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Logaritma : Jurnal Ilmu-ilmu Pendidikan dan Sains
ISSN : 23388706     EISSN : 25807145     DOI : 10.24952
Core Subject : Science, Education,
Logaritma: Jurnal Ilmu-ilmu Pendidikan dan Sains are journal containing the results of research and discussion in the field of education including education and teaching, learning strategies, curriculum, teaching media, learning methods, learning techniques, algebra, calculus, and mathematical problem solving. This scientific journal is a periodical journal published by the Jurusan Tadris Matematika FTIK IAIN Padangsidimpuan every June and December (2 editions per year). The contents are author’s responsibility.
Articles 7 Documents
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Pengaruh Ekonomi Orangtua Terhadap Motivasi Belajar Matematika Siswa Kelas VIII SMP Negeri 9 Padangsidimpuan Nirma Wahyuni; Suparni Suparni
Logaritma : Jurnal Ilmu-ilmu Pendidikan dan Sains Vol 5, No 02 (2017)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24952/logaritma.v5i02.1546


Many of the effects of the economy are family resilience, family resilience is realized because the functioning of the family in meeting all physical and psychological needs, namely economic needs, education, hereditary instincts, instincts of compassion, protection and social affection. If the family's resilience has begun to be fragile it will have a bad influence on students' learning motivation if the child's learning motivation is no longer there and how to carry out education well. Therefore, as a component of education for both parents, the teacher must know the mentality of the child in order to be able to carry out education as well as possible.This study aims to determine the economics of parents in Padangsidimpuan 9th Middle School. To find out the motivation to learn Grade VIII Mathematics of SMP Negeri 9 Padangsidimpuan.This study uses a correlational method with a quantitative type, which provides an overview and simultaneously sees the influence of the two variables by calculating the mean, median, mode, variance and standard deviation. To provide an interpretation of the distribution of data obtained from the population are all class VIII SMP N 9 Padangsidimpuan about 227 students. The sampling technique carried out by researchers with cluster random sampling samples consisted of 45 VIII1 and VIII2 classes. Then the instruments used as data collection is using a questionnaire and managed using a correlational method then analyzed using product moment obtained by rxy = 0.172 compared with a significant level of 5% = 0.294 including the non-significant category with a coefficient of determination (kp) = 2.96% means that the parent economy contributes not significant to students' motivation to learn Mathematics. While the manager of data analysis is done by using linear regression which shows fcount ftabel = 1.307 4.075 Significant level a = 35.259 and b = 0.158 and n = 45 with one-sided test dk = n-2 = 43, so that ftabel = 4.075 . Seeing this condition, the hypothesis test rejects H0 and the recipient. Ha This study concludes that there is no significant influence between parents' economics on the motivation to learn Mathematics in Class VIII SMP Negeri 9 Padangsidimpuan.
Logaritma : Jurnal Ilmu-ilmu Pendidikan dan Sains Vol 5, No 02 (2017)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24952/logaritma.v5i02.1541


Dalam proses pembelajaran metode yang digunakan guru masih monoton sehingga siswa mudah bosan. Pendekatan yang digunakan guru belum tepat yang mengakibatkan siswa belum efektif dalam proses pembelajaran. Sehingga kreativitas dan berpikir kritis belajar matematika siswa masih rendah dan nilai hasi belajar yang diperoleh siswa masih di bawah KKM.Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui sejauh mana penggunaan pendekatan Contekstual Teaching and Learning (CTL) dapat meningkatkan kreativitas dan berpikir kritis belajar matematika siswa di kelas X-9 SMA Negeri 3 Padangsidimpuan. Dalam penelitian ini yang menjadi setting penelitian adalah siswa SMA Negeri 3 Padangsidimpuan dan subjek penelitian adalah kelas X-9 yang berjumlah 36 siswa.Penelitian ini adalah Penelitian Tindakan Kelas (PTK). Instrumen pengumpulan data yang digunakan adalah observasi siswa yang dilakukan dan didukung oleh tes hasil belajar siswa. Pada penelitian ini teknik pengumpulan data adalah melalui observasi dan didukung oleh tes hasi belajar. Di dalam analisis data observasi ada dua data pokok yaitu proses dan data hasil. Teknik analisis yang digunakan adalah teknik komparasi (membandingkan) yaitu membandingkan kondisi antara siklus pertaman dengan siklus kedua.Dari hasil penelitian bahwa pada siklus I pertemuan pertama kreativitas dan berpikir kritis belajar matematika siswa masih rendah, kemudian meningkat pada pertemuan kedua yaitu setiap indikator-indikator dari kreativitas dan tes berpikir kritis belajar matematika siswa meningkat. Karena peningkatan kreativitas dan berpikir kritis belajar matematika siswa belum memenuhi dari aspek yang diamati maka dilanjutkan ke siklus II, yaitu pada pertemuan pertama indikator-indikator kreativitas dan tes berpikir kritis siswa meningkat pada pertemuan pertama. Dan mengalami peningkatan pada pertemuan kedua indikator-indikator kreativitas dan tes berpikir kritis  sudah memenuhi bahkan melebihi dari aspek yang diamati yaitu 80%. Lalu peningkatan kreativitas dan berpikir kritis didukung oleh peningkatan hasil belajar yang diperoleh siswa dalam setiap siklus. Maka dapat disimpulkan bahwa pendekatan Contekstual Teaching and Learning (CTL) dapat meningkatkan kreativitas dan berpikir kritis matematika siswa kelas X-9 SMA Negeri 3 Padangsidimpuan.
Identifikasi Kesalahan Siswa dalam Menyelesaikan Soal-soal Operasi Bentuk Aljabar Di kelas VIII MTs N Siabu Syahmi, Ayi; Amir, Almira
Logaritma : Jurnal Ilmu-ilmu Pendidikan dan Sains Vol 5, No 02 (2017)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24952/logaritma.v5i02.1542


