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El-Qist : Journal of Islamic Economics and Business (JIEB)
ISSN : 22527907     EISSN : 27160335     DOI : 10.15642/elqist.v10i1.267
el-Qist: Journal of Islamic Economics and Business (JIEB) Merupakan jurnal yang terbit dua kali dalam satu tahun, bulan April dan Oktober, berisi kajian-kajian Ekonomi dan Bisnis Islam, baik berupa artikel konsepsional ataupun hasil penelitian
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el-Qist : Journal of Islamic Economics and Business (JIEB) Vol. 4 No. 1 (2014): eL-Qist:
Publisher : Program Studi Ekonomi Syariah, Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Islam UIN Sunan Ampel Surabaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar


Almost all Muslims agree that an authenticprophetic tradition (h}adîth) is that which comes directly fromthe Prophet. A tradition such as this—like the Qur’ân—isreliable in terms of its chain of narration and message.Hence, it brings legal and moral implication for the Muslimsto apply in their daily life. In the science of prophetictradition, such tradition is called d}arûrî, literally meanscompulsory in the sense that it necessitates Muslims tocomply. Different sort of view however, is being introducedby an orientalist named G.H.A. Juynboll. He comes up withan entirely different view concerning an authentic prophetictradition both in terms of its category and definition. Hereckons that there is no such thing as an authentic prophetictradition. Every prophetic tradition is vague, and fallstherefore under the category of being inauthentic. This paperis interested in dealing critically with this controversial viewby giving particular attention to four ma
إدارة الانفاق والزكاة والوقف في البنك الصغير الإسلامي بكلية الشريعة جامعة إسلامية حكومية سونان أمبيل سورابايا المشفعة, نور ليلة
el-Qist : Journal of Islamic Economics and Business (JIEB) Vol. 4 No. 1 (2014): eL-Qist:
Publisher : Program Studi Ekonomi Syariah, Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Islam UIN Sunan Ampel Surabaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar


هذه المقالة كتبت عن عملية الإنفاق والزكاة والوقف في البنك الصغير الإسلامي. البنك الصغير الإسلامي هو معمل لتعليم وعملية البنك في كلية الشريعة جامعة إسلامية حكومية سونان أمبيل سورابايا. للبنك أهداف ثلاثة هي الهدف في التجارة والتبرع والتربية. الإنفاق والزكاة والوقف نوع من التبرع، ولإدارتها أقيم قسم خاص سمي ب UPI ZAWA. خلال مايو 2007 إلى أكتوبر 2012، مقدار أموال الإنفاق والزكاة الذي يدخل في UPI ZAWA هو 114..406.332 روبية، وتم توزيعه قدر 85.842.758 روبية. وأما الوقف الذي أداره UPI ZAWA هو الوقف النقدي الذي تم جمعه من السنة 2010 إلى السنة 2012 قدر 12.140.000 روبية، واستثمره بالبنك حتى حصل الربح 1.225.094 روبية. الهدف من الوقف النقدي هو لمصلحة التربية الإسلامية. لإدارة الإنفاق والزكاة والوقف في البنك الصغير الإسلامي عوامل دافعة وعوامل مانعة. من العوامل الدافعة هي أن جميع موظفي وطلاب الجامعة مسلمون، ومعظم موظفيها موظفون حكوميون، وللمدرسين شهادة التدريس. من هذه العوامل نعرف بأن أكثر سكان الجامعة يفهمون عن مشروعية التبرع ولهم رواتب كافية لاستخراج منها للتبرع. من العوامل المانعة هي نقصان إعلان UPI ZAWA في الجامعة، وعدم أمر رئيس الجامعة لموظفيها باستلام الزكاة إلى UPI ZAWA. بوجود العوامل السابقة، على قسم التبرع بالبنك أن يزيد جهده أكثر في ترقية إدارة الانفاق والزكاة والوقف في البنك الصغير الإسلامي حتى يستفيده كثير من المسلمين. الكلمات الأساسية: الانفاق، الزكاة، الوقف، البنك الصغير الإسلامي Abstrak: Tulisan ini membahas tentang praktek infak, zakat, dan wakaf di Bank Mini Syariah. Bank Mini Syariah adalah bank yang didirikan sebagai laboratorium dalam pembelajaran dan praktek perbankan di Fakultas Syariah IAIN Sunan Ampel Surabaya. Sebagai laboratorium perbankan, bank tersebut memiliki produk bisnis, sosial dan pendidikan. Untuk menangani produk sosial, dibentuk Unit Pengelola Infak, Zakat, dan Wakaf yang disingkat menjadi UPI ZAWA. Selama berdirinya Bank Mini Syariah hingga saat ini, 2007-2012, dana infak dan zakat yang masuk di UPI ZAWA sebesar 114.406.332 rupiah dan telah disalurkan sebanyak 85.842.758. Sedangkan wakaf yang dikelola adalah wakaf uang. Wakaf uang yang terkumpul dari tahun 2010-2012 sebesar dengan laba . Wakaf uang tersebut rencananya akan digunakan untuk kemaslahatan pendidikan. Terdapat beberapa faktor penunjang bagi perkembangan infak, zakat dan wakaf di Bank Mini Syariah, diantaranya, seluruh pegawai IAIN Sunan Ampel adalah muslim, adanya sertifikasi dosen dan hampir semua pegawai IAIN Sunan Ampel adalah pegawai negeri. Adapun faktor penghambat yang menyebabkan kurang optimalnya pelaksanaan infak, zakat, dan wakaf adalah kurangnya sosialisasi adanya UPI ZAWA di BMS, dan belum adanya kebijakan institusi kepada pegawai IAIN Sunan Ampel untuk menyalurkan infak, zakat, dan wakaf di UPI ZAWA. Berdasarkan faktor pendorong dan penghambat tersebut, hendaknya pengelola UPI ZAWA lebih mengoptimalkan kinerjanya sehingga dapat mengelola infak, zakat, dan wakaf dengan lebih baik.
el-Qist : Journal of Islamic Economics and Business (JIEB) Vol. 4 No. 1 (2014): eL-Qist:
Publisher : Program Studi Ekonomi Syariah, Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Islam UIN Sunan Ampel Surabaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar


