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Sains dan Matematika
ISSN : 23027290     EISSN : 25481835     DOI : -
Core Subject : Science, Education,
Jurnal ini menerbitkan artikel asli hasil penelitian di bidang biologi, fisika, kimia, dan matematika. Redaksi hanya menerima naskah asli yang belum pernah dipublikasikan dan tidak sedang dalam proses penerbitan di jurnal lain. Naskah dapat ditulis dalam bahasa Indonesia, sesuai dengan ejaan yang baik dan benar atau bahasa Inggris yang baik dan benar.
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Articles 7 Documents
Search results for , issue "Vol. 1 No. 2 (2013): April, Sains " : 7 Documents clear
Bioremediasi Limbah Minyak Bumi dengan Teknik Biopile di Lapangan Klamono Papua Munawar Munawar; Zaidan Zaidan
Sains dan Matematika Vol. 1 No. 2 (2013): April, Sains & Matematika
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Surabaya

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Research of bioremediation of petroleum waste by indigenous petrophilic bacteria with biopile techniques at Klamono Area in Papua has been done. Petroleum waste was derived from various sources, namely tank cleaning, oil spills, oil catcher, leaking pipes, and drilling wastes containing oil residue. Preparation of petroleum waste has been done by adding wood sawdust as a bulking agent as much as 10% (w/w), the ratio of C: N: P: K = 100:5:1; 0.1 and mixed cultures of indigenous petrophilic bacterial isolated from the sources of the waste that has been collected in a storage-pit that Pseudomonas sp. (PSP01), Pseudomonas sp. (PSP05), and Bacillus sp. (PSP03) with 1:1:1 ratio of 0.5% (v/w). During the bioremediation process was aerated at a rate of 1 liter/jam/m3. Monitoring process have been done every week by doing the sampling with multiple sampling method to determine the five stations and each station has determined three sampling points,namelythe surface, middle and bottom based on the depth, samples have been obtained pooled and analyzed. The results showed that a decline in Total Petroleum Hydrocarbon (TPH) of 91.04% for six weeks. Total bacterial populations during bioremediation processes ranging 103 to 108 CFU/gram of soil. In addition at the end of the observation showed that the toxic aromatic compounds benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, and xylene (BTEX) showed concentrations under the Environmental Quality Standards. Thus, indigenous petrophilic bacteria effective as biological agents in the bioremediation of petroleum waste by biopile method. 
Potensi Tepung Tempe sebagai Estrogen Alami terhadap Uterus Mencit Premenopause Cicilia Novi Primiani
Sains dan Matematika Vol. 1 No. 2 (2013): April, Sains & Matematika
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Surabaya

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Syntetic estrogen hormone is commonly used by women by and in their menopause cycle to overcome the problems related to menopause. Women make use of this syntetic estrogen hormone for a reason that it is easy to get, cheap and its easy application. This syntetic estrogen hormone can eventually result in side-effects. Powder of tempe has become the natural stuff with isoflavon, a chemical blend which is sturcturally fit to estrogen hormone. The objective of this research was to measure the effect of tempe starch towards the endometrium uterus of mice. The research applied experimental approach with completely randomized design with one factor of the dossage of tempe starch by 0.2 g/kg, 0.4 g/kg, and 0.6g/kg. The samples were 24 female mice of 12 months, which were divided into 4 groups of treatment with 6 times of application. The tempe powder was applied for 24 days. Surgery was was done on the 25th day. Histology of uterus was made under colouring technique of Hematoxilin Eosin (HE). The results showed that there were miometrium uterus and uterine gland proliferation. Based on the result, can be concluded that tempe powder can be used as natural estrogen. 
Potensi Daun Kayu Bawang (Protium javanicum) sebagai Penghambat Kerja Enzim Tirosinase Irmanida Batubara; Morina Adfa
Sains dan Matematika Vol. 1 No. 2 (2013): April, Sains & Matematika
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Surabaya

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Utilization of Kayu Bawang (Protium javanicum) plant is needed beside its utilization for building material, especially the utilization of the leaves which easily to get. The aim of this research was to describe the potency of Kayu Bawang leaves as tyrosinase inhibitor, an enzyme which responsible to synthesis melanin as natural color of the skin. The leaves of Kayu Bawang macerated with methanol. The methanol extract then partitioned with n-hexane, EtOAc, n-BuOH, and water. All fractions were concentrated and tested its ability to inhibit tyrosinase with two substrates namely L-DOPA (diphenolase reaction) and L-tyrosine (monophenolase reaction). The result showed that n-hexane fraction could inhibit diphenolase reaction with IC50 value of 114.2 ppm. EtOAc fraction could inhibit monophenolase reaction (IC50 834.0 ppm). Methanol extract, n-BuOH fraction, and water fraction could not inhibit tyrosinase activities. The conclusion is nonpolar and semi polar compounds in Kayu Bawang leaves could be utilized as whitening agent. 
Perbedaan Karakter Tiga Jenis Bentonit Ditinjau dari Tiga Macam Cara Analisis Toeti Koestiari
Sains dan Matematika Vol. 1 No. 2 (2013): April, Sains & Matematika
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Surabaya

