan, yaitu hubungan negatif antara pertumbuhan kebutuhan pasir besi dengan tersedianya pasir besi  di dalam gumuk pasir dan hubungan positif antara pertumbuhan eksploitasi pasir besi dengan kerusakan gumuk pasir. Berdasarkan jumlah harkat terhadap penilaian manfaat ekosistem gumuk pasir sebagai kawasan konservasi atau kawasan pertambangan dihasilkan bahwa pilihan/opsi konservasi lebih besar nilainya dengan selisih 9 (52,63%) terhadap opsi pertambangan. Dengan demikian ekosistem gumuk pasir di Pantai Selatan DIY sebaiknya dijadikan sebagai kawasan konservasi.Kata kunci: gumuk pasir, konservasi, pertambangan