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Risalah Hukum
Published by Universitas Mulawarman
ISSN : 0216969X     EISSN : 27233766     DOI :
Core Subject : Social,
Jurnal Risalah Hukum merupakan terbitan ilmiah berkala bidang ilmu hukum. Jurnal ini diterbitkan oleh Fakultas Hukum Universitas Mulawarman sebagai media publikasi pemikiran, gagasan maupun hasil penelitian dalam berbagai bidang hukum.
Arjuna Subject : Ilmu Sosial - Hukum
Articles 10 Documents
Search results for , issue "Volume 17, Nomor 2, Desember 2021" : 10 Documents clear
Sanksi Kepada Amerika Serikat Atas Tindakan Unilateralnya Terhadap Suriah Dengan Alasan Penggunaan Senjata Kimia Mutiara; Mahendra Putra Kurnia; Rika Erawaty
Jurnal Risalah Hukum Volume 17, Nomor 2, Desember 2021
Publisher : Fakultas Hukum Universitas Mulawarman

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30872/risalah.v17i2.155


Amerika Serikat, Inggris dan juga Perancis melakukan tindakan unilateral berupa menembakkan rudal ke negara Suriah dengan alasan penggunaan senjata kimia yang dilakukan oleh pemerintah Suriah terhadap rakyatnya sendiri. Hal ini menimbulkan pertanyaan apakah tindakan yang dilakukan oleh Amerika Serikat tersebut merupakan suatu pelanggaran bagi hukum humaniter internasional dan bagaimana sanksi yang akan didapat oleh Amerika Serikat, Inggris dan juga Perancis jika perbuatan tersebut telah melanggar hukum humaniter internasional. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian yang dilakukan bahwa Sanksi Amerika Serikat atas tindakan unilateralnya terhadap Suriah dengan alasan penggunaan senjata kimia. Bahwa dalam hal tersebut Amerika Serikat melakukan tindakan sepihak kepada Suriah karna dugaan penggunaan senjata kimia yang dilakukan oleh Suriah yang hingga saat ini masih belum mendapatkan bukti yang kuat terkait kebenaran tersebut. Oleh karena itu Amerika Serikat telah melanggar ketentuan hukum internasional yaitu Piagam Perserikatan Bangsa-Bangsa (PBB), atas perbuatannya Amerika Serikat, Inggris dan Perancis harus bertanggungjawab sesuai prosedur dari Dewan Keamanan PBB dan diberikan sanksi sesuai Piagam PBB. Keywords: unilateral action, chemical weapon, international law
Perbandingan Konstitusional Pengaturan Impeachment Presiden Antara Indonesia Dengan Jerman Adella Anindia; Rosmini; Poppilea Erwinta
Jurnal Risalah Hukum Volume 17, Nomor 2, Desember 2021
Publisher : Fakultas Hukum Universitas Mulawarman

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30872/risalah.v18i2.600


The impeachment system in Germany is implemented slightly differently from that applied in Indonesia. The impeachment system in Germany is executed by the Constitutional Court whose decision is final, which means that it does not receive a 2/3 proposal from the Bundestag and the Bundestraat regarding the dismissal of the President and Vice President as in Indonesia. The regulation of the impeachment system in a country needs to be studied by involving a comparison country to find out whether the impeachment system in a country runs optimally and ideally. Comparison of Impeachment between Indonesia and Germany, The mechanism for dismissing the president as regulated in the constitution is an affirmation that the Republic of Indonesia is a state of law, this is a step forward in a constitutional perspective so that impeachment of the president based on non-juridical factors alone does not happen again in the future. dismissal of the president as regulated in the 1945 Constitution, because in the impeachment mechanism, the decision of the Constitutional Court confirming the opinion of the DPR is not binding. Keywords: president impeachment; constitutional law; comparative law.
Penerapan Asas The Binding Persuasive of Precedent Terhadap Pidana Di Bawah Ketentuan Minimum Khusus Dalam Tindak Pidana Narkotika Dayang Debby Aulia Hakim; Ivan Zairani Lisi; Orin Gusta Andini
Jurnal Risalah Hukum Volume 17, Nomor 2, Desember 2021
Publisher : Fakultas Hukum Universitas Mulawarman