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The objective of this research was to determine differences in the physico-chemical character of the bentonite-Sigma (BS) compared with Al pillared bentonite (B-Al/400° C), and technical bentonite (BT) so we can know the nature of the surface. This experimental research laboratory using three instruments, namely Buck Scientific IR Spectrophotometer - 500, Gas Sorption Analyzer Quantachrome NovaWin2, and Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM-EDX).The result of this research showed the differences in physico-chemical character of BS, B-Al/400° C and BT in terms of: (1) The position of the main functional groups using IR Spectrophotometer instrument; (2) The surface areas of B-S, B-Al/400° C, and B-T are 24.78 m2/g; 217.021 m2/g; and 51.935 m2/g, while total pore volume for the pore radii smaller than 1001.9 Ǻ (B-S) and smaller than 1273.1 Ǻ (B-Al/400 oC) and less than 1013.9 AÌŠ (B-T) using Gas Sorption Analyzer. (3) Using SEM-EDX indicated that the percent mass compounds of B-S are Al2O3: 19.78%, and SiO2: 80.22%; the percent mass compounds of B-Al/400° C are Al2O3: 30.43%, and SiO2: 69.57%. the percent mass compounds of B-Tare Na2O: 2.64%; Al2O3: 20.75%, SiO2: 57.55%, FeO: 13.73%. 
Perambatan Gravity Current dalam Skala Laboratorium sebagai Pemodelan Lahar Dingin dan Intrusi Air Laut Wawan Eko Budianto; Imam Sucahyo; Tjipto Prastowo; Endah Rahmawati
Sains dan Matematika Vol. 1 No. 2 (2013): April, Sains & Matematika
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Surabaya

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In the context of problem-based learning, gravity current experiment to model saltwater intrusion and œlahar dingin using a water tank available at the Laboratory of Earth Science in the Department of Physics, the State University of Surabaya is research breakthrough in physics education. This makes physics teaching meaningful as it is part of the introduction of disaster mitigation education to students in the department. The experiments were performed in two stages to determine the speed and depth of gravity current. In the first stage, a number of runs were conducted by varying density difference between saltwater and freshwater (1%, 3%, or 5%). The two fluids were filled in the tank at the total water depth of 10 cm or 20 cm. In the second stage, other runs were conducted using a water tank of the same length but twice narrower. The results show that the dimensionless speed is measured to be 0.44 ± 0.03, independent of the width of the tank. Relatively compared to the speed, the current depth is difficult to measure owing to the presence of mixing. However, experimental photos show that the current depth is best estimated to be 0.32-0.46 H, where H is the total depth 
Pengolahan dan Penjernihan Air dengan Memanfaatkan Media Cangkang Kerang Bulu Yulianto Laksono Putra; Abdul Aziz Abdullah; Wawan Hermawan
Sains dan Matematika Vol. 1 No. 2 (2013): April, Sains & Matematika
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Surabaya

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In Desa Pademonegoro, Kecamatan Sukodono, Sidoarjo the quality of water reservoir consumpted by many people is found to be in a low level and contains unnecessary substances like Mn and Fe. This condition makes water not feasible to consumpt for daily use. This study aimed to manage and purify water by utilizing ark shells freely available in beaches. Ark shells were initially synthesized by coprecipitation techniques using carbon dioxide gas at a pressure of 225 N/cm2, 300N/cm2,or 375 N/cm2 and settling time for 24 hoursor 36 hours. The ark shells were then characterized using X-Ray Diffraction (XRD) to determine its CaCO3 content. The ark shells with a high level of CaCO3 were used as a water purifier on the device spesificially designed on purpose and were tested with shell powder thickness with a thickness of 1 cm, 3 cm, or 5 cm and a water reservoir was placed at a position of 1 m or 2 m measured from the ground. The results indicated that the synthesis of ark shell using carbon dioxide at a pressure of 375 N/cm2and settling time for 36 hourshada high level of CaCO3 and thus was used as a water purifier. After purifying, the quality of water is such that it is odorless and tasteless, its color<2 TCU, turbidity of 0.2 NTU, TDS of 200 mg/l, contains Fe 0.08 mg/l, Mn0.03 mg/l, Hg 0.0001mg/l,As<0.005mg/l, pH 7.3, detergent <0.01 mg/l, water hardness of 88.32 mg/land saturation ark shells for 27 weeks. 
Perbandingan Model Linier Versus Analisis Vektor pada Gerak Grup Sunspot di Lintang Selatan dari Siklus Matahari Ke-23 Nanang Widodo
Sains dan Matematika Vol. 1 No. 2 (2013): April, Sains & Matematika
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Surabaya

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Comparison of the two models aimed to get a representative model that can explain the movement of sunspot groups in southern latitudes on the solar cycles 23th. If the movement of the daily sunspot groups is projected in the longitude and latitude direction, then it can considered as vector Ri. The evolution of sunspot groups during n days can be implemented into n-1 vectors and total vector of Ri is the resultant vector, R. Commonly, the movement of sunspot groups shift to positive or negative latitude direction. If R divided by a long of evolution (= n days) obtained an average vector R= (± b°B, ± l°L) where, the magnitude of b is the average difference in degrees of longitude/day, and l is the average difference in degrees of latitude/day. Distribution of sunspot group position data from firstday until to n days can be approximated by a linear regression equation. In studying the trajectory characteristics of sunspot groups used sunspot data of classes H and J in the southern hemisphere of the disk solar observations BPD Watukosek from 19972008 (cycle 23). From the comparison of the above two models obtained the best linear trajectories of a sunspot group. This result accordingly to the properties of differential rotation at the solar surface. Where at the lower latitude sunspot group will move relative faster than higer latitudes. The results of modeling can be used to interpolate to data that is not observed and extrapolated to predict the position of a sunspot group on the next day. 

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