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Studia Philosophica et Theologica
ISSN : 14120674     EISSN : 25500589     DOI : 1035312
STUDIA focuses on philosophical and theological studies based on both literary and field researches. The emphasis of study is on systematic attempt of exploring seeds of Indonesian philosophy as well as contextualization and inculturationof theology in socio-political-historical atmosphere of Indonesia.
Articles 9 Documents
Search results for , issue "Vol 23 No 1 (2023)" : 9 Documents clear
Implementasi Pendidikan Karakter di Sekolah Katolik dalam Terang Dokumen Educating to Fraternal Humanism Henderikus Dasrimin
Studia Philosophica et Theologica Vol 23 No 1 (2023)
Publisher : Litbang STFT Widya Sasana Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35312/spet.v23i1.469


The teaching of biblical inspiration is one of the basic understandings of the Bible in the Catholic Church. Reading and using the Bible does not guarantee the correct understanding of biblical inspiration. Therefore, this article intends to examine the understanding of biblical inspiration by the Christians and the church's teaching in the documents Dei Verbum and The Inspiration and Truth of Sacred Scriptures. This study uses qualitative method with a field study and literature study. Through this study, an understanding was obtained that the Christians have not understood the teaching of biblical inspiration correctly based on the church’s teaching, where inspiration signifies the cooperation between God and humans in writing the Scriptures. Thus the church needs to make a pastoral service to explain the church's teaching about biblical inspiration correctly.
Pengunaan Big Data dan Dampaknya di Dalam Dunia Politik: Munculnya Sikap Hopeful Ignorance Dalam Ragam Relasi Antarmanusia Cicilia Damayanti
Studia Philosophica et Theologica Vol 23 No 1 (2023)
Publisher : Litbang STFT Widya Sasana Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35312/spet.v23i1.482


The advent of digital technology has brought significant changes to political life, particularly in the use of big data for election campaigns. However, the use of psychographics in data analysis raises concerns about the manipulation of human behaviour and the potential harm it may cause. This article aims to explore the impact of psychographics on society in the digital era and the need for multiculturalism in computer programming. This study aims to examine the use of psychographics in political campaigns and its impact on society. Additionally, the study aims to highlight the need for multiculturalism in computer programming and the importance of data protection. The research method used in this study is book analysis, focusing on politics, technology, and big data. The study analyses the case of Cambridge Analytica and how it used psychographics to manipulate human behaviour. The study shows that the use of psychographics can lead to the creation of paradigms that promote hopeful ignorance, leading to a homogeneous society that may be vulnerable to societal explosions. Furthermore, the study highlights the importance of multiculturalism in computer programming to avoid bias and the need for data protection through cryptography. The study concludes that the use of psychographics in data analysis must be critically examined to avoid manipulation and harm to society. Furthermore, computer programs must embrace multiculturalism to avoid bias, and data protection must be prioritized to maintain privacy and security. Additionally, political candidates should be investigated thoroughly to reveal their authenticity beyond their ethos.
Keadilan Sebagai Hasil Kerja Kolektif Pemerintah-Masyarakat Dalam Memberantas Korupsi dan Ketidakadilan Hukum di Indonesia Emanuel Katarino Mbeo
Studia Philosophica et Theologica Vol 23 No 1 (2023)
Publisher : Litbang STFT Widya Sasana Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35312/spet.v23i1.495