This research data was compiled by using interview techniques and documentation. Furthermore, the data that has been collected is analyzed using descriptive analysis method, which is a method of describing and interpreting the data that has been collected using inductive mindset. The results of this research concluded that the existence of interesting strategies applied by KJKS BMT NU Gapura Sumenep turned out to be able to reduce the reliance of society against loan sharks. The strategy that is carried out by means of product innovation, service which is easy and convenient, and socialization. These strategies become the differentiating factors between KJKS BMT NU with the moneylenders. In practice of the moneylenders, if the borrower cannot afford the repayments, the interest expenses continue to grow so that it can be troublesome to the borrower. While KJKS BMT NU encourages customers to give some favors, for example by Qardlul Hasan. In the provision of services to communities in need of capital, KJKS BMT NU applies different from other institutions which is very administrative in giving loans to people who need venture capital. If the person is capable and responsible for developing his business, from the results of the interview, KJKS BMT NU will give venture capital loans according to needs and abilities of the applicant. Another strategy is the socializing done KJKS BMT NU form silaturrahim between officers of NU, both branches and twigs, with the aim of disseminating the existence of financial institutions that serve to prosper the people's economy. So many clients claimed to be pleased with the presence of KJKS BMT NU because many helps by developing effort through venture capital loan.
el-Qist : Journal of Islamic Economics and Business (JIEB) Vol. 4 No. 1 (2014): eL-Qist:
Publisher : Program Studi Ekonomi Syariah, Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Islam UIN Sunan Ampel Surabaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar


This study uses secondary data from the financial statements of Islamic State Savings Bank (BTN Syariah) Branch Diponegoro Surabaya per quarter over the period 2010 – 2012. Analytical technique used is multiple linear regressions with a coefficient of multiple determination tests fitted the classic assumptions including relevant test, autocorrelation, normality tests, and heteroskedasticity to make sure that those assumptions are met by the model used in this study. Hypothesis testing uses a t-test for testing the partial regression coefficients and F-test statistics for the simultaneous regression coefficients testing on a significant level of 5%. During the period of observation on the basis of relevant test, autocorrelation, and heteroskedasticity not found variables that deviate from the classical assumptions. In addition, this research indicates the Gaussian normal; this shows that the available data are qualified to use multiple linear regression equations of the model. The results showed that ROA partially influence significantly to CAR because it has a value smaller than 5% (0.05) significance. While ROE and FDR partially do not affect significantly to CAR on Sharia State Savings Bank Branch Diponegoro Surabaya because t-count is smaller than t-tabel. However, simultaneously, ROA, ROE, and FDR proved influential significantly to CAR because it has a value smaller than 0.05 and F-count greater than F-table. The role of the management of assets and liabilities is quite important in generating the level of profitability. Similarly, the performance of the management of liquidity contributes to the achievement of efficiency means that bank. It was followed by pretty invlovement of liability and capital management in boosting the level of efficiency of the bank. Such a condition should be noted by the management of Islamic banks that managerial policies in the above three areas need to be constantly improved because it has been proven to contribute to the efficiency of the Islamic banking business.
el-Qist : Journal of Islamic Economics and Business (JIEB) Vol. 4 No. 1 (2014): eL-Qist:
Publisher : Program Studi Ekonomi Syariah, Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Islam UIN Sunan Ampel Surabaya