The background of the problem in this study is the students 'mistakes in solving mathematical questions of Algebraic material which are seen from the results of tests, interviews and the percentage of students' mistakes in solving operational problems in Algebra form.Based on the background of the research above, the purpose of this study is to find out the mistakes of students in solving the operational problems of algebraic form and the factors that influence students' mistakes in solving the algebraic forms of operating questions in class VIII MTsN Siabu.This research was conducted at MTsN Siabu. Data analysis was carried out in the form of descriptive qualitative analysis, namely analyzing and presenting facts systematically. The technique used to collect data is tests and interviews. Furthermore, this study has primary data sources, namely class VIII MTsN Siabu and secondary data sources, namely the teacher of mathematics study class VIII MTsN Siabu.The results of this study are the types of mistakes made by students in solving operating problems algebraic forms are strategy errors, translation errors, conceptual errors, calculation errors, and sign errors. Then the causes of errors made by students in completing algebraic forms of operating questions are internal factors and external factors.
Logaritma : Jurnal Ilmu-ilmu Pendidikan dan Sains Vol 5, No 02 (2017)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24952/logaritma.v5i02.1537


The background of this research problem is the lack of students' ability to associate the concepts they learn with the problems that exist in their environment. In addition to the lack of maximum problem solving abilities of students who, if seen from the causal elements, one of them is the inappropriate learning method applied by the teacher. The problem discussed in this study is about students' problem solving abilities in the function subject in class VIII Al-Junaidiyah Mandailing Natal District. How is the problem solving ability of students in the function subject in class VIII Al-Junaidiyah Mandailing Natal District ?. Problem solving ability is one of the mathematical abilities that can facilitate students in solving problems in mathematics. This study aims to find out how students' problem solving abilities when faced with math problems students VIII Al-Junaidiyah Mandailing Natal District.This research is a qualitative research with descriptive approach method. The research subjects were class VIII Al-Junaidiyah Mandailing Natal District as many as 25 students. To obtain this research data using interview instruments and tests. Data analysis used is tabulation with the application of descriptive data.Based on the results of the study it can be concluded that the problem solving abilities of students on the subject of functions in expressing functions in arrow diagrams are 34.11%, problem solving abilities in expressing functions in cartesius diagrams21.96%, and problem solving abilities in expressing functions in sequential pairs 16.36%, then the problem solving ability in expressing a notation of a function consisting of 2 items, namely number 4 is 16.82% and question number 5 is 10.75%. The conclusions found in this study are the lack of student understanding in the concepts of function, which causes a low ability to solve the problem of class VIII students of Al-Junaidiyah, Mandailing Natal District.
Logaritma : Jurnal Ilmu-ilmu Pendidikan dan Sains Vol 5, No 02 (2017)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24952/logaritma.v5i02.1543


Science all comes from the Qur'an, but many still doubt and even argue that science and the Qur'an are systematically integrated. Because of this problem, the writer wants to prove the relationship between the Qur'an and science is perfectly integrated by examining "The Concept of Rational Numbers in the Qur'an and its Relationship with Religious Values". So from this problem the author makes two formulations of the problem, namely: how is the concept of rational numbers in the Qur'an? and what is the relationship between the concept of rational numbers and religious values? The purpose of the author examines the formulation of the problem, namely: to know the concept of numbers in the Qur'an and to know the relationship between the concept of numbers and religious values. The usefulness of research for Islamic education institutions can be used as a source of knowledge and grip, while for educators this research is expected to be an alternative in improving cognitive values and religious values of children, and for students is expected to increase their pride and faith as Muslims and can prefer mathematics, as well as for researchers to know the concepts of rational numbers in the Qur'an and the concept of rational numbers in contemporary mathematics and their relationship to religious values.The theories used in this study are theories about rational number systems in the fields of mathematics, religious theories and philosophical sciences and the application of the Qur'anic ulul theory as a supporter of author research. This type of research is Library Research research using descriptive approaches, maudu'i interpretations, deductive thinking, inductive thinking, and philosophical approaches.The results of the research that the authors get are: the concept of numbers in the Qur'an is also a concept of numbers in Arabic. Rational numbers in the Qur'an are partially studied in text, and therefore use contextual understanding, for example by interpreting zero numbers (0) and mathematical lexical concordances, namely in the form of the relationship of words per word in the Qur'an by using the book Al-Mu'jam Al-Mufarash. In the concept of rational numbers in the Qur'an there is a relationship that is proven to be perfectly integrated and there are religious values in the form of: the belief in the existence of Allah SWT, self-awareness as a servant of Allah, and gratitude for the blessings of Allah. All of this is to describe the power of Allah SWT from the translation of related theories. The results of the discussion are in the form of a relationship in the Qur'an with religious values which can be seen from the interpretation of words from the word "number" to the reference of numbers from rational fractions to the largest number, namely "100,000" which is interpreted in the form indicator of religious value, namely: value gives a purpose or direction of value to give aspiration, value directs someone to behave, value is attractive, value disturbs feeling, and value is related to belief and trust. Because all the words interpreted from the Al-Qur'an translation all have indicators of religious value of at least one indicator, it can be concluded that the concept of rational numbers in the Qur'an has a relationship with religious values.
Upaya Meningkatkan Kreativitas Siswa Melalui Penerapan Pendekatan Resource Based Learning Materi Lingkaran Di Kelas VIIII SMP Negeri 8 Padangsidimpuan Saima, Yusda Herawati
Logaritma : Jurnal Ilmu-ilmu Pendidikan dan Sains Vol 5, No 02 (2017)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24952/logaritma.v5i02.1538