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30872/risalah.v18i2.632


Narcotics crimes include crimes outside the Criminal Code which are regulated in the Narcotics Law Number 35 of 2009 and therein regulates special minimum sentence provisions. The approach used is a doctrinal approach with the aim of knowing two main points of discussion: First, the author wants to know and understand the punishment for narcotics crimes that are criminalized under a special minimum sentence. Second, the author wants to know the implementation of the binding persuasive principle of precedent in the judge's consideration in deciding narcotics crime cases under a special minimum sentence. Based on the results of the study, it can be concluded that the punishment of narcotics crimes that are sentenced under the special minimum provisions are not in accordance with the special minimum sentence provisions in the Narcotics Law, causing legal uncertainty. Then legal certainty and the principle of the binding persuasive of precedent cannot be applied because the judge uses his freedom in imposing a sentence by imposing a sentence under a special minimum provision. Keywords: the binding persuasive of precedent principle; judge’s consideration; minimum sentence.
Konsep Cyber Attack, Cyber Crime, Dan Cyber Warfare Dalam Aspek Hukum Internasional Miko Aditiya Suharto; Maria Novita Apriyani
Jurnal Risalah Hukum Volume 17, Nomor 2, Desember 2021
Publisher : Fakultas Hukum Universitas Mulawarman

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30872/risalah.v17i2.705


The movement of human activities initially carried out conventionally turned into digital. This phenomenon also applies to the flow of information traffic. Information that was previously disseminated conventionally has become digitalized. Once the exchange of information and activities on the Internet is so widespread, it is as if the Internet is a world of its own with no boundaries. As a new dimension like land, sea, air, and space, Cyber space also has many problems related to the misuse of computer and internet technology for purposes that deviate from legal norms to the detriment of other parties. The implications of Cyber attacks have destructive properties such as changing, disrupting, closing access, reducing performance, or damaging computer files, computer networks, or the computer itself when associated with the rights of someone in the use of computer technology. This study uses normative research using a conceptual approach, a comparative approach, and a statutory approach. The results of this study are that the concepts and elements of cyber attack, cyber crime, and cyber warfare have differences. Cyberattack is a method used to carry out attacks using computer technology and the Internet. Cyber crime is a form of crime committed by utilizing computer and internet technology in carrying out crimes. Meanwhile, cyber warfare is a form of cyber operations (cyber operations) in an attack or defense, which is carried out to cause injury or death to people or damage or destruction of the target object or target operation.
Efektifitas Pengelolaan Retribusi Pasar Sebagai Sumber Pendapatan Asli Daerah Dan Upaya Penanggulangan Penyimpangan Frans Simangunsong; Hervina Puspitosari
Jurnal Risalah Hukum Volume 17, Nomor 2, Desember 2021
Publisher : Fakultas Hukum Universitas Mulawarman

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30872/risalah.v17i2.707


Developments organized by these regions are regional in nature, as a realization of development planning in accordance with development priorities at the regional level as part of the implementation of autonomous government decentralization. In order to support the implementation of economic development goals in the regions, local governments are required to have the ability to meet the needs of these regional expenditures, namely by optimizing local revenue (PAD). is the establishment of a retribution policy through an accountable collection system with the use of information technology so that it is easily controlled and supervised by all parties and transparent that can be accountable to the public through the application of a book system that can be monitored by all parties, providing strict sanctions in accordance with the laws and regulations. applicable regulations as well as applicable regional regulations related to taxes and levies in order to provide a deterrent effect for those who abuse their authority. The need for supervision of officers in the field. Local governments that do not yet have electronic-based retribution services need to immediately prepare electronic services in collecting market retributions through e levies in the context of efficient, transparent and accountable management of market retributions. Increased supervision of the Regional Government in the management of user fees so that it is optimal in providing income for Regional Original Income and the realization of a prosperous society and good governance Keywords: market levy, locally-generated income, deviation countermeasures
Sanksi Kepada Amerika Serikat Atas Tindakan Unilateralnya Terhadap Suriah Dengan Alasan Penggunaan Senjata Kimia Mutiara; Mahendra Putra Kurnia; Rika Erawaty
Jurnal Risalah Hukum Volume 17, Nomor 2, Desember 2021
Publisher : Fakultas Hukum Universitas Mulawarman