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Many financial institutions those were born with the Shariah-based in Indonesia--including non-bank financial institutions, among them are Islamic insurance, Shariah pawnshop, Shariah financial services cooperatives, and more. Shariah-compliant financial services cooperatives (KJKS) Manfaat Surabaya is still classified as "new" in Indonesia, in which retained the principle of kinship as a guide of the cooperative itself. Various systems were much changed, from conventional systems to the Islamic system, especially in terms of contract and financial accounting standards. Then came the question, whether the views of society and the level of public confidence as well as different? Of course a lot of things to be able to prove from the above questions, one of which is the level of profitability, as well as a large number of levels KJKS Groove financing given to the community. The greater the level of profitability means the level of public confidence about the existence of KJKS in Indonesia also getting bigger. Many financing products of KJKS Manfaat are given to the public, one of which is the mudharabah financing which is very influential on the profit orientation of each financial institution of Sharia. This research is the kind of quantitative research with data analysis using simple regression and t tests to find out the significance of the influence of mudharabah financing against a ratio of profitability in KJKS Manfaat Surabaya.
el-Qist : Journal of Islamic Economics and Business (JIEB) Vol. 4 No. 1 (2014): eL-Qist:
Publisher : Program Studi Ekonomi Syariah, Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Islam UIN Sunan Ampel Surabaya

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KJKS BMT-MMU Sidogiri Pasuruan is one of financial institutions which done by akad with duniawi and ukhrawi basic, because akad is done according to Islamic law (Shariah). The goal of this research is to analyze the influence of service quality and promotion to member’s preference in proposing mudharabah defrayal at KJKS BMT-MMU Branch Sidogiri Pasuruan. Service quality, promotion, and member’s preference is one union which difficult to be dissociated, because the service quality and promotion which is given to a company has direct effect to member’s preference. This research is quantitative research with survey method, the goal of this research is to know the influence of service quality and promotion to member’s preference in proposing mudha’arabah defrayal at KJKS BMT-MMU Branch Sidogiri Pasuruan. To know this, it is used double linier analysis regress with F test and t test. The amount of sample n this research is 57 members with determinant sample used purposive sampling technique. The technique of data collection use questionnaire, interview, documentation, and observation, while to test the instrument used validities, reliabilities, and classic assumption test. Based on the result of the coefficient regress test stimultan (F test) is obtained F count is 2,398 with F table 3,17. Because F count is smaller than F tab;e, therefore it can be said that service quality and promotion have no influence significantly to member’s preference in proposing mudharabah defrayal. The result of coefficient regress partially (t test) is obtained service quality variable has t count 1,058 and promotion variable has t count 0,956. Both of variables have no influence significantly to member’s preference in proposing mudharabah defrayal. This matter is shown by t count is smaller that t table (2,000).
el-Qist : Journal of Islamic Economics and Business (JIEB) Vol. 4 No. 1 (2014): eL-Qist:
Publisher : Program Studi Ekonomi Syariah, Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Islam UIN Sunan Ampel Surabaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar


The quality of service has a close relationship with customer satisfaction. The quality of service provided an impetus to the customer to establish bonds of strong relationships with the company. When already interwoven bond, then the customer will choose the company and when they came to the company, they already have expectations about what kind of service will be obtained (acceptable) based on previous experience, communication, Word of mouth has ever heard, other information has ever been received, as well as the influence of the need. The service ever experienced will become the accepted standard of comparison services at this time. Based on that background, the outline of the problem surfaced, namely: whether quality of service indicators simultaneously influences on satisfaction clients in BMT UGT Sidogiri Waru Branch? Whether quality of service indicators affects customer satisfaction against partially in BMT UGT Sidogiri Waru Branch? And what indicators are most influential to the satisfaction of the customer in BMT UGT Sidogiri Waru Branch? The purpose of this research is to know the influence of partially and simultaneous, as well as the most dominant indicator of service quality on customer satisfaction levels in response to BMT UGT Sidogiri Waru Branch. The dimensions of service quality consist of intangibles, reliability, response, reassurance and empathy. This research uses descriptive quantitative methods, with incidental sampling technique with a number of respondents as much as 88 clients. The results of data analysis using regression analysis showed that, simultaneously, the quality of service which consists of intangible variables, reliability, response, reassurance and empathy to the customer with the highest level of satisfaction F_hitung > F_tabel 2,368 3,626 and significance of 0.005. Partially, intangible factors have a significant influence on the value significance of 0,249, whereas the factors of reliability, response, reassurance and empathy don’t have significant effects. The most dominant factor influence on satisfaction clients is a tangible factor, because the value of the significance of these factors most of 0.264. The regression equation is obtained as follows: Y = 5.492 + 0.179X1 + 0.115X2 + 0.122X3 – 0.007X4 + 0.113X5 indicates that increasing the quality of service in terms of intangibles can increase customer satisfaction.
El-Qist: Journal of Islamic Economics and Business (JIEB) Vol. 4 No. 1 (2014): eL-Qist:
Publisher : Islamic Economics Department, Faculty of Islamic Economics and Business, Sunan Ampel State Islamic University, Surabaya Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15642/elqist.2014.4.1.249-271


Almost all Muslims agree that an authenticprophetic tradition (h}adîth) is that which comes directly fromthe Prophet. A tradition such as this—like the Qur’ân—isreliable in terms of its chain of narration and message.Hence, it brings legal and moral implication for the Muslimsto apply in their daily life. In the science of prophetictradition, such tradition is called d}arûrî, literally meanscompulsory in the sense that it necessitates Muslims tocomply. Different sort of view however, is being introducedby an orientalist named G.H.A. Juynboll. He comes up withan entirely different view concerning an authentic prophetictradition both in terms of its category and definition. Hereckons that there is no such thing as an authentic prophetictradition. Every prophetic tradition is vague, and fallstherefore under the category of being inauthentic. This paperis interested in dealing critically with this controversial viewby giving particular attention to four ma
إدارة الانفاق والزكاة والوقف في البنك الصغير الإسلامي بكلية الشريعة جامعة إسلامية حكومية سونان أمبيل سورابايا نور ليلة المشفعة
El-Qist: Journal of Islamic Economics and Business (JIEB) Vol. 4 No. 1 (2014): eL-Qist:
Publisher : Islamic Economics Department, Faculty of Islamic Economics and Business, Sunan Ampel State Islamic University, Surabaya Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15642/elqist.2014.4.1.647-663