The focus of this paper is on the concept of "Justice as a Government-Society Collectivity in Eradicating Corruption and Legal Injustice in Indonesia" viewed from Plato's point of view. This paper departs from the desire that justice must be upheld as fairly as possible. Because justice is a primary need that must be met in order to achieve universal welfare, for all Indonesian citizens, not for particular ones. This paper aims to explore the fundamental concepts of justice, then relate them to the reality of the Indonesian nation. Everyone has a desired version of justice to apply. This paper has its own uniqueness, namely taking the concepts of justice from the book “Plato-The Republic”, and this book is the main source. The method used is the method of literature and case studies that are relevant to the concept of justice offered. The cases presented are cases related to legal injustice and corruption which are more in line with the focus of this paper. The author finds that to achieve justice, there must be collaboration between the government and society. Collaboration means that there is dialogue to determine a universal decision. Dialogue produces decisions that are right on target and acceptable to the public. One-sided decision-making can even be detrimental to many parties and the emergence of various irregularities, one of which is corruption. Unilateral decisions that give rise to injustice in making and applying the law
Propaganda Fide dan Kebijakan Tentang Imam Diosesan di Wilayah Misi dalam Instruksi La Missione Universale Alphonsus Tjatur Raharso; Henricus Pidyarto Gunawan
Studia Philosophica et Theologica Vol 23 No 1 (2023)
Publisher : Litbang STFT Widya Sasana Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35312/spet.v23i1.515


Diocesan priests’ moving or transferring abroad - at any motives – will affect both positively or negatively to the diocese they leave. Human mobility which is supported by the nowadays advanced and varied transportation facilities, enabling the greater possibility of this mobility. This research is discussing on the instruction of the Propaganda Fide entitled La Missione Universale issued issued on April 25, 2001, which regulates the diocesan priests’ mobility. Through the legal research method, with a juridical-normative approach, this study aims to analyse the degree of legal synchronisation between the instruction and the laws above it. It also analyses the legal synchronisation between the instruction and its implementation at a lower level, namely the follow-up by the Italian Bishops' Conference in the form of agreement document. The research shows that the instruction is corresponding to the laws above it, and its implementation at the diocesan level is in line with the instruction above it. Previously, the moving abroad of a diocesan priest is seen from negative side of the disciplinary point of view only. The instruction now puts it positively in a broader context, that is, in the frame of missionary collaboration and communion among particular Churches. Inter-diocesan co-operation in the form of exchange of priests for a specific pastoral ministry is an effective means to carry out the missionary mandate of the Church. The inter-diocesan collaboration of the priest exchange for a special pastoral service is an effective means to undergo the mission of the Church.
Menakar Distorsi Radikalisme Agama Terhadap Teori dan Praksis Beragama Romelus Blegur
Studia Philosophica et Theologica Vol 23 No 1 (2023)
Publisher : Litbang STFT Widya Sasana Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35312/spet.v23i1.488


This research focus on related to the issue of religious radicalism as a phenomenon that unsettles relations among adherents of different religions. Its influence is so large and widespread that it has an impact on distortions among religious adherents, both in theory and in practice. Nonetheless, this problem can actually be overcome if adherents of religions with all their uniqueness are willing to live side by side in religious maturity which is fostered through mutual respect and enrichment through their religious values. The method used in this research is literature research by referring to literary sources in the form of books and journal articles that are relevant to the research topic. The result of this research is that, radicalism with all its tendencies to distort religious ways can be measured through maintaining and cultivating discussion space, educating maturity of tolerance, and building a shared ethical culture. These efforts cannot only be limited to academics at the contextual level, but must also exist in the wider community through the praxis level as a form of confirmation of the values that have been conceptualized
Sigillum Sacramentale: Rahasia Sakramental Pengakuan Dosa. Studi Kanonik Daniel Ortega Galed
Studia Philosophica et Theologica Vol 23 No 1 (2023)
Publisher : Litbang STFT Widya Sasana Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35312/spet.v23i1.492


One of the special graces possessed by a priest is the authority to act in persona Christi capitis when granting absolution for the sins of the penitent. They received this authority from Christ himself, the only One who could forgive human sins. However, that grace also brings a great duty. They are bound by a divine obligation to keep the seal of confession. This canonical study will describe how the concept of the sigillum sacramentale or the inviolable sacramental seal of confession is developed in canon law. It will also explain what is meant by divulging the seal of confession directly and indirectly. From the perspective of the Penal Code of Canon law, it will also discuss canonical sanctions for priests who violate them and how the punishments will be revoked. Finally, this study is expected to foster seriousness and responsibility for priests in serving the Sacrament of Penance, the sacrament that reconciles humans with God.
Menelisik Pola Berpikir Koruptif Para Pedagang Licik: Sebuah Tinjauan Teologis atas Teks Amos 8:4-8 Siang Suk Hauw; Bernadus Dirgaprimawan
Studia Philosophica et Theologica Vol 23 No 1 (2023)
Publisher : Litbang STFT Widya Sasana Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35312/spet.v23i1.493