The learning process of mathematics in class VIII1 shows that there are still many students who are less active, creative and not independent. One of the causes of students' lack of creativity in mathematics learning is classical and conventional learning systems, namely guruselain learning that is the habit of students in mathematics learning often mimic the duties of friends, there is no desire to look for material from other sources and lack of opinion. To overcome these problems, the problem formulation in this study is whether the Resource Based Learning approach can improve student creativity on the subject of circles in class VIII1 of Padangsidimpuan Middle School 8, this study aims to improve student creativity through the application of the Resource Based Learning approach on the subject ligkaran in class VIIII of SMP Negeri 8 Padangsidimpuan.This research was conducted in class VIIII of SMP Negeri 8 Padangsidimpuan, having its address at Jl, Tengku Rizal Nurdin, Km.8 Pijorkoling Padangsidimpuan Tenggara. This research was conducted in the even semester of the 2013-2014 academic year consisting of 2 cycles, each cycle consisting of 2 meetings and 4 stages, namely planning, action, observation and reflection. The subjects of this study were class VIIII students totaling 32 people. The instruments of data collection used in this study were observations supported by questionnaires and interviews.Based on the results of the research that has been done, it can be concluded that the results of observations of students 'creativity with the application of the Resource Based Learning approach in the first cycle of the 1st meeting of students' creativity are still low, that is, an average of 43.6%, then at the second meeting which is 64.2% of what is expected so that the researcher must continue the research to cycle II. In the second cycle the third meeting of students' creativity became 74.3% then at the 4th meeting which was 85.4%. While the results of the questionnaire in the first cycle with an average of 66% and in the second cycle to 80%. Based on observations supported by questionnaires and interviews, it can be concluded that the application of the Resource Based Learning approach succeeded in increasing students' creativity on the subject of circles in class VIIII SMP Negeri 8 Padangsidimpuan.
Pengaruh Penerapan Alat Peraga Melalui Model Pembelajaran Numbered Head Together (NHT) Terhadap Hasil Belajar Siswa Pada Materi Bangun Ruang Sisi Lengkung di Kelas IX SMP Negeri 5 Padangsidimpuan Pane, Intan Parwati; Nasution, Mariam
Logaritma : Jurnal Ilmu-ilmu Pendidikan dan Sains Vol 5, No 02 (2017)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24952/logaritma.v5i02.1544


The background of this research is the low mathematics learning outcomes of class IX students of SMP Negeri 5 Padangsidimpuan because the teacher's learning process is not able to create students 'attention, students' enthusiasm in attending classes is still low, so students have difficulty in answering mathematical problems / problems especially in wakefulness curved side space that causes student learning outcomes not to the maximum. This study aims to determine the effect of the application of teaching aids through the numbered heads together (NHT) learning model on student learning outcomes in the material to construct curved side spaces in class IX SMP Negeri 5 Padangsidimpuan.This study refers to Jerome S. Bruner's learning theory which says that learning mathematics will be more successful if the teaching process is directed at the concepts and structures made in the subject being taught, in addition to the related relationships between concepts and structures .This research is a quantitative research with an experimental method of classical experimental design. The population of this study was all students of class IX of SMP Negeri 5 Padangsidimpuan consisting of 12 classes as many as 297 students, and for the sample taken using cluster random sampling technique which is 48 students. The control class is 24 students and the experimental class is 24 students. The instrument used as a data collector is a test given twice, namely before the pretest and posttest. While for data processing and data analysis is done using the t-test formula.Based on the normality and homogeneity test both classes are normally distributed and homogeneous. The t-test is obtained from the results of hypothesis testing which shows tcount t table, namely 10.007 2.0129. So it can be concluded that Ho is rejected and H1 is accepted, meaning that there is a significant influence between the application of props through the numbered heads together learning model on student learning outcomes in the material to construct curved side spaces in class IX SMP Negeri 5 Padangsidimpuan.

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