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30872/risalah.v17i2.155


Amerika Serikat, Inggris dan juga Perancis melakukan tindakan unilateral berupa menembakkan rudal ke negara Suriah dengan alasan penggunaan senjata kimia yang dilakukan oleh pemerintah Suriah terhadap rakyatnya sendiri. Hal ini menimbulkan pertanyaan apakah tindakan yang dilakukan oleh Amerika Serikat tersebut merupakan suatu pelanggaran bagi hukum humaniter internasional dan bagaimana sanksi yang akan didapat oleh Amerika Serikat, Inggris dan juga Perancis jika perbuatan tersebut telah melanggar hukum humaniter internasional. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian yang dilakukan bahwa Sanksi Amerika Serikat atas tindakan unilateralnya terhadap Suriah dengan alasan penggunaan senjata kimia. Bahwa dalam hal tersebut Amerika Serikat melakukan tindakan sepihak kepada Suriah karna dugaan penggunaan senjata kimia yang dilakukan oleh Suriah yang hingga saat ini masih belum mendapatkan bukti yang kuat terkait kebenaran tersebut. Oleh karena itu Amerika Serikat telah melanggar ketentuan hukum internasional yaitu Piagam Perserikatan Bangsa-Bangsa (PBB), atas perbuatannya Amerika Serikat, Inggris dan Perancis harus bertanggungjawab sesuai prosedur dari Dewan Keamanan PBB dan diberikan sanksi sesuai Piagam PBB. Keywords: unilateral action, chemical weapon, international law
Perbandingan Konstitusional Pengaturan Impeachment Presiden Antara Indonesia Dengan Jerman Adella Anindia; Rosmini; Poppilea Erwinta
Jurnal Risalah Hukum Volume 17, Nomor 2, Desember 2021
Publisher : Fakultas Hukum Universitas Mulawarman

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30872/risalah.v18i2.600


The impeachment system in Germany is implemented slightly differently from that applied in Indonesia. The impeachment system in Germany is executed by the Constitutional Court whose decision is final, which means that it does not receive a 2/3 proposal from the Bundestag and the Bundestraat regarding the dismissal of the President and Vice President as in Indonesia. The regulation of the impeachment system in a country needs to be studied by involving a comparison country to find out whether the impeachment system in a country runs optimally and ideally. Comparison of Impeachment between Indonesia and Germany, The mechanism for dismissing the president as regulated in the constitution is an affirmation that the Republic of Indonesia is a state of law, this is a step forward in a constitutional perspective so that impeachment of the president based on non-juridical factors alone does not happen again in the future. dismissal of the president as regulated in the 1945 Constitution, because in the impeachment mechanism, the decision of the Constitutional Court confirming the opinion of the DPR is not binding. Keywords: president impeachment; constitutional law; comparative law.
Penerapan Asas The Binding Persuasive of Precedent Terhadap Pidana Di Bawah Ketentuan Minimum Khusus Dalam Tindak Pidana Narkotika Dayang Debby Aulia Hakim; Ivan Zairani Lisi; Orin Gusta Andini
Jurnal Risalah Hukum Volume 17, Nomor 2, Desember 2021
Publisher : Fakultas Hukum Universitas Mulawarman