This article aims at investigating the craftiness of wicked merchants as illustrated in the Book of Amos chapter 8:4-8. By employing a close reading as a chosen approach to that particular text, it will be discussed how corruptive minds of those merchants preceed their unjust acts. A close reading is a synchronic approach that Mfocuses on every detail of the story, in particular on the plot and the characterization. Every word coming from the mouth of a character, enhanced with his action, carries significant weight and thus contributes to the fuller description of his personality. This article, therefore, is interested in examining the inner thought of these cunning merchants. In chapter 8:4-8, they deliberately set the poor in a trap, even when these miserable people cannot afford to buy the refuse of the wheat. Then, as calculated by these evil merchants, the poor have to sell themselves in order to have something to eat. This article also aims at showing the reader that for the author of the Book of Amos, corruptive minds of those merchants degrade human dignity. Such a corruptive mentality leads to a larger social injustice. It seems that this author wants remind the reader to be cautious whenever a corruptive mind begins to occupy one’s thought.
Alkitab: Karya Kooperatif Allah dan Manusia? (Memahami Ajaran Gereja tentang Ilham Alkitabiah) Klementius Anselmus Loba
Studia Philosophica et Theologica Vol 23 No 1 (2023)
Publisher : Litbang STFT Widya Sasana Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35312/spet.v23i1.505


Abstract The teaching of biblical inspiration is one of the basic understandings of the Bible in the Catholic Church. Reading and using the Bible does not guarantee the correct understanding of biblical inspiration. Therefore, this article intends to examine the understanding of biblical inspiration by the Christians and the church's teaching in the documents Dei Verbum and The Inspiration and Truth of Sacred Scriptures. This study uses qualitative method with a field study and literature study. Through this study, an understanding was obtained that the Christians have not understand the teaching of biblical inspiration correctly based on the church's teaching, where inspiration signifies the cooperation between God and humans in writing the Scriptures. Thus the church needs to make a pastoral service to explain the church's teaching about biblical inspiration correctly.
The Investigating the Oppression of Toba Batak Women: Call for Empowerment and Woman Leadership Megawati None Naibaho
Studia Philosophica et Theologica Vol 23 No 1 (2023)
Publisher : Litbang STFT Widya Sasana Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35312/spet.v23i1.518


This research has been developed around the two contrasting views/themes of the Toba Batak women's oppression and call for women's empowerment and leadership. It initially explored the philosophy of the Toba Batak society while identifying the forces of Toba Batak women's suppression. It has examined and critically analyzed the Toba Batak society and its patriarchal culture. It has been discovered that the Toba Batak women are subordinated because of an attitude or disposition dictated and perpetuated by the cultural belief systems, especially the social system of the clan (marga), which places women under the authority of men. Consequently, women are considered mere objects to men, particularly in childbearing, because they must be available to produce male children; otherwise, they suffer exclusion from the clan system, including being a leader. In order to gather data and explore the problem more deeply, this research uses a case study and a qualitative method through a literature study. Rethinking Toba Batak Philosophy and family practices involves rethinking the Toba Batak kinship arrangement and embodying it through substitute liberating, non-discriminating practices. In order to construct space to promote equality between men and women in Toba Batak society, the rethinking and counter-acting of patriarchal Toba Batak philosophy and family practices is essential and fundamental. This way, a cultural analysis will create a more appropriate proposal for addressing women's subjection. A culturalist approach (like promoting newer beliefs through habitual alternative practices) may be similarly called forth to foster women empowerment.

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