هذه المقالة كتبت عن عملية الإنفاق والزكاة والوقف في البنك الصغير الإسلامي. البنك الصغير الإسلامي هو معمل لتعليم وعملية البنك في كلية الشريعة جامعة إسلامية حكومية سونان أمبيل سورابايا. للبنك أهداف ثلاثة هي الهدف في التجارة والتبرع والتربية. الإنفاق والزكاة والوقف نوع من التبرع، ولإدارتها أقيم قسم خاص سمي ب UPI ZAWA. خلال مايو 2007 إلى أكتوبر 2012، مقدار أموال الإنفاق والزكاة الذي يدخل في UPI ZAWA هو 114..406.332 روبية، وتم توزيعه قدر 85.842.758 روبية. وأما الوقف الذي أداره UPI ZAWA هو الوقف النقدي الذي تم جمعه من السنة 2010 إلى السنة 2012 قدر 12.140.000 روبية، واستثمره بالبنك حتى حصل الربح 1.225.094 روبية. الهدف من الوقف النقدي هو لمصلحة التربية الإسلامية. لإدارة الإنفاق والزكاة والوقف في البنك الصغير الإسلامي عوامل دافعة وعوامل مانعة. من العوامل الدافعة هي أن جميع موظفي وطلاب الجامعة مسلمون، ومعظم موظفيها موظفون حكوميون، وللمدرسين شهادة التدريس. من هذه العوامل نعرف بأن أكثر سكان الجامعة يفهمون عن مشروعية التبرع ولهم رواتب كافية لاستخراج منها للتبرع. من العوامل المانعة هي نقصان إعلان UPI ZAWA في الجامعة، وعدم أمر رئيس الجامعة لموظفيها باستلام الزكاة إلى UPI ZAWA. بوجود العوامل السابقة، على قسم التبرع بالبنك أن يزيد جهده أكثر في ترقية إدارة الانفاق والزكاة والوقف في البنك الصغير الإسلامي حتى يستفيده كثير من المسلمين. الكلمات الأساسية: الانفاق، الزكاة، الوقف، البنك الصغير الإسلامي Abstrak: Tulisan ini membahas tentang praktek infak, zakat, dan wakaf di Bank Mini Syariah. Bank Mini Syariah adalah bank yang didirikan sebagai laboratorium dalam pembelajaran dan praktek perbankan di Fakultas Syariah IAIN Sunan Ampel Surabaya. Sebagai laboratorium perbankan, bank tersebut memiliki produk bisnis, sosial dan pendidikan. Untuk menangani produk sosial, dibentuk Unit Pengelola Infak, Zakat, dan Wakaf yang disingkat menjadi UPI ZAWA. Selama berdirinya Bank Mini Syariah hingga saat ini, 2007-2012, dana infak dan zakat yang masuk di UPI ZAWA sebesar 114.406.332 rupiah dan telah disalurkan sebanyak 85.842.758. Sedangkan wakaf yang dikelola adalah wakaf uang. Wakaf uang yang terkumpul dari tahun 2010-2012 sebesar dengan laba . Wakaf uang tersebut rencananya akan digunakan untuk kemaslahatan pendidikan. Terdapat beberapa faktor penunjang bagi perkembangan infak, zakat dan wakaf di Bank Mini Syariah, diantaranya, seluruh pegawai IAIN Sunan Ampel adalah muslim, adanya sertifikasi dosen dan hampir semua pegawai IAIN Sunan Ampel adalah pegawai negeri. Adapun faktor penghambat yang menyebabkan kurang optimalnya pelaksanaan infak, zakat, dan wakaf adalah kurangnya sosialisasi adanya UPI ZAWA di BMS, dan belum adanya kebijakan institusi kepada pegawai IAIN Sunan Ampel untuk menyalurkan infak, zakat, dan wakaf di UPI ZAWA. Berdasarkan faktor pendorong dan penghambat tersebut, hendaknya pengelola UPI ZAWA lebih mengoptimalkan kinerjanya sehingga dapat mengelola infak, zakat, dan wakaf dengan lebih baik.
El-Qist: Journal of Islamic Economics and Business (JIEB) Vol. 4 No. 1 (2014): eL-Qist:
Publisher : Islamic Economics Department, Faculty of Islamic Economics and Business, Sunan Ampel State Islamic University, Surabaya Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15642/elqist.2014.4.1.664-688


This research data was compiled by using interview techniques and documentation. Furthermore, the data that has been collected is analyzed using descriptive analysis method, which is a method of describing and interpreting the data that has been collected using inductive mindset. The results of this research concluded that the existence of interesting strategies applied by KJKS BMT NU Gapura Sumenep turned out to be able to reduce the reliance of society against loan sharks. The strategy that is carried out by means of product innovation, service which is easy and convenient, and socialization. These strategies become the differentiating factors between KJKS BMT NU with the moneylenders. In practice of the moneylenders, if the borrower cannot afford the repayments, the interest expenses continue to grow so that it can be troublesome to the borrower. While KJKS BMT NU encourages customers to give some favors, for example by Qardlul Hasan. In the provision of services to communities in need of capital, KJKS BMT NU applies different from other institutions which is very administrative in giving loans to people who need venture capital. If the person is capable and responsible for developing his business, from the results of the interview, KJKS BMT NU will give venture capital loans according to needs and abilities of the applicant. Another strategy is the socializing done KJKS BMT NU form silaturrahim between officers of NU, both branches and twigs, with the aim of disseminating the existence of financial institutions that serve to prosper the people's economy. So many clients claimed to be pleased with the presence of KJKS BMT NU because many helps by developing effort through venture capital loan.

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