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30872/risalah.v18i2.632


Narcotics crimes include crimes outside the Criminal Code which are regulated in the Narcotics Law Number 35 of 2009 and therein regulates special minimum sentence provisions. The approach used is a doctrinal approach with the aim of knowing two main points of discussion: First, the author wants to know and understand the punishment for narcotics crimes that are criminalized under a special minimum sentence. Second, the author wants to know the implementation of the binding persuasive principle of precedent in the judge's consideration in deciding narcotics crime cases under a special minimum sentence. Based on the results of the study, it can be concluded that the punishment of narcotics crimes that are sentenced under the special minimum provisions are not in accordance with the special minimum sentence provisions in the Narcotics Law, causing legal uncertainty. Then legal certainty and the principle of the binding persuasive of precedent cannot be applied because the judge uses his freedom in imposing a sentence by imposing a sentence under a special minimum provision. Keywords: the binding persuasive of precedent principle; judge’s consideration; minimum sentence.
Konsep Cyber Attack, Cyber Crime, Dan Cyber Warfare Dalam Aspek Hukum Internasional Miko Aditiya Suharto; Maria Novita Apriyani
Jurnal Risalah Hukum Volume 17, Nomor 2, Desember 2021
Publisher : Fakultas Hukum Universitas Mulawarman

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30872/risalah.v17i2.705


The movement of human activities initially carried out conventionally turned into digital. This phenomenon also applies to the flow of information traffic. Information that was previously disseminated conventionally has become digitalized. Once the exchange of information and activities on the Internet is so widespread, it is as if the Internet is a world of its own with no boundaries. As a new dimension like land, sea, air, and space, Cyber space also has many problems related to the misuse of computer and internet technology for purposes that deviate from legal norms to the detriment of other parties. The implications of Cyber attacks have destructive properties such as changing, disrupting, closing access, reducing performance, or damaging computer files, computer networks, or the computer itself when associated with the rights of someone in the use of computer technology. This study uses normative research using a conceptual approach, a comparative approach, and a statutory approach. The results of this study are that the concepts and elements of cyber attack, cyber crime, and cyber warfare have differences. Cyberattack is a method used to carry out attacks using computer technology and the Internet. Cyber crime is a form of crime committed by utilizing computer and internet technology in carrying out crimes. Meanwhile, cyber warfare is a form of cyber operations (cyber operations) in an attack or defense, which is carried out to cause injury or death to people or damage or destruction of the target object or target operation.
Efektifitas Pengelolaan Retribusi Pasar Sebagai Sumber Pendapatan Asli Daerah Dan Upaya Penanggulangan Penyimpangan Frans Simangunsong; Hervina Puspitosari
Jurnal Risalah Hukum Volume 17, Nomor 2, Desember 2021
Publisher : Fakultas Hukum Universitas Mulawarman

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30872/risalah.v17i2.707


Developments organized by these regions are regional in nature, as a realization of development planning in accordance with development priorities at the regional level as part of the implementation of autonomous government decentralization. In order to support the implementation of economic development goals in the regions, local governments are required to have the ability to meet the needs of these regional expenditures, namely by optimizing local revenue (PAD). is the establishment of a retribution policy through an accountable collection system with the use of information technology so that it is easily controlled and supervised by all parties and transparent that can be accountable to the public through the application of a book system that can be monitored by all parties, providing strict sanctions in accordance with the laws and regulations. applicable regulations as well as applicable regional regulations related to taxes and levies in order to provide a deterrent effect for those who abuse their authority. The need for supervision of officers in the field. Local governments that do not yet have electronic-based retribution services need to immediately prepare electronic services in collecting market retributions through e levies in the context of efficient, transparent and accountable management of market retributions. Increased supervision of the Regional Government in the management of user fees so that it is optimal in providing income for Regional Original Income and the realization of a prosperous society and good governance Keywords: market levy, locally-generated income, deviation countermeasures

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